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Formula 1 '98

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Title Screen

Formula 1 '98

Developers: Visual Sciences, Bizarre Creations (in association with)
Publisher: Psygnosis
Platform: PlayStation
Released in US: November 1998
Released in EU: October 1998

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Race fast cars round in circles well enough to unlock an ellipse.

Due to the change in developers, this game is often considered as the worst officially licensed Formula One game, so Psygnosis changed developers yet again for the next game, Formula One 99.

To do:
  • EU v1.0 and v1.1 differences
  • There are two European demos, other one giving Oct 27 1998 date (found in e.x. Euro Demo 40) and the other giving Oct 28 1998 date (found in e.x. radicalgames@psygnosis v.3)

Unused Pictures

Among the interstitial loading backgrounds are four copies of this image. It was used in the demo, but not in the final game.

These two images appear in Loading.vsr from the demo and European releases, but don't see the light of day in any of them. The file was removed for the US release.

Regional Differences

To do:
HUD has some differences.
  • All volumes are 57% in default in Europe and 66% in North America. They also go to slightly different percentage values when changed.
  • The default Grand Prix mode best times on all tracks and Arcade mode best times on bonus tracks are different in the North American version.
  • North American version doesn't make you select the language before main menu, instead you have to select it manually if you want other than English.

Development Text

Pressing Select on the Player/Game select screen prints a version and build date to the top of the screen.

EU v1.0:

Formula One -98-
Beta - 6.3.a - Build Date Oct 6 1998

EU v1.1:

Formula One -98-
Beta - 6.3.a - Build Date Oct 12 1998


Formula One -98-
Beta - 6.3.a - Build Date Nov 11 1998

The demo version has the same functionality and same 'Beta' and '6.3.a' designations so whether a beta was actually released as final or they just failed to update the string is debatable.

fe.exe contains various assert and other debugging related strings. Some of these strings can be seen when the game loads using PCSX's console output feature:

 F198 Initialisation
hRes != NULL
pData != NULL
PSX Input Devices
PSX Input Devices VBlank
User VSR
Master Input Queue.
m_pReturnBuffer != NULL
ViSOS Application
VSNetwork Manager
Mem Broker Descriptor array
Number of managers 
dwMainMemoryAvailableSize > 0
CMainMemoryFactoryInit::_Initialise() :
Error in creating MainMemoryFactory
Main Memory Manager
CMainMemoryInit::_Initialise() :
Error in creating MainMemoryManager
Memory Broker
CVMEMMemoryFactoryInit::_Initialise() :
Error in creating VideoMemoryFactory
CVMemoryInit::_Initialise() :
Error in creating VideoMemoryManager
CSRAMMEMFactoryInit::_Initialise() :
Error in creating SoundMemoryFactory
SRAM Memory Manager
CVMemoryInit::_Initialise() :
Error in creating SoundMemoryManager
Surface [
Screen Buff 1
Screen Buff 2
Creating OTag buffer
Buggered Prim: 
PSX GDI SubSystem
Surface CLUT
Initialising OTag Prim buffer with 
VSNetwork Manager
g_nCDErrorCount != 0
/+debugstd /+pcfiles /-async /+movies /+verbose /+pal

Hidden Cheats

Along with the two widely known documented cheats for unlocking the hidden tracks, there are 14 more which can be entered for varying effects. Edit a driver name to what's in the first column to activate the associated cheat. These affect the global flag variable at 80010B78 (EU)/80010b90 (NA). Your language choice may prevent some of these from working.

Name Label Code Note
Mr Hankey ParrotCheat 0001 Turns the lens flare effect into copies of the Psygnosis logo.
Richard Swinfen AutomaticBlackFlagCheat 0002 Disqualifies you from the session/race as soon as it begins. Richard Swinfen was part of the development team.
1001001 CoordinateCheat 0004 Displays x:y coordinates at the bottom of the screen when driving.
Ifdef Slow FrameCountCheat 0008 Displays a set of numbers at the bottom of the screen, but they're always all zero.
Johnny Bravo WinAllRacesCheat 0010 Doesn't seem to do anything.
Cheesy Poofs StuntCheat 0020 Documented cheat. Unlocks the Stunt track.
Go Cows RomanCheat 0040 Documented cheat. Unlocks the Roman Colisseum track.
CDP 7 48640 2 UsefulCamerasCheat 0080 Allows the use of R1 to make the camera follow cars other than yours and L1 to change camera type. The cheat is the catalogue code of the Queensrÿche album "Operation: Mindcrime".
Battery Power AllCheats 00F5 Enables all of the beneficial cheats above excluding the BlackFlagCheat, not all cheats as the name suggests.
Force Ten FastVaryingWeatherCheat 0100 Makes the 'varied' weather type cycle between wet & dry lap by lap as you go.
Hell Awaits RainingBloodCheat 0200 Weather is always wet, and the rain and tire spray is red.
Abhoria WayptNumsCheat 0400 Replaces the ideal line with distance markers on the track, and the next value ahead of you to the bottom of the screen. Abhoria is a track by British rock band The Wildhearts.
29x The Pain OverheadCamCheat 1000 Adds extra zoom outs to the camera range. First is a directly overhead view and the second a constantly rotating 360 degree view.
Mitsubishi GTO SupercarCheat 2000 Gives your car greater acceleration, higher top speed and better handling.
Enola Gay DisableAllCheats 0000 Disables all the above including the extra tracks.
Big Gay Al Unknown 0000 This is a valid cheat to enter but is explicitly denied from doing anything by the code. Its effect as defined is the same as DisableAllCheats, but this may be because its effect was removed and thus its code was set to 0000.

Unused Translations

Amongst the six translations the game allows selection of, the European text archives include Scottish, Portuguese and Japanese strings (the game was not released in Japan). The US version adds American English to the list. None of these are tied into the language selection screen, so the archives are all that remain.