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Rabbids Travel in Time 3D

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Title Screen

Rabbids Travel in Time 3D

Also known as: Rabbids: Time Travel (JP), Rabbids 3D (EU)
Developer: Ubisoft Casablanca
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: March 24, 2011
Released in US: April 12, 2011
Released in EU: March 31, 2011

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

A simple platformer starring the Rabbids and based off the Wii game of a similar name. Thanks to the 3DS' steroscopic display, this time it has 3D EFFECTS!

To do:
Regional differences.

Unused Music


Sounds of a Rabbid yelling. "Chargement" is French for "Loading", suggesting this was intended for the loading screen. Loading is silent in the final game.


Similar to the previous audio. As the title suggests, this was possibly meant to be played during the pause screen, which is also silent in-game.


A weird-sounding track, purpose unknown. The filename, again in French, translates to "Figurine Classical Dance".