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Proto:The Legend of Zelda/FDS Prototype/Levels 1-4

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Legend of Zelda/FDS Prototype.

Level 1


The Eagle Dungeon only has two rooms with differences.

Proto Final
Be prepared to see a lot of these, folks The singular of Keese is not Koose

The number of Keese in the Compass room was increased from five to eight.

Proto Final
See? There they are again A group of Keese is called a Kaggle

More added Keese, with the enemy count rising from three to six.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Level 2

Oh boy

The Moon Dungeon, however, has a lot of changes. Only five rooms are identical between versions.

Proto Final
Some names are inherently terrifying. "Rope" is not one of them Snakes alive!

The left room has one more Rope in the final version, and the right room went from three to five Ropes. The right room also has some door changes.

The left door is open in the prototype but closed in the final, and the right door is locked. The key was removed from the right room to accommodate for that change.

Proto Final
Slithering around Orange and ready

Two more Ropes are present in the final.

Proto Final
Zol had babies And no 8-second-long text box when you pick it up, either!

The key was changed to a Compass in the final build, and the open door changed to a bombable wall.

Another Gel was added as well. Noticing a pattern yet?

Proto Final
ARGH That's a lot of changes

There's too many door changes here to list, but just be aware that every single room here has a different door configuration.

Other changes include the Compass in the Keese room being changed to a Bomb pickup, the addition of a 5 Rupee prize in the Gel room, and the addition of five Ropes in the upper-left room.

Proto Final
Not much of a threat Boomerangs were never so sinister

This room was made more challenging by replacing all of the Ropes with Goriyas. Both doors were closed in the final version.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Level 3

It's a MANJI. It's not anything else.

Only six rooms changed in the Manji Dungeon.

Proto Final
I think we've seen enough of these Another name that inspires fear in no one: "Darknut"

This central room was altered significantly. The traps were removed, and the four Keese replaced with Orange Darknuts.

Proto Final
Dammit, again? I'm so sick of you

Surprising no one, this room has more Keese in the final (two more, to be exact). Oh, and the door on the right was closed.

Proto Final
A pretty easy walk Whoa, did the level designer just get dumped?

The final version really likes Darknuts. Two were added in the upper room, and five(!) to the lower room. The Bomb pickup was added in the lower room.

Proto Final
Locked? Closed!

The locked door is a closed door in the final version. A 5 Rupee prize was added to the lower room, and the block arrangement in the center was changed.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Level 4

Not much

The Snake Dungeon ties with Level 1 for "least amount of changes to a dungeon level". Which isn't much of a title.

Proto Final
Light Zol Dark Zol

The Zol palette was darkened in the final to blend in with the dark rooms of this dungeon.

Proto Final
Sigh Yep, bats

Hey, look, it has the exact same type of room changes too!

Two more Keese.


Proto Final
I hate you So much

One...two...three...four...five! Five more Keese! Ah ha ha.

(Source: Original TCRF research)