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I'm going to use this as a working space for contributions related to Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

Unused text

The following is a potential list of unused text during a normal gameplay. The ID is the one shown in GoldenSunTLA_Editor. There's no Japanese text because I haven't found a way to properly dump the text from the Japanese version.

ID English Spanish German French Italian Notes
22 Is it OK to save over the[3]file you started with?[30] ¿Quieres sobrescribir la[3]partida con la que empezaste?[30] Willst du die Datei, mit der[3]du begonnen hast, überschreiben?[30] Ecraser le fichier avec[3]lequel vous avez commencé?[30] Sovrascrivere il file con[3]cui hai iniziato?[30] Not sure if this appears when you overwrite your only save when finishing the game.
28 Carried over[2] Partida transferida.[2] [220]bernahme ist erfolgt.[2] Transfert terminé.[2] Trasferimento eseguito.[2] Not sure if this appears after putting the password from the previous game.
35 This is no place for that ¡Aquí no puedes![2] Das ist nicht der rechte Ort![2] Il n'y a pas assez d'espace![2] Non c'è spazio![2]
44 [18][1] joined your[3]party...for now.[30] [18][1] puede[3]que se una a tu equipo.[30] [18][1] gehört nun[3]zum Team... fürs Erste.[30] [18][1] a rejoint votre[3]groupe. Enfin, provisoirement.[30] Ora [18][1] è nella tua[3]squadra... forse[30]
45 [18][1] and [18][1][3]joined your party.[30] [18][1] y [18][1] se[3]unieron a tu equipo.[30] [18][1] und [18][1][3]gehören nun zum Team.[30] [18][1] et [18][1] ont[3]rejoint votre groupe.[30] [18][1] e [18][1][3]sono in squadra ora.[30] This was used in the first game when both Jenna and Garet joined your team at the same time, but I think this is unused in GS:TLA.
70 Speak Hablar Sprechen Parler Parla A remnant from the early version of the first game. It was a menu option in the A‑Button menu.
92-101 !34 !34 !34 !34 !34
108 Huh!? ¿Eh? Wie!? Hein!? Eh!?
119 Battle Camera Cámara de batalla Kamera Vue de combat Visuale di battaglia Text for a debug option.
120 Set Psynergy to L or R = Psynergy auf L oder R legen. Affecter Psynergie à L ou R = Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out.
121 Set Message Speed = Text-Geschwindigkeit einstellen. Définir la vitesse message = Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out.
122 Set Window Color = Farbe der Fenster einstellen. Régler la couleur = Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out.
123 Set Camera Movement = Kamerafahrten einstellen. Régler la caméra = Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out.
1129 Ruffian 2 Rufián2 Störenfried 2 Assassin2 Furfante2 Unused enemy variant.
1130 Ruffian 3 Rufián3 Störenfried 3 Assassin3 Furfante3 Unused enemy variant.
1136 Crazy Gorilla Gorila loco Irrer Affe Psychogorille Gorilla folle Unused enemy variant.
1142 Champa 2 Champa2 Champa 2 Champa2 Champa2 Unused enemy variant.
1143 Champa 3 Champa3 Champa 3 Champa3 Champa3 Unused enemy variant.
1156 Serpent 6 Serpiente6 Vipera 6 Serpent6 Serpente6 Unused enemy variant.
1157 Serpent 7 Serpiente7 Vipera 7 Serpent7 Serpente7 Unused enemy variant.
1163 Poseidon 3 Poseidón Poseidon 3 Poséidon3 Poseidone3 Unused enemy variant.
1169 Knight 3 Caballero3 Adjutant 3 Chevalier3 Cavaliere3 Unused enemy variant.
1179 White Wolf Lobo blanco Schneewolf Loup maudit Lupo bianco Unused enemy variant.
1185 Baboon Goblin Babuigoblin Pavian-Goblin Gnome babouin Goblin scimmia Unused enemy variant.
1188 Momangler Necromomonga Momangler Momangler Laceratore Unused enemy variant.
1191 Kobold King Rey Kobold Kobold-König Roi Kobold Re Coboldo Unused enemy variant.
1199 Winged Runner Correalado Flügelläufer Ailopède Ala veloce Unused enemy variant.
1208 Skinwalker Carnicero Gingiva Marolf Strisciapelle Unused enemy variant.
1211 Dinosaurus Dinosaurio Dinosaurier Dinosaurus Dinosaurus Unused enemy variant.
1214 Dark Murder Asesinoscuro Meuchelmörder Meurtrier Omicida oscuro Unused enemy variant.
1217 Bane Wight Sacerdote Fluchwichtel Crânok Wight ferale Unused enemy variant.
1220 Weird Nypmh Banshee Finsternymphe Nymphe Ninfa magica Unused enemy variant.
1222 Elder Wood Malacorteza Nox Arboris Boizantic Rami antichi Unused enemy variant.
1223 Estre Wood Crústula Nero Arboris Boizestre Rami sacri Unused enemy variant.
1225 Dark Wizard Brujo oscuro Schwarzmagier Génie obscur Mago scuro Unused enemy variant.
1226 Evil Shaman Mal Chamán Necrido Sorcier Sciamano nero Unused enemy variant.
1232 Poison Shell Venenoconcha Giftschale Spiralis Velenoguscio Unused enemy variant.
1244 Fell Raptor Megarraptor Sturzraptor Rapace géant Raptor feroce Unused enemy variant.
1247 Winged Dragon Dragón alado Flügeldrache Dragon ailé Drago alato Unused enemy variant.
1253 Dragon Dragón Tatzelwurm Dragon Drago Unused enemy variant.
1262 Mini-Death Nelchael Mini-Tod Croquemort Morte minima Unused enemy variant.
1268 Aeshma Aeshma Aesma Daeva Aeshma Aeshma Unused enemy variant.
1270 Valukar Balrog Valukar Valukar Valukar Unused enemy variant.
1271 Valukar Balrog Valukar Valukar Valukar Unused enemy variant.
1274 Estre Baron Barón Estre Estre Baron Baronestre Barone mistico Unused enemy variant.
1277 Spirit Army Soldespíritu Spiriti Soldat esprit Guerr. mistico Unused enemy variant.
1282 Sentinel Centinela Sentinel Sentinelle Sentinella Unused enemy variant.
1282 Sentinel Centinela Sentinel Sentinelle Sentinella Unused enemy variant.
1284 Vermin Bicho Beißmaus Vermine Parassita Enemy carried over from GS1.
1285 Vermin Bicho Beißmaus Vermine Parassita Enemy carried over from GS1.
1286 Mad Vermin Bicho feroz Böse Beißmaus Verminator Parass. folle Enemy carried over from GS1.
1287 Bat Murciélago Fledermaus Chauve-souris Pipistrello Enemy carried over from GS1.
1288 Bat Murciélago Fledermaus Chauve-souris Pipistrello Enemy carried over from GS1.
1289 Rabid Bat Rataciélago Flederwut Buveur de sang Rabbiostrello Enemy carried over from GS1.
1290 Giant Bat Murcielagón Flattergigant Vampire Gigastrello Enemy carried over from GS1.
1291 Wild Mushroom Seta salvaje Pestpilz Amanite Amanita Enemy carried over from GS1.
1292 Wild Mushroom Seta salvaje Pestpilz Amanite Amanita Enemy carried over from GS1.
1293 Death Cap Seta veneno Todesschatten Criard Fungo malefico Enemy carried over from GS1.
1294 Slime Babosa Schleim Limon Melma Enemy carried over from GS1.
1295 Slime Babosa Schleim Limon Melma Enemy carried over from GS1.
1296 Ooze Babosa voraz Triefschlamm Pouding Melma fetida Enemy carried over from GS1.
1297 Slime Beast Bestia babosa Schleimbestie Gélatineux Melma bestiale Enemy carried over from GS1.
1298 Ghost Fantasma Geist Fantôme Spettro Enemy carried over from GS1.
1299 Ghost Mage Espectro mago Geistermagier Mage fantôme Spettro mago Enemy carried over from GS1.
1300 Horned Ghost Cornudo Horngeist Fantôme cornu Cornospettro Enemy carried over from GS1.
1301 Lich Guardatumbas Dämonenlord Liche Lich Enemy carried over from GS1.
1302 Zombie Zombi Zombie Zombie Zombie Enemy carried over from GS1.
1303 Undead Muerto vivo Untoter Mort-vivant Morto vivente Enemy carried over from GS1.
1304 Wight Criatura Wicht Mange-cerveau Wight Enemy carried over from GS1.
1305 Bandit Bandido Bandit Bandit Bandito Enemy carried over from GS1.
1306 Thief Ladrón Dieb Voleur Ladro Enemy carried over from GS1.
1307 Brigand Bandolero Räuber Brigand Brigante Enemy carried over from GS1.
1308 Skeleton Esqueleto Skelett Squelette Scheletro Enemy carried over from GS1.
1309 Bone Fighter Megaesqueleto Knochenkämpfer Trépassé Schelguerriero Enemy carried over from GS1.
1310 Skull Warrior Ex-Guerrero Schädelkrieger Désincarné Teschio armato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1311 Will Head Rostro roto Lichthaupt Esprit Teschio feroce Enemy carried over from GS1.
1312 Death Head Cabeza inerte Schattenhaupt Demiliche Capo di morto Enemy carried over from GS1.
1313 Willowisp Fuego fatuo Irrlicht Feu follet Fuoco fatuo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1314 Rat Rata Ratte Rat Topo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1315 Armored Rat Ratacorazada Schildratte Rat géant Topo armato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1316 Plated Rat Rata blindada Panzerratte Rat blindé Topo blindato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1317 Rat Soldier Rata soldado Rattensoldat Soldat rat Topo soldato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1318 Rat Fighter Luchador-Rata Rattenkämpfer Guerrier rat Topo guerriero Enemy carried over from GS1.
1319 Rat Warrior Guerrero-Rata Rattenkrieger Vétéran rat Topo generale Enemy carried over from GS1.
1320 Drone Bee Abeja Drohne Abeille Fuco d'ape Enemy carried over from GS1.
1321 Fighter Bee Abeja asesina Kämpferbiene Bourdon Ape soldato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1322 Warrior Bee Abeja voraz Kriegerbiene Frelon Ape guerriera Enemy carried over from GS1.
1323 Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Enemy carried over from GS1.
1324 Cave Troll Troll cueva Höhlentroll Barbare troll Troll feroce Enemy carried over from GS1.
1325 Brutal Troll Troll brutal Felstroll Troll géant Troll brutale Enemy carried over from GS1.
1326 Spider Araña Spinne Araignée Ragno Enemy carried over from GS1.
1327 Tarantula Tarántula Tarantel Tarentule Tarantola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1328 Recluse Arañafricana Einsiedler Mygale Vedova nera Enemy carried over from GS1.
1329 Gnome Gnomo Gnom Gnome Gnomo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1330 Gnome Mage Gnomo mago Gnomen-Magier Mage gnome Gnomo mago Enemy carried over from GS1.
1331 Gnome Wizard Gnomo brujo Zonyth Archi-gnome Gnomo stregone Enemy carried over from GS1.
1332 Ghoul Demonio Guhl Goule Ghoul Enemy carried over from GS1.
1333 Fiendish Ghoul Diablo Teufelsguhl Ghast Ghoul demonico Enemy carried over from GS1.
1334 Cannibal Ghoul Necrófago Carniguhl Nécrophage Sarcofaghoul Enemy carried over from GS1.
1335 Mauler Oso pardo Reißzahn Ours brun Orso bruno Enemy carried over from GS1.
1336 Ravager Oso montaña Zerstörer Grizzly Orso nero Enemy carried over from GS1.
1337 Grisly Oso siberiano Grizzly Kodiak Grisly Enemy carried over from GS1.
1338 Harpy Arpía Harpyie Harpie Arpia Enemy carried over from GS1.
1339 Virago Virago Virago Harpie noble Virago Enemy carried over from GS1.
1340 Harridan Bruja Drache Reine harpie Furia Enemy carried over from GS1.
1341 Siren Sirena Sirene Sirène Sirena Enemy carried over from GS1.
1342 Succubus Súcubo Sukkubus Succube Succube Enemy carried over from GS1.
1343 Nightmare Pesadilla Nachtmahr Suspiria Incubo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1344 Mole Topo Maulwurf Taupe Talpa Enemy carried over from GS1.
1345 Mad Mole Topo asesino Irrer Maulwurf Taupe enragée Talpa rabbiosa Enemy carried over from GS1.
1346 Mole Mage Topo mago Maulwurfmagier Sorcier taupe Talpa stregata Enemy carried over from GS1.
1347 Dirge Lambrijo Grabgesang Raton Topo alato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1348 Foul Dirge Trasgo Faulgesang Rat ailé Ratto alato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1349 Vile Dirge Pajarraco Pesthauch Rat volant Vampiratto Enemy carried over from GS1.
1350 Ape Simio Affe Chimpanzé Gorilla Enemy carried over from GS1.
1351 Killer Ape Simio asesino Killer-Affe Orang-outan Gorilla folle Enemy carried over from GS1.
1352 Dirty Ape Simio voraz Drecks-Affe Gorille Gorilla fetido Enemy carried over from GS1.
1353 Grub Larva Keim Vermisseau Bruco Enemy carried over from GS1.
1354 Worm Gusano Wurm Ver Verme Enemy carried over from GS1.
1355 Acid Maggot Gusano ácido Säure-Made Ver acide Verme acido Enemy carried over from GS1.
1356 Orc Orco Ork Demi-orque Orco Enemy carried over from GS1.
1357 Orc Captain Capitán Orco Fettbauch Orque Capitan orco Enemy carried over from GS1.
1358 Orc Lord Lord Orco Ork-Lord Roi orque Re orco Enemy carried over from GS1.
1359 Salamander Salamandra Salamander Salamandre Salamandra Enemy carried over from GS1.
1360 Earth Lizard Lagarto Erd-Echse Guivre Terracertola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1361 Thunder Lizard Truenolagarto Donner-Echse Electroguivre Tuonocertola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1362 Manticore Manticore Mantikor Manticore Manticora Enemy carried over from GS1.
1363 Magicore Magicore Magikor Magicore Magicora Enemy carried over from GS1.
1364 Manticore King Rey Manticore Rex Mantikor Roi manticore Re manticora Enemy carried over from GS1.
1365 Kobold Kobold Kobold Kobold Coboldo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1366 Goblin Goblin Goblin Goblin Goblin Enemy carried over from GS1.
1367 Hobgoblin Fuegoblin Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Enemy carried over from GS1.
1368 Gargoyle Gárgola Gargoyle Gargouille Gargoyle Enemy carried over from GS1.
1369 Clay Gargoyle Gárgola barro Ton-Gargoyle Vargouille Gargoyle creta Enemy carried over from GS1.
1370 Ice Gargoyle Gárgola hielo Eis-Gargoyle Glacegouille Gargoyle gelo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1371 Gryphon Grifo Greif Griffon Grifone Enemy carried over from GS1.
1372 Wild Gryphon Grifo salvaje Wilder Greif Griffon géant Grifo pazzo Enemy carried over from GS1.
1373 Wise Gryphon Grifo mago Weiser Greif Griffon mage Grifo saggio Enemy carried over from GS1.
1374 Golem Gólem Golem Golem de chair Golem Enemy carried over from GS1.
1375 Earth Golem Gólem tierra Erd-Golem Golem de fer Golem di terra Enemy carried over from GS1.
1376 Grand Golem Gran Gólem Großer Golem Golem géant Grande golem Enemy carried over from GS1.
1377 Dread Hound Perro asesino Höllenhund Molosse Cagnaccio Enemy carried over from GS1.
1378 Cerberus Cerbero Zerberus Cerbère Cerbero Enemy carried over from GS1. The English version corrected a typo here.
1379 Fenrir Fenrir Fenris Fenris Fenrir Enemy carried over from GS1.
1380 Stone Soldier Soldado roca Steinsoldat Caillasse Masso animato Enemy carried over from GS1.
1381 Boulder Beast Bestia roca Felssoldat Roc Masso bestiale Enemy carried over from GS1.
1382 Raging Rock Roca asesina Rasender Fels Méga-roc Masso furioso Enemy carried over from GS1.
1383 Chimera Quimera Chimäre Chimère Chimera Enemy carried over from GS1.
1384 Chimera Mage Quimera maga Chimärenmagier Chiméromage Chimera maga Enemy carried over from GS1.
1385 Grand Chimera Reina Quimera Große Chimäre Giga-chimère Chimera grande Enemy carried over from GS1.
1386 Amaze Aparición Blender Apparition Apparizione Enemy carried over from GS1.
1387 Amaze Aparición Blender Apparition Apparizione Enemy carried over from GS1.
1388 Creeper Espectro Kriecher Revenant Presenza Enemy carried over from GS1.
1389 Spirit Espíritu Irrende Seele Ame errante Spirito Enemy carried over from GS1.
1390 Lizard Man Lagartombre Echsenmann Saurien Uomo rettile Enemy carried over from GS1.
1391 Lizard Fighter Lagartomacho Echsenkrieger Saurien noble Guerrierosauro Enemy carried over from GS1.
1392 Lizard King Rey Lagarto Echsenkönig Roi saurien Re lucertola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1393 Ant Lion Hormiga león Ameisenlöwe Fourmilion Scorpione Enemy carried over from GS1.
1394 Roach Cucaracha Larve Cafard Larva Enemy carried over from GS1.
1395 Doodle Bug Bomba volante Ameisenlarve Blatte Scaraboinsetto Enemy carried over from GS1.
1396 Toadonpa Saposaurio Krötenmolch Crapausaure Rosponpa Enemy carried over from GS1.
1397 Poison Toad Sapo venenoso Gift-Kröte Crapaud vireux Rospo velenoso Enemy carried over from GS1.
1398 Devil Frog Sapo poseído Teufelsfrosch Crapaud damné Rospo demone Enemy carried over from GS1.
1399 Living Statue Estatua viva Lebende Statue Statue animée Statua animata Enemy carried over from GS1.
1400 Hydros Statue Hidroestatua Hydros-Statue Hydro-statue Idrostatua Enemy carried over from GS1.
1401 Azart Azart Azart Azart Azart Enemy carried over from GS1.
1402 Azart Azart Azart Azart Azart Enemy carried over from GS1.
1403 Satrage Satrag Satrage Satrage Satrage Enemy carried over from GS1.
1404 Satrage Satrag Satrage Satrage Satrage Enemy carried over from GS1.
1405 Navampa Navampa Navampa Navampa Navampa Enemy carried over from GS1.
1406 Navampa Navampa Navampa Navampa Navampa Enemy carried over from GS1.
1407 Tret Tret Tret Tret Tret Enemy carried over from GS1.
1408 Kraken Kraken Krake Kraken Kraken Enemy carried over from GS1.
1409 Tornado Lizard Reptornado Tornado-Echse Dinobrise Tornadocertola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1410 Storm Lizard Reptormenta Sturm-Echse Dinosouffle Buferocertola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1411 Tempest Lizard Reptil letal Orkan-Echse Dinovent Tempescertola Enemy carried over from GS1.
1412 Mystery Man Desconocido Myst. Mann Inconnu Sconosciuto Enemy carried over from GS1.
1413 Saturos Saturos Saturos Salamandar Saturos Enemy carried over from GS1.
1414 Saturos Saturos Saturos Salamandar Saturos Enemy carried over from GS1.
1415 Mystery Woman Desconocida Myst. Frau Inconnue Sconosciuta Enemy carried over from GS1.
1416 Menardi Menardi Menardi Phoœnixia Adexia Enemy carried over from GS1.
1417 Fusion Dragon Barbamuerta Infirisios Dragon fusion Fusiondrago Enemy carried over from GS1. For some reason, the Spanish version swapped this with the next enemy.
1418 Deadbeard Dragón Fusión Totterbart Warrax Barbamorta Enemy carried over from GS1. For some reason, the Spanish version swapped this with the previous enemy.
1428 Zombie Zombi Zombie Zombie Zombie Enemy carried over from GS1, but its position in the table is weird.
1575 Regenerate Regenerar Regeneration Régénération Rigenerante Unused psynergy.
1576 Reflect Reflejar Reflektor Renvoi Riflesso Unused psynergy.
1602 Ma???? Ma???? Ma???? Ma???? Ma???? Unused psynergy.
1604 A?? A?? A?? A?? A?? Unused psynergy.
1745 Aurora Field Aurora Aurora-Feld Aurore Aurora Unused ability.
1746 Djinn Counter Contra-Djinn Konterkraft Stop Djinn Blocca Djinn Unused text, but it the underlying ability powers the Reflux Djinn.
1765 Earth18 Tierra18 Erde18 Terre18 Terra18 Unused Djinn.
1766 Earth19 Tierra19 Erde19 Terre19 Terra19 Unused Djinn.
1785 Water18 Agua18 Wasser18 Eau18 Acqua18 Unused Djinn.
1786 Water19 Agua19 Wasser19 Eau19 Acqua19 Unused Djinn.
1805 Fire19 Fuego18 Feuer18 Feu18 Fuoco18 Unused Djinn.
1806 Fire19 Fuego19 Feuer18 Feu19 Fuoco19 Unused Djinn.