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Golden Sun: The Lost Age

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Title Screen

Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Developer: Camelot Software Planning
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: June 28, 2002
Released in US: April 14, 2003
Released in EU: September 19, 2003

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Golden Sun: The Lost Age is the second game in the Golden Sun series. The game picks up the story during the events of the previous game and puts the player in the roles of the previous game's antagonists.

To do:
  • More unused sprites such as an unused Nue enemy, unused Crab enemy, unused small scorpion enemy, and various NPC and other graphical assets.
  • There are some unused battle backgrounds and animations, including unlisted ones.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Debug Mode

Just like in the original Golden Sun, this game also has a Debug Mode. To enable it, use the code 03001238:01.

  • Holding L will allow you to walk through walls.
  • If you open the Pause Menu, you will see three extra options that don't do anything.
  • Press L + Start to open the Palette Menu.
  • Press B + Start to open the Warp Debug Menu, which will allow you to go to any room in the game.
  • Press B + Select to open the Story Book Flags Menu.
  • Pressing Start + Select should make the frames pause; button presses will advance frames.
  • In battle, hold Start as you open the Status menu to see enemy stats.
  • During cutscenes, press R to enable Dialogue Skip mode. Press L to disable it. Will only work for cutscenes that allow for it. (It is manually added by each of those events.)
(Source: goldensunhacking.net)

Here are a few screenshots of those menus in respective order:

Turn on flag 16D in the Flag menu, go in battle, and during the Attack Sequence (or during fleeing) you can do the following:

  • Press R to destroy the enemy's team.
  • Press Select + R to destroy your own team.

There are a number of menus that can be opened that are not accessible via the debug mode mentioned above, so replace the Pause menu by putting the following values at 0803835C.

  • 0802DE8D = Sprite Viewer. - Going to this screen enables debug mode. (03001238:02)
  • 08040A49 = Music menu.
  • 08040D71 = Menu that starts with "Full PP and Money". - None of these options work. The function uses an argument for which item is selected, but when you pick one, the entry you picked is returned. It is assumed that the function that is meant to use the return value was removed?
  • 080410F9 = Special Warps. - These may, depending on the warp, give you items, set/clear flags, set psy shortcut for R button, etc.
  • 08041351 = Psynergy menu. - L and R buttons can be used to set Psynergy Shortcuts. Felix's party all get 500/500 for PP, but Isaac's party is left out.
  • 08118959 = Battle test? - A battle will open. But you can choose between invisible options if you hold Down first before the function is called. (Basically party/enemy setups.) For Party Setups, you can also check the guy in Link Lobby. (Use warp menu, set map to 312 and door to 0, go south, walking through wall.)
  • 081C0051 = A music menu that lacks a GUI. It is similar to the one that does, but has many differences. (Start will fade the song instead of stopping it. B will stop the song instead of exiting the menu. There are three menu options you can go through with Up/Down instead of four (Select might change FX?) Also, this menu cannot be exited.)

There's a function at 0811C538 that allows you to use L/R to rotate the camera in battle.

Unused Areas

Unused Rooms

Map # Internal Name Name Notes Picture
313-320 TEST0-TEST7 Test 0-Test 7 These appear to be blank rooms, but the collision data suggest otherwise. They are basically copy-pasted versions of used rooms.
321 GET_ITEM Icon Test / Face Test
322 YAMTEST Psynergy Test YAM likely refers to Yutaka Yamamoto? Other games he has worked on may also feature a Yam test. GSTLA YAMTEST.png
323 YAMTEST2 Psynergy Test 2 YAM likely refers to Yutaka Yamamoto? Other games he has worked on may also feature a Yam test. The wrong map file is assigned to this room.
324 SHOPTEST Shop Test Going here from door 99 will give you Isaac's party. GS2 Room324 SHOPTEST.png

Unseen Map Data

Link Lobby

Like in the previous game, Link Lobby has four unused corridors.

Crossbone Isle

The world map file includes the separate section with Crossbone Isle from the first game. This cannot be reached since there's no warp point to it.

Mercury Lighthouse

A small section is used in the final cutscene, but the actual map is bigger and includes more of the lighthouse from Golden Sun.

Suhalla Gate

Only parts of these maps can be explored in actual gameplay, but the whole two Suhalla Gate maps from Golden Sun are here. The slopes and vines work, though the warps don't work correctly.

Unused NPC

The same NPC that went unused in the first game appears here as well, but without the Captain portrait. The non-English European versions have some differences when compared to the first game. Spanish, French and German added a translation for “The rest is up to you”; Spanish and German added a translation for “Ask Mr. Sugimoto”.

GSTLA UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 1.png GSTLA UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 2.png GSTLA UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 3.png GSTLA UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 4.png GSTLA UnusedNPC LinkLobby JPN 5.png
Japanese パラメータセットのせんたくをするんだな せっていできたぞ
なんだ ひやかしかい
English Choose your parameters here. 0 The settings are made.
The rest is up to you.
There's no such parameter.
Ask Mr. Sugimoto.
What is this, just a tease?
Spanish Cambia aquí la configuración. 0 Las opciones están fijadas.
El resto depende de ti.
No hay dicha opción.
Pregúntale al Sr. Sugimoto.
¿Qué es esto, una broma?
Italian Qui puoi scegliere i parametri. 0 Impostazioni completate. Questo parametro non esiste. Che fai, perdi tempo?
French Choisissez vos paramètres ici. 0 Le paramétrage est fait.
A vous de jouer!
Ce paramètre n'existe pas. Qu'est-ce? Une vanne?
German Wähle deine Einstellungen. 0 Die Einstellungen sind getroffen.
Der Rest liegt bei dir.
Diese Einstellung gibt es nicht.
Frag Mr. Sugimoto.
Was soll das? Veräppelung?

Unused Music

The first overworld song, named song042 when ripped with GbaMusRiper, has a finished drum track, but is otherwise muted.

Original Restored

The Lemuria theme also has an extant but otherwise muted track.

(Source: https://youtu.be/e4-bXbS-p2U)

A "hand clap" drum sample is included in the game's data, but never used in any song. The game's sample bank would be reused for Mario Golf: Advance Tour, which does use the effect; additionally, higher-quality versions of all the drum effects are present in Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour.

(Source: https://youtu.be/6IPemSEe3_M)

Djinn Tutorial Alternate Music

If you hold Up soon after leaving Daila, flag 0x175 turns on. This causes alternate music to play for the tutorial music.

Unused Battle Animations

In both Golden Sun games, there is a pointer table in which every entry corresponds to a battle animation. In the US version of The Lost Age, this table is located at 08197AA0. Every indexed battle animation has an ID, and these IDs (along with arguments) are defined in a table located at 08128C50. Additionally, many animations are coded within shared functions and are only differentiated by conditional ID branches; for example, the animations for Growth and Punji use the same base function, but Growth has an internal ID of x00 while Punji uses x01.

Both games also have an assortment of unused battle animations; most are not indexed. However, many of these animations are accessible through patches made by members of the Golden Sun Hacking Community; the Animation Overhaul (with Baseline) can be found here.

Below are some purposefully-made animations that exist in this game. Please note that all names are unofficial, but are included for quick reference if the patch linked above is used. Unless otherwise stated, all instances of a target being damaged are not part of the animation.

Description Address Visual
"Dagger Rain"
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Uses sound effects.
  • Exists in the first Golden Sun.
  • Hits target.
0813e115 GSTLA Dagger Rain.gif
Pre-release Fizz (djinni unleash)
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Uses sound effects.
  • Exists in the first Golden Sun.
  • Target flashes white.
  • Present, in modified form, in Spaceworld footage.
0814b351 GSTLA-Early-Fizz.gif
"Element Harvest" = Possibly an early pre-summon sequence
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Does not have sound effects.
  • Exists in the first Golden Sun.
081539d1 GSTLA Element Harvest.gif
"Grim Omen"
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Does not have sound effects.
  • Exists in the first Golden Sun.
081539d1 GSTLA Grim Omen.gif
"Seal Strike"
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Uses a sound effect.
  • Exists in the first Golden Sun.
  • Attacker lunges forward.
  • Is indexed.
Index #67 (0814627d) GSTLA Seal Strike (Listed).gif
"Melty Blue" = Unfinished screen transition?
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Does not use sound effects.
08145c69 GSTLA Melty Blue.gif
"Mosaic Transition" = Unfinished screen transition?
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Does not use sound effects.
08125aa1 GSTLA Mosaic Transition.gif
Unfinished Sequence = Possibly for a boss entrance?
  • Does not use arguments.
  • Does not use sound effects.
0813e7e1 GSTLA Unfinished Sequence.gif

Dummy and Placeholder Enemies

In this game, enemies have three variants of them. However, some enemy groups only have one or two variants used in-game, leaving unused enemies with placeholder stats. In the following table, only enemies with exclusive palettes are shown with a sprite. This does not include enemies from the first Golden Sun game, which are coded in this game, but left unused.

No. Name (JP) Name (romanisation)  Name (EN) Name (FR) Name (DE) Name (IT) Name (ES) Sprite
0 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
59 ? ? ? ? ? ?
61 あらくれ2 Arakure2 Ruffian 2 Assassin2 Störenfried 2 Furfante2 Rufián2
62 あらくれ3 Arakure3 Ruffian 3 Assassin3 Störenfried 3 Furfante3 Rufián3
68 クレイジーゴリラ Crazy gorilla Crazy Gorilla Psychogorille Irer Affe Gorilla folle Gorila loco Crazy Gorilla
74 チャンパ2 Champa2 Champa 2 Champa2 Champa 2 Champa2 Champa2
75 チャンパ3 Champa3 Champa 3 Champa3 Champa 3 Champa3 Champa3
88 オロチ6 Orochi6 Serpent 6 Serpent6 Vipera 6 Serpente6 Serpiente6
89 オロチ7 Orochi7 Serpent 7 Serpent7 Vipera 7 Serpente7 Serpiente7
95 ポセイドン3 Poseidon3 Poseidon 3 Poséidon3 Poseidon 3 Poseidone3 Poseidón
101 せんし3 Senshi3 Knight 3 Chevalier3 Adjutant 3 Cavaliere3 Caballero3
108 ? ? ? ? ? ?
111 ワイズウルフ Wise Wolf White Wolf Loup maudit Scheewolf Lupo bianco Lobo blanco GSTLA White Wolf.png
117 バブーンゴブリン Baboon Goblin Baboon Goblin Gnome babouin Pavian-Goblin Goblin scimmia Babuigoblin GSTLA Baboon Goblin.png
120 イビルモモンガ Evil Momonga Momangler Momangler Momangler Laceratore Necromomonga GSTLA Momangler.png
123 キングコボルド King Kobold Kobold King Roi Kobold Kobold-König Re Coboldo Rey Kobold GSTLA Kobold King.png
131 ウイングランナー Wing Runner Winged Runner Ailopède Flügelläufer Ala veloce Correalado GSTLA Winged Runner.png
140 ウルフシェイパー Wolf Shaper Skinwalker Marolf Gingiva Strisciapelle Carnicero GSTLA Skinwalker.png
143 ディノザウルス Dinosaurus Dinosaurus Dinosaurus Dinosaurier Dinosaurus Dinosaurio GSTLA Dinosaurus.png
146 ダークマーダー Dark Murder Dark Murder Meurtrier Meuchelmörder Omicida oscuro Asesinoscuro GSTLA Dark Murder.png
149 イビルビショップ Evil Bishop Bane Wight Crânok Fluchwichtel Wight ferale Sacerdote GSTLA Bane Wight.png
152 フェアニーニンフ Fainy Nymph Weird Nypmh Nymphe Finsternymphe Ninfa magica Banshee GSTLA Weird Nymph.png
154 オールドウッド Old Wood Elder Wood Boizantic Nox Arboris Rami antichi Malacorteza GSTLA Elder Wood.png
155 エストレイウッド Astray Wood Estre Wood Boizestre Nero Arboris Rami sacri Crústula GSTLA Estre Wood.png
157 ダークウィザード Dark Wizard Dark Wizard Génie obscur Schwarzmagier Mago scuro Brujo oscuro
158 イビルシャーマン Evil Shaman Evil Shaman Sorcier Necrido Sciamano nero Mal Chamán
164 ポイズンシェル Poison Shell Poison Shell Spiralis Giftschale Velenoguscio Venenoconcha GSTLA Poison Shell.png
176 ヒュージバード Huge Bird Fell Raptor Rapace géant Sturzraptor Raptor feroce Megarraptor GSTLA Fell Raptor.png
179 ウイングドラゴン Wing Dragon Winged Dragon Dragon ailé Flügeldrache Drago alato Dragón alado GSTLA Winged Dragon.png
185 ドラゴン Dragon Dragon Dragon Tatzelwurm Drago Dragón GSTLA Dragon.png
194 ミニデス Mini Death Mini-Death Croquemort Mini-Tod Morte minima Nelchael GSTLA Mini-Death.png
200 アークデーモン Arch Demon Aeshma Aeshma Aesma Daeva Aeshma Aeshma GSTLA Aeshma.png
202 バルログ Balrog Valukar Valukar Valukar Valukar Balrog
203 バルログ Balrog Valukar Valukar Valukar Valukar Balrog
206 エストレイバロン Astray Baron Estre Baron Baronestre Estre Baron Barone mistico Barón Estre GSTLA Estre Baron.png
209 スピリットアーミー Spirit Army Spirit Army Soldat esprit Spiriti Guerr. mistico Soldespíritu GSTLA Spirit Army.png
214 センチネル Sentinel Sentinel Sentinelle Sentinel Sentinella Centinela
215 センチネル Sentinel Sentinel Sentinelle Sentinel Sentinella Centinela

Elder Wood, Estre Wood, and Weird Nypmh can be seen in-game using the in-game Psynergies with their name. However, they still have their own unused enemy page.

Unused Psynergy

  • 129 - Reflect: A Psynergy that was carried over from the first game and is usable in battle. It bestows Reflect, which does nothing.
  • 155 - Ma???? (Magnet): A Psynergy usable on the map. Upon use, a ring appears around the player which disappears after a few seconds. It can cause graphical glitches with Lash ropes. The ability may cause transitions between locations and menus to become glitchy. It can be accessed with GameShark/Codebreaker code 82000AA8 009B (changes Felix's first slot to Ma????).
  • 157 - A?? (Arrow): A Psynergy usable on the map. Upon use, a bow appears in front of the player, and shoots an arrow which embeds in NPCs and other objects. Can be used in Psynergy Test Debug Room to light a torch, and annoy Kraden. The ability appears glitchy sometimes, as it ignores the height-map, and thus may appear at the wrong elevation. It can be accessed by using the code 82000AA8 009D.
  • 298 - Aurora Field: Used by the Iris summon, though it can be given to Felix as Psynergy using the code 82000AA8 012A. It fully heals and revives your party, though it only targets the party that is currently active if used as Psynergy.

Abilities 114 (Taint), 115 (Poison), 117 (Confuse), 118 (Charm), and 119 (Paralyze) are unchanged from the first game and also remain unused.

To do:
Images of the Psynergies, information about accessing them.

Unobtainable Objects

In the table below, items 15, 220, 221, 225, 232, 235, and 237 are leftover items from the first game that cannot be transferred to GS:TLA (because these are key items that are removed from your inventory once they fulfill their purpose) under intended circumstances.

Items 405-407, and 411-413 are fully-coded pieces of equipment that cannot be acquired in-game.

Item 450 is an item used for a boss battle mechanic, but it's never in the player's possession.

No. Sprite Name (JP) Name (romanisation) Name (EN) Name (FR) Name (DE) Name (IT) Name (ES) Notes
15 GSTLA UnusedItem Machete.png ワークソード Work Sword Machete Machette Machete Machete Machete
It was usable in the prologue of the first game, where it was the only weapon available to young Isaac and Garet. If hacked into your objects and equipped, it shows the same behavior but cannot be unequipped.
220 GSTLA UnusedItem VenusStar.png ヴィーナススター Venus Star Venus Star Etoile Vénus
Venus-Stern Astro Venere Estrella Venus Played a role in the first game, but has no use in the second.
221 GSTLA UnusedItem MercuryStar.png マーキュリースター Mercury Star Mercury Star Etoile Mercure Merkur-Stern
Astr.Mercurio Estrella Mercurio Same as the Venus Star. No longer has a purpose here.
225 GSTLA UnusedItem SmallJewel.png ちいさなほうせき Chiisana houseki Small Jewel Petit joyau
Kleines Juwel Gioiellino Joya pequeña It was an item to be used in a GS1 dungeon (Sol Sanctum). Has no function in GS2.
232 GSTLA UnusedItem AnchorCharm.png イカリのおきもの Ikari no okimono Anchor Charm Ancree enchantée Anker-Talisman Ancora incanto Ancla Amuleto It was an item to be used in a GS1 dungeon (Tolbi-bound Ship). Has no function in GS2.
235 GSTLA UnusedItem BoatTicket.png ふねのチケット Fune no ticket Boat Ticket Ticket bateau Boots-Ticket Bigl. barca Pasaje de barco Used in the first game to board the Tolbi-bound Ship, but has no purpose here.
237 GSTLA UnusedItem MysticDraught.png レムリアのくすり Lemuria no kusuri Mystic Draught Potion Lémuria
Mystik-Trank Sorso magico Cura Mística It was an item to be used in a GS1 dungeon (Altmiller Cave). Useless in GS2.
405 GSTLA UnusedItem KnightsGrieve.png ナイトグリーブ Knight greave Knight's Greave Grèves Ritterschutz Schinieri Canillera Increases Defense by 8 and HP by 5. Its buy value is 2700 and its sell value is 2025.
406 GSTLA UnusedItem SilverGreave.png シルバーグリーブ Silver greave Silver Greave Grèves d'argent Silberschutz Schinieri arg. Canillera plata Increases Defense by 11 and Luck by 4. Its buy value is 3800 and its sell value is 2850.
407 GSTLA UnusedItem NinjaSandals.png シノビのわらじ Shinobi no waraji Ninja Sandals Sandales Ninja Ninja-Sandalen Sandali ninja Sandalias ninja Increases Defense by 5 and the unleash rate by 15%. Its buy value is 2000 and its sell value is 1500.
411 GSTLA UnusedItem AromaRing.png アロマリング Aroma ring Aroma Ring Anneau-arôme Aroma-Ring Anello aroma Anillo aroma Has no effect when equipped, but can be used to heal HP. Its buy value is 2300 and its sell value is 1725.
412 GSTLA UnusedItem RainbowRing.png レインボーリング Rainbow ring Rainbow Ring Anneau coloré Regenbogen An. arcobaleno Anillo arcoiris Has no effect when equipped, but can be used in battle to attempt to inflict Delusion on enemies. Its buy value is 900 and its sell value is 675.
413 GSTLA UnusedItem SoulRing.png たましいのゆびわ Tamashii no yubiwa Soul Ring Anneau-âme Seelen-Ring Anello anima Anillo Alma Has no effect when equipped, but can be used to attempt to revive a downed party member. Its buy value is 1800 and its sell value is 1350.
450 GS CoinIcon.png あいずのふえ Aizu no fue Signal Whistle Sifflet Signalpfeife Fischietto Silbato Although used by the boss Briggs to call Sea Fighters, it cannot be normally obtained by the player. If hacked into your inventory and used in battle, it summons a Sea Fighter in the enemy party.

Unused Map Logic

E Tundaria Islet

In E Tundaria Islet, attempting to walk on the water will cause Felix to go through a drowning animation, followed by the screen briefly turning black and depositing the player back at the entrance to the area. There is no way to access this without cheating as it is impossible to fall off into the water, suggesting that earlier in development it was possible. This was likely dropped for being too hard or simply not fitting within the series' design standards for movement.

Curiously, using Reveal will delay the drowning as long as it remains active.

“YAMTEST” debug map

You can use Blaze on the large flame next to Kraden to set him in fire. He will react, yell at you and move to a different place. If you do it again, his yell will be different. The text has only been translated into English and German (the other European localisations keep the English text).

GS2 YAMTEST Kraden1.png GS2 YAMTEST Kraden2.png GS2 YAMTEST Kraden3.png
Japanese English, French, Spanish and Italian German
あちゃーーー GAH! UAH!
なにすんじゃー! What are you doing??? Was machst du den???
おわちゃー! YARG! ARGH!

Unused Graphics

Menu Graphics

To do:
Add unused menu divider tiles.

GS Ability Range Icons.png

These are ability range indicators, with columns representing ranges of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 targets, which can be used in menus that show Psynergy abilities. The top row is used for abilities with diminishing effectiveness ratios, while the bottom would likely be used for abilities without these ratios. However, the game does not have any means of using the bottom row except in cases where abilities have a set range of "All" targets (for example, Break); the bottom right-most indicator is used in these cases. While the top row is fully implemented, ability ranges 9 and 11 are not assigned to any abilities that appear in these menus so they also go unused.

Each indicator uses two tiles, with the second being mirrored horizontally.


Golden sun link.PNG
The Legend of Zelda: Lost Age of the Golden Sun

Present in the ROM are sprites of a character that closely resembles Link. The following GameShark/Action Replay code will change Felix's sprites to these:

759BE646 09FCAF90 
C8F712A9 DD7B08F2 
DD9FA7CB 542FB102 
AF9C69C9 54A98243 
AB223216 631A0C4F
1E27D83B BBFB6923 
2D190863 3F2DC15A 
E768D406 4E9779DC 
7C639D9F 4C442A5D 
C6A11B07 D4D76256 
ADB85D93 6D4F1230 
1E27D83B BBFB6923

Unused Ghost Army Idle Sprite

GSTLA Ghost-Army-Unused-Idle.gif

The Ghost Army enemy points its spear to the right. This left-pointing version is unused.

Unused Jenna Sprites

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

If the event that sets Felix as the lead character is bypassed through debug warps, Jenna will remain the lead character on the overworld. While she is missing sprites for several basic actions (such as pushing objects and climbing diagonal ropes), she does have several sprites that aren't used. These include complete casting animations for all directions (unused as she doesn't get any Psynergy usable on the field when she is the lead character), injured sprites for the overworld if she is defeated but other party members are still active (unused as she never has allies when she is the lead character, so her defeat causes a party wipe), and sprites for nodding her head while looking in all directions (as she is only asked 2 questions, both in a cutscene where her facing is preset, most of these are unused).

Felix Drowning

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.
Specifically: While it can be seen in the above video, a clean spritesheet rip for this section would be still be nice to have.

Part of the above unused behavior in the E Tundaria Islet map. Felix has a large number of frames for use while drowning that go unused.

Unused Monsters

The following sprites exist completely animated in the game, but no enemy in the roster uses them. Note that the small scorpion is different from the regular scorpion enemies (which are larger).

Unused Character

This NPC exists in the game data with a sprite sheet and a portrait. According to the debug room, it might be a seller or an innkeeper.

GSTLA UnusedCharacterSheet.png

Unused Text

To do:
Add the equivalent text from the original Japanese script (and from the European localizations, if they have their own versions of the lines).

Meeting Piers in Kibombo

Normally the player first meets Piers in Madra, where a mandatory cutscene with him takes place. Using hacks or a warp glitch to skip this cutscene, however, shows that Piers has separate dialogue for first meeting the party in Kibombo instead, fully implemented in-game. It differs from the dialogue players normally get at this point; the characters usually discuss their encounter in Madra, whereas the unused conversation here mentions the group's search for a boat.

Piers: "Wh-Who are you?!? What... What are your intentions?"
Sheba: "He seems to believe we are enemies..."
Jenna: "I hope he doesn't think we're with the Kibombo."
Piers: "I must admit, you don't look much like Kibombo... But that begs the question, if you're not Kibombo, then who are you, and why have you come here?"
Kraden: "They are...warriors. But how did you get in here?"
Piers: "Why are these warriors in a place like this?"
Sheba: "I'm not sure how to answer that..."
Jenna: "Actually, we've been looking for a boat... We kinda need one."
Piers: "You're looking for a boat... in the middle of the continent? That seems like a bad idea."
Sheba: "Hey, this wasn't exactly our first choice, you know?"
Jenna: "A tidal wave destroyed all the boats in the coastal towns."
Piers: "You're asking me to believe rather a lot, don't you think?"
(Source: The Adepts of Weyard)

Mind Reads

There are a few points where the player does not have access to the Mind Read Psynergy due to the party splitting up. Two of these areas have NPCs with Mind Read dialogue implemented in-game, but they are impossible to see under normal circumstances.

Jupiter Lighthouse

When the player reaches the lighthouse aerie to cast the Jupiter Star into the beacon, Karst and Agatio have Mind Read entries, but the player cannot view them without hacking.

Karst: Once Jupiter is lit, we'll have no need for you. Just watch...
Agatio: Do even think about resisting us... (sic) We have our own ideas about that. Once the beacon is lit, your usefulness will have run out for good.

It's strange that they would have these thoughts given that it's established that Adepts can sense when other Adepts use Mind Read, with Karst specifically responding with scorn when the player attempts a Mind Read on her at an earlier point in the game. This may have lead to the decision to leave them in such a state.

(Source: GS Wiki [1][2])

Prox Village

After the events of Mars Lighthouse at the end of the game, the player is returned to Prox with only Felix and Isaac in the party. Even though the player does not have access to Mind Read at this point, all of the townsfolk have Mind Read entires implemented.

Proxian Mind Read Entries
Puelle's House
Puelle We may have underestimated the power of the Psynergy he unleashed...
We'll have to study it more closely once we've seen Felix on his way.
Elder The power to revive the dead... It's an awesome and terrifying power indeed...
Eternal life could soon be in the hands of Alchemists everywhere... What a thought!
Woman by Table We've lost so many soldiers, and now Felix is leaving... It's going to be quiet in Prox.
Woman in Basement I'm so sad... Felix doesn't even have time to enjoy this last meal I made him...
Man by Door Who knew that the poor, injured boy they brought back from Vale would be the one to save Prox?
I'm happy that he'll finally be able to return home, but I'll miss him so...
Great Healer The lighthouses are going to restore the power of Alchemy to the land...
But Alchemy is too terrible a power to set free...
Man at Door I never imagined that little Felix would become stronger even than Agatio and Karst.
Shopkeeper It's too bad Felix can't stick around... He'd make the perfect son-in-law.
House above Inn
Woman The mayor and the elders in Vale are so out of touch.
When they see Felix and his friends return without the stones, they'll punish them.
Man If they found out Felix used the treasures of Sol Sanctum to light the beacons...
That fool of a mayor would no doubt punish them for what they did to save us.
House besides Inn
Woman What do we do if the falls start expanding again and Felix isn't here?
Oh, great... That's going to keep me up all night worrying.
Child All the lights joined up together and shot off to the southeast.
It looked like they all formed into a big, golden ball or something.
Man I was afraid the falls were going to gobble me up! I'm glad that's over now...
Innkeeper We'll never be able to thank Felix and the warriors of Vale enough.
I hope they're all happy to be home with their families in Vale again.
Woman When the earthquake hit, Felix and his friends were high up on the lighthouse.
If that had been me up there, I think my heart would have stopped from fear!
House below Shop
Red-haired Woman Felix and his allies saved us from certain destruction.
It's a shame the rest of the world doesn't know how much they've done for us all.
Blue-haired Woman Now that Alchemy is free, it's like Weyard is waking up! How will the world change?
Man in Basement Alchemy has been freed. We must begin researching it in earnest here in Prox.
Woman It's been so long since children's voices rang through our streets.
I hope these children remain ignorant of how much danger we were all in...
Outside (North)
Man 1 The elders were saying that the lighthouse beacon is tough to put out once it's lit.
Man 2 The road to the lighthouse is in terrible shape after the earthquake...
I've got no clue how Felix and the others made it back to town on that road.
Man 3 On the other hand, now that Alchemy is free, maybe I should study Alchemy...
Woman 1 If the light of the beacon keeps shining, the power of Alchemy will never end...
Even if Prox is attacked, the bright flames of our strength will burn on.
Woman 2 When Felix left Prox, I didn't think much of him, but now, he's totally hot!
Woman 3 Maybe if I train hard enough, I'll be as strong as Menardi and Karst were...
Outside (South)
Old Man I was the first person in town to see the lighthouse! I was so happy, I had to tell everyone!
I felt like a little boy again, running giddily through town, shouting and waving!
Man by Sanctum The blizzard's finally over... That was the worst patch of eather we've ever had!
Blue-haired Woman Now that our weather is returning to normal, maybe everyone will move back here.
Woman by Igloo They had no choice... They had to light the four elemental lighthouses...
Even though it might mean a rise in war and violence, it had to be done.
Boy 1 by Igloo You get more exercise running in the snow, because it's a lot harder to do.
Boy 2 by Igloo Now that the lighthouse is lit, we don't have to play in that stupid igloo anymore.
Girl by Igloo That blizzard was unreal, but it's gone now, and the weather's beautiful.
Boy by Puelle's House When Felix left town, he of a fighter... (sic) He wasn't much of anything, really...
When did he become mightier than the mightiest of Prox's warriors?
Red-haired Woman I heard the (sic) Karst and Agatio were defeated by a monstrous dragon...
Felix beat the dragon, though... I don't know whether I'm impressed or scared of him.
Man by Inn Felix has proven himself as the strongest warrior Prox has ever known!
Girl by House I bet Felix and his friends live in a nice, warm place... I wish I could go with them.
(Source: The Adepts of Weyard)

Unused Content from Golden Sun

The first game's bosses, young Isaac, young Garet, all out-of-battle sprites for all party members (including Jenna, which are stored separately from her new sprites), the ship used to cross the Karagol sea, various NPCs (but not their portraits), and some world map locations all have their sprites leftover in this game's code.

Additionally, all enemies from the first game are in the second, as are all battle backgrounds, weather effects (like the dust particle effect for when Sol Sanctum is collapsing), and some text. The only GS1 enemy sprite absent is Deadbeard's. If forced to appear in battle, it will show as a giant overworld Isaac, but Deadbeard's battle logic is fully coded.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Since the game's title is localised, title screens are different. The non-English international versions have a different font/style for “TM”, and use different colours and positions for the logo.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Golden Sun: L'âge perdu
GSTLA title JA.png GSTLA title EN.png GSTLA title FR.png
Golden Sun: Die vergessene Epoche
Golden Sun: L'era perduta
Golden Sun: La edad perdida
GSTLA title DE.png GSTLA title IT.png GSTLA title ES.png

Opening Screen

The Japanese version's opening says "THE LORD OF GOLDEN SUN THE 2ND BOOK". This is changed to "Golden Sun Book Two" in the English release, correcting the Engrish and use of all caps. All European versions of the game have the intro in the local language and retain the English version's use of proper capitalization and use of word over numeral, except the Italian version which uses the Roman numeral "II".

Japanese English French
GSTLA opening JA.png GSTLA opening EN.png GSTLA opening FR.png
German Italian Spanish
GSTLA opening DE.png GSTLA opening IT.png GSTLA opening ES.png

Music Test Localisation

The French localisation team did not translate the English dialogue for the music test in the Link Lobby.

Blacksmith Price

In the Japanese version, Sunshine's wife mentions how much the forging will cost and which item has been forged. In every localisation, she doesn't.

Japanese English French
GS2 JP BlacksmithPrice.png GS2 EN BlacksmithPrice.png GS2 FR BlacksmithPrice.png
German Italian Spanish
GS2 DE BlacksmithPrice.png GS2 IT BlacksmithPrice.png GS2 ES BlacksmithPrice.png

Translation Errors

  • Formina Sage (EN, ES, FR, DE)
GSTLA TranslationError ForminaSage.png

One of Dullahan's signature abilities is named “ファルミナスエッジ” in Japanese, which translates as “Fulminous Edge”. However, it was localised as “Formina Sage” in the English version. The error then was mirrored in the other European localisations. It was corrected in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.

Japanese Romanisation English Spanish French Italian German
ファルミナスエッジ Fulminous Edge Formina Sage Sabia Formina Sage formina Attacco Formina
  • Danza Lluvia (ES)
GSTLA TranslationError DanzaLluvia.png

In the Spanish localisation, ability “Regen Dance” was mistranslated as “Danza Lluvia” (Rain dance) because the team thought “Regen” was the German word for “rain”.

Japanese Romanisation English Spanish French Italian German
さいせいのまい Saisei no mai Regen Dance Danza Lluvia Danse de vie Danza di vita Regenerator
  • Ur Flash (EN, ES, FR, DE)

In the English localisation, ability ウルフラッシュ was mistranslated. It is some sort of portmanteau of ウルフ (wolf), スラッシュ (slash) and フラッシュ (flash), but it was literally romanised as “Ur Flash”. The error was mirrored in other European localisations.

Japanese Romanisation English Spanish French Italian German
ウルフラッシュ Wolflash Ur Flash Flash Ur Flash d'Ur Lampo Urblitz
  • Vital Moon (EN, ES, FR, DE, IT)

In the English localisation, ability きゅうしょづき was mistranslated. It means “Vital thrust”, but づき was interpreted as Japanese word 月 (moon) instead of 突き (thrust), so the English version ended up as “Vital Moon”. The European localisations followed suit.

Japanese Romanisation English Spanish French Italian German
きゅうしょづき Kyuushodzuki (Vital thrust) Vital Moon Luna vital Lune vitale Luna vitale Lebenslicht
  • Garapas (EN, ES, FR, DE)

In Apojii Islands, when mind-reading the shopkeeper, she mentions “Garapas” twice, which is actually the original Japanese name of the place (ガラパス島). Only the Italian localisation detected and corrected this error. The Spanish localisation even adapted “Garapas” as “Galapas” for a less Japanese-sounding name.

Japanese English Spanish French Italian German
GS2 JP Galapas1.png GS2 EN Galapas1.png GS2 ES Galapas1.png GS2 FR Galapas1.png GS2 IT Galapas1.png GS2 DE Galapas1.png
ガラパス島は 島のそとからは
ほとんど なにも入らないから
品ものは すくないかなあ・・・
No one ships to Garapas so
I wonder if wares are scarce.
Nadie visita Galapas, así que
me pregunto si las mercancías
escasean allí...
Si Garapas ne reçoit aucune
livraison, les marchandises
doivent se faire rares.
Nessuno arriva ad Apojii
quindi non ci sono altre merci.
Es fahren keine Schiffe mehr
nach Garapas. Daher frage ich
mich, ob die Waren knapp sind.
だけど ガラパスどくとくの
On the other hand, I suppose some
wares are unique to Garapas.
Por otro lado, supongo que
hay mercancías que son
propias de Galapas.
Mais j'imagine que Garapas
fabrique ses propres objets.
D'altronde, suppongo, le
merci di Apojii sono uniche.
Andererseits nehme ich an,
dass manche Waren einzig-
artig für Garapas sind.
  • Inconsistency regarding the Burst psynergy and the Burst Brooch (ES)

GS2 SPA Burst inconsistency.png
The Burst psynergy was localised as “Estallar” in the Spanish version, but the item description for the Burst Brooch mentions it grants the “Voladura” psynergy.