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Devil May Cry 4

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Title Screen

Devil May Cry 4

Also known as: Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition, Devil May Cry 4 Refrain
Developers: Capcom Production Studio 1, Access Games (Special Edition)
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Android (Refrain), IOS (Refrain), NVIDIA Shield, PlayStation 4 (Special Edition), Xbox One (Special Edition)
Released internationally: February 3, 2011 (iOS/Android), June 23, 2015 (Special Edition)
Released in JP: January 31, 2008 (PS3/360), July 24, 2008 (PC), June 18, 2015 (Special Edition)
Released in US: February 5, 2008 (PS3/360), July 8, 2008 (PC)
Released in EU: February 8, 2008 (PS3/360),July 11, 2008 (PC)
Released in AU: February 7, 2008 (PS3/360), July 10, 2008 (PC)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

To do:
  • Looks like the game files contains cut/unused animation, moves, and leftovers from unused game modes. Please document them or at least add some footage or screenshots.
  • Document the revisional differences (Original, Special Edition and Refrain).

In Devil May Cry 4, play as an emo kid with a glowing hand as he takes on demons and grapples across pitfalls. No, this isn't Bionic Commando.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
DMC4 Unused Abilities Icon.png
Unused Abilities
Payline, Bare Knuckle, etc.

Debugging Features

Debug Menu

Early Czech copies of the PC version were accidentally shipped with the Debug mode on: Some modders later made a patch to un-dummy it in all versions, found here. Features include playing as Dante anytime, infinite jumps, invincibilty, disabling cutscenes, no-clip, and other options. A list can be found here.

To enable it on compatible versions, press and hold L1+L2 and then press R1 to toggle Debug Mode.

(Source: Infernal Works forums)