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Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Regional Differences
This is a sub-page of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
JP/EU | English |
The icon used to display maximum motivation slightly differs depending on the console's chosen language, with the icon looking far more...subdued in the English version.
JP | English |
In Japanese, the English text from the HUD congratulating the player for successful actions lacks an exclamation mark.
JP | English |
The English text indicating extra time during Tea Party differs between languages, with the Japanese version calling it "free time" instead.
JP | English |
Similarly, the text indicating how successful a Tea Party was lacks an exclamation mark and is positioned differently in Japanese.
JP | English |
In Japanese, the text used for the game over screen is in all caps; in English, only the first letters of each word retain the caps.
JP | English |
Lastly, the ending text graphic differs between Japanese and English. The former goes for a more "artsy" feel by going with "FIN" (the French and Spanish word for "end") while the latter goes for a more traditional "The End" text. Some previous Fire Emblem games also used "FIN" in their endings, though usually in all regions.
To do: Document more differences between the Japanese and English/International script. |
General Changes
Teff to Coffee
All references to Teff in the Japanese script were changed to Coffee in every other language.
Carlo to Wilhelm
In Chapter 18 of the Crimson Flower route, one of the Altered Golems present in this chapter is called Carlo in the Japanese (Japanese: カルロ Carlo) and Chinese (Chinese: 卡罗 Carlo) scripts. For unknown reasons, its name was later changed to Wilhelm internationally, similar to Adrestia's First Emperor, whose name in Japanese is written differently (Japanese: ヴィルヘルム Wilhelm).
Game Mechanics
The description of the gambit Sacred Shield was subject to a small translation error:
Description (JP) | Description (EN) |
1ターンの間、射程2以上の距離から 受ける攻撃のダメージが0になる (During one turn, any damage received from attacks with 2 or more range is reduced to 0.) |
Allies receive 0 damage from ranged physical attacks for the rest of the turn. |
The wording used in English suggests the gambit affects only ranged physical attacks (i.e., those that use Strength when calculating damage), which is never mentioned in the Japanese text. In reality, Sacred Shield protects allies from any kind of ranged attacks, whether they're physical or magical.
Exploration Dialogue
Sylvain (Crimson Flower Chapter 15)
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Sylvain | Sad | なあ先生……今からでも、 わかり合う道っつーのはないんですかねえ。 (Hey Teacher... Isn't there a way we may get to understand each other?) |
Look, Professor... Fighting Faerghus? Isn't there some way we can come to an understanding? |
Byleth | Neutral | あるかもしれない。 (There might be.) |
Maybe there is. |
Sylvain | Sad | まあ、皇帝陛下もあの頑固野郎も、端から 和解する気なんてないんでしょうけどね。 (Well, I guess neither the Emperor nor that stubborn bastard have had any intention of making peace from the start.) |
Yeah, but Edelgard and her idiot sidekick haven't shown much desire to compromise, have they? |
If Sylvain has been recruited and is interacted during Monastery Exploration in Chapter 15 of Crimson Flower, in the English script, should the player choose an specific prompt, Sylvain will comment that neither Edelgard nor "her idiot sidekick" (Hubert) are interested in reaching a compromise with the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. In stark contrast, in the Japanese text Sylvain never makes any allusions to Hubert when talking about the other unwilling party and even refers to them with harsh language, heavily alluding -due to the context of the conversation- that the other person he's talking about is Dimitri instead.
Byleth & Edelgard's C-
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Edelgard | Neutral | ……師。 こんな時間に、どうしたの? (...Teacher? Did something happen right now?) |
Professor... What are you doing here? |
Byleth | Neutral | 夜這いに (I was night crawling.) |
I was restless. |
Edelgard | Embarrassed | よば……!? 師、意味がわかっているの!? (Wha...!? Do you even know what that means!?) |
What could that possibly mean? |
Edelgard | Neutral | ……冗談よね。 もう……驚かせないで。 (...You have to be joking. Please don't scare me again.) |
In any case, please don't scare me like that. |
In the Japanese script, one of Byleth replies during theirs and Edelgard's C Minus Support for visiting her room at night is that they were "night crawling", which in Japan is a term used when a single man is entering/sneaking into a woman's room, thus explaining Edelgard's reaction. By contrast, the English script changed Byleth's reply so it could be far more ambiguous and open ended.
Hubert & Hanneman's C
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Hanneman | Neutral | 当時の陛下は、“七貴族”と呼ばれる 大貴族や外戚の特権を徐々に廃止し…… (At the time, His Majesty was gradually abolishing the privileges of the Seven Noble Houses and their consort kin...) |
In your father's defense, the emperor was attempting to take power from the Seven Houses. |
During the support, one of Hanneman's lines in the English script omits that the Emperor tried to strip power from not only the Seven Noble Houses, but also from the consort kin. Given consorts are mentioned during Edelgard's Goddess Tower scene in all languages, it's likely their neglection in this particular line was an oversight.
Sylvain & Ingrid's C
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Ingrid | Angry | 10歳の頃は、収穫祭の余興で 女装した男性を本気で口説こうとして…… (When you were 10, you seriously tried to seduce a man dressed as a woman during the harvest festival...) |
When you were ten, we went to that harvest festival, and you started making eyes at a scarecrow! |
Pedestrian | Neutral | (へえ、シルヴァンって 男まで口説くんだな……) (Wow, Sylvain even hits on guys...) |
A scarecrow?! |
In Japanese, Ingrid accuses Sylvain of having tried to hit on a man dressed as a woman once, and the NPC hearing the conversation begins gossiping about it. In a likely effort to avoid homophobic undertones, the exchange was tweaked in the English script so that Sylvain had tried seducing a scarecrow instead, with the response from the NPC also changing accordingly.
Sylvain & Mercedes's A
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Mercedes | Sad | ……何があったかは、聞かないわ。 (I'm not going to ask what happened to you...) |
I'm not very interested in the particulars, but... |
Mercedes | Neutral | けれど、あなたが心の底では女の人を 嫌って、怖がっているのは、何となく……。 (However, I think you should know that deep down, you hate and are afraid of women.) |
I get the feeling that you don't care very much for these women who throw themselves at you. |
Mercedes's words towards Sylvain in this exchange are noticeably more explicit in the original script, as she outright tells him his dislike towards women stems from hate and fear. In English, Mercedes instead tells Sylvain he appears to be indifferent at best towards the women who have tried to approach him.
Story and Battle Dialogue
Report: Horsebow Moon
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Hanneman | Neutral | そのため、大修道院内ではなく、自領への 帰還中に失踪したのだと考えられていた。 (So it was thought she disappeared not within the monastery, but during her trip back to her home territory.) |
It never occurred to us that something might have happened to her at the monastery. We assumed she had run away. |
When Hanneman talks about Monica's disappearance, the Japanese script contains an extra detail about its context which isn't brought up internationally. Namely, the fact Monica officially vanished during a visit to her territory right before she had the chance to graduate.
The Holy Tomb (Golden Deer)
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Flame Emperor | Neutral | それを眠らせておいたところで、 薬どころか毒にさえならぬ。 (When put to rest, this power can become neither medicine nor poison.) |
That infernal power, which is masquerading as a medicine but is truly a poison, will plague this world no longer. |
When speaking about Crest Stones, in Japanese, the Flame Emperor refers to them as an element which, by being left unused, can't serve as a medicine or poison, implying that they intend on making use of them. Meanwhile, in English, the Flame Emperor shows open disdain towards the Crest Stones, with their response suggesting they intend to do away with them for a noble purpose.
The End of The Silver Maiden
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Dimitri | Neutral | で、先生。ついついこちらの話ばかり してしまったが、何か用があったのだろう? (Anyway, Professor. My ramblings aside, what do you actually want?) |
So, Professor... I have been doing all of the talking, but I assume you came here for a reason. |
Byleth | Neutral | 引き籠もりを祝勝会に連れ出しに (I've come to drag a hikikomori out to join the victory party.) |
I intend to steal you away to the victory celebration. |
Dimitri | Confused | (If Bernadetta is alive and recruited.) 俺は別に、引き籠もっているわけでは…… ベルナデッタでもあるまいし……。 (You don't have to drag me out. I'm not Bernadetta...) |
(If Bernadetta is alive and recruited.) Steal me away? That seems rather unnecessary... |
Dimitri | Confused | (Otherwise...) いや…… 俺は別に、引き籠もっているわけでは…… (No, I'm not hiding away from anyone...) |
(Otherwise...) Steal me away? That seems rather unnecessary... |
This exchange contains notable differences between both scripts. For one, in the original version Byleth is given the option to call Dimitri a "hikikomori" (a Japanese term used for social recluses) when they try to bring him to a victory party. And second, Dimitri's reply actually differs in Japanese depending if Bernadetta is still alive and recruited on Byleth's party, while in English, both potential replies were changed to be the same.
Questions and Answers
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Edelgard | Angry | ……貴方のような持つ者には、持たざる者の 気持ちがわからないのでしょうね。 (A person like you who has received all those will never understand the feelings of those who lack it.) |
I doubt a highborn person like yourself could know how the poor feel or what motivates them. |
In this event, Edelgard's response to Dimitri's claim that humans can help each other and even find the right path in such a way differs notably. In Japanese, Edelgard tells him that those who have received support from others cannot understand those who haven't, while in English, Edelgard appears to misinterpret Dimitri's claim and instead says he will never understand the feelings of the poor.
Clash at the Imperial Capital
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Dimitri | Neutral | その変わり果てた姿が、 君の奉じた理想の果て、か。 ……哀れみはしない。 (So this change of yours is what lies at the end of your ideals. I can't pity you.) |
To be changed beyond all recognition... That is what lies at the end of the ideals you served so diligently. I have no pity for one such as you. |
Dimitri | Angry | それが…… 君の、望んだ未来だと言うのなら。 (I can't pity you if this is the future you wanted...) |
If that is the future you hoped for, then you deserve no compassion. |
Dimitri's response upon seeing Edelgard's metamorphosis in Azure Moon's final mission is far less harsh compared to the translated script. In the original text, Dimitri merely states he won't pity Edelgard if her transformation is ultimately a result of her ideals.
Beyond Escape
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Soldier | Neutral | 教団を敵に回したことで、市民の間では 小さからぬ混乱が生じていましたが…… この5年で、だいぶ落ち着いてきました。 陛下の啓蒙活動が実りつつあるのでしょう。 (Making enemies with the Church caused no small amount of confusion among the public... In the last five years, things have calmed down a lot. It seems that Her Majesty's efforts to educate the public are bearing fruit.) |
By making an enemy of the church, disorder is running rampant among the populace. It's quieted down over these last five years though. The well-being of Her Majesty is steadily improving. |
For Chapter 13's monastery exploration of the Crimson Flower route, there is some dialogue spoken by an NPC that differs between scripts. In Japanese, the Soldier attributes the public's recent peacefulness with the success of Edelgard's information campaign. In English, the NPC comments instead Edelgard's health had improved recently due to the populace's discord decreasing in recent times.
The Siege of Arianrhod
Speaker | Expression | Dialogue (JP) | Dialogue (EN) |
Cornelia | Sad | そう……それが…… あんたの書いた、筋書きってわけ…… (So... this... is the story you are writing...) |
Ah... All is in accordance with this carefully crafted script of ours... |
Cornelia | Happy | はは、ははは……傑作だァ…… 踊らされていたのが……こちらとは、な…… (Hahaha... What a masterpiece... I have danced into...) |
What a masterpiece! What a delightful dance... |
Cornelia's final words upon being defeated by the Imperial army appear to have been subjected to a mistranslation. In English, Cornelia remains convinced her faction is still under control of the situation, while in Japanese, she instead realizes she had been played like a fiddle and even respects having fallen to such a scheme.