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Everybody Votes Channel

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Title Screen

Everybody Votes Channel

Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Wii
Released internationally: February 13, 2007

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

See, this is why game preservation is important.
This game is defunct.
Do note the game no longer works at all without modifications. This is most likely due to the game's servers being shut down (as of June 28, 2013). As a result, further official developments with the game are unlikely to happen.

The Everybody Votes Channel let you answer polls and see what the rest of the world had to say.

This channel was discontinued on June 28, 2013. However, it is possible to restore functionality by installing WiiLink.

Unused Graphics

Nintendo loves these...

sk_EFaceNull.tpl is a dummy texture, with the word 似顔絵 (portrait) written on it. This image was most likely a placeholder/fallback for the faces of Mii avatars, judging by the filename and 似顔絵 being the internal project name of the Mii Channel.

Used Unused
EverybodyVotes US1.png
EverybodyVotes US2.png

On the Everybody Votes Channel servers, there are files that are downloaded to display results on a map. Interestingly, they can be viewed as graphics in a hex editor, kind of like ASCII art. There's a map of the United States that's unused which resembles the country in the shape of a peacock.

Unused Text

There is an unused string in the channel's text, which can be found in the Screen folder. It appears to be an older, less verbose version of the explanation regarding sending poll suggestions to Nintendo. Interestingly, the German and Italian versions of the text feature what are likely older translations of the channel's name, Alle-stimmen-ab-Kanal and Canale Quick Q (literally translating to "Everybody Votes Channel" and "Quick Q Channel"), as opposed to the final names, which are Meinungskanal and Canale Vota Anche Tu ("Opinion Channel" and "Vote Too(,) Yourself Channel"), respectively.

Japanese English German Italian
You may submit only one question per day. If you choose to submit a question, you agree that your submission will become the property of Nintendo and that Nintendo may use your submission for any reason whatsoever.
Die vorgeschlagenen Fragen und Antworten werden für zukünftige Umfragen bzw. als Anregung für zukünftige Umfragen verwendet. Auch eine Verwendung bzw. Veröffentlichung außerhalb des Alle-stimmen-ab-Kanals ist möglich. Dein Themenvorschlag wird an Nintendo weitergeleitet. Möchtest du das?
La domanda proposta verrà presa in considerazione per la realizzazione di un futuro sondaggio. Il risultato di tale sondaggio potrebbe essere usato anche al di fuori del Canale Quick Q. Vuoi inviare la tua domanda a Nintendo?

Additionally, in the Cmn subfolder, there's a file called Layout00.szs.

In vote.brlyt, there's a poll question that was built-in to the channel for some reason. A poll with this question was added on May 29, 2007 in America.

What trick would you like to teach your dog?

In icon.cs.lz7, there's dummy text for questions that appear on the Wii Menu.

Untranslated Japanese Text Translated Text
It is a question.
It is Option 1.
It is Option 2.

Unused Batch File

00000009.app has a file that's in the html .arc file named makeArc.bat. They mention the Wii's codename (Revolution).

@echo on

@echo ************************************
@echo * 変数の設定
@echo ************************************
SET PATH=%REVOLUTION_SDK_ROOT%\X86\bin;d:\cygwin\bin;%PATH%
SET LYTCVTR=%NW4R_ROOT%\CommandLineTools\bin\nw4r_lytcvtr.exe

cd %REVO_VOTE_ROOT%/rawdata/Channel/html/US/html/

cd ../
darchD -c html html_US.arc

mv html_US.arc ../../../../dvddata/content9


変数の設定 translates to variable settings.

Build Date

Present in builddate.dat.

9/20 13:52:39