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Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony

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Title Screen

Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony

Developer: SuperVillain Studios
Publisher: 2K Games
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Released in US: October 29, 2006
Released in EU: February 2, 2007

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony is an RPG designed in the style of the Dungeon Siege series of PC games.

Debug Options

Can be enabled with the following CWCheat codes, which modify the function that checks to see if the debug options are enabled:

ULUS10177 (US) ULES00569 (Europe)
_C0 Debug Options On
_L 0x200F7FD8 0x24040001
_C0 Debug Options On
_L 0x200F8018 0x24040001

When the debug options are enabled, opening the level options in-game (by pressing Start) offers several additional debugging-related entries.

Debug entries within level options dialog

Enter Level

A level select, including several test areas at the bottom of the list.

Level Select screen
Level Select screen with test levels shown

Debug Menu

Opens an additional menu with a variety of debug features including Element Debug Mode, Toggle Mem Metrics, Reload Art Data, and Reload Manager Data.

Debug Options menu

Element Debug Mode

Opens an Element Debug Menu with a variety of options:

  • dsp_char_physics
    • Draw Ground Test Ray
  • bounds_collision
    • Draw Collision Volume
  • trigger
    • Draw Trigger Volume
  • light
    • Draw Light Position
    • Draw Light Volume
  • addmeshinstance
    • Draw Light Vectors
  • blob_shadow
    • Draw Projection Vectors
  • dsp_ability
    • 0 Mana Cost
    • All Abilities Unlocked
  • combat_element
    • 100% Proc
Element Debug Menu
Element Debug Menu - Additional Options


Opens a Cheats menu with a variety of options, most of which have self-explanatory effects on the game:

  • Auto-Complete a Quest
  • Auto-Activate a Quest
  • Force a Dialog
  • Unlock All Lore
  • Player Invulnerable
  • Gain 5000 Gold
  • Idle All Enemies
  • Unlock Followers
  • Toggle HUD
  • Create Item
  • Remote Player Journal
Cheat Menu

Create Item

Brings up a menu allowing the user to customize a variety of items and add them to their inventory.

Create-an-Item Menu

Remote Player Journal

Immediately crashes the game.

Unused Areas

As seen within the level select menu, there are a variety of unused test areas that remain within the final game. While not usually accessible, they can be loaded using the debug menu. Non-standard levels include:

  • SFX Test
  • Machine Core Art Test
  • Sunken Ruins Art Test
  • Vagar Art Test
  • TEST LEVEL - Design
  • Demo - Bloodmist Isle

SFX Test

This level is empty except for a fireball that spawns when the level is loaded. The text "SFX Test" is displayed upon entering the level.

SFX Test Level

Machine Core Art Test

This level was presumably meant to be an art test for Level 42 - Machine Core. However, as it stands, there don't seem to be any textures applied to much of the level geometry, and we're left with some bright neon pink boxes.

Machine Core Art Test Level

Sunken Ruins Art Test

Another art test level. This one is actually textured, though.

Sunken Ruins Art Test Level

Vagar Art Test

Another art test level. This one features a small walled-in set of rooms with incomplete geometry in some places.

Vagar Art Test Level


A completely empty level. The player is unable to move and everything is black.

TEST LEVEL Design Level


This level contains many different enemies of various levels. Various wall types are also placed within a corner of the level. Upon loading, the text "We Love the Blea!" is displayed for a short time.

"Blea" likely refers to Ben Lea, one of the game's programmers.

BLEA TEST level upon loading
An enemy within the BLEA TEST level


This level seems identical to the Chamber of Agony level, but an intro cinematic is played before the level is started.

"Derek" may refer to Derek Johnstone, one of the game's artists.


This level appears to be an empty plane. Upon loading, the text "And on this farm he had AI..." is displayed for a short time.



This level seems to be some sort of test for NPC quest interactions. Two NPCs, Delani and Ilisav, are present. When talked to, Delani will go into a lengthy dialogue and give you a quest. Ilisav will just say "Hi" if talked to. Both conversations feature pink "temp" character icons instead of the usual profile images that should appear for the characters. Upon loading, the text "Das Uberquest" is displayed for a short time.

"Corey" may refer to Corey Eiland, one of the game's level designers.

Delani's Dialogue within the COREY TEST Level
Ilisav's Dialogue within the COREY TEST Level

Demo - Bloodmist Isle

This level loads an overland area called Bloodmist Isle.

Bloodmist Isle Loading Screen
Bloodmist Isle Overland Area

CVM Machine Info

This game uses an embeddable scripting engine called Cohort. One of the functions provided by this engine is CVM::Machine::ListInfo, which prints information about the virtual machine. The following text is printed when the function is called within ULUS10177:

Machine Info:
    CSL Version      : V0.4.1
    Compiler         : Built with GNUC EDG gcc 3.4 mode on Aug 10 2006
    Endian           : little
    Data             : 32 bit
    Pointers         : 32 bit
    Integers         : 32 bit
    Numbers          : 32 bit
    Idents           : CRC's and text
    User Handles     : Disabled
    User HBHandles   : Disabled
    HB Heaps         : Enabled
    Mem Debug        : Disabled
    Mem Stats        : Disabled
    Mem Tracking     : Disabled
    Access Exceptions: Disabled
    Value Exceptions : Disabled
    Ref Exceptions   : Disabled
    Interpreter Size : 12
    Profiling        : Disabled
(Source: Original TCRF research)