User:Kett Redfox
Hi, I'm Lowry (or Kett) and I work faster than dried cement.
Discord: skeletonhugger
Plans and Contributions
Life is Strange franchise
Life is Strange - Unused Voice Acting, animations, models, map oddities, cubemaps, references to removed content (most trace back to the protos below), revision differences, music?, Concept Art comparisons?, Ingame oddities, most of which can be traced back to the prototypes:
Check/Document the What If Proto as possible
Document (lots of checking done already) earlier versions of EP2 to 5 (PC) from:
Feb 4, 2015 Prototype
Jan 30, 2015 – 23:51:46 Prototype
Jan 30, 2015 – 00:00:16 Prototype
Life is Strange: Before the Storm (Windows)
31 August Episode 2 Prototype
Dawn QA Build
Life is Strange 2 - Compare Revisional differences, stuff was removed!
EP1 Debug Exe
Captain Spirit - Many references to cut audio from LIS2 EP1!
True Colors - Compare before and after the DLC
Life is Strange Remastered - sooooo much stuff...
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - Done for now, waiting on the remake to confirm some stuff :clap:
Mabinogi - Add stuff from the server files, there's a lot of test/alpha/developer stuff that will definitely never see the light of day.
Twin Mirror - hooo boy...
Trash Dumpster Pages
User:Kett_Redfox/Trashbox - Clan Content for Mabi
User:Kett_Redfox/Trashbox1 - Documenting Twin Mirror is suffering
User:Kett_Redfox/Trashbox2 - Misc Life is Strange stuff
User:Kett_Redfox/Trashbox3 - Audio Formatting for LIS EP2
User:Kett_Redfox/Trashbox4 - Fishing Dan Test in Mabinogi
User:Kett_Redfox/MabiBox - Sandbox for the hottest Mabinogi related projects
User:Kett_Redfox/LifePre - Prerelease for Life is Strange
User:Kett_Redfox/TwinPre - Prerelease for Twin Mirror
User:Kett_Redfox/TwinNotes - Notes for Twin Mirror