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Silhouette Mirage (PlayStation)

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Title Screen

Silhouette Mirage

Developer: Treasure
Publishers: Entertainment Software Publishing (JP), Working Designs (US)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: July 23, 1998
Released in US: January 5, 2000

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

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The PlayStation Silhouette Mirage is a port of the Saturn sidescroller, featuring a new boss (The Reaper) and a new story path. Unfortunately, it's also missing several extra background layers and other details in certain stages that existed in the Saturn version.

It's also the only version of the game to be released outside of Japan, albeit not without some tampering from Working Designs.

To do:
  • More regional differences, such as debug mode, more options, and a 2-Player mode.
  • Confirm whether the bug in the Stage 2-2 boss is in the Japanese or US version.
  • Comparison images of the Hay Wares and between the PlayStation and Saturn versions can be found in the comparison screenshots here.

Regional Differences

The following changes were made to the US version:

  • The ending song was dubbed and rewritten into English.
  • The player can save the game to a Memory Card in either slot, rather than just Slot 1. The Memory Card icon was also animated.
  • Dual Shock controller support was added.
  • The "Options" and "Status" menus were added.
  • All of the videos were remastered to look better.
  • The Lunar 2 preview was added.
  • The Zohar mini-game was added to the credits roll.
  • Super Core Fighter Mode was added.
  • A bug was fixed with the walker mini-boss in Stage 2-2, where you would knock it off the back of the truck and it would not return to continue the fight, leaving you stuck there.
  • The Japanese version's load screens are plain black screens with "Now Loading..." printed in the lower-left corner. The US version features artwork.


To do:
Detailed price and enemy differences, as seen in other pages on Working Designs-localized games.

In typical Working Designs fashion, the US version was made far more difficult:

  • All of the items in the shops are more expensive.
  • Enemy attacks do more damage.
  • Using attacks costs Spirit. This was not the case in the Japanese version, meaning that you could use any of the weapons as much as you wanted.
  • Okay, one positive change: you can drain Spirit from enemies by using a same-attribute attack. In the Japanese version, using a same-attribute attack would simply lower the enemy's Spirit.


  • Nearly all of the characters and places in the Japanese version are named after places and figures from the Bible. Many of these were altered in the US version.
  • There are numerous story differences, mostly to make the game's biblical references less evident.
  • The Hare Wares sprites were censored: His cigarette was replaced with a gloved hand, and the burning cross was replaced with a dragon.
(Source: RPGClassics)