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Title Screen

Motto NUGA-CEL!: Nurture Garment Celebration

Developer: Lupinus
Publisher: Idea Factory
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Released in JP: May 20, 2010

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!

Motto NUGA-CEL! is a motto (enhanced) version of PlayStation 2 NUGA-CEL!.

Debug Menu

Motto NUGA-CEL! Debug (1).png

Use the following code to open a debug menu.

_L 0x20024c34 3C180900
_L 0x20024c38 03000008
_L 0x20024c3C 00000000
_L 0x20800000 27BDFFD0
_L 0x20800004 AFBF002C
_L 0x20800008 AFB70028
_L 0x2080000C 241901F4
_L 0x20800010 14D90002
_L 0x20800014 00000000
_L 0x20800018 24060001
_L 0x2080001C 3C180882
_L 0x20800020 27184C40
_L 0x20800024 03000008
_L 0x20800028 00000000
Text Translation Effect
ゲームスタート Game Start Begin from corporation movie.
スクリプト起動 Execute Script
イベント立ちえチェック Check Event Portrait Display test backgrounds and characters.
選んでバトル Select and Battle Battle Test.
いきなりワーるドマップ Suddenly World Map Start the game.
編成する※服自動追加されます Formation ※Clothes will be add Formation test.
ロード Load Load the game.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

スクリプト起動 (Execute Script)

Motto NUGA-CEL! Debug (2).png

Select the script and execute it. There are some debug scripts.



Motto NUGA-CEL! Debug (3).png

Displays the message "語ろうか?"(Shall I talk?) and displays a select menu. However the select menu cannot be controlled.



Motto NUGA-CEL! Debug (4).pngMotto NUGA-CEL! Debug (5).png

Displays the message "キャラ別服と表情チェック" (Character cloth and look test).

イベント立ちえチェック (Check Event Portrait)

Motto NUGA-CEL! Debug (6).pngMotto NUGA-CEL! Debug (7).png

Display test the background, the character and look.

Text Translation
キャラクター Character
表情 Look
以降左に出す Display left side at next time
以降右に出す Display right side at next time
以降中央に出す Display center at next time
クリア Clear

編成する (Formation)

Motto NUGA-CEL! Debug (8).png

Formation test.

Unused Image

This game has the same unused graphics as the PS2 NUGA-CEL!

Changed Music

To do:
Upload or paste Youtube URL.

World map bgm (Bgm ID 12 and 13) has changed from the PlayStation 2 version.