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Wizard101/Retired Spells/Retired Monstrology Spells

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This is a sub-page of Wizard101/Retired Spells.

Some creatures are no longer extractable through monstrology. Sometimes, it's because the enemy can only be fought a limited amount of times (such as enemies for spell quests), other times, the reason remains unknown or there's some other reason. This results in retired or unused descriptions due to this. Retired reason should be assumed to be unknown unless stated otherwise.

To do:
See if we should put every card picture here. There's going to be a lot of them. Also, would a table be better for this?

Arkyn Moonblade

Description: Master of magic. Master of the Moon. One day, he hopes to prove it really is made of cheese.

Ashen Death Monkey Spider

Description: Little more than a pile of ashes that settled into a vaguely Monkey Spider shape.

Carrion Flower Man

Description: Its flowers have a taste for living flesh. Best to steer clear.

Retired reason: Only can be fought a limited number of times (the room where this enemy is at doesn't spawn enemies after being completed unless someone with the required quest joins the area)

Charged Echo of Apep

Description: This echo is nothing fancy. It's pretty much just what Apep thinks he'd be like with electro-zappy powers.

Conscripted Mander (Tier 2)

Description: Manders live to serve. Usually that doesn't mean fighting in jousting tournaments... But sometimes it does! (Note: these minions do not appear in the Tier 1 version of this instance)

Conscripted Mander (Tier 3)

Description: Life's not easy where you're in the service of a corrupt knight - you go from polishing armor to fighting for your life!

Conscripted Mander (Tier 4)

Description: What kind of vile Knight sends his lowly squires out to fight for him? This poor Mander can tell you...

Conscripted Mander (Tier 5)

Description: The squire job sounded easy - polishing armor, grooming horses. Little did he know Sir Steffan uses squires for arena fodder!

Death Monkey Spider

Description: It's not an undead Monkey Spider. It's a Monkey Spider that's been partially consumed by Death stuff.

False Echo of Apep

Description: Basically, Apep's ego. The guy just assumes his reputation is mythic.

Fear of Drowning

Description: Essentially a fear of water and proof that there can be too much of a good thing. Just like the Fear of Chocolate Chips.

Retired Reason: This boss is inaccessible to characters who started a wizard before Wizard City was revamped with a new questline.

Fear of Fire

Description: It's a popular fear, the cool kid all the other fears wish they could be.

Retired Reason: Same as Fear of Drowning

Fear of Gentle Breezes

Description: Hey, those gentle breezes mean business.

Retired Reason: Same as Fear of Drowning

Fear of Gremlins

Description: A Sky Captain's worst fear is a gremlin on the wings. Or sails. Gremlins really mess those up.

Fiery Echo of Apep

Description: Created when Apep channels all his rage and regret into a single being. It's actually very therapeutic.

Frosty Echo of Apep

Description: A manifestation of Apep's sense of justice. It's usually brutal, but arguably fair.

Ghulture (Death) (Ghulture Nest)

Description: What is worse, the large sword or the sharp beak?

Retired Reason: Likely because this enemy could be easily confused with the Ghultures that exist outside of this dungeon at Caravan, because they have the same name, despite having different stats.

Ghulture (Myth) (Ghulture Nest)

Description: It might be the talons that hold the sword that do the most damage.

Retired Reason: Same as above

Gobblorean Guard (Balance)

Description: Insists on a balanced diet. Heavy enough to sink a ship, but balanced.

Retired Reason: Likely because this enemy shares a name with 2 other enemies.

Gobblorean Guard (Death)

Description: He eats wizards for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, brunch, brinner, midnight snack and an afternoon nosh.

Gobblorean Guard (Storm)

Description: This powerhouse has an appetite for exotic game and defeating enemies.

Green Man Minion

Description: Has fantastic taste in facial foliage.

Retired Reason: Only can be fought once as a minion during the Chester Droors fight in Wysteria.

Half-Witted Skeleton

Description: Let's just say, they aren't the brightest crayon in the box.

Retired Reason: Part of the Spiral Geographic quest which is also retired.

Icy Ghost

Description: Handy to have around when you want a cold drink, but usually given the cold shoulder.

Retired Reason: Same as Half-Witted Skeleton. Although it can be fought during the Deckathalon events, Monstrology enchants cannot be used there.

Lazy Henchman

Description: A lackadaisical attitude and complete disregard for punctuality make them frustrating to work with. However, they never ask for raises.

Retired Reason: Same as Half-Witted Skeleton.

Mika Skarka

Description: This Jade Oni is the guardian of the Scrolls of Light, and one amazing breakdancer.

Retired Reason: Only can be fought once during Avalon's prequest.

Mysterious Crawler

Description: Very little is known about this breed of spider, what with the mysteriousness and all.

Retired Reason: Same as Half-Witted Skeleton.

Root Guardian

Description: As the protector of Bartleby's roots, she's the envy of her peers. They don't guard roots that important.

Retired Reason: Only can be fought once during Empyrea's quests.

Seething Wraith

Description: Don't cross them on a bad day, they bubble with rage, and you may get boiled in their stew of emotions.

Retired Reason: Same as Half-Witted Skeleton.

Seijin Killer

Description: A loyal servant to Ghost Dog, Seijun has a fiery side that's best avoided.


Description: Technically, all spiders are servants of Grandfather Spider, but these guys have a more direct webline

Tired Fighter

Description: They've almost given up on the good fight completely.

Retired Reason: Same as Half-Witted Skeleton.

Wyrm Statue

Description: Cold as ice but made of stone, the sight of Wyrm Statue shall make you groan.

Zarichi Tarakata

Description: Zarichi has betrayed his porcine kin and allied himself with the Shadow Weavers.