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Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

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Title Screen

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

Also known as: Xenoblade (JP)
Developers: Monolith Soft, Monster Games
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: New Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: April 2, 2015
Released in US: April 10, 2015
Released in EU: April 2, 2015
Released in AU: April 2, 2015
Released in KR: May 1, 2015

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
  • Figure out how to view models, maps, textures, and animations.
  • REV files are realtime cutscene files. There are quite a few unused ones that we need figure out how to view. They are as follows: jp_vs01050100, jp_vs01090010, jp_vs01240050, jp_vs03010100, jp_vs04010070, jp_vs05030050, jp_vs05130100, jp_vs06050050, jp_vs07020100, jp_vs07090100, jp_vs08010050, jp_vs08060050, jp_vs08190150, jp_vs09010100, jp_vs09170150, jp_vs10100100, jp_vs11020100, jp_vs11130100, jp_vs12220060, jp_vs13130050, jp_vs14050160, jp_vs14070050, jp_vs17100050, vs00demo01, and vs16010100_prev.
  • icontexture[0] through icontexture[7] seem to be from the Wii version. bannertexture.tpl is as well. Figure out how to view these.
  • If a reference to ma0602 is found in the Wii version, move it to that article.
  • More debug/compile logs are in the ROMFS.
  • Its debug build has been recently found and dumped, make a page about it.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is a port of Xenoblade Chronicles for the New Nintendo 3DS. It is one of the five many New Nintendo 3DS exclusive games, among others including The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Runbow Pocket, Wind-up Knight 2, and Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition.


Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Area

In addition to the three unused maps from the Wii version, there is a fourth map referenced alongside the minimaps. This map's internal number would be ma0602, which would place it between Makna Forest and Frontier Village. Only a dummied out minimap remains.

(Source: Iggy)

Unused Save Prompt

0801f.sb contains a prompt to save the game, similar to the ones that appear when an important part of the game is completed. This one corresponds to the Bionis' Left Shoulder map, thus it goes unused.

(Source: Iggy)

Build Info

To do:
check other versions

At the root of the RomFS lies a file titled mcx-version.txt.

Version Text
USA v0
mcx: Built on Dec 31 2014 at 17:38:01 by dave_b. MCX_DATA_VERSION=6
convert_all_dvd_data: Built data for US on Tue Jan 6 2015 13:15:31
USA v2080
mcx: Built on Dec 31 2014 at 17:38:01 by dave_b. MCX_DATA_VERSION=6
convert_all_dvd_data: Built data for US on Fri Mar 20 2015 08:54:09

Revisional Differences

To do:
There are more 3DS version differences, I'm sure. Any changed textures?

General Revisional Differences

The New Nintendo 3DS version of Xenoblade Chronicles contains a model viewer and a sound test (called "Jukebox"). Meyneth's legs and normal face can be viewed in the model viewer, and as a result, are used in that revision. The 3DS revision also has lower resolution textures.

The blurring effect that happens during battles is absent in the 3DS version supposedly due to hardware limitations.

'Beyond the Sky' Oddity

Most music tracks in Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D follow the naming convention of a letter and then two numbers. (For example, j01 for jingle 1, j02 for jingle 2, b08 for battle 8, e12 for event 12, and f01 for field 1. There is one exception, however. The ending track, Beyond the Sky, is named track39, for an unknown reason. It is also the only music track that wasn't located in the original game as a raw stream.

The filename may or may not be related to the fact "Beyond the Sky" is the 40th track on the official 4-CD soundtrack, but that includes the unused song "Hope".

Wii Leftover Debug/Compiler Text

To do:
There's more...unfortunately. Also, format this better.

Many remnants of the compiler, debugger, and original Wii version can be found inside the exefs (Executable File System).

Please insert the Xenoblade Chronicles disc.  The disc could not be read.
Refer to the Wii Operations Manual for details.
Reading disc...
Communications with the Wii Remote have been interrupted.
Connect the Nunchuk to the Wii Remote. To change the extension controller to the Classic Controller, reset the game and connect the Classic Controller while on the Title Screen.
Connect the Classic Controller to the Wii Remote. To change the extension controller to the Nunchuk, reset the game and connect the Nunchuk while on the Title Screen.
No extension controller is connected to the Wii Remote. Connect the Nunchuk or Classic Controller.
The Wii System Memory has been damaged. Refer to the Wii Operations Manual for details.
Could not access the Wii System Memory. Refer to the Wii Operations Manual for details.
An error occurred while accessing the Wii System Memory. Refer to the Wii Operations Manual for details. 
The battery charge is running low. 
Double Attack Counter-attack 
4Mar 20 2015 08:54:14
CTR-RLS-NDBG-US-NTSC ARM-411307 NN-11.1.0 db2 ÿhook %2d: %s
BGTASK %s took %dms d:\s2\src\mgi\kernel\file.cpp
file: can't read %d bytes from %s
file: %s still in use ÿÿprint_string
The beginning of the world
exit wii reset
exit wii power off
exit prog end
CWorkSystem CWorkControl
CDeviceVI: render index %d doesn't exist
CDeviceFileDvd: could not open %s
CDeviceFileDvd: using 128 byte buffer alignment. Wow, that's a lot! WNG: %d/%s: ADXF_STAT_ERROR on %s
d:\s2\src\monolithlib\src\device\CDeviceFileCri.cpp WNG: %d/%s: Bad file size [%s][%d]  WNG: %d/%s: isMemError [%s][%d] WNG: %d/%s: ADXF_STAT_ERROR[%s] WNG: %d/%s: ADXF_STAT_ERROR s[%s]
WNG: %d/%s: effect table err [%p]
d:\s2\src\monolithlib\src\effect\CEScheduleData.cpp WNG: %d/%s: schedule data heap err
WNG: %d/%s: schedule data create err[%p]
WNG: %d/%s: create err  d:\s2\src\monolithlib\src\effect\CELight.cpp
WNG: %d/%s: vertex buffer heap err!!
so this trail is disp off.
WNG: %d/%s: value B heap err!!
so this trail is disp off.
WNG: %d/%s: particle heap err
WNG: %d/%s: eft[%p] parent[%d] name[%s] WNG: %d/%s: 
@this effect is parent setting unknown 
WNG: %d/%s: [EFFECT] zero file
d:\s2\src\monolithlib\src\effect\CEResource.cpp version1.06 version err WNG: %d/%s: create err[%p][%s]
WNG: %d/%s: CScnItemModelNw4r: can't insert SCNITEM_MODEL into item pool?
WNG: %d/%s: CScnItemModelNw4r: failed to allocate object for model %s
CScnMem CScnTexWorkMan
LGT FILE ERR!!!!!!!!!!
CScnEnvLgtFogWork: ofsC = %d [state = %08x m_nWeatherNum = %08x]
CScnEnvLgtLightWork: ofsC = %d [state = %08x m_nWeatherNum = %08x]
CXGetUncompressedSize CXInitUncompContextHuffman CXReadUncompHuffman OSGetFontEncode OSGetFontWidth OSInitFont OSGetFontTexture MGI_UNIMPL: %s
WNG: %d/%s: 
@target force adjest[%s]
WNG: %d/%s: actor buffer over
WNG: %d/%s: cant chain actor
WNG: %d/%s:
CBattleManager::leaveBattle() to pop() not called 
WNG: %d/%s: actor is not exist  d:\s2\src\kyoshin\appgame\cf\chain\CChainMember.cpp
WNG: %d/%s: 
CChainActorList::restore or CChainMember::restore no do chi ra ka de fu kkyu u syo ri wo se zu ni ko ko ni ko re ba na ni ka ga a ru ka mo

The last line is written in romanised Japanese, and translates to:

Something might happen if this point is reached without running the restore processing in either ChainActorList::restore or CChainMember::restore

Version Differences

To do:
Anything else?

Version 1.1 fixes an audio glitch where background music and some sound effects play in mono, regardless of the audio option chosen in the 3DS's system settings.