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Tales of the Tempest

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Title Screen

Tales of the Tempest

Developer: Dimps
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: October 26, 2006

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
There's an unused character model for Stahn Aileron from Tales of Destiny in the files. The model's on Models Resource.

Tales of the Tempest is the Sonic '06 of the Tales series: decent music, but a total trainwreck for everything else.

It's also the only DS Tales game to not get an updated re-release, despite a remake being hinted at in Tales of Hearts R.

Debug Rooms

Several debug rooms can be accessed by swapping the respective .mes file with another. (Tip: "boot.mes" is the starting movie when starting a new game.)

To do:
  • Document:
    • _051215test
    • event01_debug
    • test
    • test1 (is this what's documented below?)
    • test2
    • test1113
  • Is there anything in:
    • コピー ~ boot1
    • コピー ~ mura


Contains an NPC which switches camera angles, with lots of NPC wandering. It has options for triggering random encounters, a teleport command which has the annoying side effect of reverting your character to Level 1, and some odd shops and chests. There are several other testing options too.