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User:ParadoxEpoch/Research Notes/Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)

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Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) [Early Demo]

Set current menu value to the following options for some hidden menus:

  • Local Map: 2
  • Level Select / Early Galactic Map: 4
  • Early Title Menu: 6

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) [Retail Employees Demo]

General Differences

  • Ratchet's ship does not float, and instead parks on landing legs
  • There is no limit to the number of Mini-turrets that can be deployed at once
  • The ammo crates and ammo pickups have a different appearance
  • The charge boots have a different appearance and do not move as fast
  • You can fire weapons freely while using the chargeboots
  • The spiderbot can travel on death surfaces such as water

Level Differences


  • The colour of the water is different
  • The armour vendor is just a larger version of the weapons vendor
  • Breakables such as path lights can't be broken
  • Some objects such as crates and the starting vendor are placed differently
  • There is no nanotech upgrade on the Glider path

Dobbo Orbit

  • Trees are present in the spherical city which are missing from the final game

Feltzin System

  • The nanotech upgrade has a different particle effect/animation
  • There is no way to earn Raritanium
  • All ship weapons are unlocked except the Nuke

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) [August 8th Proto]

Menu Differences

Local Map Mission Screen

  • There's no fade transition on the mission preview when selecting a different mission (?? check if this is also the case on later protos like Sep 4)

Message IDs

Note: Strings enclosed in backticks represent a special character such as a controller button.
Note 2: Any messages before ID 25792 and after ID 27133 are currently undocumented.

Message ID Ranges

  • 25792-25801: "You got the xx" ship weapon upgrade
  • 25802-25808: Ship Combat Pickups (eg: "Got x Torpedo Ammo", "Got Raritanium" etc.)
  • 25809-25810: "You got xx" ship thruster upgrade
  • 25811-25814: "You got the xx" ship cosmetic upgrade ("Split Nose", "Hi-Lift Wings" etc.)
  • 25815-25820, 25849: Seemingly random button prompts (eg: "`Triangle` to exit", "`Triangle` Go to Convoy" etc.)
  • 25886-25890: Names for some ship parts/upgrades (eg: "Standard Missile Launcher", "Multi-Torpedo Launcher" etc.)
  • 25892-25907: Descriptions for some ship parts/upgrades
  • 25926-25927: "Standard Wings" and "Standard Nose"
  • 26123-26126: Some help button prompts (eg: "L1 Rotate Left", "R2 Zoom Out" etc.)
  • 26127-26128: Items > Helmet Descriptions
  • 26204-26233: Skill Point Names
  • 26234-26263: Skill Point Descriptions
  • 26323-26326: Button prompts for entering/exiting Megacorp HQ and Megacorp Lab
  • 26366-26368: Some Monsterpedia Enemy Names
  • 26369-26371: Some Monsterpedia Enemy Descriptions
  • 26623-26625: Wrench upgrade messages
  • 26695-26709: Full names (?? Maybe developer credits)
  • 26761-26763: Some ship combat mission menu strings
  • 26928-26939: Controller button descriptions (eg: "square", "the left analog stick")
  • 26941-27067: Various weapon, gadget and items names. Includes leftovers from R&C 1 and several cut/changed names such as platinum weapons and items like "De-Boxer"
  • 27094-27096: Weapon mod names (eg: "Lock On Mod" etc.)
  • 27122-27123: "Got x of Bouncer Ammo" & "Got x of Heavy Bouncer Ammo"

Lone Message IDs

(these IDs are single messages surrounded by multiple missing or totally unrelated messages)

  • 25946: "L2 + R2 Edit the effect's colors"
  • 25962: "Gravity boots will allow you to walk or jump on any magnetic surface"
  • 26282: "Plasma Coil upgraded to Plasma Storm"
  • 26301: "Hoverbomb Gun upgraded to Tetrabomb Gun"
  • 26344: "Monsterpedia"
  • 26389: Monsterpedia Menu Description
  • 26408: "Spiderbot Glove upgraded to Tankbot Glove"
  • 26426: "Fastest Time:"
  • 26464: "`Triangle` Return to Mod-Shop"
  • 26465: "Press and hold `X` to launch to levitator."
  • 26484: "`Triangle` Go to Oil Derrick"
  • 26505 & 26506 & 26584: "You got a Hypnomatic Part!"
  • 26526: "`Triangle` Enter mine shaft"
  • 26527: "`Triangle` Return to the surface"
  • 26546: "`Triangle` Enter Refinery"
  • 26565: "`Triangle` Enter Factory"
  • 26602: "You ran out of time. Mission failed."
  • 26653: "`Triangle` Return to park dome"
  • 26711: "NEW MODS AVAILABLE!!!"
  • 26927: "`Square`"
  • 26940: "x units"
  • 27129: Probably a mission description for Joba. Starts with "The natives on this planet are extremely hostile!" (?? confirm this)
  • 27130: "Battle the native tribesmen"
  • 27133: "Please Stop"

Interesting Message IDs

  • 25793: You got the Mine Launcher! (?? The upgrade is actually called the Electro-Mine Launcher or Mega-Mine Launcher)
  • 25794: You got the Nuke Launcher! (?? The upgrade is actually called the Nuclear Detonation Device)
  • 25795: You got the Hyperspace Module! (?? The upgrade is actually called the Hyperspace Warp System)
  • 25796: You got the Heavy Lasers! (?? The upgrade is actually called the Fusion Laser Cannons)
  • 25797: You got the Anvil Missiles!
  • 25798: You got the Striker Torpedoes!
  • 25799: You got the Scorpion Mines!
  • 25800: You got the Plasma Shields!
  • 25801: You got the Energox Shields!
  • 25809: You got Dual Thrusters!
  • 25810: You got Ultra Thrusters!
  • 25816: `Triangle` Go to Convoy
  • 25817: `Triangle` Go to Launch Site
  • 25819: `Triangle` Send Clank into air duct
  • 25820: `Triangle` Return to Ratchet
  • 25906: Description for the "Double Boost Acceleration Engine". Seems to be cut as only the "Triple Boost Acceleration Engine" exists in game.
  • 25946: L2 + R2 Edit the effect's colors (?? This might be for the ship color or for the effect editor at the Insomniac Museum)
  • 26484: "`Triangle` Go to Oil Derrick"
  • 26602: "You ran out of time. Mission failed."
  • 26653: "`Triangle` Return to park dome"
  • 26967: "Tri-Rings"
  • 27014: "Rush Boots"
  • 27025: "De-Boxer"
  • 27033: Platinum weapon names (eg: "Platinum Lancer", "Platinum Heavy Lancer", "Platinum Plasma Storm" etc.)
  • 27066: "Nanoboost"
  • 27133: "Please Stop"

Interesting Strings

  • Congratulations Ratchet! You have the choice to go back in time before you defeated Qwark or play a new game in Challenge mode. Challenge mode is a good way to earn tons of bolts by playing a tougher version of the game. You get to keep all your weapons and you can upgrade them to Platinum Weapons using Platinum Bolts.
  • The Platinum Vendor offers platinum weapon upgrades for platinum bolts. Platinum weapons have a higher ammo capacity and increased damage when upgraded.
  • You have purchased a platinum upgrade. Platinum upgrades give weapons greater ammo capacity and can be upgraded an additional level.
  • Your platinum weapon has just upgraded! It is now more effective against enemies.


  • Strings appear to start at 219BAEE0 and end at 219D0E9C
  • At memory address 219CBBB8 there are strings that read "E3 Only". Around this area are many other interesting strings relating to things that do not exist in any known builds of R&C 2 (eg: "Platinum Vendors", "Weapons Switch Automatically" etc.)
  • There are several strings which read "THIS MESSAGE NO LONGER EXISTS, REMOVE TAG FROM CODE, MJS"

Hidden Level Select

Set 201A95EC to 8, freeze the value and cycle the pause menu.

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) [August 15th Proto]

Hidden Level Select

Set 201A956C to 8, freeze the value and cycle the pause menu.


  • The cut Swarm Gun can be equipped and is functional by searching for AoB D2 05 00 00 FF FF FF FF and replacing it with CD 05 00 00 FF FF FF FF. (?? investigate what this memory address does and why this works...)
    • This also works in the Retail Employees Demo. In the Early Demo, firing the weapon causes the game to crash. In the retail game, the weapon simply doesn't function. (?? confirm this. Also test other protos)

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) [September 4th Proto]

Debug Functionality

  • Press the following button sequence to enable Debug Mode (aka cheats enabled): Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square.
  • All Skill Points can be unlocked by navigating to the Skill Points menu, then holding L2 + R2 and pressing Square. This can be done even when debug mode is not enabled.

General Differences

  • Items in the weapons vendor can only be scrolled one option at a time. Holding the D-Pad or Analog Stick does not continuously scroll through the list.

Menu Differences

Sound Options Menu

  • The music volume appears to be very slightly lower by default than in the final game. (?? confirm this)

Special Menu

  • Choosing an option in the Special Menu then backing out resets the highlighted option to the first item. In the final game, the highlighted option is remembered.
  • The Special menu is available on an initial playthrough. In the final game, the menu only appears in Challenge Mode. (?? confirm this)

Weapon Differences


  • The fully upgraded Ultra Heavy Lancer has 300 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 500.

Gravity Bomb

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Mini-Nuke has 20 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 30.


  • The fully upgraded Ultra Multi-Star has 60 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 70.

Seeker Gun

  • The fully upgraded Ultra HK22 Gun has 25 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 50.

Pulse Rifle

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Vaporizer has 12 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 20.

Miniturret Glove

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Megaturret has 20 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 50.

Blitz Gun

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Blitz Cannon has 50 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 60.

Shield Charger

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Tesla Barrier has 8 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 15.


  • The fully upgraded version of this weapon is called the Ultra Ultranoid, in the final game it has the name Ultra Kilonoid.
  • The fully upgraded version of this weapon has 15 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 40.

Lava Gun

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Meteor Gun has 300 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 400.


  • (??) No changes found yet. This entry is a placeholder.

Minirocket Tube

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Mega Rocket has 50 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 60.

Plasma Coil

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Plasma Storm has 30 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 50.
  • There is no lock-on mod for this weapon. (?? confirm this is not due to sequence breaking)
  • There's a shock mod for this weapon that can only be enabled from the debug menu, however doing so replaces the acid mod as per the weapons menu. (?? check if this actually changes the functionality of the weapon)

Hoverbomb Gun

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Tetrabomb Gun has 15 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 25.

Spiderbot Glove

  • The fully upgraded Ultra Tankbot Glove has 8 ammo, in the final game this was increased to 24.


  • There is a Mega version of the Sheepinator that can be purchased in challenge mode for 0 bolts.
    • The Mega version of the Sheepinator, nor its upgraded Ultra version have a name or unique model.
    • In the weapons menu both Mega versions have the name "Paradox ERR", which indicates a missing string.
    • Both Mega versions also use the regular Sheepinator model
    • (?? confirm if there are any functional differences between the regular/black and Mega Sheepinator versions)
  • The Black Sheepinator uses the correct model in the weapons menu for the preview image. In the final game, the regular Sheepinator model is always used.

Tesla Claw

  • There is no Mega version of the Tesla Claw.

Bomb Glove

  • There is no Mega version of the Bomb Glove.


  • There is no Mega version of the Walloper.

Visibomb Gun

  • There is no Mega version of the Visibomb Gun.

Decoy Glove

  • There is no Mega version of the Decoy Glove.


  • (??) No changes found yet. This entry is a placeholder.


  • (??) No changes found yet. This entry is a placeholder.

Clank Zapper

  • The upgraded Clank Zapper does not get renamed to the Clank Shocker.
  • The Clank Zapper does not use ammo, much like the Sheepinator. In the final game, the upgraded version has 30 ammo.

Level Differences


  • The animated flashing lights on the elevator that leads to the grind rail continue animating at a higher distance. In the final game, moving away from the elevator freezes the light animation. (?? this is awfully worded)

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) [Final]

  • Holding all shoulder buttons on a menu screen with overflowing text makes the text scroll faster. This also happens on the Sep 4 Proto. (?? Confirm which builds this happens in and whether it also happens in other R&C games)
Level # Level Name
0 Aranos (Tutorial)
1 Oozla
2 Maktar Nebula
3 Endako
4 Barlow
5 Feltzin System
6 Notak
7 Siberius
8 Tabora
9 Dobbo
10 Hrugis Cloud
11 Joba
12 Todano
13 Boldan
14 Aranos
15 Gorn
16 Snivelak
17 Smolg
18 Damosel
19 Grelbin
20 Yeedil
21 Insomniac Museum
22 Dobbo Orbit (Moon)
23 Damosel Orbit (Moon)
24 Ship Shack
25 Wupash Nebula
26 Jamming Array (Maktar Nebula)