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Gee Bee

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Title Screen

Gee Bee

Developer: Namco
Publishers: Namco (JP), Gremlin (US), Alca (UK), Sega (FR), Fratelli Bertolino (IT)
Platform: Arcade (Namco 8080-based hardware)
Released in JP: October 1978
Released in US: 1978
Released in EU: 1978

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Gee Bee is the first game Namco developed on their own. It's an interesting combination of Breakout and pinball designed by Toru Iwatani, who later created Pac-Man.

It is not an abbreviation of Game Boy.

(Also not: GlitterBerri)

Unused Graphics

Alternate Used
Tell me which is clearer: Number 1... ...or 2?

An alternate set of block graphics are present in the graphics ROM. In this set, the horizontal blocks face up, and the vertical blocks have thinner outlines. They are fully functional as blocks.

Circles aren't blocks!!
These are stored with the block graphics as tiles 4C, 4D, and 4E. They act like blocks when placed on the playing field, disappearing when hit and giving an appropriate amount of points.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Regional Differences

Japan/Europe US UK
13 points better than AAMCO G Bee Aaaa!

The Gremlin and Alca versions change the "NAMCO" multiplier lights to the respective publisher's logo.