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DuckLife 2

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Title Screen

DuckLife 2

Developer: Wix Games
Publisher: BubbleBox
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2011

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

To do:
Document possible debugging cheats.

The second game from the DuckLife series, having files copied from the first game at some point in development.

Unused Graphics

Duck Life Leftovers

To do:
There's more leftovers from DuckLife 1, document them here.

The low quality setting from the first game.

DL2 DL1LowSetting.png

An early design for ducks from DuckLife.

DL2 DL1EarlyDuck.png

Unused Duck Colors

Various old unused colors and countries from an old design of the duck, Leftover from the first game. It may suggest that an earlier build will show many Ducklife 1 leftovers, which may suggest that at some point in development, it was built from the first game rather than the second.

Unused Quality Setting

In the files, there's an unused setting that lets you switch the quality to medium, not even using the right font.

DL2 MediumQualitySetting.png