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Notes:Tales of Symphonia (GameCube)

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This page contains notes for the game Tales of Symphonia (GameCube).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Useful Codes

Various codes, useful for experimenting and jumping around the game. Codes with three sections separated by hyphens (-) in them are AR Codes, meant for use on GameCube, while ones with only standard hexadecimal characters are Gecko codes (meant for use on Wii). Both can be used with the Dolphin emulator.

Walk Through Walls

To do:
  • Find JP equivalent
  • AR version of NA code would also be nice
  • Does not work on Overworld.
  • Press X and D-Pad Left to turn turn on, X and D-Pad Right to turn off.
  • Your character will be able to walk through all walls but not interactable objects, characters, NPCs, event triggers, etc.
  • Your character will ignore gravity while it's on, and fall down to the nearest floor once it's turned off.
  • Climbing certain staircases is difficult while the code is on but all should be possible.
  • NA

    Walk Through Walls (Press X + DPad Left/Right) [goemon_guy]
    282CAED8 00000401
    0402F1A0 38600001
    282CAED9 00000402
    0402F1A0 7F23DB78
    E0000000 80008000


    Walk Through Walls On/Off (Press X + DPad Left/Right) [Ralf]

    Use Rheiards Anytime

    To do:
    • Find JP and EU equivalents

    With this on you won't need to wait for the story to allow you to use Rheairds, meaning you can go wherever you want as soon as you want. The Renegades bases will not allow you to teleport between Sylvarant and Tethe'alla until the story normally allows it, though, so to move between worlds you will have to use the below room teleport code. You use them the same way you normally would, so just press B while on the overworld.

    Get on Rheiards any time [dcx2]
    20C0C934 28170200
    04C0C950 48000014
    04C0C978 48000010
    E0000000 80008000

    Party Modifier Codes

    There's various odd and interesting things that can happen if you have characters in the party the game when you're not supposed to. The following codes can be used to change your party to whoever you want, each xx is a different slot. Note that the game will crash very easily if you have all slots as blank. Also, having an empty slot will cause all slots after it to appear empty, so if you set slot 4 to Empty and slot 5 to Colette, Colette won't show in the party. Slots beyond the intended 8 don't work, so unfortunately you can't have all 9 party members at once even with this.

    Party Slots 1-8
    005B775D 000000xx
    005B775E 000000xx
    005B775F 000000xx
    005B7760 000000xx
    005B7761 000000xx
    005B7762 000000xx
    005B7763 000000xx
    005B7764 000000xx
    Character IDs
    00 Empty/No-one
    01 Lloyd
    02 Colette
    03 Genis
    04 Raine
    05 Sheena
    06 Zelos
    07 Presea
    08 Regal
    09 Kratos
    0A Noishe (no model, crashes trying to enter battle, crashes easily)
    0B+ Various glitchy messes, lots of crashes abound
    (Source: Original TCRF research)

    Room Teleport Codes

    To do:
    • Figure out the names of the Rooms that aren't written down.
    • Some of these names might be wrong, please fix them if so.
    • Better descriptions for some of the interiors.

    Press Z to warp to a Room.

    Using this code will make the game use the coordinates of the entrance you last came from, so you can get stuck easily if you're not careful. It's recommended to make sure the last entrance you came from is high up so that you won't spawn below the map, entering the Martel Temple basement is a good early point for this. Using the above walk through walls code will also make it much easier to avoid getting stuck.


    Z to Warp to Room
    0A2CAED8 00000010
    4235A768 08690XXX
    Room IDs
    005 Game Settings map
    006 Thoda Geyser
    007 Thoda Geyser
    008 Thoda Geyser
    009 Thoda Geyser
    00A Thoda Geyser (Boss Room)
    00B Altamira
    00C Altamira (Night)
    00D Altamira (outside Casino)
    00E Altamira
    00F Altamira
    010 Altamira
    011 Altamira
    012 Altamira
    013 Altamira
    014 Altamira
    015 Altamira
    016 Altamira
    017 Altamira
    018 Altamira (Lezareno Company Headquarters, entrance)
    019 Altamira (Lezareno Company Headquarters)
    01A Altamira (Lezareno Company Headquarters, grave)
    01B Altamira (Lezareno Company Headquarters)
    01C Altamira (Casino)
    01D The City of Ruins Asgard
    01E Asgard
    01F Asgard
    020 Asgard (Inn)
    021 Asgard (Inn)
    022 Asgard (Inn, 2nd floor)
    023 Asgard (Inn, 2nd floor, left room)
    024 Asgard (Inn, 2nd floor, right room)
    025 Asgard (Inn)
    026 Asgard (Inn, 3rd room)
    027 Asgard (Inn, 1st room)
    028 Asgard (Inn, 2nd room)
    029 Asgard (Weapon & Armor Shops)
    02A Asgard (Item Shop)
    02B Asgard (Murals)
    02C Asgard ("Shrine of the Rite")
    02D Asgard (Dragon Stable)
    02E Asgard (House)
    02F Asgard (House, 2nd floor)
    030 Asgard (House)
    031 Asgard (Cave house, 2nd room)
    032 Asgard (Madam's House)
    033 Asgard (House)
    034 Asgard (House)
    035 Asgard (House)
    036 Palmacosta
    037 The Port City Palmacosta
    038 Palmacosta
    039 Palmacosta
    03A Palmacosta (Cutscene map)
    03B Palmacosta (Inn)
    03C Palmacosta (Inn, 1st floor room)
    03D Palmacosta (Inn, 2nd floor room)
    03E Palmacosta (Potion Shop)
    03F Palmacosta (Item Shop)
    040 Palmacosta (Item Shop, 2nd floor)
    041 Palmacosta (Governer-General Dorr's Office)
    042 Palmacosta (Jail)
    043 Palmacosta (Church)
    044 Palmacosta (School)
    045 Palmacosta (School, 1st floor, 1st room)
    046 Palmacosta (School, 1st floor, Cafeteria)
    047 Palmacosta (School, 2nd floor)
    048 Palmacosta (School, 2nd floor, 1st classroom)
    049 Palmacosta (School, 2nd floor, 2nd classroom)
    04B Tethe'alla Bridge
    04C Tethe'alla Bridge
    04D Tethe'alla Bridge
    04E Tethe'alla Bridge
    051 House of Salvation
    052 Thoda Island Sightseeing Boat Dock
    053 House of Salvation
    054 House of Salvation
    055 House of Salvation test map?
    059 Hot Spring
    05B House of Guidance
    05C SE Abbey
    05D House of Guidance
    05F House of Salvation (inside)
    060 House of Salvation (inside, 2nd floor save point)
    061 Thoda Dock (House of Salvation)
    062 Thoda Dock (House of Salvation, save room)
    063 House of Salvation (inside)
    064 House of Salvation (inside, 2nd floor save point)
    066 House of Salvation (inside, 2nd floor save point)
    068 House of Salvation (inside, 2nd floor save point)
    069 House of Salvation (inside)
    06A House of Salvation (inside, 2nd floor save point)
    06F House of Guidance (inside)
    070 House of Guidance (inside, 2nd floor save point)
    073 House of Guidance (inside)
    074 House of Guidance (inside, 2nd floor)
    075 SE Abbey (inside)
    076 SE Abbey (inside, 2nd floor)
    07B Hakonesia Peak
    07C Hakonesia Peak (House)
    07D Temple of Darkness (entrance)
    07E Temple of Darkness
    07F Temple of Darkness
    080 Derris-Kharlan (entrance)
    081 Derris-Kharlan
    082 Vinheim
    083 Derris-Kharlan or Vinheim
    084 Derris-Kharlan or Vinheim
    085 Derris-Kharlan or Vinheim
    086 Derris-Kharlan or Vinheim
    087 Derris-Kharlan or Vinheim
    088 Derris-Kharlan or Vinheim
    08A Altessa's House
    08B Altessa's House (inside)
    08C Altessa's House (Night, inside)
    08D Altessa's House (Night, Item Shop)
    08E Altessa's House
    08F Altessa's House (Night)
    090 Altessa's House (Item Shop)
    091 Altessa's House (Item Shop)
    092 Altessa's House (Item Shop)
    093 Tower of Salvation (entrance)
    094 Tower of Salvation (entrance)
    095 Tower of Salvation
    096 Tower of Salvation
    097 Tower of Salvation (cave)
    098 Tower of Salvation (Destroyed, entrance)
    099 Welgaia (dungeon)
    09A Welgaia (dungeon)
    09B Welgaia (dungeon)
    09C Welgaia (dungeon)
    09D Welgaia (dungeon)
    09E Welgaia (dungeon)
    09F Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A0 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A1 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A2 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A3 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A4 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A5 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A6 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A7 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0A8 Welgaia (dungeon, entrance)
    0A9 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0AA Welgaia (dungeon)
    0AB Welgaia (dungeon)
    0AC Welgaia (dungeon)
    0AD Welgaia (dungeon)
    0AE Welgaia (dungeon)
    0AF Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B0 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B1 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B2 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B3 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B4 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B5 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B6 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B7 Welgaia (dungeon)
    0B8 Tower of Salvation
    0B9 Exire (House)
    0BA Exire (House)
    0BB Exire (House, 2nd floor)
    0BC Exire (House)
    0BD The City in the Sky Exire
    0BE Exire
    0BF Exire (Rheaird)
    0C0 Iselia Forest
    0C1 Iselia Human Ranch (entrance)
    0C2 Iselia Human Ranch
    0C3 Iselia Human Ranch
    0C4 Iselia Human Ranch
    0C5 Iselia Human Ranch
    0C6 Palmacosta Ranch (entrance)
    0C7 Palmacosta Ranch
    0C9 Palmacosta Ranch
    0CA Palmacosta Ranch
    0CB Palmacosta Ranch
    0CC Palmacosta Ranch
    0CD Palmacosta Ranch
    0CE Palmacosta Ranch
    0CF Palmacosta Ranch
    0D0 Asgard Ranch (entrance)
    0D2 Asgard Ranch
    0D3 Asgard Ranch
    0D4 Asgard Ranch
    0D5 Asgard Ranch
    0D6 Asgard Ranch
    0D7 Asgard Ranch
    0D8 Asgard Ranch
    0D9 Asgard Ranch
    0DA Triet Ruins (entrance)
    0DB Triet Ruins (inside)
    0DC Triet Ruins
    0DD Triet Ruins (Boss Room)
    0E9 Iselia Forest
    0EB Temple of Earth (entrance)
    0EC Temple of Earth
    0ED Temple of Earth
    0EF Nova's Caravan
    0F1 Nova's Caravan (Night)
    0F3 Nova's Caravan
    0F5 Nova's Caravan (Night)
    0F7 Nova's Caravan
    0F9 Nova's Caravan (Night)
    0FB Tethe'alla Base (entrance)
    0FC Tethe'alla Base
    0FD Tethe'alla Base
    0FE Tethe'alla Base
    0FF Tethe'alla Base
    100 Tethe'alla Base
    101 Tethe'alla Base
    102 Tethe'alla Base
    103 Tethe'alla Base
    104 Tethe'alla Base
    105 Tethe'alla Base
    106 Tethe'alla Base
    107 Tethe'alla Base
    108 Tethe'alla Base
    109 Tethe'alla Base
    10A Tethe'alla Base
    10B Tethe'alla Base
    10C Tethe'alla Base
    10D Tethe'alla Base
    10E Tethe'alla Base (GameCube room)
    10F Tethe'alla Base
    110 Tethe'alla Base
    111 Tethe'alla Base
    112 Tethe'alla Base
    113 Sylvarant Base
    114 Sylvarant Base
    115 Sylvarant Base
    116 Sylvarant Base
    117 Sylvarant Base
    118 Sylvarant Base
    119 Sylvarant Base (entrance)
    11A The Hidden Elven Village Heimdall
    11B Heimdall
    11C Heimdall (Night)
    11D Heimdall (Inn)
    11E Heimdall
    11F Heimdall (Item Shop)
    120 Heimdall (House)
    121 Heimdall (Elf Elder's House)
    122 Heimdall
    123 Heimdall (Destroyed)
    124 Heimdall (Destroyed)
    127 Dirk's House (destroyed)
    12C The Village of Adventurers Hima
    12D Hima
    12E Hima (Peak)
    12F Hima (Inn)
    130 Hima (Inn, 2nd floor room)
    131 Hima (Inn, 1st floor room)
    132 Martel Temple (Entrance, outside)
    133 Martel Temple (Entrance, inside)
    134 Martel Temple
    135 Martel Temple
    136 The Snowy City Flanoir
    137 Flanoir
    138 Flanoir
    139 Flanoir
    13A Flanoir
    13B Flanoir (Inn)
    13C Flanoir (Inn, 2nd floor)
    13D Flanoir (Inn, 2nd floor, 1st room)
    13E Flanoir (Inn, 2nd floor, 2nd room)
    13F Flanoir (Equipment Shop)
    140 Flanoir (Accessory Shop)
    141 Flanoir (Church)
    142 Flanoir (Doctor's House)
    143 Temple of Ice (entrance)
    144 Temple of Ice
    145 Temple of Ice (Boss room)
    146 The Mystical Village Mizuho
    147 Mizuho
    148 Mizuho
    14A The Village of Oracles Iselia
    14B Iselia
    14C Iselia
    14D Iselia (Item Shop)
    14E Iselia (House)
    14F Iselia (House)
    150 Iselia (Colette's House)
    151 Iselia (Colette's House, 2nd floor)
    152 Iselia (Raine and Genis' House)
    153 Iselia (House)
    154 Iselia (Schoolhouse)
    155 Iselia (Fire)
    156 Iselia (Fire)
    157 Iselia (Fire)
    158 Iselia (Destroyed)
    159 Iselia (Destroyed)
    15A Iselia (Destroyed)
    15B Ossa Trail
    15C Ossa Trail
    15D Ossa Trail
    15E Ossa Trail
    15F Ossa Trail (Mine)
    160 Ossa Trail (Mine)
    161 The Small Fishing Port Izoold
    162 Izoold
    163 Izoold (building)
    164 Izoold (Inn)
    165 Izoold (building)
    166 Izoold (House)
    167 Lake Umacy
    168 Ending
    169 Tower of Mana (Entrance, outside)
    16A Tower of Mana (Entrance, inside)
    16B Tower of Mana
    16C Tower of Mana
    16D Tower of Mana
    16E Tower of Mana
    16F Tower of Mana
    170 Tower of Mana
    171 Tower of Mana (Boss room)
    172 Dirk's House (destroyed)
    173 Dirk's House (destroyed, inside)
    174 Dirk's House
    175 Dirk's House (Night)
    176 Dirk's House (inside)
    177 Dirk's House (Lloyd's bedroom)
    178 The Imperial City Meltokio
    179 Meltokio
    17A Meltokio (Slums)
    17B Meltokio
    17C Meltokio
    17D Meltokio (early Coliseum outside entrance?)
    17E Meltokio
    17F Meltokio (Inn)
    180 Meltokio (Inn, 2nd floor)
    181 Meltokio (Inn, 2nd floor, 2nd room)
    182 Meltokio (Inn, 2nd floor, 1st room)
    183 Meltokio (Armor Shop)
    184 Meltokio (Weapon & Customization Shops)
    185 Meltokio (Item Shop)
    186 Meltokio (Coliseum Entrance, inside)
    187 Meltokio (Coliseum, before battle)
    188 Meltokio (Coliseum)
    18A Meltokio (Elemental Research Laboratory)
    18B Meltokio (Church)
    18C Meltokio (Pope's study)
    18D Meltokio (Shop)
    18E Meltokio (House)
    18F Meltokio (Zelos' House)
    190 Meltokio (Zelos' House, 2nd floor)
    191 Meltokio (House)
    192 Meltokio (House)
    193 Meltokio (Castle)
    194 Meltokio (Castle, Save Room)
    195 Meltokio (Castle, Audience Chamber)
    196 Meltokio (Castle, barracks)
    197 Meltokio (Castle,)
    198 Meltokio (Castle, library)
    199 Meltokio (Castle, Guest Room)
    19A Meltokio (Castle, Royal Chambers)
    19B Meltokio (Castle, Dungeon)
    19C Toize Valley Mine (Entrance)
    19D Toize Valley Mine
    19E Toize Valley Mine
    19F Toize Valley Mine
    1A0 Fooji Mountains
    1A1 Fooji Mountains
    1A2 Fooji Mountains
    1A3 Katz' Village
    1A9 The Quiescent Village Ozette
    1AA Ozette
    1AB Ozette (Inn)
    1AC Ozette (Armor & Customization Shops)
    1AD Ozette (House)
    1AE Ozette (Item Shop)
    1AF Ozette (Presea's House)
    1B0 Ozette (Fire)
    1B1 Ozette (Destroyed, outside Presea's House)
    1B2 The University Town Sybak
    1B3 Sybak
    1B4 Sybak (Inn)
    1B5 Sybak (Imperial Research Academy, entrance)
    1B6 Sybak (Imperial Research Academy, hallway)
    1B7 Sybak (Imperial Research Academy)
    1B8 Sybak (Imperial Research Academy)
    1B9 Sybak (Imperial Research Academy)
    1BA Sybak (Imperial Research Academy, basement)
    1BB Sybak (Imperial Research Academy, basement room)
    1BC Sybak (Imperial Research Academy, Cafeteria)
    1BD Sybak (Imperial Research Academy, Library)
    1BE Sybak (Item Shop)
    1BF The City of Devastation Luin
    1C0 Luin
    1C1 Luin
    1C2 Luin
    1C3 Luin
    1C4 The City of Hope Luin
    1C5 Luin
    1C6 Luin
    1C7 Luin
    1C8 Luin
    1C9 Luin
    1CA Luin (Inn)
    1CB Luin (Above Inn, 1st room)
    1CC Luin (Above Inn, 2nd room)
    1CD Luin (Weapon & Customization Shops)
    1CE Luin (Item Shop, 1st floor)
    1CF Luin (Item Shop, 2nd floor)
    1D0 Luin (House)
    1D1 Luin (Church)
    1D2 Sewer
    1D3 Sewer
    1D4 Sewer
    1DA Disc 01 Title Screen
    1DB Temple of Lightning (Entrance)
    1DC Temple of Lightning
    1DD Temple of Lightning
    1DE Temple of Lightning
    1DF Torent Forest (Entrance)
    1E0 Torent Forest
    1E1 Torent Forest
    1E2 Torent Forest
    1E3 Torent Forest
    1E4 Torent Forest
    1E5 The Desert Oasis Triet
    1E6 Triet (Oasis)
    1E7 Triet (Inn)
    1E8 Triet (Inn, 1st floor room)
    1E9 Triet (Inn, 2nd floor, 2nd room)
    1EA Triet (Inn, 2nd floor, 1st room)
    1EB Triet (House of Fortune)
    1EC Latheon Gorge (Entrance)
    1ED Latheon Gorge
    1EE Latheon Gorge
    1EF Latheon Gorge
    1F0 Latheon Gorge
    1F1 Latheon Gorge
    1F2 Latheon Gorge
    1F3 Latheon Gorge (Storyteller's House)
    1F4 Tower of Salvation (warp to Welgaia)
    1F5 The Holy City Welgaia
    1F6 Welgaia
    1F7 Welgaia (Shops)
    1F8 Welgaia (building)
    1F9 Welgaia (building)
    1FA Welgaia (building)
    1FB Balacruf Mausoleum (Entrance)
    1FC Balacruft Mausoleum (Dungeon Entrance)
    1FD Balacruft Mausoleum (Dungeon)
    1FE Balacruft Mausoleum (Dungeon, Boss Room)
    1FF Gaoracchia Forest (Entrance)
    200 Gaoracchia Forest
    201 Gaoracchia Forest
    202 Gaoracchia Forest
    203 Gaoracchia Forest
    204 Gaoracchia Forest
    205 Gaoracchia Forest
    206 Gaoracchia Forest
    207 Ymir Forest
    208 Ymir Forest
    209 Ymir Forest
    20B Linkite Tree
    20C Neflheim
    20D Triet (Night)
    20E Triet (Night, Inn)
    20F Triet (Night, Inn, 1st floor room)
    210 Triet (Night, Inn, 2nd floor, 2nd room)
    211 Triet (Night, Inn, 2nd floor, 1st room)
    212 Derris-Kharlan (warp to Vinheim)
    213 Disc 02 Title Screen
    214 Ending
    215 Altamira
    216 Intro Cutscene map
    217 Tower of Salvation
    218 Tower of Salvation
    220 Testfield_01
    221 Testfield_02


    Currently none known.

    Item Modifier and IDs

    To do:
    • Find EU and JP equivalents

    The following code will replace the second Accessory in Lloyd's equipment with whatever item ID is put into xxxx. Simply unequip the item to add it to your inventory.

    Lloyd's 2nd Accessory Modifier
    025B6BCC 0000xxxx
    Item IDs
    0000 (Nothing)
    0001 Apple Gel
    0002 Lemon Gel
    0003 Orange Gel
    0004 Pineapple Gel
    0005 Melange Gel
    0006 Miracle Gel
    0007 Elixir
    0008 Energy Tablets
    0009 Spirit Bottle
    000A Panacea Bottle
    000B Life Bottle
    000C Miracle Bottle
    000D Anti-Magic Bottle
    000E Flare Bottle
    000F Flanoir Potion
    0010 Guard Bottle
    0011 Acuity Bottle
    0012 Syrup Bottle
    0013 Palma Potion
    0014 Shell Bottle
    0015 Mizuho Potion
    0016 Rune Bottle
    0017 Holy Bottle
    0018 Dark Bottle
    0019 Savory
    001A Sage
    001B Lavender
    001C Bellebane
    001D Rosemary
    001E Saffron
    001F Red Savory
    0020 Red Sage
    0021 Red Lavender
    0022 Red Bellebane
    0023 Red Rosemary
    0024 Red Saffron
    0025 Magic Lens
    0026 All-Divide
    0027 Hourglass
    0028 Ex Gem Lv1
    0029 Ex Gem Lv2
    002A Ex Gem Lv3
    002B Ex Gem Lv4
    002C Aqua Quartz
    002D Green Quartz
    002E Red Quartz
    002F Yellow Quartz
    0030 Blue Quartz
    0031 Purple Quartz
    0032 Black Quartz
    0033 White Quartz
    0034 Unicorn Horn
    0035 Boltzman's Book
    0036 Map of Balacruf
    0037 Sorcerer's Ring
    0038 Tower Key
    0039 Card Key
    003A Wing Pack
    003B Inhibitor Ore
    003C Pass
    003D Colette's Necklace
    003E Lyla's Letter
    003F Spiritua Statue
    0040 Desian Orb
    0041 Mana Fragment
    0042 Mana Leaf Herb
    0043 Zircon
    0044 Tethe'alla Map
    0045 Sylvarant Map
    0046 Collector's Book
    0047 Monster List
    0048 Figurine Book
    0049 Training Manual
    004A Eternal Ring
    004B Metal Sphere
    004C Magical Cloth
    004D Mythril
    004E Beast Fang
    004F Brass
    0050 Beast Hide
    0051 White Silver
    0052 Black Silver
    0053 Mystic Herb
    0054 Mermaid's Tear
    0055 Pork
    0056 Beef
    0057 Chicken
    0058 Juicy Meat
    0059 Beef Strips
    005A Snapper
    005B Tuna
    005C Cod
    005D Squid
    005E Shrimp
    005F Octopus
    0060 Tomato
    0061 Bell Pepper
    0062 Cucumber
    0063 Cabage
    0064 Lettuce
    0065 Mushroom
    0066 Potato
    0067 Onion
    0068 Radish
    0069 Carrot
    006A Strawberry
    006B Banana
    006C Grapes
    006D Apple
    006E Lemon
    006F Peach
    0070 Pear
    0071 Melon
    0072 Pineapple
    0073 Kirima
    0074 Amango
    0075 Rice
    0076 Barley Rice
    0077 Pasta
    0078 Panyan
    0079 Bread
    007A Roll
    007B Purple Satay
    007C White Satay
    007D Red Satay
    007E Black Satay
    007F Egg
    0080 Cheese
    0081 Milk
    0082 Seaweed
    0083 Kelp
    0084 Tofu
    0085 Konjac
    0086 Miso
    0087 Wooden Blade
    0088 Rapier
    0089 Mumei
    008A Knight's Saber
    008B Masamune
    008C Osafune
    008D Sinclaire
    008E Nimble Rapier
    008F Ogre Sword
    0090 Kotetsu
    0091 Shiden
    0092 Saint Rapier
    0093 Dragon Tooth
    0094 Defenser
    0095 Elemental Brand
    0096 Muramasa
    0097 Wasier Rapier
    0098 Angel's Tear
    0099 Ninja Sword
    009A Material Blade
    009B Kusanagi Blade
    009C Valkyrie Saber
    009D Paper Fan
    009E Nebilim
    009F Chakram
    00A0 Flying Disk
    00A1 Fuel Ring
    00A2 Slicer Ring
    00A3 Mystic Ring
    00A4 Stinger Ring
    00A5 Ray Thrust
    00A6 Mythril Ring
    00A7 Shuriken
    00A8 Solar Spinner
    00A9 Lunar Ring
    00AA Toroid
    00AB Stardust
    00AC Angel's Halo
    00AD Tambourine
    00AE Evil Eye
    00AF Nova
    00B0 Fine Star
    00B1 Duel Star
    00B2 Falling Star
    00B3 Cool Orbit
    00B4 Thunderbolt
    00B5 Shining Star
    00B6 Shadow Dancer
    00B7 Cor Leonis
    00B8 Northern Lights
    00B9 Southern Cross
    00BA Final Player
    00BB One World
    00BC Phantasmagoria
    00BD Disaster
    00BE Rod
    00BF Battle Staff
    00C0 Gem Rod
    00C1 Earth Rod
    00C2 Ruby Wand
    00C3 Rune Staff
    00C4 Gale Staff
    00C5 Phoenix Rod
    00C6 Holy Staff
    00C7 Thunder Scepter
    00C8 Ancient Rod
    00C9 Hanuman's Staff
    00CA Crystal Rod
    00CB Deck Brush
    00CC Heart of Chaos
    00CD Spell Card
    00CE Card of Water
    00CF Card of Earth
    00D0 Card of Fire
    00D1 Card of Lightning
    00D2 Card of Wind
    00D3 Card of Ice
    00D4 Vajra
    00D5 Yaksa
    00D6 Asura 
    00D7 Acalanatha
    00D8 Divine Judgment
    00D9 Money Bag
    00DA Gates of Hell
    00DB Stiletto
    00DC Earth Dagger
    00DD Hydra Dagger
    00DE Assault Dagger
    00DF Flame Dagger
    00E0 Gladius
    00E1 Crystal Dagger
    00E2 Toy Dagger
    00E3 Fafnir
    00E4 Long Sword
    00E5 Steel Sword
    00E6 Silver Sword
    00E7 Aqua Brand
    00E8 Sand Saber
    00E9 Lightning Sword
    00EA Ice Coffin
    00EB Ether Sword
    00EC Flamberge
    00ED Laser Blade
    00EE Excalibur
    00EF Last Fencer
    00F0 Baseball Bat
    00F1 Soul Eater
    00F2 Francesca
    00F3 Battle Ax
    00F4 Great Ax
    00F5 Crescent Ax
    00F6 Tomahawk Lance
    00F7 Halberd
    00F8 Bardiche
    00F9 Mythril Ax
    00FA War Hammer
    00FB Battle Pick
    00FC Strike Ax
    00FD Ogre Ax
    00FE Bahamut's Tear
    00FF Gaia Cleaver
    0100 Pow Hammer DX
    0101 Diablos
    0102 Leather Greaves
    0103 Iron Greaves
    0104 Power Greaves
    0105 Venom
    0106 Bear Claw
    0107 Ghost Shell
    0108 Mythril Greaves
    0109 Aqua Greaves
    010A Crystal Shell
    010B Flare Greaves
    010C Dragon Fang
    010D Diamond Shell
    010E Kaiser Greaves
    010F Dynast
    0110 Glory Arts
    0111 Apocalypse
    0112 Soft Leather
    0113 Chain Mail
    0114 Ring Mail
    0115 Iron Mail
    0116 Splint Mail
    0117 Breastplate
    0118 Battlesuit
    0119 Silver Mail
    011A Mythril Armor
    011B Rune Mail
    011C Brunnhilde
    011D Reflect
    011E Rare Plate
    011F Dragon Mail
    0120 Golden Armor
    0121 Star Mail
    0122 Mumbane
    0123 Leather Guard
    0124 Fine Guard
    0125 Iron Guard
    0126 Elven Protector
    0127 Lunar Guard
    0128 Rune Guard
    0129 Star Guard
    012A Prism Guard
    012B Mana Protector
    012C Elemental Guard
    012D Cloak
    012E White Cloak
    012F Amber Cloak
    0130 Silk Cloak
    0131 Rune Cloak
    0132 Holy Cloak
    0133 Mythril Mesh
    0134 Star Cloak
    0135 Phoenix Cloak
    0136 Mortality Cloak
    0137 Robe
    0138 Feather Robe
    0139 Misty Robe
    013A Witch's Robe
    013B Silk Robe
    013C Rune Robe
    013D Holy Robe
    013E Spirit Robe
    013F Shaman Dress
    0140 Kannazuki
    0141 Leather Helm
    0142 Iron Helm
    0143 Armlet Helm
    0144 Cross Helm
    0145 Duel Helm
    0146 Rune Helm
    0147 Sigurd
    0148 Rare Helm
    0149 Star Helm
    014A Golden Helm
    014B へルム (Erumu; lit. Helm) (UNUSED)
    014C Ribbon
    014D Blue Ribbon
    014E Striped Ribbon
    014F Tartan Ribbon
    0150 Pretty Ribbon
    0151 Hairpin
    0152 Maid's Hairband
    0153 Magical Ribbon
    0154 Beret
    0155 Cleric's Hat
    0156 Straw Hat
    0157 Pointed Hat
    0158 Rune Hat
    0159 Headband
    015A Star Cap
    015B Aifread's Hat
    015C Circlet
    015D Silver Circlet
    015E Gold Circlet
    015F Mythril Circlet
    0160 Rune Circlet
    0161 Holy Circlet
    0162 Star Circlet
    0163 Elemental Circlet
    0164 Lid Shield
    0165 Wooden Shield
    0166 Omega Shield
    0167 Mythril Shield
    0168 Rune Shield
    0169 Red Shield
    016A Rare Shield
    016B Arredoval
    016C Star Shield
    016D Beam Shield
    016E Blue Shield
    016F Leather Glove
    0170 Iron Gauntlet
    0171 Claw Gauntlet
    0172 Mythril Gauntlet
    0173 Rune Gauntlet
    0174 Penguinist Gloves
    0175 Rare Gauntlet
    0176 Star Gauntlet
    0177 Hyper Gauntlet
    0178 Bracelet
    0179 Iron Bracelet
    017A Mythril Bracelet
    017B Lapis Bracelet
    017C Star Bracelet
    017D Angel Bracelet
    017E Draupnir
    017F Shield Ring
    0180 Gloves
    0181 Kitchen Mittens
    0182 Pretty Mittens
    0183 Bridal Gloves
    0184 Silk Gloves
    0185 Cute Mittens
    0186 Lovely Mittens
    0187 Katz Mittens
    0188 Poison Charm
    0189 Drain Charm
    018A Stone Charm
    018B Paralysis Charm
    018C Stun Charm
    018D Amulet
    018E Talisman
    018F Blue Talisman
    0190 Manji Seal
    0191 Stun Bracelet
    0192 Heal Bracelet
    0193 Spirit Bangle
    0194 Yasakani Jewel
    0195 Yata Mirror
    0196 Emerald Ring
    0197 Faerie Ring
    0198 Protect Ring
    0199 Force Ring
    019A Resist Ring
    019B Reflect Ring
    019C Holy Ring
    019D Spirit Ring
    019E Revive Ring
    019F Attack Ring
    01A0 Defense Ring
    01A1 Magic Ring
    01A2 Warrior Symbol
    01A3 Guardian Symbol
    01A4 Rabbit's Foot
    01A5 Holy Symbol
    01A6 Spirit Symbol
    01A7 Dark Seal
    01A8 Demon's Seal
    01A9 Extreme Symbol
    01AA Mystic Symbol
    01AB Krona Symbol
    01AC Attacak Symbol
    01AD Cape
    01AE Leather Cape
    01AF Thief's Cape
    01B0 Elven Cape
    01B1 Aqua Cape
    01B2 Flare Cape
    01B3 Thunder Cape
    01B4 Rune Cape
    01B5 Boots
    01B6 Leather Boots
    01B7 Elven Boots
    01B8 Water Spider
    01B9 Heavy Boots
    01BA Rune Boots
    01BB Persian Boots
    01BC Jet Boots
    01BD Aquamarine
    01BE Amethyst
    01BF Opal
    01C0 Garnet
    01C1 Sapphire
    01C2 Diamond
    01C3 Topaz
    01C4 Ruby
    01C5 Sardonyx
    01C6 Black Onyx
    01C7 Moonstone
    01C8 Magic Mist
    01C9 Reverse Doll
    01CA Sephira
    01CB Blue Sephira
    01CC Hard Leather
    01CD Lamellar Leather
    01CE Silver Guard
    01CF Rare Guard
    01D0 Mage Cloak
    01D1 Druid Cloak
    01D2 Warlock Garb
    01D3 Battle Cloak
    01D4 White Robe
    01D5 Yayoi
    01D6 Minazuki
    01D7 Nagazuki
    01D8 Mirror Shard
    01D9 Spider Figurine
    01DA Chipped Dagger
    01DB Derris Emblem
    01DC Strike Ring
    01DD Technical Ring
    01DE Elevator Key
    01DF Mithos' Panpipe
    01E0 Linkite Ocarina
    01E1 Snow Hare
    01E2 The Chosen's Orb
    01E3 Kratos' Locket
    01E4 Elf Elder's Staff
    01E5 Mythril Guard
    01E6 Solar Guard
    01E7 Elder Cloak
    01E8 Moon Robe
    01E9 Ancient Robe
    01EA Heavenly Robe
    01EB Memory Gem
    01EC Employee ID
    01ED Past Stone
    01EE Future Stone
    01EF Ymir Fruit
    01F0 EX Gem Max
    01F1 King's Letter
    01F2 Corrine's Bell
    01F3 Rename Gem (UNUSED in non-Japanese versions)
    01F4 Linkite Nut
    01F5 Exsphere Shard
    01F6 Blue Candle
    01F7 Celsius' Tear
    01F8 Kuchinawa's Charm
    01F9 Purple Card
    01FA Red Card
    01FB Blue Card
    01FC Blue Seed
    01FD White Seed
    01FE The Chosen's Bible (UNUSED)
    01FF Sacred Stone
    0200 Step Ring (UNUSED)
    0201 Penguinist Quill
    0202 Sheena's Letter
    0203 Pellets
    0204 Fine Pellets
    0205 Super Pellets
    0206 Rare Pellets
    0207 Assassin's Ring
    0208 Turquoise
    0209 Virginia's Diary
    020A Aifread's Letter
    020B Nebilim's Key
    020C Secret Notebook
    020D Pink Pearl Ring
    020E Spiritua's Ring
    020F Vinheim Key
    (Source: Original TCRF research)