This is a sub-page of Proto:Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium.
As the most important structure on Dezolis, there's really no need to persuade people to visit Gumbious Temple. Scenic.
1st Floor
May & August Scripts
Here at Gumbious Temple, we not only guarded the 'Eclipse Torch,' the object of the Dezolisian belief, but also we are the core of the governmental system.
Final Script
Here at Gumbious Temple, we not only guard the Eclipse Torch, the symbol of the Dezolisian belief, but also we are the central government.
May & August Scripts
The 'Eclipse Torch' is a holy flame. The legend stats that it emits a burning light that reduces any 'object unworthy of this world to ashes.'
Final Script
The Eclipse Torch is a holy flame. The legend states that it emits a burning light that reduces any object unworthy of this world to ashes.
May & August Scripts
I once got terribly frostbiten. But the light of the Eclipse Torch, cured me in moments! That is truly a holy flame.
Final Script
I once got terribly frostbitten. But the light of the Eclipse Torch cured me in moments! That is truly a holy flame.
May & August Scripts
This is sacred Dezolisian area. Usually many people come to visit, but recently there's been a snowstorm and visitors are few and far between.
Final Script
This is a sacred Dezolisian area. Usually many people come to visit, but recently there's been a snowstorm and visitors are few and far between.
May & August Scripts
You may not go beyond this point. Please retreat.
Final Script
You may not go beyond this point. Please go back.
After the Eclipse Torch is Stolen
1st Floor
May & August Scripts
Oh horrors! Our holy flame has been Stolen!
Final Script
Oh horrors! Our holy flame has been stolen!
After Recovering the Eclipse Torch
1st Floor
May & August Scripts
Oh, you have reclaimed the Eclipse Torch!
Final Script
Oh, you have recovered the Eclipse Torch!
May & August Scripts
Ah, I'm sure we can entrust people like you with the holy flame.
Final Script
Ah, I'm sure we can trust people like you with the holy flame.
2nd Floor
May & August Scripts
Be it as it may I'm glad it turned out well.
Final Script
I'm glad it turned out well.
After the Garuberk Tower Disappears
May & August Scripts
Powerful waves of pure emotion emanating from have assaulted this temple!
Final Script
Powerful wave of pure hate assaulted this temple!
Translation Notes
The Japanese term for the waves is "念波". This could translate to "wave of feeling/emotion", but in the case, should probably translate to "thought wave."
The final English draft changed the vague "emotion" to "hate", which at least makes sense in context.
May & August Scripts
Just when we though the dark cloud was lifted and the malice was gone...!
Final Script
Just when we thought the dark cloud was lifted and the malice was gone...!
May & August Scripts
So you are the people to whom the Eclipse Torch was loaned. I'm glad you're here. The bishop is awaiting you.
Final Script
So you are the people who saved the Eclipse Torch. I'm glad you're here. The bishop awaits you.
Translation Notes
The high priest already knows that Chaz and the others have the Eclipse Torch -- he's the one who loaned it to them -- but the way the sentence (イクリプストーチをお貸しした方々じゃな) was translated makes it seem like he's just now learning about this.
The later English draft doesn't really fix this, but it doesn't make him seem more supposes.