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Proto talk:Banjo-Pilot/Diddy Kong Pilot 2001

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This is the talk page for Proto:Banjo-Pilot/Diddy Kong Pilot 2001.
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Possible Bad ROM Dump?

Which GBA emulator was used to take the screenshots? I've tried a variety of GBA emulators and the ROM worked on none of them, it just hangs on a white screen. I can't even get the ROM to work on real hardware using an Everdrive GBA X5. Ferrox (talk) 17:36, 16 August 2020 (UTC)

I'm not the one who took them, but I'm using VBA-M 1.8.0 (SVN1229) and I can run the game and take screenshots just fine. I also tried the latest release on the Github and no problems there either. I checked the ROM in the download link against my own copy and it's identical, so I don't think it's an issue with the dump. Try the version I linked if you haven't already. (That or redownload the ROM, that's all I can suggest.) --Alley (talk) 21:45, 16 August 2020 (UTC)

Battle mode portrait

I have found Kritter is named as Krunch from Hex data. Also Candy Kong's portrait sprite does exist.


Change to Donkey Kong via cheats do only affects current sprites, not including battle mode too. His frame color is same as Dixie, which icon checked from E3Space World 2001 screenshot. Therefore unable to check Candy's sprite and frame color. Windy (talk) 10:24, 5 May 2022 (UTC)

Here is it:
Candy's portrait in Ghost catch

The value number is discovered by Alley. While I found the cheat codes by cheat search. Windy (talk) 03:19, 20 January 2023 (UTC)

Disable debug mode

How to disable debug mode or load splash screen? Windy (talk) 03:09, 20 January 2023 (UTC)

What I've found so far:
  • The debug menu is handled by a function called menu_init, though some of its variables (game_level, CHAR_SELECTED) are loaded right before it's called (I'm guessing because they're parameters). I don't (yet) know if menu_init is for the debug menu specifically, or if it handles menus in general. (To double-check: Does this mean Blend isn't actually hooked up to anything?)
  • Splash stuff is in title_logo.c, which spans from 80069D2 to 8006E02 in RAM. Not sure which function starts everything-- logo_init sounds like the obvious one, but logo_process may call it first. There's also the matter of finding where in the game's startup routine (or main loop) to insert the function call, which can be tricky and might not work.
--Alley (talk) 21:47, 13 February 2023 (UTC)

Source code leftovers in large portion of ROM?

I've been poking around the ROM in a hex editor, and it looks like theres source code/source code related stuff from 52C25D to 7294AE (end of file). Could someone confirm if this is true? I would upload a quick-n-dirty direct copy to pastebin, but it exceeds the 500kb limit. I do, though believe it is some sort of source leftovers, since it mentions "/tantor/build/nintendo/arm-000512/i686-cygwin32/src/newlib/libc/reent/impure.c", "/tantor/build/nintendo/arm-000512/i686-cygwin32/X-thumb-elf-cdk/thumb-elf/interwork/newlib/libc/reent" (both are parts of newlib https://github.com/eblot/newlib) and "GNU C 2.9-arm-000512" which is part of the AGB SDK (https://github.com/mid-kid/arm-000512). Ethmac007 (talk) 16:48, 23 June 2024 (UTC)