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Pizza Tower/Unused Sprites/Unused Noise Animations

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This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower/Unused Sprites.

Old Versions

Barrel Animation

Pizza Tower spr playerN barrel.gif


Noise's old barrel animation, before it was updated in v1.1.0.

Slipping Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-slipnslide.gif


Animation used in older builds when the player slips on ice blocks (eg. in Strongcold) or on bananas. Was also used in old water levels at the very start of the game's development.

Bomb Animations

Was used in demos/prototype builds when the player didn't have much control over the bomb transformation, again much like in the Warioland games.

Grab Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-grab.gif


A very old grab animation for Noise, used in older demos when Peppino and Noise used to grab enemies and punch them until they were defeated.

Pilediver Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-piledriver.gif Pizza Tower spr-playerN-piledriverland.gif

spr_playerN_piledriver / spr_playerN_piledriverland

Noise's old pilediver animation before v1.1.0. It depicts him as a basketball player with a large afro. Possibly changed due to how it could be perceived as a racist stereotype.

Rail Grinding Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-grinding.gif


Noise's old animation for when grinding on rails. Was likely changed to put more emphasis on his skateboard.

Key Collecting Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-keyget.gif


Old animation for Noise collecting a key to a locked door. Was used in earlier demos.

Scrapped Animations

End of Ghost Transformation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-ghostend.gif


Leftover from when the ghost transformation ended when using a cross instead of the priest.

End of Fireass Transformation

Noise butt burn unused.gif


Was meant to be used after Noise comes back down after having touched hot sauce. McPig removed it as it felt too slow, same thing happened to Peppino's.

End of Firemouth Transformation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-firemouthend.gif


Old animation once used for ending the Firemouth transformation, when cow milk was used instead of the priest.

Squished Transformation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-squished.gif


Animation for when Noise gets squished by something (es. the also unused moving cardboard tanks), it even has a TV animation associated with it. Some of these sprites would be re-used in the animation for when one of Doise's rocks falls on The Noise at the end of the boss fight.

Mach 1 Jumping Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-airdash1.gif Pizza Tower spr-playerN-airdash2.gif


Was used when Noise jumped while at mach 1 speed.

Tumbling Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-tumblestart.gif


Used when pressing down on a slope in demos/prototype builds, it would have manually triggered the ball transformation, similarly to the Warioland series.

Diving Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-dive.gif


Diving animation, was used in previous iterations on Noise's moveset.

Dabbing Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-dab.gif


A direct reference to the "analogue dabbing" featured in the Noid fangame, Yo! Noid 2. This is used in Noise's Hardoween. Was later meant to be re-inplemented in the boss fight as the animation for his copy exploding before being replaced by the current animation.

Up-punching Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-uppunch.gif


An old finishing blow animation, probably used for bosses.

Wallclimb Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-climbwall.gif


The Noise wallclimbing with his skateboard, was used in previous iterations on Noise's moveset.

Washing Machine

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-hookshot1.gif Pizza Tower spr-playerN-hookshot2.gif


An old idea McPig toyed around with was giving The Noise a washing machine that could hook enemies with.

Gliding Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-glide.gif


Noise gliding with his cape, was used for an old gliding move in earlier demos.

Charging Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-charge.gif


Noise charging an enemy. Was used in older demos.

Pogo Stick Animations

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-pogobouncemach.gif Pizza Tower spr-playerN-pogofallmach.gif

spr_playerN_pogobouncemach / spr_playerN_pogofallmach

These animations were part of the "Pogo" moveset, the last unique one to The Noise before McPig changed it because of co-op. These appeared when Noise was ready to fire his jetpack horizontally or vertically.

Downwards Jetpack Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-jetpackboostdown.gif


Noise boosting downwards using his jetpack.

Throwing Noise Bomb

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-noisebombthrow.gif


Noise throwing a bomb by hand instead of kicking it. Was used in 2021 builds in place of the uppercut move.

Double Jump Falling Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-doublejumpfall.gif


Noise falling after a double jump. With v1.1.0, only spr_playerN_doublejump is used in Swap Mode.

Clown Crouching Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-clowncrouch.gif


Clown Noise crouching.

Mach 2 Punching Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-machpunch2.gif


Breaking blocks when at Mach 2 speed, similar to when hitting enemies at Mach 3.

Death Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-deathstart.gif


The first part of Noise's full death animation. It was used in just one build.

Cheeserat Crouching Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-cheesedstick.gif


Noise crouching when in the cheeserat / stickycheese transformation.

Minigun Grab Animation

Pizza Tower spr-playerN-minigundash.gif


Noise performing a grab dash while using his minigun. Same as Peppino, this mechanic would later be scrapped.

Knight Noise Bump

PizzaTower-Spr playerN knightbump.png

The Noise's version the knight transformation bounces off the walls and continues going rather than coming to a halt like Peppino does, so the Noise's version of this sprite goes unused.

Rat Balloon Bounce Animation

Spr playerN ratballoonbounce.gif

The Noise bouncing on a Rat Balloon, instead of him becoming a balloon.

Skateboard Double Jump Animation

Spr playerN skateboarddoublejump.gif

The Noise doublejumping with his skateboard in the air.