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User:Angel Sandro/Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stones GC Exemple page

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Title Screen

Harry Potter and the

Also known as: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (EU/CA), Harry Potter à l'Ecole des Sorciers (FR)
Developer: Warog Gayme
Publisher: AE Games
Platform: GameCu
Released in JP: December 11, 2003
Released in US: December 9, 2003
Released in EU: December 12, 2003

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Two years after the original game, Sorcerer's Stone was, curiously, fully remade by a different developer for GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox.

Build Date

To do:
Dates in other versions.

A build date is present at offset 0x2440:


The specific build time is also repeated a few times, the latest one at offset 0x1D5E0:

Apr 17 2003 12:34:16

It's unlikely these dates are accurate; they may have been when the game's files were initially built.

Oddities, Unseen Object and Map Geometry

The Flying Girl

To do:
She's not here everytime; figure out where specifically.

Close to the castle entrance, there is a student placed well above the ground.

The Lost Card Pack

To do:
Check if this card and the axis move between sequences, or if it just comes from the chest that gives a pack of cards (maybe this card below the map appears in the chest when it is opened?).

There is a card package and a developer axis under the girl's bathroom map during the troll battle. It can be seen by using a free camera hack.

1000px HP ladee bafroom.png

Unused Text

Unused Task

HP POS task.png

Sing with me!

line({//If you had gone to Morrow yesterday, now don't you see})
line({//You could have gone to Morrow and returned today at three!})

Lyrics from a song called "To Morrow", which was written by Bob Gibson. These are buried within various scripting data.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Internal Project Name

This game is often Referenced as "Tusk" and "TuskGamecube" in the gamecube version