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Shantae and the Seven Sirens

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Title Screen

Shantae and the Seven Sirens

Developer: WayForward Technologies
Publisher: WayForward Technologies
Platforms: iOS, Mac OS X
Released internationally: September 19, 2019 (iOS), October 7, 2019 (Mac), May 28, 2020 (PC/XB1/PS4/Switch)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

The dancing genie's HD adventure continues! ...but does an apple a day keep the backers away?

To do:
The files for Part 1 are no longer accessible, so we can't get any more unused stuff from them. Someone find someone else who turned off auto-updates and never played Part 2 so we can get a dump.

Unused Graphics

The overall art style is reused from Shantae: Half-Genie Hero but the character portraits were redrawn and don't necessarily reflect the proportions of the in-game sprites anymore, instead having them not match like in Shantae: Risky's Revenge, which had Shantae herself wear a vest in the sprites despite not wearing one in her portrait art until the next installment.

Several unfinished portraits are left in the game's data, and were eventually colored in for the game's release on home consoles in 2020.

Risky Boots Portraits (portrait_risky.pak)

Shantae ATSS portrait risky fx risky ashamed.png Shantae ATSS portrait risky fx risky back.png

Rottytops Portraits (portrait_rottytops.pak)

All of these were originally unused prior to the game's console release, implying that Rotty used her HGH portraits as placeholders until her SS ones were finalized.

Shantae ATSS portrait rottytops fx rottytops angry.png Shantae ATSS portrait rottytops fx rottytops flaunting.png Shantae ATSS portrait rottytops fx rottytops pointing.png Shantae ATSS portrait rottytops fx rottytops posing.png Shantae ATSS portrait rottytops fx rottytops running.png

Shantae Portraits (portrait_shantae.pak)

Shantae ATSS portrait shantae fx shantae armsbehindback.png Shantae ATSS portrait shantae fx shantae laughing.png Shantae ATSS portrait shantae fx shantae prancing.png Shantae ATSS portrait shantae fx shantae presenting.png Shantae ATSS portrait shantae fx shantae sitting.png Shantae ATSS portrait shantae fx shantae stretching.png

Sky Portraits (portrait_sky.pak)

Shantae ATSS portrait sky fx sky alert.png Shantae ATSS portrait sky fx sky flippingcape.png Shantae ATSS portrait sky fx sky perplexed.png

To do:
Character portraits leftovers from Half-Genie Hero

Unused Shops

To do:
Try access these shops in game somehow.

While the game normally only has three shops, five are defined in the shop.ltb file. The two unused shops (Underwater and Haunted) do appear to also have fully set up inventories.

Interestingly, the Bikini Armor is present in the Haunted shop inventory, but only has the item name defined. No description or price appears to be present.

Underwater Shop

Item Name Price
Health Potion 25
Health Potion (x3) 60
Magic Potion 25
Magic Potion (x3) 60
Super Potion 25
Super Potion (x3) 60
Auto Potion 50
Auto Potion (x3) 120
Flamethrower 400
Pike Ball 30
Super Pike Ball 100
Scimitar 300
Triple Boomerang 400
Homing Rocket 3 350
Mirror 150
Invincibility 400
HP Saver 256
Attract 75
Super Attract 75
Max Attract 75
Silky Cream 100
Super Silky Cream 200
Mega Silky Cream 300
Shampoo 100
Super Shampoo 200
Mega Shampoo 300

Haunted Shop

Item Name Price
Health Potion 25
Health Potion (x3) 60
Magic Potion 25
Magic Potion (x3) 60
Super Potion 25
Super Potion (x3) 60
Auto Potion 50
Auto Potion (x3) 120
Flamethrower 400
Triple Boomerang 400
Scimitar 300
Homing Rocket 3 350
Mirror 150
Invincibility 450
HP Saver 256
Attract 75
Super Attract 75
Max Attract 75
Silky Cream 100
Super Silky Cream 200
Mega Silky Cream 300
Shampoo 100
Super Shampoo 200
Mega Shampoo 300
Bikini Armor None

Unused Items

To do:
Rip the inventory graphics of these.


The Backdash available in the previous games is present. Completely with an inventory item and description. However, the sound that was previously used in Half-Genie Hero is no longer present, rendering the move silent.

How To Play

Shantae ATSS item how to play.jpg

An unused How To Play item that simply brings up a controller overlay when used.