Talk:Um Jammer Lammy NOW!
UJL NOW VS Playstation differences
TEST: the special sfx has "DRAW for BL" (rammy) and "DRAW for PA" (parappa) for each stage, which just plays the GAME OVER clip without any reactions. Implies that you could draw and lose at one point? Right now if both players hit 0 in a battle you clear the stage and move on with Joe saying "I didn't think it would be THAT bad..."
test: sound options volume is actually BGM volume--set to 0 to only hear SFX in-game
test: sound options 'SE PLAY' requests time out after a few seconds, even for BGM and SPECIAL
intro: bug: going to the service menu while the joe chin music is playing will cause the song to loop forever. It does stop while the title screen menu music loop is playing, but resumes the joe chin loop as soon as the title loop stops.
stage 2: bug: lammy+rammy team losing plays the lammy+parappa losing clip. Also does this in the sound test.
stage 6: lammy uses the uncensored song
stage 6: parappa uses the censored raps (probably has censored song too?)
rammy is referred to as 'BLACK' or 'BL' in the sound test
UJL NOW datamining
rammy is referred to as 'BL' in the filenames
a quick "squelch" noise plays on all unused sfx tracks in the sound options; this sound also plays on game boot during the test pattern
stage 4: a lot of repeats of the 1st sfx for lammy and parappa
stage 5: parappa's "chainsaws" line is after "oops" (after all the other lines). Implies it was added later.
stage 6: a lot of repeats of the 1st sfx for lammy only
There's an unused sfx of the Joe Chin fanfare followed by a crash & glass break, probably intended for the scene transition where Joe's car rams the screen
The team/battle/solo header logos are 3d box models. So are the headers for easy/normal/hard.
There's an "fdg" (fire dog guitar) model that is all pink with a yellow neck. Seems unused? It's not the guitarntable LOD model.
Easy course has 3 variations of its banner, but only 1 is used. 1 features Fussenpepper, who isn't in the Easy course.
Normal course has 3 variations of its banner, but only 1 used. 2 feature Cathy Pillar, who isn't in the Normal course.
-Dobkun (talk) 08:41, 21 September 2023 (UTC)
- some notes
- parappa's stage 6 music is the uncensored one, though curiously it doesn't match up with the subtitles nor with parappa's voice clips
having a game end up in a draw at the very end is theoretically possible, as is the case with the original UJL, in which a similiar behavior is displayed. maybe those voice clips are used there?
--Tikal. (talk) 23:24, 21 September 2023 (UTC) - APPEND: the draw voice clips are used there
curiously joe chin doesn't react unless the total match results is also tied, he only has one voice clip for when round 1 or 2 ends with neither player definitely winning (in total)
--Tikal. (talk) 17:41, 24 September 2023 (UTC)