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Kaseki Sousei Reborn

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Title Screen

Kaseki Sousei Reborn

Developer: Freeqsoft
Publisher: Starfish
Platforms: Game Boy, Super Game Boy
Released in JP: June 17, 1998

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

Debug Menu

Kaseki Sousei Reborn Debug.png

At the title screen, press Select, Up, Down, B, Left, Start. The menu contains music and sound effect tests, an intro/credits viewer, and a toggle that enables a pause cheat during gameplay (hold Select and press Start to pause, press Select to unpause).

(Source: cah4e3)

Development Related Text

k00.DMG                                         98-05-23 19:1[xxx]7....
[P]AGE 0

L[I]NE#  LO[x]   CODE       LINE

    9  0000                             LIB     EQU_TBL
 1705  0000                     END
 1707  0000

The ROM header empty areas padded with some portions of assembler listing files which includes also a timestamp. Text is partially overwritten with the system handlers code. Some missing characters may be guessed (in square brackets).