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Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Nintendo 3DS)

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Title Screen

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Also known as: Shantae: Kaizoku no Noroi (JP)
Developers: WayForward Technologies, Inti Creates
Publishers: WayForward Technologies (US/EU/AU), Intergrow (JP)
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: November 19, 2015
Released in US: October 23, 2014
Released in EU: February 5, 2015
Released in AU: February 5, 2015

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Debug Build Notes

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Is the debug menu still there?

Present in Boot.vol\BuildNotes_3DS.txt:

;IN-GAME Build Notes
;Formatting is determined by the first character in each line.
;   ';' - semicolon, line is ignored (like this one)
;   '!' - exclamation mark, BOLD(white)
;   '@' - AT sign, RED
;   '#' - POUND sign, GREEN
;   '$' - DOLLAR sign, BLUE
;   '%' - PERCENT sign, YELLOW
;   '^' - CARET sign, ORANGE
;   '~' - TILDE, PURPLE
%Shantae and the Pirate's Curse – Build Notes

%Debug Functions
When you first boot up the game, you will 
be brought to the title screen. To access the debug menu press L + R + X at any point in the game.

%Development Cheats:
- To go back to the Debug Menu, press 
L + R + X at any point in the game.

- To "Fly Cheat" and move the character anywhere, press L + R + B and use the D-Pad to navigate through collision 

^To Exit The Notes Press Any Button

Test Levels

To do:
More information about these Levels?
Level graphics Level name
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-DESTRUCTEST PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-ENEMY GYM PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-LEVEL TEST PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-MOBILITY GYM PF.image.png MOBILITY GYM
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-PLATFORM3DS PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-PLATFORMDS PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-PLOTPOINTS PF.image.png PLOTPOINTS
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-SILHOUETTE GYM PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-TEST PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-WINDGYM PF.image.png
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-ZOO PF.image.png ZOO
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-ISLANDS MAP.image.png ISLANDS MAP

Unused Items

Icon (3DS) Icon (HD) Internal Name Name Description
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-01 LabKey.image.png ShantaeATPC LabyrinthKeyIcon.png 01_LabKey Labyrinth Key A Key to open a Door inside of a Labyrinth!
Clé de labyrinthe Une clé pour ouvrir une porte à l'intérieur d'un labyrinthe !
Labyrinth-Schlüssel Ein Schlüssel für eine Labyrinthtür!
Chiave Labirinto Una Chiave per aprire una Porta all'interno di un Labirinto!
Llave del laberinto ¡Una llave para abrir una puerta dentro de un laberinto!
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-16 WeddingRing.image.png ShantaeATPC WeddingBandIcon.png 16_WeddingRing Wedding Band N/A
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-33 SkysLetter.image.png ShantaeATPC SkysLetterIcon.png 33_SkysLetter Sky's Letterxxxxxxxx A secret letter from Sky to Barracuda Joe… Gossip time!
Une lettre secrète de Sky à Barracuda Joe... C'est l'heure des potins !
Eine geheimer Brief von Sky an Barracuda Joe... Zeit für Tratsch!
Una lettera segreta di Sky per Barracuda Joe... Gossip!
Una carta secreta de Sky a Barracuda Joe... ¡Hora de chismorrear!
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-41 Screwdriver.image.png ShantaeATPC ScrewdriverIcon.png 41_Screwdriver Triwing Screwdriverxxxxx A TriWing Screwdriver. The Weaponlords helper needs this.
Un tournevis tri-wing dont l'assistant du Weapon Lord a besoin.
Ein Schraubenzieher von TriWing. Der Assistent des Weapon Lord braucht ihn.
Un Cacciavite Aereo. Weapon Lord ne avrà bisogno.
Un destornillador de tres alas. Lo necesita el ayudante del Weapon Lord.
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-42 PocketWatch.image.png ShantaeATPC PocketWatchIcon.png 42_PocketWatch Pocket Watch A Pocket Watch from Mimic.
Montre de poche Une montre de poche de Mimic.
Taschenuhr Eine Taschenuhr von Mimic.
Orologio da Taschino Un Orologio da Taschino di Mimic.
Reloj de bolsillo Un reloj de bolsillo de Mimic.
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-01 lootHud GingerGear.image.png Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-01 lootHud GingerGear.image.png 01_lootHud_GingerGear Ginger Gear A Ginger Gear. These are edible, but you can probably use them for something else as well.
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-12 lootHud Potion.image.png Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-12 lootHud Potion.image.png 12_lootHud_Potion Potion N/A (The actual Potion item uses 14_lootHud_MajorPotion as the icon instead.)
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-17 lootHud AmmoBag.image.png Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-17 lootHud AmmoBag.image.png 17_lootHud_AmmoBag Ammo Bag An Ammunition Container. Carry more ammo!
Sac de munitions Un chargeur de munitions, pour en porter plus !
Munitionsbeutel Ein Munitionsbehälter. Trage mehr Munition!
Borsa Munizioni Un contenitore per Munizioni. Puoi portare con te più munizioni!
Bolsa Ammo Un contenedor de munición. ¡Lleva contigo más munición!
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-00 treasureHud Parcel.image.png ShantaeATPC ParcelIcon.png 00_treasureHud_Parcel N/A N/A

Most of the icons had been revamped for the console ports, except for the Triwing Screwdriver which ended up using an image of Shantae's clothes instead, and both it and Sky's Letter have padded names, with only their descriptions translated.

Unseen Item Descriptions

Internal Name Name Description
02_lootHud_GemSmall Small Gem a small gem worth 1 currency
Petite gemme une petite gemme qui vaut 1 unité de monnaie
Kleines Juwel ein kleines Juwel von Wert 1
Gemma Piccola una gemma piccola del valore di 1 moneta
Gema pequeña una gema pequeña que equivale a 1 moneda
03_lootHud_GemMedium Medium Gem a medium gem worth 5 currency
Gemme moyenne une gemme moyenne qui vaut 5 unités de monnaie
Mittleres Juwel ein mittleres Juwel von Wert 5
Gemma Media una gemma media del valore di 5 monete
Gema mediana una gema mediana que equivale a 5 monedas
04_lootHud_GemLarge Large Gem a large gem worth 10 currency
Grande gemme une grande gemme qui vaut 10 unités de monnaie
Großes Juwel ein großes Juwel von Wert 10
Gemma Grande una gemma grande del valore di 10 monete
Gema grande una gema grande que equivale a 10 monedas
05_lootHud_HeartSmall Small Heart a small heart worth 1 hp
Petit cœur un petit cœur qui vaut 1 pv
Kleines Herz ein kleines Herz von Wert 1 HP
Cuore Piccolo un cuore piccolo del valore di 1 hp
Corazón pequeño un corazón pequeño que equivale a 1 pv
06_lootHud_HeartMedium Medium Heart a medium heart worth 2 hp
Cœur moyen un cœur moyen qui vaut 2 pv
Mittleres Herz ein mittleres Herz von Wert 2 HP
Cuore Medio un cuore medio del valore di 2 hp
Corazón mediano un corazón mediano que equivale a 2 pv
07_lootHud_HeartLarge Large Heart a large heart worth 4 hp
Grand cœur un grand cœur qui vaut 4 pv
Großes Herz ein großes Herz von Wert 4 HP
Cuore Grande un cuore grande del valore di 4 hp
Corazón grande un corazón grande que equivale a 4 pv
08_lootHud_JackpotSmall Small Jackpot a jackpot worth a small amount
Petit jackpot un jackpot qui vaut un petit montant
Kleiner Jackpot ein Jackpot von geringem Wert
Jackpot Piccolo un jackpot che vale una piccola somma
Bote pequeño un bote valorado en una pequeña cantidad
09_lootHud_JackpotMedium Medium Jackpot a jackpot worth a medium amount
Jackpot moyen un jackpot qui vaut un montant moyen
Mittlerer Jackpot ein Jackpot von mittlerem Wert
Jackpot Medio un jackpot che vale una somma media
Bote mediano un bote valorado en una mediana cantidad
10_lootHud_JackpotLarge Large Jackpot a jackpot worth a large amount
Grand jackpot un jackpot qui vaut un grand montant
Großer Jackpot ein Jackpot von hohem Wert
Jackpot Grande un jackpot che vale una grande somma
Bote grande un bote valorado en una gran cantidad
11_lootHud_JackpotJumbo Jumbo Jackpot a jackpot worth a jumbo amount
Jackpot jumbo un jackpot qui vaut un montant énorme
Jumbo Jackpot ein Jackpot von Jumbo Wert
Maxi Jackpot un jackpot che vale una somma maxi
Bote jumbo un bote valorado en una enorme cantidad
13_lootHud_PistolAmmo PistolAmmo Ammunition for a Pistol
Munitions Des munitions pour un pistolet.
Pistolenmunition Munition für eine Pistole.
Munizioni Pistola Munizioni per una Pistola
N/A Munición para una pistola
43_Lab1Map Lab Map 1 Spittle Maze Official Strategy Guide. In map form.
Carte du labo 1 Le guide stratégique officiel du labyrinthe bave, sous forme de carte.
Lab 1 Karte Das offizielle Lösungsbuch des Spucklabyrinths. Mit Karte!
Mappa Labirinto 1 Guida Strategica Ufficiale per il Labirinto di Sputi. Sotto forma di mappa.
Mapa Lab 1 La guía oficial de estrategia del Laberinto Baba. En forma de mapa.
44_Lab2Map Lab Map 2 Cackle Tower Map, with coupon for free soup on the back.
Carte du labo 2 La carte de la tour cotcot, avec un coupon pour une soupe gratuite au verso.
Lab 2 Karte Karte des Gackerturms, mit einem Gutschein für eine Gratis-Suppe auf der Rückseite.
Mappa Labirinto 2 Mappa della Torre Coccodè, con un coupon per una zuppa gratis sul retro.
Mapa Lab 2 Mapa de Torre Carcajada, con cupones para sopa gratis detrás.
45_Lab3Map Lab Map 3 Lost Catacombs Map. Printed on heavy high gloss card stock. Nice!
Carte du labo 3 La carte des catacombes perdues. Imprimée sur du carton très brillant. Sympa !
Lab 3 Karte Karte der verlorenen Katakomben. Auf Hochglanzkarten gedruckt! Sehr nett!
Mappa Labirinto 3 Mappa delle Catacombe Perdute. Stampata su uno stock di schede pesanti e brillanti. Bello!
Mapa Lab 3 Mapa de Catacumbas Perdidas. Impreso en cartón pesado y con alto brillo. ¡Guay!
46_Lab4Map Lab Map 4 Oubliette of Suffering Map. Incomplete, but kind of helpful.
Carte du labo 4 La carte de l'Oubliette de la souffrance. Inachevée, mais assez utile.
Lab 4 Karte Karte des Oubliette des Leidens. Unvollständig, aber hilfreich.
Mappa Labirinto 4 Mappa di Oubliette del Dolore. Incompleta ma vagamente utile.
Mapa Lab 4 Mapa de Oubliette del Sufrimiento. Incompleto, pero algo útil.
47_Lab5Map Lab Map 5 Abandoned Factory Map. Store in a cool, dry place.
Carte du labo 5 La carte de l'usine désaffectée. À conserver au sec et à basse température.
Lab 5 Karte Karte der verlassenen Fabrik. An kühle, trockenen Orten aufbewahren.
Mappa Labirinto 5 Mappa della Fabbrica Abbandonata. Conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto.
Mapa Lab 5 Mapa de Fábrica Abandonada. Guardar en un lugar fresco y seco.

Though they're never seen in-game, there are descriptions for all of the items including the Labyrinth Maps (with placeholder names). Except for the maps, they all use duplicates of the Ginger Gear's icon.

Unused Icon Unused (16_lootHud_HeartSquid) Used (49_HeartSquid)
ShantaeATPC HeartSquidMiniIcon.png A Heart Squid Totem. Collect for to make a Heart Holder! Forge them into new Heart Holders. Can you find all 32 Heart Squids?
Un totem de calmar en cœur. À collecter pour faire un porte-cœur ! Transformez-les en nouveaux portes-cœurs. Pourrez-vous trouver les 32 calmars en cœur ?
Ein Herztintenfischtotem. Sammle ihn ein, um Herzhalter zu machen! Schmiede sie zu neuen Herzhaltern. Kannst du alle 32 Herztintenfische finden?
Un Totem Calamacuore. Raccoglilo per creare un Contenitore per Cuori! Puoi forgiarli in nuovi Contenitori per Cuori. Riuscirai a trovare tutti e 32 i Calamacuori?
Un tótem de calamar corazón. ¡Colecciónalos para hacer un portacorazones! Conviértelos en portacorazones nuevos. ¿Podrás encontrar los 32 calamares corazón?

The Heart Squids also have an alternate description, referring to them as being Totems.

Unused Graphics / Early Interface Design

To do:
More information about these graphics?
Image Internal Name Description
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-Bg1 Inventory.image.png Inventory
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-Bg2 KeyItems.image.png KeyItems
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-Bg3 Map.image.png Map
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-G2 FileSelect TopScreen.image.png FileSelect
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-Lamp bg.image.png Lamp
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-Legal.image.png Legal
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-engineblack.image.png engineblack
Shantae-and-the-pirate's-curse-3DS-ESRB.image.png ESRB

Unused Sprites

PiratesCurse Anchor.png PiratesCurse AnchorChain1.png PiratesCurse AnchorChain2.png

Rough sprites of an anchor and chain. This suggests that Risky's Anchor ability from Shantae: Half Genie Hero was intended for inclusion in this game, but was cut for unknown reasons.

PiratesCurse Swim TreadWater.gif PiratesCurse Swim Surface.gif PiratesCurse Swim Paddle.gif

Shantae's swimming sprites from Shantae: Risky's Revenge. While there is water in this game, Shantae can't swim in it and it acts like a bottomless pit.

Look out, she's got a gun!

Shantae pulling out Risky's Pistol. The animation looks rough and lacks the pirate gear, and the pistol appears to use an earlier design. In the final game, Shantae immediately fires Risky's Pistol when you press the fire button, leaving this animation unused.

PiratesCurse Hang Idle.png

Most likely related to the aforementioned Anchor ability. Note that this is technically a 4-frame animation, however all four frames are the same.

PiratesCurse Hang FlipUp.gif

This sprite was used in Shantae: Risky's Revenge when jumping between layers, but it's never used here. Also likely related to the aforementioned Anchor ability.

PiratesCurse G Drink.gif

Shantae drinking while in the Princess outfit. Since you never have access to items while in the Princess outfit, this is never used.

Version Differences

To do:
Confirm the 2024 Limited Run Games version.

The Rising Star Games physical release from 2016 adds a new minigame titled Super Shantae Nab based on the microgame made with WarioWare: D.I.Y. by Matt Bozon, accessible through an arcade cabinet in Scuttle Town's item shop. This was not included in the original Nintendo eShop version. It was later included in all copies of the Nintendo Switch version. This minigame was absent from the Japanese Intergrow's physical release.

Digital Physical
PiratesCurse ItemShop DigitalVer.png PiratesCurse ItemShop Physical.png

Revisional Differences

To do:
Any patches prior to this one?

Version 2.02

This patch was released on June 4, 2015. Includes “New 3DS” features:

  • Use ZL or ZR to quickly swap between Inventory and Map screens.
  • Use the Right Control Stick to “Quick Select” your magic and items.
  • Tap the Touch Screen at any time to revert to Original controls.
  • Owners of original Nintendo 3DS or 3DS XL can also access these features by connecting the Circle Pad Pro accessory.

(Source: "Topic: What’s New about the New 3DS Features?" - WayForums)