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Tengai Makyou: Ziria (TurboGrafx-CD)

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Title Screen

Tengai Makyou: Ziria

Developers: Hudson Soft, Red Company
Publisher: Hudson Soft
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released in JP: June 30, 1989

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Long, long ago, the great thief hero Jiraiya Ziria and his companions journeyed across the mystical lands of ancient Japan Jipang on a sacred quest to stop the Cult of Daimon from resurrecting the ancient demon Masakado and destroying the entire country. So writes revered scholar Dr. Paul Hieronymus Chada in his classic book Far East of Eden...though, well, perhaps a detail or two might have gotten lost in translation...

Tengai Makyou: Ziria was both the first game by Red Company and the first RPG ever released on CD-ROM, with the new technology allowing it to have high-quality visuals and sound on a scale far surpassing any of its contemporaries. Perhaps unsurprisingly for a game with so many "firsts" attached, its creation was also an unholy mess, with the game developed nearly to completion as an ARPG before being reworked into a Dragon Quest clone at the demand of Hudson Soft.

Luckily, the power of the newfangled CD-ROM meant that throughout all the tumult, the programmers never had to delete anything.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
TenmaZiria subpage maps.png
Unused Maps
This moonshine's great. Don't tell my boss.
TenmaZiria subpage scenes.png
Old Cutscenes
Tsunade's face when she finds out they're cutting half the game.
To do:
Despite the already-considerable length of this article, it currently consists of nothing more than stuff found by chance while making a translation of the game. The game's chaotic development has left so much unused material that comprehensive coverage and analysis would easily fill a book. Anyone who wants to document it all, you've got a long road ahead of you.

Debug Room

TenmaZiria map 69-0x1773.png

TenmaZiria map-0x1773 screen.png

The map at disc sector 0x1773 is a small room with several useful features for debugging ("Check"ing).

The tiles in the four labeled rows have various effects when stepped on:

  • Area: When a tile is activated, the game sets various memory flags, presumably marking the events of the corresponding continent as complete. Stepping on a tile a second time will deactivate it and clear the same set of flags.
  • Toku (徳, Virtue): Awards the party the shown amount of Virtue. The "infinity" tile grants 65,535 Virtue, the maximum amount the game can give at once.
  • Otomo (お友(達), Friends): Each tile corresponds to a possible party member (from left to right: Tsunade, Orochimaru, King Akurou, Kogama, Black Shadow, the corrupt priest, and Kinta). Stepping on the tile adds or removes that party member.
  • Gold: Increases player's money by the shown amount.

The three NPCs in the room offer several additional services:

  • Left: Gives a full heal, running through the same sequence as if the player had stayed at an inn.
  • Center: Opens the warehouse menu.
  • Right: Starts the gambling minigame.

Notably, this is the only unused map that was converted to the new compressed map format for the Super CD-ROM² version of the game, indicating that it was (unsurprisingly) still being used by the developers up to the end of production.

Unused Graphics

To do:
This is not even a tiny fraction of what's in the game. Just as a start, all the unused maps have their own graphics data, often with unused NPC sprites or older versions of tilesets. And even a casual look at VRAM often shows all kinds of weird stuff getting loaded, so there's far, far more to do here.

Title Screen

Graphic Notes
TenmaZiria title-start.png
The title screen loads graphics reading "START" and "CONTINUE," as well as what seems to be a selection cursor. None of these are used; instead, starting a new game was folded into the menu for loading a game.
TenmaZiria title-sakamoto.png
The title screen only displays copyright notices for Hudson Soft and Red, but it also loads graphics for a copyright for music producer Ryuichi Sakamoto.
TenmaZiria title-ziria.png
The game loads sprites that would spell out "ZIRIA" on the title screen, and even has a sprite state defined that assembles them. However, they aren't used. (This palette is probably incorrect; none of the title screen palettes seem to be a perfect fit.) While prerelease coverage shows that the title screen seen in the final was in use from quite early in development, these graphics don't seem to have been used even in very old versions.

It's interesting to note that within the game, the title is only ever presented as "Tengai Makyou," not Tengai Makyou: Ziria, despite the fact that the Ziria subtitle was widely used just about everywhere else (the box art, ads, magazine articles...). It's a rather strange omission.

TenmaZiria title-orbs.png Graphics for three larger versions of the orbs on the title screen are loaded to VRAM, but never shown. Like the "ZIRIA" graphic above, these have defined sprite states that mean the game could display them; it just doesn't.

Folk Tale Classics

Graphic Notes
TenmaZiria folktale-full.png TenmaZiria folktale-assembled.png Pressing Run on Pad 3 (via a multitap) while on the title screen plays a silly bonus scene. The title screen for this sequence loads background tiles for several messages to VRAM, but doesn't display them. They read:

てんがいまきょう Tengai Makyou – The game's title written in hiragana, giving it a "kiddy" look.

TenmaZiria folktale-title-mockup.png

There's a very obvious blank space on the title screen where this was meant to go, but it seems that someone really didn't want the game to be identified as "Tengai Makyou: Ziria" anywhere.

幼児向 for preschoolers


(ウソ) (a lie/fake) – This is probably referring to the 350 yen price.

あは aha

Unused Audio

Due to the PC Engine being the first console to use CDs, its games usually store data on the disc in a very primitive and low-level way compared to almost every subsequent console (to the tune of "consider youself very lucky if a game has a filesystem"). The tools used to create the disc for Tengai Makyou were particularly rough; any part of the disc that wasn't assigned data seems to have simply kept whatever was last written there.

When the game was being massively overhauled into its final, turn-based RPG form, the disc layout was significantly altered. This meant some parts of the disc that had previously been used became unallocated, and those unallocated portions retained whatever data had been there previously. In particular, the first part of the disc seems to have been used to store ADPCM audio data in earlier versions before falling into disuse, and several substantial chunks of this old audio remain intact in the final game.

Unfortunately, most of the rest of the audio was overwritten with the final game's map data. Aside from the intact chunks presented here, many, many tiny fragments (less than a second each) can be found in the unallocated gaps between maps, but it's hard to glean much of anything from them.


Beginning at disc sector 0x10B0, right before the first block of map data on the disc, is an ADPCM clip containing a 30-second recording of music from Ys, most likely the PC-88 or PC-98 version. This is particularly striking not just for being from an entirely different game made by another company, but because the finished game doesn't use ADPCM for music at all!

It contains a full two-loop recording of "Rest in Peace," which fades out. It's then followed by a split second of one of the unused tracks, "Shining Star," which is cut off by the start of the map data. Some of the audio fragments between maps consist of small snatches of more music from the game, indicating that there was a substantial amount of its soundtrack present on the disc at one point.

Presumably, music from Ys was being used as a placeholder during development before the actual soundtrack was created...but the fact that there's no ADPCM music in the final game makes this rather strange. It's possible there were plans to use ADPCM for music playback at some point, but due to the limitations of the ADPCM hardware, there would be very little reason not to just use CD audio instead. It's also possible this was done as a quick way to insert music into the game for testing without having to program tracks for the PSG sound driver, though what reason there might have been to do that isn't clear.


Old Dialogue Chunk

To do:
This really should be split up into individual files for each voice clip, transcribed, translated, etc. etc., but that's a great deal of work that's going to have to fall to someone with more time and interest
Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
Notes: Formal/archaic speech plus heavy voice filtering plus low-quality compressed audio, get me out of here

Beginning at disc sector 0x4CFD is a block of just under four minutes of dialogue from the ARPG incarnation of the game.

The first segment is by far the most interesting: it's a lengthy monologue from Ba'al Daimon, who in the original plot (as seen in the novel version) was the demon god worshipped by the Cult of Daimon and the story's true antagonist, with the resurrection of Masakado merely a means to the end of empowering Ba'al Daimon. The content of this clip indicates that Ba'al Daimon and Masakado would have merged together, presumably to form the final boss. This entire character was dropped when the story was rewritten, with the plot simplified to the Cult of Daimon trying to resurrect Masakado to destroy Jipang as the first step toward establishing their own "utopia."

A number of other, unrelated audio clips follow. Because of how drastically the story changed during development, many of them have no context and can't really be made much sense of. The fact that dialogue is organized by speaker, meaning we're usually only getting one side of a conversation, doesn't help matters.

  • An unknown woman asking "What's wrong?" or "What happened?" and exclaiming "The monsters are gone!".
  • A character thanking the player for helping Orochimaru, claiming that "the successor family to the Shogunate is now done for" and "Jipang will be unified by the Tycoons, and if it is not, I believe a peaceful world will never come." He asks for help with this, but his reaction of "How unfortunate...Then go, Orochimaru" suggests that he gets a negative response.
  • Some lines that are obviously for the perverted Minister of the Left Kiyomasa, who is mentioned in unused maps as part of a cut plot involving him kidnapping Tsukihime and imprisoning her in a brothel: "You're mine now, Tsukihime, you cutie!" "Who're YOU!?"
  • Various lines for Genoumaru, notably including him ordering a Clockwork Soldier to attack the player, a situation which appears in one of the scenes from the intro demo reel but was cut from the final game.
  • Some dialogue for the cut character Bashou, who was based on the poet Matsuo Basho.
To do:
Aside from the hundreds of tiny inscrutable fragments already mentioned, there are a few other long-ish clips in the data that could go here; have a look around sectors 0x2C00 and 0x3800...


Audio Transcription Translation
ジライア ツナデ オロチ丸は
ついに 大門教を 倒し・・・
Finally, Ziria, Tsunade, and Orochimaru have vanquished the Cult of Daimon...
よみがった マサカドも
ふたたび 地中深くに 封じ込めた
...and once again sealed Masakado within the depths of the earth.
(Translation: TheMajinZenki)

This text is used (it's the message shown after defeating the final boss), but the audio for it is not. It's located immediately before the audio for the early ending, suggesting this was originally going to be a lead-in to it.

Unused Demo Reel Clips

Audio Transcription Translation
よせ!俺、おまえと戦いたくないよ! Stop! I don't want to fight you!
そんなものいらねえよ! I don't want that!
だ、誰だ! Wh-Who's there!?

There are three unused clips of Ziria found among the other audio clips for the first set of attract mode demo scenes (which are themselves unused cutscenes from an older version of the game). They were clearly copied over for use in the demos, but weren't used for some reason.

Interestingly, the first of these is exactly identical to a message found in the old boss dialogue.


These three clips of warfare sounds are also found among the attract demo audio block, and were obviously intended to play over the scenes of the burning city (the third one in particular prominently contains the sound of a baby crying, which is shown in one of the scenes).

Early Ending

The module that handles the game's intro contains resources for an unused early ending sequence. It uses the same "slideshow" format as the intro (and indeed, runs off the exact same code), complete with audio narration.

Image/Audio Text Translation
TenmaZiria protoending-1.png
   ながい 戦いが おわり
  ジパングに 平和が 訪れた   
The long battle is over, and peace has returned to Jipang.
TenmaZiria protoending-2.png
   邪悪な 心が 消え去って
  ふたたび 山や 川や 湖が
   輝きに つつまれると
Evil has been vanquished, and the mountains, rivers, and lakes are once again bathed in light.
TenmaZiria protoending-3.png
  人々は 笑顔と やさしさを
Finally, people have regained their smiles and their kindness.
TenmaZiria protoending-4.png
    火の勇者の 活躍は
With their deeds, the Fire Heroes
TenmaZiria protoending-5.png
   おおくの 人々の 心に
  勇気と 愛と 根性の 力を   
ふかく 残していったのだった・・・
have filled the hearts of mankind with the power of courage, love, and willpower.
TenmaZiria protoending-6.png
   そして いつの日か・・・
    平和が あやういとき
They may return, one day...

If peace is ever threatened again.

(Translation: TheMajinZenki)

After this, the game shows the graphic of the three orbs shining that appears at the end of the "Bonus" segment viewable after the credits. It would then show the used scene of 完 (The End) being slowly drawn onto the screen, but the orb animation actually puts the game into an infinite loop, so that never happens.

Generic as it is, this actually provides a more conclusive tone than the used ending, which just sort of trails off on a lot of "congratulations, you're the hero."

The unique graphics created for this scene were ultimately folded into the post-credits "bonus" segment.

Edo Easter Eggs

Edo, the final area of the game, is chock full of unique shops and events. However, there are actually even more scenes that are locked behind requirements so obscure, they weren't found until decades after the game's release!

All of these events seem to be developer jokes, which is probably why they're so difficult to access.

Activation Method

To be able to access the extra events, follow these steps:

  • Start a new game. Play normally, but don't free the White Deer in Kashima Shrine.
  • Continue through the game all the way to Edo.
  • Go to the Show Tent (見せ物小屋) in Edo. Do not leave the building or interact with anything in the room before following the steps below! Many actions in this room set a flag that permanently disables the rest of this procedure. (Incidentally, this is the same flag that allows Ziria to stay at the Edo inn and proceed to the endgame.)

TenmaZiria edobonus trigger1.png TenmaZiria edobonus trigger2.png

  • Walk directly north from the entrance and use the Talk command on the pedestal. This should cause the water-spraying animation to appear on it.

TenmaZiria edobonus trigger3.png

  • Go to the position shown in the screenshot and, while facing west, use the Talk command.

TenmaZiria edobonus trigger4.png

If all steps have been performed correctly, the normal message that appears when Talk is used on a member of the audience will show up. Otherwise, no message will be shown.

Once this "code" is successfully entered, the "Easter egg flag" is set, making it possible to view the following events in various locations around Edo.

To achieve the same effect without the complicated setup, set bit 6 of the byte at memory location $2724, e.g. by setting it to 0x40.

Developer Room

TenmaZiria edobonus dev1.png

Go to the Kabuki Theater and watch the performance. If the Easter egg flag is set, then afterwards, it will be possible to walk through the wall shown in the screenshot to get onto the center part of the stage.

TenmaZiria edobonus dev2.png TenmaZiria edobonus dev3.png TenmaZiria edobonus dev4.png

Follow the path upward and go backstage to find a very out-of-place office full of NPCs representing various members of the game staff. Talking to them causes them to say their names.

Name Translation
飛田 Tobita (supervisor Masahiro Tobita)
三上 Mikami (system programmer Satoshi Mikami)
菊池 Kikuchi (system programmer Kenji Kikuchi)
中田 Nakata (game programmer Shinichi Nakata)
進藤 Shindo (animation designer Tsukasa Shindo)
藤本 Fujimoto (map designer Kayo Fujimoto)
佐藤 Sato (animation designer Hiroshi Sato)
福田 Fukuda (Masakazu Fukuda, credited as "special thanks")
久保 Kubo (map designer Hisashi Kubo)
桑原 Kuwabara (Mio Kuwabara, credited as "special thanks")
岡田 Okada (animation designer Hisao Okada)
武田 Takeda (animation designer Mari Takeda)
山森 Yamamori (game programmer Masakazu Yamamori)

TenmaZiria edobonus dev5.png TenmaZiria edobonus dev6.png

As a final secret, using the Check command on the top-right keyboard will cause all the characters to "panic" and start running around the room at top speed.


TenmaZiria edobonus stone1.png TenmaZiria edobonus stone2.png TenmaZiria edobonus stone3.png TenmaZiria edobonus stone4.png TenmaZiria edobonus stone5.png

An extra NPC will appear in the corner of the Stonemason's workshop. At first, he's asleep, but triggering the event where Tsunade carves her own statue will cause him to wake up and attempt to perform the same feat.

Text Translation
ぐー ぐー
Zzz... Zzz...
そこの ムスメ!
Hold it right there, girl!
石柱を にぎり つぶすとは・・・・
しかし まだまだ 若いのぉ

どれ わしが一つ お手本を見せよう
わしは 極東流の
ミスター 笹川・ミディ・敏左衛ェ門

では いくぞ 若いの!
よーく みておれよ
You crushed a stone block with your bare hands? Impressive...But you have a long way to go to reach my level!

Let me show you how it's done!
I am Mister Sasagawa Midi Toshizaemon, master of the School of the Far East!

Behold my great skill!

Haaaah... TAH!
なに これ
バカじゃないの このジジイ!

Silly old man!

(Translation: TheMajinZenki)

This character's name is an exaggerated "samuraification" of Toshiyuki Sasagawa (笹川敏幸), who is credited as a supervisor on this game.


TenmaZiria edobonus mushroom1.png TenmaZiria edobonus mushroom2.png TenmaZiria edobonus mushroom3.png

Go to Hoteimaru's earthquake experience room and choose the third setting, 激震 (extreme). Normally, this will cause the ladder in the room to fall on the ground, but with the Easter egg flag set, it will instead fall into a physically impossible position leading out of the building, prompting a comment from Tsunade (which is even voiced!).

Text Translation
はしごが あんなところに
落ちたわよ・・・ ふしぜんね!
Ziria! How'd the ladder fall all the way over there...? Wacky!

TenmaZiria edobonus mushroom4.png

After taking a few steps into the small room the ladder leads to, it will disappear, leaving the party stuck. Talking to the NPC there yields the following dialogue:

Text Translation
あっ ここは
関係者以外 立入禁止なんですよ
まいったな! 秘密にしてたのになあ

じつは 火消し仲間と 話をしていたら
マサカドが 復活したら 食いモンも
なくなるんじゃ ねぇかって ことで

キノコなんすけどね! 栽培してるんだ
そしたら へんな キノコが

いやあ 話して いいのかなあ?
幻覚 見ちゃうんですよ! ゲンカク!
死んじゃうようなことは ないんですよ

ひとつ ジライアさんも
Sir! This area is for authorized personnel only!...Oh, you got me. I was trying to keep this a secret.

You see, me and the boys had a talk about what we'd do if Masakado comes back. Like, what are we going to eat?

So we came up with a solution:
Mushrooms! We started growing them, but our mushrooms came out a little weird.

Don't tell anyone, but...
They make you SEE things!
These shrooms are psychedelic, maaan!

So, you wanna try one, Ziria-san?

Answering "no" yields this:

Text Translation
そのほうが イイですよ
あっしも このキノコの おかげで
この部屋の 出口を 忘れちまった!!
Yeah, that's for the best. I can't even remember how to leave this room, maaan!

Answering "yes," on the other hand...

Text Translation
キノコを 食べた
Ziria's party ate the mushrooms.

TenmaZiria edobonus mushroom5.png TenmaZiria edobonus mushroom6.png

...will cause non-interactive mushrooms to sprout in the room. It also removes the NPC that's blocking the door, making it possible to leave. The exit just leads back to the front of the earthquake building.

(Translation: TheMajinZenki)


TenmaZiria edobonus 1up1.png

At the Coffin Maker, using Check on the place shown in the screenshot will normally give the standard "there's nothing unusual here" message. Suspiciously, however, it's white instead of the normal blue.

TenmaZiria edobonus 1up2.png

With the Easter egg flag set, examining this spot will cause a "1UP" to rise out of the barrel, complete with a little sound effect. There don't seem to be any other consequences.

Unused Enemies

A number of the game's enemies never appear anywhere. Some are just palette swaps of existing ones, but others are entirely unique.

ID Graphic Name Level HP TP ATK DEF SPD EXP Money Drop Notes
0x0C TenmaZiria enemy 1.png しびれコウモリ

Electric Bat

32 43 57 97 82 123 739 100 Antidote (16%) A more powerful recolor of the 血ぞめコウモリ (Bloody Bat).
0x13 TenmaZiria enemy 2.png ガワラッパ


35 66 67 115 140 97 1212 129 Antidote (16%) A more powerful recolor of the ショウジョウ (Xingxing).
0x1E TenmaZiria enemy 3.png しのざきギツネ


13 40 10 21 12 36 49 13 A differently-statted recolor of the 鬼ギツネ (Oni-gitsune).
0x25 TenmaZiria enemy 4.png 怒鬼


25 47 36 58 91 52 604 59 Iron Helmet (8%) Uses a unique graphic.
0x27 TenmaZiria enemy 5.png 賞金かせぎ

Bounty Hunter

32 43 28 123 66 112 746 104 Samurai Sword (16%) Uses a unique graphic.
0x2D TenmaZiria enemy 6.png ボーンゴーレム

Bone Golem

46 150 163 266 178 192 2001 341 Uses a unique graphic.
0x36 TenmaZiria enemy 7.png 鬼兵士

Oni Soldier

25 61 48 81 65 67 607 60 Shinobi Katabira (8%) A more powerful recolor of the 大門鬼 (Daimon Oni).
0x38 TenmaZiria enemy 8.png 殺人鬼

Killer Oni

25 34 18 99 43 48 609 61 A more powerful recolor of the 鬼侍 (Oni Samurai).
0x3D TenmaZiria enemy 9.png ベニグモ


29 46 23 67 111 61 674 78 Kunai (8%) A differently-statted recolor of the クモ兵士 (Spider Soldier).
0x40 TenmaZiria enemy 10.png 鬼グモ


29 70 63 117 65 104 788 81 Gunpowder Orb (16%) A differently-statted recolor of the クモ男 (Spider Man).
0x55 TenmaZiria enemy 11.png あくま大僧正

Devil Priest

36 88 99 192 93 95 1283 148 Elixir (4%) Uses a unique graphic.
0x59 TenmaZiria enemy 12.png しびと食らい

Corpse Eater

30 40 25 93 78 80 925 115 God Elixir (4%) A differently-statted recolor of the ガキ (Gaki) and スダマ (Sudama) enemies.
0x67 TenmaZiria enemy 13.png 大グモ


30 88 51 146 73 75 694 82 A differently-statted recolor of the ツチグモ (Tsuchigumo).

Aside from these, a number of enemy slots (0x5E, 0x7E, 0x80, 0x94) are blank. These have their name filled in with the ASCII string "(null)" (which the game can't actually display, since it only supports Shift-JIS).

(Source: http://uraten.g3.xrea.com/1-ziria/database/zako-itiran.htm)
(Translation: TheMajinZenki)

Unused Items

  • Item 0x7B is named アト (which has no obvious meaning and might be "At" or "Ato"). It has no apparent use.
  • Items 0x80-0x83 are a series of placeholders named 綱ギ5 through 綱ギ8 (a strangely miswritten form of ツナギ, meaning "Filler"). The four items that directly precede them are the foreign-import items sold at the Daimon-run shop in Shuzenji, so these slots may have been intended for four more import items that were never implemented.

Unused Text

Developer Message

Text Translation

おまけに 武具屋やよろず屋の数が

一体 いつになったら 正しいリスト
が 手元にくるんだ?
おまえら 表もつくれんのか?

この タコ!
You idiot! The armory's list of goods is completely different from the list I received!

And the numbers of armorers and general stores don't even match!

When are you going to give me the correct list? Do you even know how to write a table?

You moron!

As seen in an unused map, there is an unused Armory intended for Edo. Its shopkeeper doesn't sell anything, but does offer some choice words from a developer who was evidently very frustrated with trying to set up the large number of shops found in Edo.


Text Translation
お・・おのれ! ジライア!!
こんどは この 大門教13人衆の
12番手 幻王丸が 相手だ!!
C-Curse you, Ziria! This time, you fight ME! I am the twelfth of the Thirteen Daimon Cultists, Genoumaru!

The Kawagoe Castle map contains dialogue for an intro to the Genoumaru boss fight. Strangely, it isn't used, nor does the boss battle itself contain any kind of introductory dialogue.

Text Translation
つよいな・・・ ジライアよ!
だが マサカドは すでに・・・
われらの もの もうおそいわ・・
You're strong, Ziria...
But it's too late...Masakado is already ours...
この ジパングは
大門教が すべて 支配するのだ!!
Jipang will fall to the Cult of Daimon!

Similarly, there's text in the map that's clearly meant to be used after the battle, but isn't. Neither these lines nor the one above are even referenced in the script data. Genoumaru fights and dies in utter silence in the finished game.

However, the audio for the last line actually is used: it's played as part of the attract mode demo sequence, where it accompanies the very last scene in the final demo reel.


Text Translation

Hoteimaru's name appears among the list of characters who can be in the player's party. While prerelease coverage states that Hoteimaru was indeed planned to be an "assist character" like Kogama and King Akurou, he never has such a role in the finished game.

Text Translation
Call Ally
Fire 1
Fire 2

At the end of the list of enemy spell names are four placeholders. There are spells or abilities with all of these effects in the final game; "Call Ally" and "Poison" both have dedicated messages instead of using the generic "[name] used [skill]" message, so these aren't needed for that, while "Fire 1" and "Fire 2" presumably became the final game's "Mago" and "Magmy" spells.

Text Translation

Some debug text or error messages for use in battles. The "[number]" part of the first one is a command that displays a numerical value when the text is printed.


Text Translation
Error in map stack.
Enemy number error.

Error messages that can be displayed on the overworld. The first one will appear if the player attempts to leave an area through an exit that's programmed to go back to the "previous" map if the stack used to keep track of which maps the player has been on is empty. The second shows up if the game tries to start an encounter with an invalid enemy formation (it specifically validates that at least one of the enemy IDs is nonzero, and that none of them are 0xC2 or greater). If this happens, the encounter is cancelled and the game continues.


This placeholder string, which is repeated 12 times, was probably used to reserve space for additional messages in case they were needed.

Additionally, there exists an exact duplicate of the dialogue between Ziria and the Toad Hermit found in the intro, but formatted for display in-game. In fact, it's fully programmed to show up when talking to the Toad Hermit, but the intro sequence sets a flag that marks it as having already been shown, causing it not to appear. This can be seen in-game by clearing bit 0 of the byte at memory location $2701 (e.g. by setting it to 0x00) after starting a new game, then talking to the Toad Hermit.

Old Boss Dialogue

Disc sectors 0xABD-0xAF9 contain what seems to be data for boss fight dialogue from an older version of the game. Their format is similar to that of the final game's boss dialogue, with text pointers for the same three scenarios (boss appears, boss wins, player wins); however, they're different enough to no longer be compatible with the finished game.

The data doesn't include the enemy name, graphics, etc., and some of them refer to characters and scenarios that were removed for the final game, so the context of many of these is unclear. Also, some aspects of the scripting system seem to have been changed after this version, so the text dump itself may have errors. Take all of these with a healthy dose of salt.

Boss 0xABD

Text Translation
Stop! I don't want to fight you!

Boss 0xAC0

Text Translation
Let's do this!
Player loses
Text Translation
That was easy.
I'll fight you anytime you want.
Player wins
Text Translation

Whew! I give up!
My master is Tsukahara Bokuden.
You should ask him to teach you, too.

I'll tell him about you.
He's hard to please, but he's a great teacher. Well, see ya.

Boss 0xAC1

Text Translation
Ah, you must be that kid raised by the Toad Hermit. Show me how strong you are!
Player loses
Text Translation
You need more training!
Try again!
Player wins
Text Translation

行ってこい 小僧!!
ほれ タヌキのワラジを履かせてやろう

I concede! With your current strength, you should be able to train in Keno as well.

Go forth, young one! Here, take these Tanuki Sandals. You should be able to cross the mountain with them!

There are monsters up there. Be careful.

Boss 0xAC2

Text Translation

You fought the kappa?
I see... You must be the disciple of the Toad Hermit.

Very well. I'll spar with you.

Player loses
Text Translation
You clearly need more training. Try again.
Player wins
Text Translation
Not bad! You have earned the sword of the Kashima Shinto-ryu!

Boss 0xAC5

Text Translation
I'll never forgive the Satake!
Hey, you! Are you with the Satake?!
Then die!
Player wins
Text Translation


奪え! 火の紋章を奪ってくれい
Urgh... I'm Matsuei of the Fire Clan.
I was venting my anger for losing the Fire Emblem by attacking passersby.

Are you from the Toad clan?
Then the blood of the Fire Clan flows in your veins.

They say the emblem will let you use fire jutsu. You must take it!

Boss 0xAC6

Text Translation
見たな! きさま!!
Serves you right!

Boss 0xAC9

Player loses
Text Translation
Serves you right!
And don't come back! Bwahahaha!
Player wins
Text Translation
I give up! Please forgive me! Here, take this!

Boss 0xACF

Text Translation
われこそは たまも姫
口おしや! よくもわれのたくらみを

小僧! かくごしよ!
I am Tamamohime! How dare you interfere with my scheme?!

Prepare to die, you brat! ROAAAR!

Boss 0xAD0

Text Translation
コーン コンコン!

この姿 見たなー
Yip yiiip!
I am the nine-tailed fox, secretly living in this world!

Now that you've seen my true form, I cannot let you live!

Player loses
Text Translation
うううーん くちおしや
Urgh... Curse you... I shall become a Sesshou-seki stone and block your way!

Though the plot point about the player's path being blocked by a Sesshou-seki was kept, it's not explicitly stated in the final that it's Kyuubi who becomes it.

Boss 0xAD5

Text Translation


So you've seen it!

Now is the time for the Oni clan to gather our weapons and get our revenge!

But war requires funds. The house in Adachigahara is a trap to acquire them!

Boss 0xAD9

Text Translation
Who are you?! This is the church of the Cult of Daimon! Our God, Ba'al Daimon, will punish you for your impudence!

This line is particularly notable for having another one of the few remaining mentions of Ba'al Daimon in the game.

Player wins
Text Translation
Eeep! You'll pay for this!

Boss 0xAE0

Text Translation
夢想流居合いの術の創始者 林崎甚介!
You appear to be a swordsman.
I am Hayashizaki Jinsuke, founder of the Musou Ryu Iaido! I wish to spar with you!
Player loses
Text Translation
また 来てください
いつでも お相手いたしましょう
It appears you need more training.
Come back whenever you want.
I'll gladly give you a rematch.
Player wins
Text Translation
みごとです わたしのあみ出した

Well done! I will teach you my technique, the Moon Breaker. However, I'm afraid my technique won't be enough to deal with

Danjou's rat magic. You'll have to find another way to break through his spells...

Boss 0xAE2

Player loses
Text Translation
A toad will never beat a rat! Bwahahaha!

This is clearly Danjou/Hamelin, whose true form is a giant rat.

Player wins
Text Translation
よ よ よくもーっ・・・
H-How dare you...!

Boss 0xAE4

Player loses
Text Translation
You're not strong enough, descendant of the Toad. Come back whenever you're ready.
Player wins
Text Translation

人間どもが鬼と言うのは おのが


さらばじゃ! 自来也!
A perfect display, descendant of the Toad -- No, Ziria!

Humans call us Oni because they hate their own wicked hearts, and they wish to make us their scapegoats.

Our blood flows in the veins of the Toad clan. Steer clear from human cowardice. Here, take this.

May this Oni Headband protect you.
Farewell, Ziria!

These lines are obviously for King Akurou. Though he is also fought in the final game, this battle seems to be taking place in a different context; the final has him reluctantly attacking Ziria due to coercion by the Cult of Daimon, who have kidnapped his son.

He does ultimately give the player with an Oni Headguard in the final, but it's as a reward after rescuing his son and defeating Hamelin rather than after fighting him.

Boss 0xAEE

Text Translation
Who has awakened me from my slumber? I am here to guard this treasure!
Player wins
Text Translation
The ice scroll can also be used in battle. You may find it useful even after you leave Mutsu.

Boss 0xAF7

Text Translation
You got some Tsugaru candy?! Gimme!

Boss 0xAF9

Text Translation
Here we go!
Player loses
Text Translation
That's it? You'll never beat the Cult of Daimon like this!
Player wins
Text Translation
Not bad! The Cult of Daimon is strong. Here, I'll give you the smokescreen scroll!
(Translation: TheMajinZenki)


Somewhat notoriously, Defense bonuses from equipment are bugged and don't actually work, leaving their listed stat increases technically "unused." As a result, armor and helmets are completely useless and a waste of both money and inventory space. (Kinta isn't so wrong when he tells you not to bother with weapons and armor!)

Revisional Differences

As a result of its popularity, Tengai Makyou: Ziria has seen at least four different revisions on PC Engine hardware (or an emulation of it).

Revision 6

The original release of the game.

Revision 7

A minor update; all changes seem to be related to bugfixes.

TenmaZiria rev7 bug1.png TenmaZiria rev7 bug2.png

  • In Revision 6, the game save NPCs found at some hot spring inns are bugged. They work fine if "Yes" is chosen to save the game, but choosing "No" causes them to spew garbage text. The map data was corrected in Revision 7 to fix this. The fix was even applied at hot spring inns that don't actually have a save NPC.
  • The routine in the game's kernel that is located at $82C6 in the CPU memory map in Revision 7 is supposed to return the carry flag clear if the ADPCM hardware is not currently busy. It was expanded in Revision 7 with extra code that seems to work around some sort of bug present only in the v1.0 system BIOS.
  • A few very minor code optimizations were made in the game's kernel, such as replacing jsr commands with the shorter bsr. This was most likely done to free up space for the ADPCM bugfix, as the kernel has very little spare room.

Super CD-ROM²

In 1992, the game was ported to the Super CD-ROM² hardware. This version of the game wasn't intended to be sold at retail; 30,000 copies were produced as giveaway prizes for a PC Engine Duo sales campaign, where customers who sent in a copy of their warranty card would be given a free copy of the game. The campaign was not as successful as hoped: copies of the game soon popped up in stores for cheap, and in an effort to burn through leftover stock, a further 2,000-game giveaway was later held in conjunction with the unrelated game Magicoal.

In terms of game content, this version appears to be unchanged from the original release. However, it has numerous alterations under the hood that attempt to leverage the expanded memory of the Super CD system to reduce load times. Keyword: "attempt." Somewhat incredibly, this upgrade was so badly bungled that many of the load times are actually longer than in the original! Overall, it's a remarkably poor way to show off the upgraded hardware.

Later Releases

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: The differences listed here are just a couple that happened to get spotted while working on a translation of the game. A more thorough look might turn up more.

Many years after its original release, the game appeared in emulated form for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. The PS3 version, and probably also the PSP version, made some changes to the text for legal reasons:

Original PS3
 いけいけ ひゅうま ドンといけ」
 いけいけ ピューマ ドンといけ」

One of the old men in Atami Village who compose terrible haiku has a poem that contains the line ike ike Hyuuma, don to ike ("Go, go, Hyuuma, go with all your might"). This is a very direct reference to the opening theme of the 1968-1971 baseball anime Kyojin no Hoshi, whose final lines are yuke yuke Hyuuma, don to yuke (yuke being a more formal version of ike). Apparently, the use of "Hyuuma," the name of the show's protagonist, was deemed too legally dubious, as the PS3 version substitutes ひゅうま (Hyuuma) with ピューマ (puma).

Original PS3
ねー おにいちゃん
ミニよんく かってよー
ねー おにいちゃん
チビよんく かってよー

A child at one of the Edo inns begs Ziria to buy him a Mini 4WD toy (anachronisms be damned) using the brand name ミニよんく (Mini Yonku). That name is a trademark of toymaker Tamiya, which resulted in it being changed to チビよんく (Little Yonku) in the PS3 version.