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Hebereke's Popoon (SNES)

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Title Screen

Hebereke's Popoon

Developer: Falcon[1]
Publisher: Sunsoft
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: December 22, 1993
Released in EU: 1994

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

To do:
There are more unused graphics.

Hebereke's Popoon is Sunsoft's answer to Puyo Puyo.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Unused Graphics

Early Font Graphics

Early Final
Look at those shado- Oh.

There was an early font present in the European version. One notable difference is that the final font is anti-aliased and removes the shadow.

Unused Mascot

*jingle* SUNSOFT!

Present in the Japanese version (due to the different Sunsoft logo), the mascot from some earlier Sunsoft commercials was supposed to appear but was left unused in the final game. A few leftover graphic pieces for this mascot was later added (but still unused) in Hebereke no Oishii Puzzle wa Irimasenka.

Thank you for building me!

This is what it will look like when the graphic pieces are put together.

Unused Muu-Neko Sprites

It kinda looks like Muu-Neko is backscratching itself. Either backscratching, or neck scratching. One of the two. >_<

These strange sprites of Muu-Neko are present in the game's data, likely meant for battles.

Unused Music

Game Over (Short)

(Sound Test ID: 05)
It's the "Game Over" track, but without the countdown. This track is unusual, as the "Game Over" screen didn't switch tracks after the countdown is over.

I Am Mister Unyohn

(Sound Test ID: 0D)
As the title suggests, it was originally meant to be played when fighting against Unyohn. The final game plays "Here's Sukezaemon!" instead, thus making it unused outside of the sound test. The name was taken from Takusan Hebereke (the game's official soundtrack).

Hebe Speaking

(Sound Test ID: 10)
Hebe is... speaking. A remastered version named "Hebe to Oh-Chan No Rusuden" was made available on Takusan Hebereke (the game's official soundtrack), this version of the track is higher-quality as well as including Oh-Chan speaking at the end. It seems like this track was used to fill up cartridge space, as this track is not only long but is also the last track in the game's sound test.

Regional Differences

Hebereke's Popoon was localized for European territories sometime around 1994, but it didn't use the character designs from Ufouria: The Saga and didn't use the extra scanlines.

Japan Europe
PINKSOFT What did you do to that logo?

The Sunsoft logo was changed between regions. While the Japanese version got a pink gradient and a much shinier font, the European version has a blue gradient and the font... not so shiny.

Title Screen

Japan Europe
PUSH START TO PLAY! The Hebereke logo is no longer giving me a seizure.

The Hebereke logo was brightened differently, "LICENSED BY NINTENDO" was added, "PUSH START" was changed to "PRESS START" in a much thinner font and in a different position, the Sunsoft logo in the copyright text was recolored, and an extra Hebereke logo (in English) was added.


Japan Europe
COLORS! Hey, who stole that controller?

The controller was removed and the letters for the buttons were recolored.

Japan Europe
Hebe is excited about the contro- Not again?

The icon removed the controller, changed Hebe's pose and added six stars around him.

Sound Test

The music and sound ID could go up to FF in the Japanese version, which the localization changed it to 10 and 44, respectively.


Japan Europe
うぴょーっ (Whoosh) Chaaarge!
わぴょーぅ (Whoopee!)

The Japanese version had 2 unique dialogs that were replaced by duplicates of the same dialog in the European version.

Region Lockout

Damin, thisi gamie is noti compatibile witih miy Supier Griammarcom!

If the European version detects it is being played on an American/Japanese console, this error pops up. "Designed" is misspelled as "desigined".
