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I'm going to use this as a working space for contributions related to Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
Unused text
The following is a potential list of unused text during a normal gameplay. The ID is the one shown in GoldenSunTLA_Editor. There's no Japanese text because I haven't found a way to properly dump the text from the Japanese version.
ID | English | Spanish | German | French | Italian | Notes |
22 | Is it OK to save over the[3]file you started with?[30] | ¿Quieres sobrescribir la[3]partida con la que empezaste?[30] | Willst du die Datei, mit der[3]du begonnen hast, überschreiben?[30] | Ecraser le fichier avec[3]lequel vous avez commencé?[30] | Sovrascrivere il file con[3]cui hai iniziato?[30] | Not sure if this appears when you overwrite your only save when finishing the game. |
28 | Carried over[2] | Partida transferida.[2] | [220]bernahme ist erfolgt.[2] | Transfert terminé.[2] | Trasferimento eseguito.[2] | Not sure if this appears after putting the password from the previous game. |
35 | This is no place for that | ¡Aquí no puedes![2] | Das ist nicht der rechte Ort![2] | Il n'y a pas assez d'espace![2] | Non c'è spazio![2] | |
44 | [18][1] joined your[3]party...for now.[30] | [18][1] puede[3]que se una a tu equipo.[30] | [18][1] gehört nun[3]zum Team... fürs Erste.[30] | [18][1] a rejoint votre[3]groupe. Enfin, provisoirement.[30] | Ora [18][1] è nella tua[3]squadra... forse[30] | |
45 | [18][1] and [18][1][3]joined your party.[30] | [18][1] y [18][1] se[3]unieron a tu equipo.[30] | [18][1] und [18][1][3]gehören nun zum Team.[30] | [18][1] et [18][1] ont[3]rejoint votre groupe.[30] | [18][1] e [18][1][3]sono in squadra ora.[30] | This was used in the first game when both Jenna and Garet joined your team at the same time, but I think this is unused in GS:TLA. |
70 | Speak | Hablar | Sprechen | Parler | Parla | A remnant from the early version of the first game. It was a menu option in the A‑Button menu. |
92-101 | !34 | !34 | !34 | !34 | !34 | |
108 | Huh!? | ¿Eh? | Wie!? | Hein!? | Eh!? | |
119 | Battle Camera | Cámara de batalla | Kamera | Vue de combat | Visuale di battaglia | Text for a debug option. |
120 | Set Psynergy to L or R | = | Psynergy auf L oder R legen. | Affecter Psynergie à L ou R | = | Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out. |
121 | Set Message Speed | = | Text-Geschwindigkeit einstellen. | Définir la vitesse message | = | Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out. |
122 | Set Window Color | = | Farbe der Fenster einstellen. | Régler la couleur | = | Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out. |
123 | Set Camera Movement | = | Kamerafahrten einstellen. | Régler la caméra | = | Debug option. Spanish and Italian dummied this out. |
1129 | Ruffian 2 | Rufián2 | Störenfried 2 | Assassin2 | Furfante2 | Unused enemy variant. |
1130 | Ruffian 3 | Rufián3 | Störenfried 3 | Assassin3 | Furfante3 | Unused enemy variant. |
1136 | Crazy Gorilla | Gorila loco | Irrer Affe | Psychogorille | Gorilla folle | Unused enemy variant. |
1142 | Champa 2 | Champa2 | Champa 2 | Champa2 | Champa2 | Unused enemy variant. |
1143 | Champa 3 | Champa3 | Champa 3 | Champa3 | Champa3 | Unused enemy variant. |
1156 | Serpent 6 | Serpiente6 | Vipera 6 | Serpent6 | Serpente6 | Unused enemy variant. |
1157 | Serpent 7 | Serpiente7 | Vipera 7 | Serpent7 | Serpente7 | Unused enemy variant. |
1163 | Poseidon 3 | Poseidón | Poseidon 3 | Poséidon3 | Poseidone3 | Unused enemy variant. |
1169 | Knight 3 | Caballero3 | Adjutant 3 | Chevalier3 | Cavaliere3 | Unused enemy variant. |
1179 | White Wolf | Lobo blanco | Schneewolf | Loup maudit | Lupo bianco | Unused enemy variant. |
1185 | Baboon Goblin | Babuigoblin | Pavian-Goblin | Gnome babouin | Goblin scimmia | Unused enemy variant. |
1188 | Momangler | Necromomonga | Momangler | Momangler | Laceratore | Unused enemy variant. |
1191 | Kobold King | Rey Kobold | Kobold-König | Roi Kobold | Re Coboldo | Unused enemy variant. |
1199 | Winged Runner | Correalado | Flügelläufer | Ailopède | Ala veloce | Unused enemy variant. |
1208 | Skinwalker | Carnicero | Gingiva | Marolf | Strisciapelle | Unused enemy variant. |
1211 | Dinosaurus | Dinosaurio | Dinosaurier | Dinosaurus | Dinosaurus | Unused enemy variant. |
1214 | Dark Murder | Asesinoscuro | Meuchelmörder | Meurtrier | Omicida oscuro | Unused enemy variant. |
1217 | Bane Wight | Sacerdote | Fluchwichtel | Crânok | Wight ferale | Unused enemy variant. |
1220 | Weird Nypmh | Banshee | Finsternymphe | Nymphe | Ninfa magica | Unused enemy variant. |
1222 | Elder Wood | Malacorteza | Nox Arboris | Boizantic | Rami antichi | Unused enemy variant. |
1223 | Estre Wood | Crústula | Nero Arboris | Boizestre | Rami sacri | Unused enemy variant. |
1225 | Dark Wizard | Brujo oscuro | Schwarzmagier | Génie obscur | Mago scuro | Unused enemy variant. |
1226 | Evil Shaman | Mal Chamán | Necrido | Sorcier | Sciamano nero | Unused enemy variant. |
1232 | Poison Shell | Venenoconcha | Giftschale | Spiralis | Velenoguscio | Unused enemy variant. |
1244 | Fell Raptor | Megarraptor | Sturzraptor | Rapace géant | Raptor feroce | Unused enemy variant. |
1247 | Winged Dragon | Dragón alado | Flügeldrache | Dragon ailé | Drago alato | Unused enemy variant. |
1253 | Dragon | Dragón | Tatzelwurm | Dragon | Drago | Unused enemy variant. |
1262 | Mini-Death | Nelchael | Mini-Tod | Croquemort | Morte minima | Unused enemy variant. |
1268 | Aeshma | Aeshma | Aesma Daeva | Aeshma | Aeshma | Unused enemy variant. |
1270 | Valukar | Balrog | Valukar | Valukar | Valukar | Unused enemy variant. |
1271 | Valukar | Balrog | Valukar | Valukar | Valukar | Unused enemy variant. |
1274 | Estre Baron | Barón Estre | Estre Baron | Baronestre | Barone mistico | Unused enemy variant. |
1277 | Spirit Army | Soldespíritu | Spiriti | Soldat esprit | Guerr. mistico | Unused enemy variant. |
1282 | Sentinel | Centinela | Sentinel | Sentinelle | Sentinella | Unused enemy variant. |
1282 | Sentinel | Centinela | Sentinel | Sentinelle | Sentinella | Unused enemy variant. |
1284 | Vermin | Bicho | Beißmaus | Vermine | Parassita | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1285 | Vermin | Bicho | Beißmaus | Vermine | Parassita | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1286 | Mad Vermin | Bicho feroz | Böse Beißmaus | Verminator | Parass. folle | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1287 | Bat | Murciélago | Fledermaus | Chauve-souris | Pipistrello | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1288 | Bat | Murciélago | Fledermaus | Chauve-souris | Pipistrello | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1289 | Rabid Bat | Rataciélago | Flederwut | Buveur de sang | Rabbiostrello | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1290 | Giant Bat | Murcielagón | Flattergigant | Vampire | Gigastrello | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1291 | Wild Mushroom | Seta salvaje | Pestpilz | Amanite | Amanita | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1292 | Wild Mushroom | Seta salvaje | Pestpilz | Amanite | Amanita | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1293 | Death Cap | Seta veneno | Todesschatten | Criard | Fungo malefico | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1294 | Slime | Babosa | Schleim | Limon | Melma | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1295 | Slime | Babosa | Schleim | Limon | Melma | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1296 | Ooze | Babosa voraz | Triefschlamm | Pouding | Melma fetida | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1297 | Slime Beast | Bestia babosa | Schleimbestie | Gélatineux | Melma bestiale | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1298 | Ghost | Fantasma | Geist | Fantôme | Spettro | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1299 | Ghost Mage | Espectro mago | Geistermagier | Mage fantôme | Spettro mago | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1300 | Horned Ghost | Cornudo | Horngeist | Fantôme cornu | Cornospettro | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1301 | Lich | Guardatumbas | Dämonenlord | Liche | Lich | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1302 | Zombie | Zombi | Zombie | Zombie | Zombie | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1303 | Undead | Muerto vivo | Untoter | Mort-vivant | Morto vivente | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1304 | Wight | Criatura | Wicht | Mange-cerveau | Wight | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1305 | Bandit | Bandido | Bandit | Bandit | Bandito | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1306 | Thief | Ladrón | Dieb | Voleur | Ladro | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1307 | Brigand | Bandolero | Räuber | Brigand | Brigante | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1308 | Skeleton | Esqueleto | Skelett | Squelette | Scheletro | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1309 | Bone Fighter | Megaesqueleto | Knochenkämpfer | Trépassé | Schelguerriero | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1310 | Skull Warrior | Ex-Guerrero | Schädelkrieger | Désincarné | Teschio armato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1311 | Will Head | Rostro roto | Lichthaupt | Esprit | Teschio feroce | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1312 | Death Head | Cabeza inerte | Schattenhaupt | Demiliche | Capo di morto | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1313 | Willowisp | Fuego fatuo | Irrlicht | Feu follet | Fuoco fatuo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1314 | Rat | Rata | Ratte | Rat | Topo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1315 | Armored Rat | Ratacorazada | Schildratte | Rat géant | Topo armato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1316 | Plated Rat | Rata blindada | Panzerratte | Rat blindé | Topo blindato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1317 | Rat Soldier | Rata soldado | Rattensoldat | Soldat rat | Topo soldato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1318 | Rat Fighter | Luchador-Rata | Rattenkämpfer | Guerrier rat | Topo guerriero | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1319 | Rat Warrior | Guerrero-Rata | Rattenkrieger | Vétéran rat | Topo generale | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1320 | Drone Bee | Abeja | Drohne | Abeille | Fuco d'ape | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1321 | Fighter Bee | Abeja asesina | Kämpferbiene | Bourdon | Ape soldato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1322 | Warrior Bee | Abeja voraz | Kriegerbiene | Frelon | Ape guerriera | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1323 | Troll | Troll | Troll | Troll | Troll | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1324 | Cave Troll | Troll cueva | Höhlentroll | Barbare troll | Troll feroce | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1325 | Brutal Troll | Troll brutal | Felstroll | Troll géant | Troll brutale | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1326 | Spider | Araña | Spinne | Araignée | Ragno | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1327 | Tarantula | Tarántula | Tarantel | Tarentule | Tarantola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1328 | Recluse | Arañafricana | Einsiedler | Mygale | Vedova nera | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1329 | Gnome | Gnomo | Gnom | Gnome | Gnomo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1330 | Gnome Mage | Gnomo mago | Gnomen-Magier | Mage gnome | Gnomo mago | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1331 | Gnome Wizard | Gnomo brujo | Zonyth | Archi-gnome | Gnomo stregone | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1332 | Ghoul | Demonio | Guhl | Goule | Ghoul | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1333 | Fiendish Ghoul | Diablo | Teufelsguhl | Ghast | Ghoul demonico | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1334 | Cannibal Ghoul | Necrófago | Carniguhl | Nécrophage | Sarcofaghoul | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1335 | Mauler | Oso pardo | Reißzahn | Ours brun | Orso bruno | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1336 | Ravager | Oso montaña | Zerstörer | Grizzly | Orso nero | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1337 | Grisly | Oso siberiano | Grizzly | Kodiak | Grisly | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1338 | Harpy | Arpía | Harpyie | Harpie | Arpia | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1339 | Virago | Virago | Virago | Harpie noble | Virago | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1340 | Harridan | Bruja | Drache | Reine harpie | Furia | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1341 | Siren | Sirena | Sirene | Sirène | Sirena | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1342 | Succubus | Súcubo | Sukkubus | Succube | Succube | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1343 | Nightmare | Pesadilla | Nachtmahr | Suspiria | Incubo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1344 | Mole | Topo | Maulwurf | Taupe | Talpa | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1345 | Mad Mole | Topo asesino | Irrer Maulwurf | Taupe enragée | Talpa rabbiosa | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1346 | Mole Mage | Topo mago | Maulwurfmagier | Sorcier taupe | Talpa stregata | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1347 | Dirge | Lambrijo | Grabgesang | Raton | Topo alato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1348 | Foul Dirge | Trasgo | Faulgesang | Rat ailé | Ratto alato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1349 | Vile Dirge | Pajarraco | Pesthauch | Rat volant | Vampiratto | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1350 | Ape | Simio | Affe | Chimpanzé | Gorilla | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1351 | Killer Ape | Simio asesino | Killer-Affe | Orang-outan | Gorilla folle | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1352 | Dirty Ape | Simio voraz | Drecks-Affe | Gorille | Gorilla fetido | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1353 | Grub | Larva | Keim | Vermisseau | Bruco | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1354 | Worm | Gusano | Wurm | Ver | Verme | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1355 | Acid Maggot | Gusano ácido | Säure-Made | Ver acide | Verme acido | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1356 | Orc | Orco | Ork | Demi-orque | Orco | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1357 | Orc Captain | Capitán Orco | Fettbauch | Orque | Capitan orco | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1358 | Orc Lord | Lord Orco | Ork-Lord | Roi orque | Re orco | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1359 | Salamander | Salamandra | Salamander | Salamandre | Salamandra | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1360 | Earth Lizard | Lagarto | Erd-Echse | Guivre | Terracertola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1361 | Thunder Lizard | Truenolagarto | Donner-Echse | Electroguivre | Tuonocertola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1362 | Manticore | Manticore | Mantikor | Manticore | Manticora | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1363 | Magicore | Magicore | Magikor | Magicore | Magicora | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1364 | Manticore King | Rey Manticore | Rex Mantikor | Roi manticore | Re manticora | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1365 | Kobold | Kobold | Kobold | Kobold | Coboldo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1366 | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1367 | Hobgoblin | Fuegoblin | Hobgoblin | Hobgoblin | Hobgoblin | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1368 | Gargoyle | Gárgola | Gargoyle | Gargouille | Gargoyle | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1369 | Clay Gargoyle | Gárgola barro | Ton-Gargoyle | Vargouille | Gargoyle creta | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1370 | Ice Gargoyle | Gárgola hielo | Eis-Gargoyle | Glacegouille | Gargoyle gelo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1371 | Gryphon | Grifo | Greif | Griffon | Grifone | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1372 | Wild Gryphon | Grifo salvaje | Wilder Greif | Griffon géant | Grifo pazzo | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1373 | Wise Gryphon | Grifo mago | Weiser Greif | Griffon mage | Grifo saggio | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1374 | Golem | Gólem | Golem | Golem de chair | Golem | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1375 | Earth Golem | Gólem tierra | Erd-Golem | Golem de fer | Golem di terra | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1376 | Grand Golem | Gran Gólem | Großer Golem | Golem géant | Grande golem | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1377 | Dread Hound | Perro asesino | Höllenhund | Molosse | Cagnaccio | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1378 | Cerberus | Cerbero | Zerberus | Cerbère | Cerbero | Enemy carried over from GS1. The English version corrected a typo here. |
1379 | Fenrir | Fenrir | Fenris | Fenris | Fenrir | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1380 | Stone Soldier | Soldado roca | Steinsoldat | Caillasse | Masso animato | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1381 | Boulder Beast | Bestia roca | Felssoldat | Roc | Masso bestiale | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1382 | Raging Rock | Roca asesina | Rasender Fels | Méga-roc | Masso furioso | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1383 | Chimera | Quimera | Chimäre | Chimère | Chimera | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1384 | Chimera Mage | Quimera maga | Chimärenmagier | Chiméromage | Chimera maga | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1385 | Grand Chimera | Reina Quimera | Große Chimäre | Giga-chimère | Chimera grande | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1386 | Amaze | Aparición | Blender | Apparition | Apparizione | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1387 | Amaze | Aparición | Blender | Apparition | Apparizione | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1388 | Creeper | Espectro | Kriecher | Revenant | Presenza | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1389 | Spirit | Espíritu | Irrende Seele | Ame errante | Spirito | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1390 | Lizard Man | Lagartombre | Echsenmann | Saurien | Uomo rettile | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1391 | Lizard Fighter | Lagartomacho | Echsenkrieger | Saurien noble | Guerrierosauro | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1392 | Lizard King | Rey Lagarto | Echsenkönig | Roi saurien | Re lucertola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1393 | Ant Lion | Hormiga león | Ameisenlöwe | Fourmilion | Scorpione | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1394 | Roach | Cucaracha | Larve | Cafard | Larva | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1395 | Doodle Bug | Bomba volante | Ameisenlarve | Blatte | Scaraboinsetto | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1396 | Toadonpa | Saposaurio | Krötenmolch | Crapausaure | Rosponpa | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1397 | Poison Toad | Sapo venenoso | Gift-Kröte | Crapaud vireux | Rospo velenoso | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1398 | Devil Frog | Sapo poseído | Teufelsfrosch | Crapaud damné | Rospo demone | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1399 | Living Statue | Estatua viva | Lebende Statue | Statue animée | Statua animata | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1400 | Hydros Statue | Hidroestatua | Hydros-Statue | Hydro-statue | Idrostatua | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1401 | Azart | Azart | Azart | Azart | Azart | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1402 | Azart | Azart | Azart | Azart | Azart | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1403 | Satrage | Satrag | Satrage | Satrage | Satrage | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1404 | Satrage | Satrag | Satrage | Satrage | Satrage | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1405 | Navampa | Navampa | Navampa | Navampa | Navampa | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1406 | Navampa | Navampa | Navampa | Navampa | Navampa | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1407 | Tret | Tret | Tret | Tret | Tret | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1408 | Kraken | Kraken | Krake | Kraken | Kraken | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1409 | Tornado Lizard | Reptornado | Tornado-Echse | Dinobrise | Tornadocertola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1410 | Storm Lizard | Reptormenta | Sturm-Echse | Dinosouffle | Buferocertola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1411 | Tempest Lizard | Reptil letal | Orkan-Echse | Dinovent | Tempescertola | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1412 | Mystery Man | Desconocido | Myst. Mann | Inconnu | Sconosciuto | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1413 | Saturos | Saturos | Saturos | Salamandar | Saturos | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1414 | Saturos | Saturos | Saturos | Salamandar | Saturos | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1415 | Mystery Woman | Desconocida | Myst. Frau | Inconnue | Sconosciuta | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1416 | Menardi | Menardi | Menardi | Phoœnixia | Adexia | Enemy carried over from GS1. |
1417 | Fusion Dragon | Barbamuerta | Infirisios | Dragon fusion | Fusiondrago | Enemy carried over from GS1. For some reason, the Spanish version swapped this with the next enemy. |
1418 | Deadbeard | Dragón Fusión | Totterbart | Warrax | Barbamorta | Enemy carried over from GS1. For some reason, the Spanish version swapped this with the previous enemy. |
1428 | Zombie | Zombi | Zombie | Zombie | Zombie | Enemy carried over from GS1, but its position in the table is weird. |
1575 | Regenerate | Regenerar | Regeneration | Régénération | Rigenerante | Unused psynergy. |
1576 | Reflect | Reflejar | Reflektor | Renvoi | Riflesso | Unused psynergy. |
1602 | Ma???? | Ma???? | Ma???? | Ma???? | Ma???? | Unused psynergy. |
1604 | A?? | A?? | A?? | A?? | A?? | Unused psynergy. |
1745 | Aurora Field | Aurora | Aurora-Feld | Aurore | Aurora | Unused ability. |
1746 | Djinn Counter | Contra-Djinn | Konterkraft | Stop Djinn | Blocca Djinn | Unused text, but it the underlying ability powers the Reflux Djinn. |
1765 | Earth18 | Tierra18 | Erde18 | Terre18 | Terra18 | Unused Djinn. |
1766 | Earth19 | Tierra19 | Erde19 | Terre19 | Terra19 | Unused Djinn. |
1785 | Water18 | Agua18 | Wasser18 | Eau18 | Acqua18 | Unused Djinn. |
1786 | Water19 | Agua19 | Wasser19 | Eau19 | Acqua19 | Unused Djinn. |
1805 | Fire19 | Fuego18 | Feuer18 | Feu18 | Fuoco18 | Unused Djinn. |
1806 | Fire19 | Fuego19 | Feuer18 | Feu19 | Fuoco19 | Unused Djinn. |