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Proto:Grand Theft Auto 2 (Windows)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Grand Theft Auto 2 (Windows).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Notes: This article is approximately 25.50% done, and is currently lacking information...slightly.
To do:
  • The game doesn't work well due to crashing, freezing, and rarely making a static noise. But should I add the "defunct" template?
  • For possible editors reading this, you can start here, in this now accurate link. Please note you can only do this if you have the Macromedia Flash plugin.
  • Get the other sounds that was changed in the demo.

A pre-release demo was released by Rockstar in September 1999. In this demo, you're placed in the Commercial district with a bellyful of explosives and six whole minutes to complete several missions for the three factions in this district and/or aimlessly run a bunch of people over.

Unused Code and Developer Message

Developer Message

802 Hey there, kid. Sorry to break this to you but...
You got a bellyful of explosives and only 6 minutes to live life to the full. Have fun! sales_1 GTA2 - AVAILABLE FRIDAY 22 OCTOBER 1999

Could've been used for the ending.

To do:
Find that Notepad code about the tanker.
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: The fact that there is hidden (and possibly defunct) code for these cars look interesting...if there's code for a vehicle that doesn't appear in-game, then why is there code for it?

Unused Code

{Armed Land Roamer}
22 {model}
0 {turbo}
30 {value}
0 {pad}
f12.000 {mass}
f0.500 {front drive bias}
f0.600 {front mass bias}
f1.750 {brake friction}
f0.550 {turn in}
f0.350 {turn ratio}
f1.300 {rear end stability}
f0.175 {handbrake slide value}
f0.130 {thrust}
f0.240 {max_speed}
f1.000 {anti strength}
f0.115 {skid threshhold}
f0.550 {gear1 multiplier}
f0.600 {gear2 multiplier}
f1.000 {gear3 multiplier}
f0.120 {gear2 speed}
f0.152 {gear3 speed}

{Land Roamer}
30 {model}
0 {turbo}
5 {value}
0 {pad}
f12.000 {mass}
f0.500 {front drive bias}
f0.600 {front mass bias}
f1.750 {brake friction}
f0.550 {turn in}
f0.350 {turn ratio}
f1.300 {rear end stability}
f0.175 {handbrake slide value}
f0.130 {thrust}
f0.240 {max_speed}
f1.000 {anti strength}
f0.115 {skid threshhold}
f0.550 {gear1 multiplier}
f0.600 {gear2 multiplier}
f1.000 {gear3 multiplier}
f0.120 {gear2 speed}
f0.152 {gear3 speed}

{Stretch Limousine}
32 {model}
0 {turbo}
50 {value}
0 {pad}
f24.000 {mass}
f0.500 {front drive bias}
f0.500 {front mass bias}
f2.000 {brake friction}
f0.250 {turn in}
f0.650 {turn ratio}
f0.800 {rear end stability}
f0.200 {handbrake slide value}
f0.210 {thrust}
f0.275 {max_speed}
f0.750 {anti strength}
f0.085 {skid threshhold}
f0.550 {gear1 multiplier}
f0.800 {gear2 multiplier}
f1.000 {gear3 multiplier}
f0.120 {gear2 speed}
f0.215 {gear3 speed}

{Sports Limousine}
33 {model}
0 {turbo}
50 {value}
0 {pad}
f24.000 {mass}
f1.000 {front drive bias}
f0.500 {front mass bias}
f2.000 {brake friction}
f0.200 {turn in}
f0.600 {turn ratio}
f0.750 {rear end stability}
f0.200 {handbrake slide value}
f0.220 {thrust}
f0.295 {max_speed}
f0.750 {anti strength}
f0.085 {skid threshhold}
f0.550 {gear1 multiplier}
f0.800 {gear2 multiplier}
f1.000 {gear3 multiplier}
f0.135 {gear2 speed}
f0.230 {gear3 speed}

{Special Agent Car}
84 {model}
0 {turbo}
70 {value}
0 {pad}
f15.000 {mass}
f1.000 {front drive bias}
f0.600 {front mass bias}
f2.000 {brake friction}
f0.155 {turn in}
f0.450 {turn ratio}
f1.200 {rear end stability}
f0.350 {handbrake slide value}
f0.165 {thrust}
f0.300 {max_speed}
f0.800 {anti strength}
f0.085 {skid threshhold}
f0.550 {gear1 multiplier}
f0.700 {gear2 multiplier}
f1.000 {gear3 multiplier}
f0.130 {gear2 speed}
f0.195 {gear3 speed}


Version Numbers

Proto Final
GTA 2 Demo (2).png Screenshot (37).png

As to be expected, the demo has an earlier version number.

The Cinematic

This would be downloaded in separate parts from the Rockstar website, however in the prototype it's part of the full game, meaning that it doesn't show when you start the game, nor during your playthrough.

Spawn Point

Proto Final
Screenshot (35).png Screenshot (38).png

On the left side, you spawn in Fruitbat. The missions the loonies gave you from top to bottom are Radio Za-Za! and Pizza Cake.

Mission Names

In the demo, mission names such as "Who's Mad" and "Dimentia To Go!" share their PlayStation version counterparts, with the former being "Who's Behind You!", and the latter being "Getta Isetta!". These were possibly placeholder titles used in an earlier version of the game before the final titles were decided.

Sound Differences

Many sounds are changed or removed from the demo and final game. Note the sound file is bill.sdt (industrial district sounds) and also some of the sounds emit loud noises probably due to being corrupted.

After being killed in the demo, the audience will boo you, while in the final game, the commentator will say "Wasted!" with the crowd being disappointed.

Proto Final

A very early version of the kill frenzy line said by the commentator, where he says the line very quickly with no clapping, while the final one makes the announcer says "KILLLLL FREEENZY!" while having a lot of fanfare behind him.

Proto Final

The church uses to be what seems to be a part of the in-game track, Rev. Rooney & The Rocksta Choir - "God Bless All The Universe" while the final game uses the appropriate church organs.

Proto Final

Other Differences

  • It is impossible to gain access to the Suburban & Industrial districts without external code.
  • The game mostly uses the Grand Theft Auto weapon set: the Pistol, Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, and Machine Gun, plus the new Molotov Cocktail.
  • Bullets go through stairs due to a programming error which removes bullet collision with stairs.
  • There is no radio whatsoever.
  • NPCs don't use machine guns, flamethrowers, or rocket launchers. The exception of Molotov cocktails is in the mission "Radio Za Za!", as the loonies throw said weapons at you.
  • After a bloodshed, there is less gore. An example is no blood pools.
  • Some NPCs are missing. Particularly the naked man.
  • Depending on the quality of your PC performance, sound bugs (no audio, static) may occur uncommonly.

Setup Wizard

There is a setup wizard during bootup. The options are:

  1. Welcome
    • To this day, the only language you can pick here is English (British).
    • Text speed. Ranging from 1-5.
  2. Video
    • Maximum Frame Rate. Normal speed.
    • Minimum Frame Rate. The framerate goes faster than Sonic the Hedgehog when you choose this!
    • Lighting. Choose from noon to dusk.
    • Gamma Value. Increases brightness.
    • Display Mode. Ranges from Window to Full Screen.
    • Screen options. Purpose is currently unknown.
    • Special Recognition. Used incase your PC has "special" drivers.
  3. Audio
    • Effects Volume. Increases volume of SFX.
    • Music Volume. Quite unnecessary because of the lack of music tracks in the prototype.
  4. Controls.
    • Default Keyboard. Starts with WASD for movement keys, other buttons are unknown.
    • "Classic" Keyboard. The controls are weirder than the Pokémon Indigo League error in donuts and rice balls.

Screenshot (40).png

    • Controller. Did you say controller? PlayStation and Xbox master race, where are you?

Unused High Score System

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Another "breakable brick wall". This doesn't work in any way seemingly, but it could be "revived".

From looking inside the game's files, there are seven "slots" that would hold your high scores. These scores would have been uploaded to a currently-unknown website by an application in the game which connects to the internet.

The function with saving high scores when exiting is defunct, sadly.

(Not related to regularly saving high scores without external communication.)