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Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

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Title Screen

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

Also known as: Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (EU), Layton Kyouju to Akuma no Hako (JP)
Developer: Level-5
Publishers: Level-5 (JP), Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: November 29, 2007, February 12, 2009 (Friendly-ban)
Released in US: August 24, 2009
Released in EU: September 25, 2009
Released in AU: September 24, 2009
Released in KR: September 8, 2011

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of May 20, 2014) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.
To do:
  • Document the many text differences between the US and UK versions (ex. puzzle names being different for the same puzzles).
  • Compare title screens between versions.
  • One of the characters, Felix, had his appearance changed from the original Japanese version. Put up a comparison for that.

The second game in the first Layton trilogy, and the one with the best puzzles, but the most nonsensical plot. It was the first game in the series to get multi-language voice acting in Europe, where it was tremendously successful.

Like the first game, the game later got a re-release in Japan called the "Friendly Version" (which has furigana over kanji for little kids) with all of the 52 Wi-Fi puzzles unlocked by default.


Regional Differences
Is it the Diabolical Box or the Pandora's Box?
English Translation Differences
(Contains spoilers!) Thankfully not as complicated as the later Layton games.
Lost in Translation
The altered puzzles, some of which can be solved without any prior knowledge of Japanese.
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Puzzles

Unused Wifi-Puzzle

There are only 34 puzzles localized out of the 52 Wi-Fi puzzles from the JP version. One of the translated puzzles is never triggered normally, and thus remains unused: it is “Different Cats”, which has B as an answer and consists of a black model and five inverted-color mirrored patterns we must choose from. The rest of the puzzles have been mostly completely removed.

Puzzles with Unused Alternate Translation

Two puzzles from the JP version were replaced with different puzzles in the US version. However, the original puzzles still exist in the US version, fully translated but unused. They're called Bird in a Hole (JP Puzzle 56) and Boxes of Treats (JP Puzzle 75).

Unused Graphics


Placeholder NPC graphics.




Puzzle Graphics

Graphics from unused puzzle types.



The Japanese text reads "Touch the cup you want to move!"


Unfinished drawings of subscreen graphics.




Unfinished/early versions of map sections. The top image could possibly be a prototype for the Folsense Plaza map.




A crudely drawn entrance.

ProfessorLayton2-ebg 27.png

Flora Face

An unused face sprite of Flora giving a rather sinister smile. It's likely this would have been used in Chapter 6 when the 'Flora' that Layton and Luke are traveling with is revealed to actually be Don Paolo in disguise. This graphic is also present in the EXHD for Mobile version.


Separate Flora Audio

During Don Paolo's aforementioned big reveal in Chapter 6, there are two lines spoken with both his and Flora's voices overlapping. There is another file, though, which is only Flora's voice. The lines are kept in the same audio file unlike the ones used for the actual reveal.

Flora Only Flora & Don Paolo

The single only purpose for this audio is for the 'Voices' bonus feature.

Untranslated Text

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

This text is stored among the error message texts.



(Please touch the memo you want to read)

This one, however, seems to be a list of the objects used per room. It is under the name tobjlist.txt:

0	-1	1	汎用		(General Purpose)
1	1	0	窓の外		(Outside of Window)
2	1	1	本棚		(Bookshelf)	
3	1	1	本棚下部		(Lower Bookshelf)	
4	1	1	ソファー		(Sofa)	
5	1	0	鉢植え		(Potted Plant)		
6	1	1	棚		(Shelf)	
7	1	1	机の上		(On the Desk)		
8	3	1	植木		(Plants)	
9	3	1	ポスト		(Mailbox)	
10	3	1	電灯		(Lamp)	
11	3	1	窓/ベランダ?	(Window/Veranda?)	
12	4	0	博士の部屋	(Professor's Room)	
13	4	0	傘立てには	(In the Umbrella Stand)	
14	4	1	棚の中には	(In the Shelf)	
15	4	0	窓には		(In the Window)	
16	4	1	額縁には		(In the Picture Frame)	
17	4	0	ランプには	(In the Lamp)	
18	4	1	バケツには	(In the Bucket)	
19	4	1	椅子には		(In the Chair)	
20	6	0	汎用_額縁	(Generic_Picture Frame)	
21	6	0	鏡		(Mirror)	
22	7	1	ドアノブ		(Doorknob)	
23	7	0	照明1		(Lighting 1)	
24	7	0	ドア板			
25	7	1	じゅうたん	(Carpet)	
26	-1	1	汎用_ランプシェード (General Purpose_Lampshade)	
27	8	1	ティーセット	(Tea Set)	
28	8	1	荷物1			
29	-1	1	汎用_窓外1		
30	-1	0	汎用_カーテン1		
31	11	0	照明2			
32	11	0	カーテン2		
33	11	0	窓外2			
34	11	1	テーブルクロス	(Tablecloth)	
35	11	0	グラス		(Glass)	
36	12	1	パン		(Bread)	
37	12	1	野菜		(Vegetable)	
38	12	1	カウンター	(Counter)	
39	12	1	照明3			
40	13	0	カーテン3		
41	13	1	カーペット	(Carpet)	
42	15	1	壁の服			
43	15	1	荷物2			
44	15	1	椅子にかかった服		
45	15	1	花瓶		(Flower Vase)	
46	15	1	ワイン		(Wine)	
47	17	1	小屋の屋根		
48	17	1	ほうき		(Broom)	
49	17	1	バケツ		(Bucket)	
50	18	1	風景1			
51	18	1	椅子			
52	18	0	テーブル			
53	18	1	手すり			
54	19	1	車体1			
55	19	1	出口		(Exit)	
56	20	1	車体2			
57	20	1	風景2			
58	-1	1	汎用_m_通路じゅうたん	
59	-1	0	汎用_m_通路照明		
60	4	1	ほうき1			
61	4	1	窓		(Window)	
62	4	1	花瓶1			
63	2	1	植木			
64	2	1	ポスト			
65	2	1	電灯			
66	2	1	窓/ベランダ?		
67	91	1	左のドア			
68	91	1	右のドア			
69	91	1	掲示板			
70	91	0	台?			
71	91	1	床			
72	21	1	21風景			
73	22	1	22ベンチ		
74	22	0	22地面			
75	22	1	22旗			
76	23	1	23露店露店奥		
77	23	0	23旗			
78	24	0	24家			
79	25	0	25風車			
80	26	0	26垂れ幕		
81	28	1	28旗			
82	31	1	31屋敷			
83	31	1	31山			
84	31	0	31家			
85	32	1	32牛小屋		
86	32	1	32屋敷			
87	33	1	33屋敷			
88	33	0	33水辺の小屋		
89	35	1	35街灯			
90	35	1	35地面			
91	35	0	35中央の台		
92	36	1	36遠景			
93	36	0	36道路			
94	37	1	37吹き抜け		
95	38	1	38鏡			
96	38	1	38ソファ		
97	39	1	39露店手前		
98	40	1	40鏡			
99	40	0	40椅子			
100	42	1	42レストラン看板	
101	42	0	42カメラ		
102	43	0	43壁の写真		
103	46	1	46手前の壁		
104	47	1	47水			
105	48	0	48ゴミ			
106	49	1	49照明			
107	50	0	50煙突			
108	51	1	51手前の茂み		
109	51	0	51門			
110	52	1	52左右の彫像		
111	52	1	52噴水			
112	53	1	53ガラス屋根		
113	54	0	54中央のケース		
114	54	0	54右展示		
115	55	1	55上の肖像画		
116	57	0	57リボンの看板		
117	58	1	58カウンター上		
118	58	1	58吊り下がったもの	
119	58	0	58左上の棚		
120	59	1	59中央下鏡		
121	59	1	59右上ニンニク		
122	64	0	64上の電飾		
123	67	1	67左上ランプ		
124	68	1	68崖			
125	68	1	68立て札		
126	69	0	69トロッコ		
127	70	1	70ランプ		
128	70	0	70パイプ		
129	70	1	70メーター		
130	72	0	72鉄パイプ		
131	72	1	72スイッチ		
132	73	0	73金庫			
133	73	1	73床			
134	74	1	74門			
135	75	1	75銅像			
136	76	0	76植物			
137	76	1	76キノコ		
138	77	1	77城			
139	78	1	78橋			
140	79	1	79橋			
141	80	1	80崖			
142	80	1	80城上部		
143	35	0	35手すり		
144	60	1	60ニンニク		
145	61	1	61地面			
146	23	1	23露店手前		
147	24	1	24空			
148	25	1	25畑			
149	25	1	25森			
150	26	0	26露店			
151	28	0	28花壇			
152	28	1	28掲示板		
153	29	1	29風船			
154	29	0	29牛風船		
155	30	1	30ぬいぐるみ		
156	30	1	30タイヤキ		
157	30	0	30棚			
158	26	1	26右の露店		
159	36	0	36右の建物		
160	36	1	36奥への通路		
161	37	0	37階段			
162	39	0	39右奥の店		
163	40	0	40照明			
164	41	0	41時計台		
165	43	1	43カメラ		
166	43	1	43ショーケース		
167	45	1	45板			
168	55	1	55コート		
169	55	1	55水晶玉		
170	56	1	56街灯			
171	56	0	56バリケード		
172	71	1	71つるはし		
173	71	1	71ランプ		
174	74	1	74森			
175	78	1	78城の周り		
176	81	1	81奥のもの		
177	82	1	82廊下			
178	83	1	83テーブル		
179	84	0	84床のシミ		
180	84	1	84手錠			
181	84	0	84オノ			
182	86	1	86照明			
183	87	0	87タンク		
184	88	1	88手前の石炭		
185	93	1	93棚			
186	68	1	68森			
187	94	1	建物	
188	94	0	建物左