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Ufouria: The Saga 2

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Title Screen

Ufouria: The Saga 2

Also known as: Hebereke 2 (JP), Ufouria 2: The Saga (INT Switch eShop)
Developers: Tasto Alpha, Red Art Studios[1]
Publishers: Sunsoft (JP, INT PC), Red Art Games (INT Consoles)
Platforms: Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X
Released internationally: February 28, 2024 (PC), March 1, 2024 (Consoles digital), August 30, 2024 (Consoles physical)[2]
Released in JP: February 29, 2024 (Digital, Switch physical), May 2024 (Switch physical special edition)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Ufouria: The Saga 2 is what happens when Hebe wakes up after sleeping for 32 years.

To do:
  • Check Unyohn's post game battle dialogue
  • Unyohn has unused dialogue bead textures
  • Regional differences

Unused Enemies

Hey, I recognize you. Do I feel old?

Three enemies from the original Ufouria: The Saga are unused and still have their 3D models, collection images and text in the game's files. However, the Muneko's model is actually used for the knight one.

To do:
  • Include the text for the asian languages
Japanese English French German Italian Spanish Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese
Muneko Muneko Mürrkatz Muneko Muneko
The third of the notorious Muneko brothers dislikes
relying on science or tools. Instead, he chooses to join the
invasion with his raw strength alone.
Le troisième des célèbres frères Muneko n'aime s'appuyer
ni sur la science ni sur les outils. Il a par conséquent
choisi de rejoindre l'invasion avec sa seule force brute.
Der dritte der berüchtigten Mürrkatz-Brüder mag weder Wissenschaft
noch Werkzeuge. Er macht bei dieser Invasion von
seiner schieren Stärke Gebrauch.
Il terzo dei famosi fratelli Muneko non ama
affidarsi alla scienza o agli strumenti. Invece, sceglie di affrontare
l’invasione con la sola forza bruta.
El tercero de los famosos hermanos Muneko odia
depender de la ciencia o las herramientas. En vez de eso, decide unirse
a la invasión solo con su fuerza bruta.
Big Face Grosse tête Großfratz Faccia grande Big Face
What was that?! What am I, you ask?
You want to know what I am?!
Well, I'm just a giant face.
Pardon ?! Qu'est-ce que je suis ?
Tu veux savoir ce que je suis ?!
Ben, juste une tête géante.
Wie war die Frage? Was bin ich?
Du willst wissen, was ich bin?!
Steht mir doch ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Che significa?! Cosa sono, mi chiedi?
Vuoi sapere cosa sono?!
Beh, sono solo una faccia gigante.
¡¿Cómo?! ¿Que qué soy?
¡¿Que quieres saber qué soy?!
Pues no soy más que una cara gigante.
Unyohn Unyohn Unyohn Unyohn Unyohn
The evil emperor plotting to conquer Earth. He demands
much, and has Utsujin build a robot for him to control, but
he also seems to care for his subordinates.
L'empereur maléfique projetant de conquérir la Terre. Exigeant,
il a ordonné à Utsujin de construire un robot sous son contrôle,
mais il semble également se soucier de ses subordonnés.
Der böse Imperator, der die Erde erobern will.
Er verlangt viel und Alfin muss ihm einen Roboter bauen.
Aber er scheint sich auch um seine Untergebenen zu sorgen.
L’imperatore malvagio che vuole conquistare la Terra. Ha molte
pretese e a Utsujin ha fatto costruire un robot da controllare, ma
ci tiene molto ai suoi subordinati.
El malvado emperador que maquina conquistar la Tierra. Pide
mucho, y tiene a Utsujin haciéndole un robot,
pero pese a todo parece que se preocupa por sus subordinados.


  1. Red Art Studios, Ufouria: The Saga 2 is referenced on their page. Credited in game as "Red Art Games".
  2. While the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 physical releases are available in both America and Europe, the Xbox Series X release is only exclusive to the latter.