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Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football

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Title Screen

Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football

Developer: Judo Baby[1]
Publisher: Judo Baby[1]
Platform: Wii
Released in US: August 16, 2011[1]

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football is a game about, well, dogs and football...

...and, the graphics. That's, you know, that's really what this is all about.

Unused Text

copy AnimStateMachine.xml \temp\animlist.txt 
copy Character_Anim.h \temp\animheader.txt

A batch file found in copy.bat.

copy \temp\animheader.txt \Judobaby\Footdog\Dev\Game\Documents\AnimsRemovedFromKFMs\%1.txt 
copy \temp\animheader.txt \temp\junk.bat

Another batch file found in copy2.bat.
