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Development:The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard

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This page details development materials of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard.

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Developer Asset Showcase

To do:
  • Add comparisons and note differences between these flash movies and the final release.

During development, or soon after release, 3D artist and texture painter Hugh Riley made and uploaded flash movies of his contributions to the game to his online portfolio, "legalalien." Many assets appear identical to the final release, but allow a much closer and higher resolution look at the 3D items which are shown as tiny icons once placed in Cyrus' inventory. Other assets have small changes from the final, and some changes are intentionally made to better showcase the asset. For example, the Dreek the Barkeep animation has added transparency to the textures of the bar he leans on, to showcase his feet during while he walks.

Inventory Items
NPC Strut Dog Walk Dwarven Robot
Todd "Clavicus Vile" Howard Barbas Morph Gremlin Cyrus
Admiral Richton A "Crossbow" Dreek the Barkeep
(Source: Hugh Riley - legalalien)