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Bomb Bee

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Title Screen

Bomb Bee

Developer: Namco
Publisher: Namco
Platform: Arcade (Namco 8080-based hardware)
Released in US: June 1979

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Bomb Bee is the second game in Namco's Breakout-pinball hybrid series. It is not a deadly bee weapon nor a game about nuking insects, fun though that may be(e).

Unused Graphics

A surprising amount for a game this old.

Where am I looking at?!
A bunch of arrows. While there are west and northwest arrows in-game, they use different designs than the ones seen here.

Now you're trying to mix cards into this?
A set of card suits which could have been used as decoration on the playing field.

V for Vees
A "V" in the style of the NAMCO bonus letters. Purpose unknown, unless they wanted to be Vamco. Or Navco. Or Namvo.

Pufferfish are the bumpers of the sea
Four unused bumper values. The used values are 10, 100, and 1,000.

Nice point values Still okay Mix 'n match
Graphics for three sets of score markers.

(Source: Original TCRF research)