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Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Fuurai no Shiren

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Title Screen

Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Fuurai no Shiren

Also known as: Mystery Dungeon 2: Shiren the Wanderer
Developer: Chunsoft
Publisher: Chunsoft
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: December 1, 1995

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

To do:
Fix some of the Engrish here.

Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Fuurai no Shiren is the second game in the Mystery Dungeon series developed by Chunsoft. The game remained unreleased in the West until its 2008 DS remake Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer.

Debug Mode

Changing the bytes at 8000 and 8001 in a headerless ROM (or 8200 and 8201 in a headered ROM) from FF to 00 enables a slew of debugging functions (alternately, enter Pro Action Replay (PAR) codes C0800000, C0800100):

Controller 1 Functions

  • Start: Skip to the next floor.
  • B+Start: Reveal locations of all monsters on the current floor.
  • Y+Start: Reveal locations of all tools on the current floor.
  • B+Y+Start: Kill all monsters on the current floor.
  • R+Start: Display full map of the current floor.
  • B+R+Start: Opens a screen allowing the selection of any tool in the game.
  • Y+R+Start: Turns off the background music. The only way to turn it back on is to reset.
  • B+Y+R+Start: Opens a sound test.

Controller 2 Functions

  • Start: Allows for the entire current floor to be viewed using the D-Pad on controller 2. The coordinates of the portion currently on-screen are also displayed. The screen moves in 32 pixel increments.
  • X: Displays Shiren's coordinates.
  • Y: Opens an enemy test.

(Source: Oyasen20)

Debug Floor


Head down from the "Kobami Valley" to access a debug floor during debug mode with "Pekeji's Theme" playing as the background music. There are a lot of transparent stairs that can go to each dungeon. Going down the stairs in the dungeon leads you back to the debug floor.

(Source: Oyasen)

Unused Items

消え去り草 (Vanishing herb)

Become transparent state.

物忘れの草 (Herb of forgetfulness)

Forget the items that you identified.

話の種 (Topic of conversation)

No effect.

無どくの盾 (Shield of non-toxic)

Original Translation
Increases defensive power when equipped.

Reflects the poison from the Poison King.

↓Explain in the game, but effect is not input.

--の巻物 (Scroll of -- )

Back to the beginning of the floor.

--の巻物 (Scroll of -- )

The same effect as "全滅の巻物" (Scrolls of Annihilation).

新規アイテム (New Item)

The same effect as "パルプンテの巻物" (Scroll of Parupunte) of Torneko Series.

黄金の羽根 / しあわせの箱 / 奇妙な箱 (Golden feather / Happiness of the box / Strange box)

The same effect as "コンドルの羽根" (Wings of the condor) . Adventure is finished when you acquire this.

(Source: oyasen)

Unused Monsters

マスターチキンX (Master Chicken X)

Level 1 of Master Chicken. Green color.

ボウヤーX (Bouya X)

Level 3 of Bouya. Red color.

くねくねハニーX (Wriggling Honey X)

Level 2 of Wriggling Honey. Blue color.

ぼうれい武者X (Ghost Warrior X)

Level 2 of Wriggling Honey. Purple color.

パルテノス (Parthenos)

Can enter the wall, and grab the foot.

(Source: oyasen)
To do:
Get sprites.

Unused Event

つかみ取り (Catching Store)

The event data does not remain in the ROM, but there are shopkeepers and some data left over. It's able to get as many items as the player liked during the 10 turn at the thousand Gitan.

(Source: oyasen)

Compile Dates

A series of file dates for the game can be found in the ROM at 0x1D0000. New lines have been added for easier readability.

root$Revision: 1.19 $$Date: 1995/10/09 06:41:25 $
ppu$Revision: 1.108 $$Date: 1995/10/07 06:31:32 $
display$Revision: 1.298 $$Date: 1995/10/10 17:38:12 $
bg3$Revision: 1.91 $$Date: 1995/10/09 05:54:43 $
sound$Revision: 1.17 $$Date: 1995/08/04 01:54:15 $
sprite$Revision: 1.351 $$Date: 1995/10/09 04:58:40 $
game$Revision: 1.53 $$Date: 1995/10/03 15:33:37 $
LogoMain$Revision: 1.6 $$Date: 1995/09/25 07:41:10 $
spritetable$Revision: 1.132 $$Date: 1995/10/07 07:07:36 $
animation$Revision: 1.274 $$Date: 1995/10/09 03:45:27 $
npc$Revision: 1.441 $$Date: 1995/10/10 03:04:40 $
lives$Revision: 1.1024 $$Date: 1995/10/10 03:04:40 $
fmaze$Revision: 1.30 $$Date: 1995/08/15 04:41:28 $
item$Revision: 1.479 $$Date: 1995/10/06 08:56:17 $
map$Revision: 1.431 $$Date: 1995/10/07 17:55:58 $
map_data$Revision: 1.86 $$Date: 1995/09/25 10:02:15 $
map_data2$Revision: 1.88 $$Date: 1995/10/01 09:24:55 $
map_link$Revision: 1.136 $$Date: 1995/10/05 09:12:29 $
map_quiz_data$Revision: 1.56 $$Date: 1995/10/05 09:12:29 $
map_place$Revision: 1.20 $$Date: 1995/09/01 04:18:17 $
trap$Revision: 1.133 $$Date: 1995/10/05 01:45:29 $
house$Revision: 1.20 $$Date: 1995/09/16 03:06:18 $
replay$Revision: 1.16 $$Date: 1995/10/10 03:22:13 $
math$Revision: 1.5 $$Date: 1994/01/25 02:53:06 $
note$Revision: 1.14 $$Date: 1995/10/08 03:50:43 $
player$Revision: 1.122 $$Date: 1995/10/01 13:16:24 $
random$Revision: 1.3 $$Date: 1994/08/01 07:44:14 $
demo$Revision: 1.110 $$Date: 1995/10/10 17:35:59 $
display_open$Revision: 1.47 $$Date: 
ap_window$Revision: 1.195 $$Date: 1995/10/04 01:35:08 $
font$Revision: 1.58 $$Date: 1995/09/04 03:02:43 $
display_sysyemdata$Revision: 1.10 $$Date: 1995/10/09 14:27:11 $
hidden_command$Revision: 1.5 $$Date: 1995/09/27 07:24:29 $
spritemacro$Revision: 1.326 $$Date: 
spritemacro_sp$Revision: 1.207 $$Date: 
spritemacro_move$Revision: 1.14 $$Date: 
window$Revision: 1.153 $$Date: 1995/10/10 18:22:14 $
action$Revision: 1.282 $$Date: 1995/10/10 18:52:05 $
hiscore$Revision: 1.302 $$Date: 1995/10/09 11:39:32 $
sprite_systemdata$Revision: 1.101 $$Date: 1995/10/08 09:01:27 $
tloop_col$Revision: 1.25 $$Date: 1995/10/08 10:40:16 $
tloop_mask_data$Revision: 1.4 $$Date: 1995/08/23 11:54:40 $
map_data_sub$Revision: 1.105 $$Date: 1995/10/10 18:27:28 $
demoplay$Revision: 1.8 $$Date: 1995/10/08 03:51:35 $
fontdata$Revision: 1.1 $$Date: 1994/01/25 10:35:11 $
sound_data$Revision: 1.263 $$Date: 1995/10/10 17:35:59 $
display_map_data$Revision: 1.119 $$Date: 1995/10/09 15:37:03 $
displaywall1$Revision: 1.58 $$Date: 1995/10/07 08:37:16 $
displaywall2$Revision: 1.97 $$Date: 1995/10/08 07:48:39 $
sprite_equipmentdata$Revision: 1.23 $$Date: 1995/10/06 18:09:59 $
spritedata$Revision: 1.105 $$Date: 1995/10/09 05:55:09 $
displaydata$Revision: 1.58 $$Date: 1995/10/04 10:47:17 $
messagedata$Revision: 1.3 $$Date: 1994/02/22 05:58:58 $