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Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data/Pokédex (152-251)
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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data.
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
The information in this article is pulled from the following files in the JP and KR sources:
1999/07/20 | Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\ZUKANBK\Zukan2.dat | KR |
1999/08/01 | Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\Zukan2.dat | KR |
1999/08/17 | Spaceworld 1999 Demo. | JP |
1999/09/12 (Final - Gold) |
Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\ZUKANBK\ZUKAN2K.dat | KR |
1999/09/12 (Final - Silver) |
Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\ZUKANBK\ZUKAN2G.dat | KR |
July 20th to August 1st
161 - Sentret | |
シッポを たてて すこしでも とおくの ようすを みようとする きが ちいさい ポケモン。 |
シッポを たてて すこしでも とおくの ようすを しらべている けいかいしんが つよい ポケモン。 |
This cowardly Pokémon raises its tail to see as far away as it can. |
This highly vigilant Pokémon raises its tail to check on things from as far away as it can. |
A complete reversal on Sentret's bravery here. | |
168 - Ariados | |
おしりからだけでなく くちからも いとを だせるので みただけでは どっちが あたまなのか わからない。 |
おしりからだけでなく くちからも いとを だすので みただけでは どっちが あたまなのか わからない。 |
It can create silk from its bottom as well as its mouth, so it's hard to tell which end is the head at a glance. |
It creates silk from its bottom as well as its mouth, so it's hard to tell which end is the head at a glance. |
The conjugation of the verb 出す was changed. | |
170 - Yanma | |
りょうめで あらゆる ほうこうを みている。えものを みつけては きづかれるまえに おそいかかる。 |
1びょうかんに 30かいほど はばたくので くうちゅうていしや バックひこうも できる。 |
It uses both eyes to look in all directions. When it spots its prey, it swoops down and attacks before it even knows it's there. |
It flaps its wings about 30 times a second, so it can stop in midair or even fly backwards. |
A complete rewrite here. Neither entry made it into the final game as written. | |
173 - Cleffa | |
おほしさまの ような シルエット。 その すがたから ながれぼしの しょうたいだと しんじられている。 |
おほしさまのような シルエット。 そのすがたから なかれぼしにのって やってくると しんじられている。 |
It has a star-shaped silhouette. Due to its appearance, it's believed to be the true form of a shooting star. |
It has a star-shaped silhouette. Due to its appearance, it's believed to have arrived on a shooting star. |
Cleffa's origin was downgraded from being a shooting star to merely arriving on one. | |
174 - Igglybuff | |
あしが まだ しっかりしてないので うまく たつことが できず あちこち ぶつかっては はずんでる。 |
とても やわらかい からだ。 いちど ころがると はずみまくって ぜんぜん とまれなくなる。 |
Its legs aren't yet strong enough to stand up properly, so it bounces and bumps all over the place. |
It has a very soft body. Once it starts rolling, it begins to bounce and bounce, and nothing can stop it. |
A rewritten version of the July description was used in Pokémon Crystal. | |
178 - Xatu | |
ほとんど うごかず なきもせず 1にちじゅう じっとしているのは おつげを まっているためらしい。 |
ほとんど うごかず なきもせず じっとしているのは みらいのようすを みているからだと しんじられている。 |
It stands still all day long, with hardly a twitch or a peep, apparently because it is waiting for a divine revelation. |
It's believed that it stands still all day long, with hardly a twitch or a peep, because it is looking into the future. |
The religious aspect of Xatu's behavior was later rewritten into precognition. | |
190 - Quagsire | |
のんびりと およいでは よく ふねの そこに あたまを ぶつける。 ひふが ぬめっていて つかめない。 |
のんびりとした せいかくで きままに およいでは いつも ふなぞこに あたまを ぶつけている。 |
It swims around leisurely and often bumps its head against boats. Its skin is too slippery to grab hold of. |
It has a laid-back personality and swims along without a care in the world, constantly bumping its head against the bottoms of boats. |
While part about bumping into boats made it into both Gold and Silver, it took until Crystal for its slippery body to be mentioned in-game. | |
192 - Sunflora | |
ひざしを エネルギーに かえる。 たいようが しずむと はなびらを とじて じっと たたずんでいる。 |
ひざしを エネルギーに かえる。 たいようが しずみ くらくなると はなびらを とじて たたずんでいる。 |
It turns sunlight into energy. When the sun sets, it closes its petals and stands perfectly still. |
It turns sunlight into energy. When the sun sets and it gets dark, it closes its petals and stands perfectly still. |
A bit of clarification here: It stands still after it gets dark, not just when the sun is setting. | |
208 - Steelix | |
ふかい じめんの したで あっしゅく された からだは ダイ ヤモンドよりも かたいのだ。 |
ふかい じめんの したで あっしゅく された からだは ダイヤモンドよりも かたいのだ。 |
Its body has been compressed deep underground, making it harder than dia mond. |
Its body has been compressed deep underground, making it harder than diamond. |
"Diamond" is improperly spaced in the July text. | |
211 - Qwilfish | |
からだを おおきく みせるとき たくさんの みずを いっきにのみこみ いぶくろを ふくらませているのだ。 |
からだを おおきく みせるため たくさんの みずを いっきにのみこみ いぶくろを ふくらませるのだ。 |
If its body ever looks bigger, it has swallowed a lot of water at once to puff out its stomach. |
In order to make its body look bigger, it swallows a lot of water at once and puffs out its stomach. |
Tense change. | |
212 - Scizor | |
めだまもようの ついた はさみを ふりあげて あいてを いかくすると あたまが 3つ あるようだ。 |
めだまもようの ついた はさみを ふりあげて あいてを いかくすると あたまが 3つ あるように みえる。 |
It raises its eyeball-patterned pincers over its head to intimidate its opponent, making it seem like it has three heads. |
It raises its eyeball-patterned pincers over its head to intimidate its opponent, making it look like it has three heads. |
Line 3 was slightly reworded. | |
223 - Remoraid | |
からだのなかに すいこんだ 10リットルの みずを いっしゅんで ふきだして エサを あつめる。 |
からだのなかに すいこんだ 10リットルの みずを いっしゅんで ふきだして エサを ねらいうちする。 |
It instantly squirts out the 10 liters of water it has stored in its body to catch its prey. |
It instantly squirts out the 10 liters of water it has stored in its body to snipe its prey. |
Verbage was changed to better fit Remoraid's pistol-like design. | |
242 - Blissey | |
ハッピーの タマゴを ひとくちでも たべた ひとは だれにでも やさしく できるようになる。 |
ハピナスが うんだ タマゴを ひとくちでも たべた ひとは だれにでも やさしく なれる。 |
Anyone who takes even one bite of a Happy's egg will become kinder towards everyone they meet. |
Anyone who takes even one bite of an egg laid by a Blissey can be kinder towards everyone they meet. |
Even though Blissey's name had already been finalized by this point, the old name "Happy" is still used here. The new entry specifies that Blissey actually did lay the egg in question. | |
243 - Raikou | |
あまぐもを みにまとっているので いつでも かみなりを だせるという だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
あまぐもを みにまとっているので いつでも かみなりを だせるという でんせつの いどうポケモン。 |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth. It is clad in a rain cloud, so it can give off lightning at any time. |
A legendary roaming Pokémon. It is clad in a rain cloud, so it can give off lightning at any time. |
Entry updated to mention Raikou's legendary nature. | |
244 - Entei | |
まわりの くうきが あたたかいため いつも かげろうに つつまれている だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
まわりの くうきが あたたかいため いつも かげろうに つつまれながら だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth. Because the air around it is so warm, it is constantly surrounded by heat shimmers. |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth while constantly surrounded by heat shimmers because the air around it is so warm. |
Minor rewording in this entry. | |
245 - Suicune | |
きたなく にごった みずも いっしゅんで きよめるという だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
きたなく にごった みずも いっしゅんで きよめるという こうごうしい いどうポケモン。 |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth. It's said to be able to purify water in an instant, no matter how filthy or muddy. |
A divine, solemn roaming Pokémon. It's said to be able to purify water in an instant, no matter how filthy or muddy. |
The part about Suicune rushing around the earth (Noticing a pattern?) was repurposed for its Silver entry. | |
246 - Larvitar | |
こうてつのように かたい カラで ぜんしんを おおっている。 なかの しょうたいは ふめい。 |
そんざいは ウワサされるものの だれも くわしいことは しらない。 げんざい てってい ちょうさちゅう。 |
Its whole body is covered with a hard, steel-like shell. No one knows what it looks like on the inside. |
Although rumored to exist, nobody knows about it in great detail. A thorough investigation is currently underway. |
While assigned to Larvitar, the July text matches up with Forretress' final Gold entry. By August, the entry was replaced by the same TBD description that Azumarill used. |
August 1st to August 17th
Starting with Spaceworld 1999, both Gold & Silver have their own unique Pokédex entries. Almost all of the entries from the August 1st file made it into the SW99 version of Gold unchanged, but four of them had some minor adjustments...
164 - Noctowl | |
りょうめは とくしゅな つくりで わずかな ひかりを あつめては くらやみでも まわりを みわける。 |
りょうめは とくしゅな つくり。 わずかな ひかりを あつめては くらやみでも まわりを みわける。 |
Its eyes are specially developed and pick up small amounts of light, letting it distinguish its surroundings even in dark places. |
Its eyes are specially developed. They pick up small amounts of light, letting it distinguish its surroundings even in dark places. |
The entry was split into two sentences. | |
223 - Remoraid | |
からだのなかに すいこんだ 10リットルの みずを いっしゅんで ふきだして エサを ねらいうちする。 |
からだのなかに すいこんだ 10リットルの みずを いっしゅんで ふきだし エサを ねらいうちする。 |
It instantly squirts out the 10 liters of water it has stored in its body to snipe its prey. |
It instantly squirts out the 10 liters of water it has stored in its body to snipe its prey. |
A て (te) particle was delete from the third line. | |
243 - Raikou | |
あまぐもを みにまとっているので いつでも かみなりを だせるという でんせつの いどうポケモン。 |
あまぐもを せおっているので いつでも かみなりを だせるという でんせつの いどうポケモン。 |
A legendary roaming Pokémon. It is clad in a rain cloud, so it can give off lightning at any time. |
A legendary roaming Pokémon. It's carrying a rain cloud, so it can give off lightning at any time. |
You can't wear a rain cloud. Try it. | |
248 - Tyranitar | |
どんな こうげきにも びくともしない からだを もっているため むだに あらそわない ポケモン。 |
どんな こうげきにも びくともしない からだを もっているため どんどん しょうぶを しかけてくる。 |
Because its body won't yield to any attack, this Pokémon won't fight without good reason. |
Because its body won't yield to any attack, it will pick one fight after another. |
Tyranitar's temperament flipped between entries. |
...and six were discarded:
153 - Bayleef | ||
しょくぶつの ぶぶんからは けっこう きつい においがする。 せいかくも けっこう きつい。 |
The aroma wafting from its vegetation is quite intense. Its disposition is also quite intense. |
While the aroma is mentioned in both its Gold and Silver entries, its disposition is not. |
165 - Ledyba | ||
つかまえようと ちかづくと あしの かんせつから オレンジいろの えきたいを ふきとばして にげる。 |
If someone gets close enough to capture it, it expels an orange fluid from its leg joints and runs away. |
This entry was used (with added Kanji) for Ledyba's card in the Southern Islands TCG set. A similar fluid is mentioned in its Ruby and Sapphire entries, but there it's used to communicate with other Ledyba. |
175 - Togepi | ||
あかんぼう なので もしものときは あたまの さきから どくを だして てきを おいはらおうと がんばる。 |
It's just a baby, but in emergency situations it can repel foes by releasing poison from its head spikes. |
This entry was used (with added Kanji) for the TCG promo card found in the June 1999 edition of CoroCoro. |
183 - Marill | ||
ぜんしんの たいもうは みずを はじくので みずあそびの あとでも からだは ふかふか している。 |
Its fur is water-resistant. It stays fluffy even after it's been playing around in the water. |
This entry was used (with added Kanji) for the TCG promo card found in the June 1999 edition of CoroCoro. It was later rewritten and reused for Pokémon Crystal. |
199 - Slowking | ||
なにごとが おきても さわがず ゆったりとしている ようすが なんとなく いげんを かんじさせる。 |
The fact that it stays calm and collected no matter what happens somehow gives it an air of dignity. |
This entry was used (with added Kanji) for Slowking's card in the Southern Islands TCG set. |
218 - Magcargo | ||
からだは ようがんの ように どろどろしているが せなかのカラだけ ひえて かたまってしまった。 |
Though its body is as viscous as lava, the shell on its back has cooled and solidified. |
The shell half of this entry was used in the final Gold text, while the detail on its body was used in Crystal. |
August 17th to Final (Gold)
153 - Bayleef | |
あたまの さきから だされる スパイシーな かおりを かいでいると なぜか せんとういよくが たかまる。 |
くびの まわりから だされる スパイシーな かおりを かいでいると なぜだか たたかいたくなる。 |
A spicy aroma wafts from the top of its head. For some reason, it gives you the urge to fight. |
A spicy aroma wafts from around its neck. For some reason, it makes you want to fight. |
The aroma moved from the large leaf on its head to the leaves on its neck. | |
157 - Typhlosion | |
もえさかる たいもうが ふれあうたび くうきが はれつしたような おとがして まわりを おどろかせる。 |
いかりが さいこうちょうのとき さわったもの すべて いっしゅんで もえあがらせるほどに あつい。 |
Whenever its blazing fur rubs together, it creates an explosive noise that startles everything around it. |
When its anger hits a breaking point, it becomes hot enough to instantly ignite anything it touches. |
Something similar to the old entry was used in Silver, but in that case Typhlosion intentionally rubs its fur together to create an explosive attack. | |
160 - Feraligatr | |
おおきく ちからづよい あごで あいてに かみつくと そのまま くびをふって あいてを ひきちぎる。 |
おおきく ちからづよい あごで かみつくと そのまま くびをふって あいてを ずたずたに ひきちぎる。 |
It bites down on its opponent with its huge, powerful jaws, then shakes its head around to rip them apart. |
It bites down on its opponent with its huge, powerful jaws, then shakes its head around to rip them to shreds. |
The third line was rewritten for added horror. | |
162 - Furret | |
からだの かたちに あわせた ほそながい すを つくり ほかの ポケモンが はいれなく している。 |
ほそながい からだの かたちに あわせた すを つくり ほかの ポケモンは はいれなくしている。 |
It makes long, narrow burrows that match its body shape to prevent other Pokémon from entering. |
It makes burrows that match its long, narrow body shape to prevent other Pokémon from entering. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
165 - Ledyba | |
むれを つくらないと ふあんで うごけなくなるほど おくびょうだが なかまがいると かっぱつに うごく。 |
むれを つくらないと ふあんで うごけなくなるほど おくびょうだが なかまがいると かっぱつにうごく。 |
It's a timid creature. It gets anxious and unable to move if left alone, but it's quite lively when it's in a group. | |
Minor spacing difference on the third line. | |
168 - Ariados | |
おしりからだけでなく くちからも いとを だすので みただけでは どっちが あたまなのか わからない。 |
おしりからだけでなく くちからも いとを だすので みただけでは どっちが あたまか わからない。 |
It creates silk from its bottom as well as its mouth, so it's hard to tell which end is the head at a glance. | |
The "nanoka" was condensed down into just "ka". | |
171 - Lanturn | |
ランターンの だす ひかりは 5000メートルの ふかさ からでも すいめんまで とどくほど まぶしい。 |
ランターンのだす ひかりは 5000メートルの ふかさ からでも すいめんまで とどくほど あかるい。 |
The light that Lanturn emits is so dazzling that, even from a depth of 5 km, it can be seen on the sea's surface. |
The light that Lanturn emits is so bright that, even from a depth of 5 km, it can be seen on the sea's surface. |
The early description uses a different word for bright (眩しい vs. 明るい). Besides that, the content is identical. | |
173 - Cleffa | |
おほしさまのような シルエット。 そのすがたから なかれぼしにのって やってくると しんじられている。 |
おほしさまのような シルエット。 そのすがたから ながれぼしにのって やってくると しんじられている。 |
It has a star-shaped silhouette. Due to its appearance, it's believed to have arrived on a shooding star. |
It has a star-shaped silhouette. Due to its appearance, it's believed to have arrived on a shooting star. |
The final description fixed a typo (It's nagareboshi, not nakareboshi.) | |
175 - Togepi | |
カラのなかに たくさんの しあわせが つまっているらしく やさしく すると こううんを もたらしてくれるという。 |
カラのなかに しあわせが たくさん つまっているらしく やさしくされると こううんを わけあたえる という。 |
Its shell is said to be full of positive emotions, so anyone who treats it kindly will be blessed with good luck. |
Its shell is said to be full of positive emotions, so anyone who is kind to it will be given good luck. |
The old entry uses a different word for give (もたらす vs. 分け与える) but is otherwise identical. | |
177 - Natu | |
はねが そだちきって いないので とびはねるようにして いどうする。 いつも なにかを みつめている。 |
はねが そだちきって おらず とびはねるようにして いどうする。 いつも なにかを みつめている。 |
Its wings aren't fully developed, so it moves around by hopping. It is always staring at something. |
It moves around by hopping, its wings not being fully developed. It is always staring at something. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
178 - Xatu | |
ほとんど うごかず なきもせず じっとしているのは みらいのようすを みているからだと しんじられている。 |
ほとんど うごかず なきもせず じっとするのは かこと みらいを みているからだと しんじられている。 |
It's believed that it stands still all day long, with hardly a twitch or a peep, because it is looking into the future. |
It's believed that it stands still all day long, with hardly a twitch or a peep, because it is looking into the past and future. |
This entry was changed to be consistent with its Silver entry, which mentions looking into both the past and future. | |
179 - Mareep | |
ふかふかの わたげは せいでんきが たまっているので うかつに さわると しびれるから ようちゅうい。 |
からだに せいでんきが たまると たいもうが いつもの 2ばいほどに ふくらむ。さわると しびれる。 |
Its fluffy wool is filled with static electricity. Be careful with how you touch it or it'll shock you. |
When static electricity builds up in its body, it doubles in size. Touch it and it'll shock you. |
The old entry doesn't mention the size increase, while the new entry removes all uncertainty as to whether touching it will shock you. | |
181 - Ampharos | |
シッポの さきが ひかりかがやく。 ひかりは はるか とおくまで とどき まよったものの みちしるべとなる。 |
シッポのさきが ひかりかがやく。 ひかりは はるか とおくまで とどき まよったものの みちしるべとなる。 |
The tip of its tail shines brightly. The light shines into the distance and acts as a guidepost for the lost. | |
Another small spacing change. | |
183 - Marill | |
しっぽの さきには みずよりも かるい あぶらが つまっているから おぼれることなく かわをすすめる。 |
しっぽの さきには みずよりも かるい あぶらが つまっているので おぼれることなく かわをすすめる。 |
It can swim down rivers without drowning because the tip of its tail is filled with an oil that is lighter than water. |
The tip of its tail is filled with an oil that is lighter than water, so it can swim down rivers without drowning. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
185 - Sudowoodo | |
いつも きのふりを している。 からだの つくりは しょくぶつより いしや いわなどに ちかい。 |
いつも きのふりを している。 からだの つくりは しょくぶつより いしや いわなどに ちかいようだ。 |
It's usually pretending to be a tree. Its body structure is closer to rocks and stones than plants. |
It's usually pretending to be a tree. Its body structure appears to be closer to rocks and stones than plants. |
The new text isn't as certain on Sudowoodo's body structure. | |
186 - Politoed | |
はらの そこから しぼりだすような なきごえで とおくにいる なかまに あいずを おくりだすらしい。 |
なきごえが ひびきわたると あちこちから ニョロモや ニョロゾたちが あつまってくる。 |
It seems to send signals to distant companions with a cry that it forces out from the depths of its belly. |
When its cry echoes around, Poliwag and Poliwhirl begin to gather from near and far. |
The old entry goes into more detail on how Politoed croaks, while the final entry adds that it attracts its evolutionary brethren. | |
187 - Hoppip | |
いちど かぜに ふかれると どこまでも とんでいってしまうほど かるい からだの もちぬし。 |
ハネッコどうし あつまって かぜに ふきとばされないように している。 でも そよかぜに ふかれるのはすき。 |
Its body is very light. When the wind blows, it's carried away to wherever the wind takes it. |
Many Hoppip gather together to avoid being blown away by the wind. However, they enjoy floating around in gentle breezes. |
The old text was later rewritten and used in Crystal. | |
188 - Skiploom | |
かぜに ながされるとき あたまから たねのような ものを どんどん ばらまいていく。 |
あたまのうえに さいた ハナは きおんに よって ひらいたり とじたりする せいしつを もつ。 |
When the wind blows it around, a seed-like substance is dispersed from the top of its head. |
The flower on its head bears the distinction of opening and closing depending on the temperature of the air. |
The trivia in the old entry has yet to appear in any Pokémon game. | |
189 - Jumpluff | |
いちど かぜにのると からだを たくみに うごかして せかい いっしゅう だって できてしまう。 |
いちど かぜに のってしまうと わたほうしを たくみに あやつって せかいいっしゅう だってしてしまう。 |
Once it starts riding the wind, it can go so far as to circle the globe by moving its body dextrously enough. |
Once it really catches the wind, it will go so far as to circle the globe by maneuvering its cotton spores dextrously enough. |
While the basic details are there, the old text doesn't mention what part of its body it's using when it rides the wind. | |
191 - Sunkern | |
あるあさ とつぜん ふってくる。 オニスズメに おそわれると はっぱを はげしくふって おいはらう。 |
あるあさ とつぜん ふってくる。 オニスズメに おそわれると はっぱを はげしく ふって おいはらう。 |
One morning, it will suddenly fall down. If attacked by a Spearow, it will shake its leaves violently to drive it off. | |
More minor spacing changes. | |
193 - Yanma | |
1びょうかんに 30かいほど はばたくので くうちゅうていしや バックひこうも できる。 |
こうそくで ハネを はばたかせると しょうげきは が はっせいして まわりの まどガラスが われていく。 |
It flaps its wings about 30 times a second, so it can stop in midair or even fly backwards. |
If it flaps its wings at high velocity, it can generate shock waves that will shatter nearby windows. |
The rate at which Yanma beats its wings (the same speed as real dragonflies) only appears in the old text, but its maneuverability is mentioned in its Generation III entries. | |
194 - Wooper | |
つめたい みずのなかで せいかつ。 まわりが すずしくなると エサを さがしに ちじょうにも あらわれる。 |
つめたい みずのなかで せいかつ。 あたりが すずしくなると エサを さがしに ちじょうにも あらわれる。 |
It lives in cold water. When the surrounding area cools down, it will also come up to land to search for prey. |
It lives in cold water. When the surrounding environment cools down, it will also come up to land to search for prey. |
Both descriptions mean essentially the same thing; only the nuance was changed. | |
196 - Espeon | |
ちょうかんかく が はったつ。 ふつうでは わからないことも ぜんしんで かんじとれる ようだ。 |
ぜんしんの こまかな たいもうで くうきの ながれを かんじとり あいての こうどうを よそくする。 |
It has developed super-senses. It seems to be able to use its body to perceive things that normally can't be felt. |
The fine hairs all over its body allow it to sense the flow of air and predict its opponent's actions. |
While Espeon's predictive powers pop up in a lot of its Pokédex entries, its perceptive powers seem to have been abandoned with the old text. | |
199 - Slowking | |
すごい ちせいと ひらめきを もっているのだが あわてず さわがず どんなときでも のんびりとしている。 |
すごい ちせいと ひらめきを もっている。どんなときでも あわてず さわがず のんびりとしている。 |
It has incredible intelligence and insight, but it is always relaxed and carefree, never flustered or in a panic. |
It has incredible intelligence and insight It is always relaxed and carefree, never flustered or in a panic. |
The entry was split into two sentences. | |
200 - Misdreavus | |
よなかに ひとの なきさけぶような なきごえを だして みんなを おどろかせるのが すき。 |
よなかに ひとの なきさけぶような なきごえを だして みんなを おどろかせる いたずらずき。 |
It loves to startle people by screaming and wailing in the middle of the night. |
It loves to cause mischief, like startling people by screaming and wailing in the middle of the night. |
The final entry made Misdreavus' night screaming just one of its many mischievous acts. | |
201 - Unown | |
そのすがたは むかしの せきばんに しるされた もじに にており かんけいあるのではと ウワサされる。 |
すがたかたちが むかしの せきばんに しるされた もじに にており かんけいあるのではと ウワサされる。 |
Their appearance resembles the characters found on ancient stone tablets. It's rumored that they're connected in some way. |
Their shapes resemble the characters found on ancient stone tablets. It's rumored that they're connected in some way. |
Slight rewording on the first line (その姿 vs. 姿形). Other than that, the content is pretty much the same. | |
202 - Wobbuffet | |
ひかりを あびると どんどん ぶんれつ していくので くらい どうくつで ひっそり くらしている。 |
ひかりや ショックを きらう。 こうげきされると からだが ふくらみ はんげきが きょうりょくに なる。 |
They gradually disintegrate when exposed to light, so they live quietly in dark caves. |
It dislikes light and sudden shocks. When attacked, its body swells up and its counterattacks become more powerful. |
The old entry seems to match up more with the strange gelatinous design seen in the CBB scratchpads than what Wobbuffett ultimately became, meaning that the former was from the August 17 build. | |
203 - Girafarig | |
シッポにも ちいさな のうがあり ちかよると においに はんのうしては かみついて くるので ちゅうい。 |
シッポにも ちいさな のうがある。 ちかよると においに はんのうして かみついて くるので ちゅうい。 |
Its tail has a tiny brain of its own, so be careful--if you get close, it will react to your scent and bite you. |
Its tail has a tiny brain of its own. Be careful--if you get close, it will react to your scent and bite you. |
The entry was split into two sentences. | |
206 - Dunsparce | |
えものに おそいかかるとき じぶんの あたまを はげしく うちすえ きぜつ させるのだ。 |
だれかに みられると シッポで じめんを ほって うしろむきに にげだすのだ。 |
When it attacks its prey, it strikes them with its head so hard that it knocks them senseless. |
If anyone sees it, it digs into the ground with its tail and burrows away backwards. |
Dunsparce seems much more aggressive in the earlier entry, a far cry from its timid, cowardly nature in the final game. This matches up with its design in the Spaceworld 1999 demo, where it looked slightly meaner and lacked the drill on its tail. | |
207 - Gligar | |
かおを ねらって とんでくる。 かおに はりつき おどろくあいだに しっぽの どくバリを さしこむ |
がんめん めがけて とんでくる。 はりつかれた えものが おどろく あいだに どくバリを さしこむ。 |
It swoops down, aiming for the face. It jabs in its poisonous stinger before the shock of latching onto its opponent's face has worn off. |
It swoops down, going after the front of the face. It latches onto its prey and jabs in its poisonous stinger before the shock has worn off. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
210 - Granbull | |
いつもは ぶあいそう。でも おやのトレーナーの まえでは わらったりするらしい。 |
ほんとうは おくびょうで こわがり。 おそわれると ひっしに てあしを ふって てきを おいはらおうとする。 |
It's usually unsociable. However, it seems that it can smile in the presence of its trainer. |
It's actually a scaredy-cat. When attacked, it frantically flails its limbs around in an attempt to fend off foes. |
A cute tidbit about Granbull's affection towards its owner didn't make it into either Gold or Silver. | |
211 - Qwilfish | |
からだを おおきく みせるため たくさんの みずを いっきにのみこみ いぶくろを ふくらませるのだ。 |
ぜんしんの どくばりを とばすため 10リットルの みずを いっきに のみこみ からだを ふくらませる。 |
In order to make its body look bigger, it inflates itself by swallowing a lot of water in a single gulp. |
In order to fire its toxic spikes, it inflates itself by swallowing 10 liters of water in a single gulp. |
The old entry was rewritten and used in Crystal. | |
215 - Sneasel | |
みかづきのように ながく するどい ツメは ふだんは ゆびのなかに かくしている。 |
するどいツメを ゆびの なかに かくしている。いきなり のばして おそってきた あいてを ひるませる。 |
Its sharp claws look like long crescents. They are normally concealed in its paws. |
Its sharp claws are normally concealed in its paws. When attacked, the claws suddenly extend and their opponents recoil. |
Sneasel's claws aren't particularly crescent-shaped, so that part had to go. | |
216 - Teddiursa | |
きゅうかくに すぐれ こうぶつの ミツのにおいを すぐに かぎわける。 そのとき あたまのわっかが ひかる |
ミツをみつけると みかづきもようが かがやく。あまいミツが しみこんだ てのひらを いつも なめている。 |
It has an excellent sense of smell and can easily track down the scent of honey. When it does, the ring on its head lights up. |
When it finds honey, its crescent moon glows. It's always licking its paws, which are covered in sweet honey. |
The old entry mentions its ability to track down honey, a detail missing from future entries. It also refers to Teddiursa's head marking as a ring, which matches up with its design in Spaceworld 1999. | |
217 - Ursaring | |
さむくなると とうみんを する。 そのため どんどん エサをたべて からだに エネルギーを ためこむ。 |
きのぼりも とくいだが まえあしで ふといみきを へしおって おちてきた きのみを たべる。 |
When it gets cold out, it hibernates. So, it has to eat more and more food to store up energy in its body. |
It's good at climbing trees, but it prefers to use its paws to break thick tree trunks and eat the fallen berries. |
Even though Ursaring's hibernating behavior was written out of the final game, it's still categorized as a "Hibernation" (とうみん) Pokémon. | |
219 - Magcargo | |
せなかのカラは からだが ひえて かたまっただけ。さわると かんたんに くずれるはど もろい。 |
せなかのカラは ひふが ひえて かたまっただけ。なにかが ふれただけで かんたんに くずれる。 |
The shell on its back is just a part of its body that has cooled and hardened. The shell is so fragile that it easily crumbles to the touch. |
The shell on its back is just a part of its skin that has cooled and hardened. The shell easily crumbles if something so much as touches it. |
A bit of clarification here, since, in Magcargo's case, "body" and "skin" are interchangeable. | |
220 - Swinub | |
エサを さがすため はなを こすりあわせ じめんを ほっていると たまに おんせんを ほりあてる。 |
エサを さがすため はなを こすりあわせ じめんを ほっている。 たまに おんせんを ほりあてる。 |
When it digs into the ground with its snout to find food, it will very rarely strike a hot spring. |
It digs into the ground with its snout to find food. Very rarely, it will strike a hot spring. |
The entry was split into two sentences. | |
222 - Corsola | |
あたまの さきは あるていど そだっと はえかわる。きれいなので たからものとして にんきが たかい。 |
どんどん そだっては はえかわる あたまの さきは きれいなので たからもの として にんきがたかい。 |
The points on its head will grow back after a certain time. These points are prized as personal treasures due to their beauty. |
The points on its head, which will steadily grow back, are prized as personal treasures due to their beauty. |
Entry was rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
223 - Remoraid | |
からだのなかに すいこんだ 10リットルの みずを いっしゅんで ふきだし エサを ねらいうちする。 |
ねらいは せいかく。ふきだす みずは 100メートルさきで うごく えものに かならず めいちゅうする。 |
It instantly squirts out the 10 liters of water it has stored in its body to snipe its prey. |
Its aim is precise. The water it shoots out can hit a moving target more than 100 meters away. |
Remoraid's ability to store 10 liters of water was later assigned to Qwilfish. | |
224 - Octillery | |
ふきだす すみは みずのなかで いきおいよく ひろがって すがたを かくすのに てきしている。 |
がんじょうな いしあたま。 きゅうばんつきの あしを からませ ひたすら あたまで うちすえる。 |
The ink that it shoots out spreads quickly through the water. It uses the ink to conceal its body. |
It has a sturdy, solid head. It traps enemies with the suckers on its legs, then strikes them with its head. |
Octillery's ink-based defense wouldn't get mentioned in the games until Ruby and Sapphire. | |
225 - Delibird | |
1にちの ほとんどを えさはこびに ついやす。そうなんした ひとが ギフトのえさで たすかるときもある。 |
1にち ずっと えさをはこんでる。 そうなんした ひとが デリバードの えさで たすかった はなしもある。 |
They spend most of the day carrying food. Sometimes, people who get lost are saved by the food Gift has. |
They spend all day carrying food. There are tales of people who got lost that were saved by the food Delibird had. |
Delibird lost its leisure time in the final game. | |
226 - Mantine | |
すいめんを すべるように およぐ。 かそくしてくると そのまま うかんで くうちゅうを とんでいく。 |
ゆうぜんと うみを およぐ。 たべのこしを ねらった テッポウオが くっついていても きにしていない。 |
It swims on the water's surface as if it were gliding. If it builds up enough speed, it can take off into the air. |
It swims leisurely through the sea. It doesn't mind if Remoraid cling onto it to wait for leftover food. |
The early entry was rewritten and moved to Silver. The final Gold entry mentions its symbiotic relationship with Remoraid, but this is not the first time it was introduced; that honor goes to Remoraid's entry in the Silver of SW99. | |
227 - Skarmory | |
みかけは おもそうだが ホネの なかは くうどうで かるく へいきで おおぞらを とびまわる。 |
じょうぶな ハネは おもそうだが ホネのなかは くうどうで かるく じゆうに おおぞらを とびまわる。 |
It looks heavy on the outside, but its bones are hollow, so it lightly cruises the open sky without concern for itself. |
Its sturdy feathers look heavy, but its bones are hollow, so it lightly cruises the open sky to its heart's content. |
The early entry is more vague as to what looks heavy. Same basic content, though. | |
228 - Houndour | |
くちから ふきだす ほのおで やけどすると いつまでたっても キズぐちが うずいてしまう。 |
なかまに れんらく するときと えものを おいつめるときでは なきごえの しゅるいが ちがうのだ。 |
If you get burned by the fire it spews from its mouth, the pain from the wound will never go away, no matter how much time passes. |
It uses different kinds of cries for when it's contacting others in its pack than when it's chasing down prey. |
Houndour's entry was copied in its entirety as Houndoom's final Gold entry. | |
229 - Houndoom | |
あいてを ずたずたに きりさいても たたかうことを やめない とうそうほんのうの かたまり。 |
くちから ふきだす ほのおで やけどすると いつまでたっても キズぐちが うずいてしまう。 |
The living embodiment of aggressive instincts, it will not stop fighting even after its opponent has been ripped apart. |
If you get burned by the fire it spews from its mouth, the pain from the wound will never go away, no matter how much time passes. |
Houndoom's extreme aggression has never been mentioned again. | |
230 - Kingdra | |
うみのそこ ふかくに せいそく。 みずから だした スミにおおわれ すがたは かくにん できない。 |
ふだんは かいていどうくつに みを ひそめているらしい。あくびで うずしおを はっせいさせる。 |
It lives deep in the ocean. It makes itself unidentifiable by shrouding itself with self-made ink. |
It seems that they usually hide in underwater caves. They can generate whirlpools by yawning. |
Kingdra has two different methods of hiding itself. Wait, is the stuff coming out of its nostrils in its older design supposed to be ink? Note that both Octillery and Kingdra had lines about hiding themselves in ink and neither made it to the final game. | |
231 - Phanpy | |
まだ よちよちあるき だが からだの 5ばいの エサをたべて どんどん おおきくなっていく。 |
じゃれている つもりで はなを ふりまわしてくるが かなりの ちからなので あぶない。 |
Though still a toddler, it grows bigger and bigger by eating five times its body weight in food. |
It swings its trunk around as if playing, but is very dangerous due to its sheer strength. |
Phanpy's massive appetite seems to have been a dropped concept. | |
232 - Donphan | |
その するどく かたい キバと さらに がんじょうな ひふでの たいあたりは いえをも こわすほど。 |
するどく かたい キバと さらに がんじょうな ひふでの たいあたりは いえをも こわすほど。 |
Its firm, sharp tusks and even sturdier skin make its Tackles strong enough to bring down an entire house. |
The firm, sharp tusks and even sturdier skin make its Tackles strong enough to bring down an entire house. |
Entry was rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
233 - Porygon2 | |
プログラムが こうどに なり いちどに たくさんの けいさんが できるように なった。 |
わくせい かいはつが できるよう ポリゴンを バージョンアップしたが まだ そらも とべない。 |
Its programming has advanced to the point where it can perform many simultaneous computations. |
Porygon's software has been updated for planetary development purposes. It still can't fly, though. |
Its early entry is completely different. It's not interesting, but it's different. | |
237 - Hitmontop | |
こうそくで かいてん しつづけても めを まわしたりしないよう とくべつな かんかくを もっている。 |
おどるように かれいで なめらかな キックわざに みとれていると きつい いちげきを おみまいされる。 |
It has a special ability that prevents its eyes from rolling around when it's spinning at high speeds. |
If you get mesmerized by its graceful, dance-like kicking, you'll be dealt a devastating blow. |
The old entry is the only one to date that provides an explanation as to how Hitmontop can spin so fast and not dizzy itself. | |
238 - Smoochum | |
くちびるが いちばん びんかん。 なんでも まず くちびるで さわって どんなものか かくにんする。 |
くちびるが いちばん びんかん。 なんでも まず くちびるで ふれて どんなものか かくにんする。 |
Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It touches everything with its lips first to confirm what it's like. |
Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It feels everything with its lips first to confirm what it's like. |
Entry was reworded slightly, but the content is basically the same. | |
243 - Raikou | |
あまぐもを せおっているので いつでも かみなりを だせるという でんせつの いどうポケモン。 |
あまぐもを せおっているので どんなときでも かみなりを だせる。 かみなりとともに おちてきたという。 |
A legendary roaming Pokémon. It's carrying a rain cloud, so it can give off lightning at any time. |
It's carrying a rain cloud, so it can give off lightning at any time. It's said to have descended with lightning. |
The early entry uses a different word for "anytime" (いつでも vs. どんなときも),while the final entry adds a line about its origin. | |
244 - Entei | |
まわりの くうきが あたたかいため いつも かげろうに つつまれながら だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
ほえると かざんが ふんかする。 みなぎる ちからを おさえきれず みちという みちを かけめぐる。 |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth while constantly surrounded by heat shimmers because the air around it is so warm. |
When it barks, volcanos errupt. It's unable to control its enormous power, so it rushes from one road to another. |
Totally rewritten - the only concept that was kept was its roaming nature. | |
245 - Suicune | |
きたなく にごった みずも いっしゅんで きよめるという こうごうしい いどうポケモン。 |
いっしゅんで きたなく にごった みずも きよめる ちからをもつ。 きたかぜの うまれかわり という。 |
A divine, solemn roaming Pokémon. It's said to be able to purify water in an instant, no matter how filthy or muddy. |
It has the power to purify water in an instant, no matter how filthy or muddy. Said to be the reincarnation of north winds. |
Its ability to purify water changed from a supposition to certainty. Like Raikou, a line was added that details its potential origin. | |
247 - Pupitar | |
がんばんのような かたい カラに おおわれているが ちからは すごく あばれると やまも くずれてしまう。 |
がんばんのような かたい カラに おおわれているが ちからは つよく あばれると やまも くずれてしまう。 |
It's covered in a shell as hard as bedrock, but when its power runs especially out of control, it could cause an entire mountain to collapse. |
It's covered in a shell as hard as bedrock, but when its power runs violently out of control, it could cause an entire mountain to collapse. |
The old entry uses a different adverb for its violent rampage. | |
250 - Ho-oh | |
なないろの はねを きらめかせ おおぞらたかく とんでいくと いう しんわに つたわる ポケモン。 |
なないろの みごとな つばさで せかいの そらを とびつづけると しんわに つたえられる ポケモン。 |
Myth and legend speak of this Pokémon flying high in the sky, its rainbow-colored wings aglitter. |
This Pokémon is claimed in myth and legend to fly through the world's skies with its magnificent rainbow-colored wings. |
The new text specifies that it travels through all the world's skies and is not just confined to one particular region. Also, remember when a certain 10-year-old saw it in Kanto at the start of his journey? | |
251 - Celebi | |
そんざいは ウワサされるものの だれも くわしいことは しらない。 げんざい てってい ちょうさちゅう。 |
じかんをこえて あちこち さまよう。 セレビィが すがたを あらわした もりは くさきが おいしげるという。 |
Although rumored to exist, nobody knows about it in great detail. A thorough investigation is currently underway. |
It wanders to and fro across time. It's said that plants thrive at the forests that Celebi's appeared in. |
Celebi was the last Pokémon to use this filler entry. |
- Azumarill's description was moved from SW99 Gold to final Silver.
- Pineco and Forretress switched entries.
August 17th to Final (Silver)
152 - Chikorita | |
いい かおりの ハッパには まわりを ようすを さぐる のうりょくが ひめられている。 |
いい かおりの ハッパは まわりの しつどや おんどを さぐる のうりょくを もっている。 |
Its sweet-smelling leaf conceals the ability to feel its surroundings. |
Its sweet-smelling leaf has the ability to feel the humidity, temperature, and other attributes of its surroundings. |
Big upgrade to Chikorita's abilities in the final entry. | |
153 - Bayleef | |
くびの まわりから はっさんする スパイスのような ここちよい かおりをかぐと おなかがへってくる。 |
くびの まわりから はっさんする スパイスのような かおり には げんきを ださせる こうかがある。 |
There's a pleasant, spicy aroma wafting from around its neck that makes anyone who smells it hungry. |
There's a spicy aroma wafting from around its neck. The aroma has an invigorating effect. |
Bayleef's leaves have a more useful odor in the final game. | |
154 - Meganium | |
メガニウムが はきだす いきには かれた しょくぶつを よみがえらせる のうりょくが ひめられている。 |
メガニウムが はきだす いきには かれた くさきを よみがえらせる ちからが ひめられている。 |
The breath that Meganium exhales is capable of reviving dead vegetation. |
The breath that Meganium exhales has the power to revive dead plants. |
The old entry uses different terms for plants (植物 vs. 草木) and ability (能力 vs. 力). Other than that, the content is pretty much identical. | |
156 - Quilava | |
からだを おおう けがわは どんな ほのおでも もえない。 よらがんの なかでも へいきだ。 |
からだを おおう けがわは ぜったいに もえたりしない。 どんな ほのおこうげきも へいきだ。 |
The fur covering its body won't burn, no matter how hot the fire. It can keep its cool even in lava. |
The fur covering its body will absolutely never burn. It can keep its cool no matter how hot the Fire attack. |
This seems like a downgrade for Quilava. Being able to withstand lava seems more impressive than handling Fire attacks. | |
157 - Typhlosion | |
もえさかる たいもうを こすりあわせ ばくふうをおこを といら おおわざを かくしもっている。 |
もえさかる たいもうを こすりあわせ ばくふうを おこして こうげきする おおわざを かくしもっている。 |
It hides the powerful secret technique of rubbing its blazing body hair together to create an explosion. |
It hides the powerful secret technique of rubbing its blazing body hair together and creating an explosion to attack. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
158 - Totodile | |
ちいさいながらも あばれんぼう。 かみついたとき ぬけた キバは つぎからつぎに はえてくる。 |
ちいさいながらも あばれんぼう。 めのまえで うごくものが あれば とにかく かみついてくる。 |
It is very rowdy despite its small size. When it bites something, any fangs that fall out will grow back one after another. |
It is very rowdy despite its small size. It will bite anything that moves in front of it, no matter what. |
Totodile's ability to quickly regrow teeth was transferred to Croconaw... | |
159 - Croconaw | |
すいめんから りょうめと はなだけ だしたまま 1にちの ほとんどを みずのなかで くらしている。 |
おおぐちを あけて こうげき。 かみついたとき ぬけた キバは つぎからつぎに はえてくる。 |
It spends most of the day underwater, with only its eyes and nose sticking above the surface. |
It opens its huge mouth to attack. When it bites something, any fangs that fall out will grow back one after another. |
...and Croconaw's entry based on real-life crocodile behavior was removed entirely. | |
166 - Ledian | |
せなかの 7つの もようは よぞらの ほしのかずに はんのうして おおきくなったり ちいさくなる。 |
せなかの ほしもようは よぞらの ほしのかずに はんのうして おおきくなったり ちいさくなる。 |
The seven patterns on its back grow larger or smaller in response to the number of stars in the night sky. |
The spot patterns on its back grow larger or smaller in response to the number of stars in the night sky. |
This is one of two mentions of Ledian having seven spots on its body. In its SW99 Gold sprite and both of its final sprites, it only has five. | |
167 - Spinarak | |
おそわれそうになると せなかを もちあげ かおもようを みせつけ あいてが おどろくすきに にげる。 |
ほそくて じょうぶな いとを はりめぐらして わなを しかけると えものが かかるのを ひたすらまつ。 |
When about to be attacked, it raises its back to display a face-shaped pattern, scaring away its opponent. |
It lays traps using its thin yet sturdy silk, then steadfastly waits for prey to fall in. |
While the face on its back being used to frighten predators is implied, it has yet to be outright stated in any game. | |
168 - Ariados | |
くちと おしりの さきから いとをだし えものの じゆうを うばってから たべはじめる。 |
つねに おしりから でている とくべつな いっぽんの いとを たどっていくと すにつながっている。 |
It spews silk from its mouth and the tip of its bottom to rob its prey of free movement, then begins to feast. |
There is always a special string of silk emerging from its bottom. If you follow it, it will lead you back to its web. |
Ariados's entry was changed to dial back the terror, but was rewritten and used many years later in Pokémon Moon. | |
170 - Chinchou | |
くらい かいていでは しょくしゅの いつも てんめつ させている あかり だけが つうしんしゅだん。 |
くらい かいていでは いつも てんめつ している しょくしゅの あかり だけが つうしんしゅだん。 |
Its only means of communication in the dark depths of the ocean is the light it flashes from its feelers. |
Its only means of communication in the dark depths of the ocean is the flashing light from its feelers. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
176 - Togetic | |
ふわふわ とびながら しあわせに してくれそうな やさしい ひとを さがしている。 |
やさしいひとの そばに いないと げんきが でなくなってしまう。 はねをうごかさずに そらにうかべる。 |
It softly flies through the air, searching for a kind person that will make it happy. |
If it's not beside a kind person, it loses its pep. It floats in the air without moving its wings. |
Note that the old entry specifically states that it flies, not floats, through the air. | |
177 - Natu | |
ふだんは ちじょうで エサをさがすが ごくたまに きのえだに とびのり きのめを ついばんだりする。 |
ふだんは ちじょうで エサをさがすが ごくたまに きのえだに とびのって きのめを ついばんだりする。 |
It usually searches for food on the ground, but very rarely it will jump onto tree branches to peck at leaf buds. |
It usually searches for food on the ground, but very rarely it will jump onto tree branches and peck at leaf buds. |
Ri or tte? They've made their choice; have you? | |
178 - Xatu | |
みぎめは みらいを ひだりめは かこを みていると みなみアメリカで しんじられている。 |
みぎめは みらいを ひだりめは かこを みていると みなみアメリカで つたえられている。 |
In South America, it's believed that its right eye sees the future and its left eye sees the past. |
In South America, legend has it that its right eye sees the future and its left eye sees the past. |
BELIEF evolved into LEGEND! | |
179 - Mareep | |
たいもうは どんどん のびる。 なつになると ぜんぶ ぬけおちるが いっしゅうかんで はえそろう。 |
たいもうは どんどん のびる。 なつになると ぜんぶ ぬけおちるが いっしゅうかんで もとどおりになる。 |
Its wool grows continuously. In the summer, all of its wool is shed, but it will all grow back in a week. |
Its wool grows continuously. In the summer, all of its wool is shed, but it will all come back in a week. |
Different terminology here: 生え揃う can refer to teeth or hair coming on, while 元通り means something's going back to its default state. Otherwise, the content is pretty much identical. | |
181 - Ampharos | |
シッポの あかりは とおくまで とどくので むかしより かがりびの かわりとして だいじに されていた。 |
シッポの あかりは とおくまで とどくので むかしより かがりび として だいじに されている。 |
Because the light from its tail reaches so far, it has been valued as a substitute for a signal fire since ancient times. |
Because the light from its tail reaches so far, it has been valued as a signal fire since ancient times. |
There's a change in verb conjugation in the final line that doesn't alter the literal translation, but implies that Ampharos is still valued for its tail light. | |
186 - Politoed | |
3びき いじょう ニョロトノが あつまると なぜか どなるような なきごえで がっしょうを はじめる。 |
3びき いじょう ニョロトノが あつまると かならず どなるような なきごえで がっしょうを はじめる。 |
For unknown reasons, when three or more Politoed meet, they will start a chorus of bellowing cries. |
When three or more Politoed meet, they will always start a chorus of bellowing cries. |
The croaking chorus changed from possibility to certainty. | |
188 - Skiploom | |
たいようの ひかりを あびるため はなびらを ひろげるだけでなく ちかづくため そらにうかんでしまう。 |
たいようの ひかりを あびるため はなびらを ひろげるだけでなく ちかづこうと そらにうかんでしまう。 |
To bask in sunlight, it not only unfolds its petals, but floats into the air to get closer. |
To bask in sunlight, it not only unfolds its petals, but floats into the air to try and closer. |
The reverse seems to have happened here. | |
189 - Jumpluff | |
きせつふうに ながされつつ しそんをふやすため わたほうしを せかいの あちこちに ばらまく。 |
きせつふうに ながされつつ しそんを ふやすため わたほうしを せかいの あちこちに ばらまく。 |
They drift on seasonal breezes and spread their cotton spores all over the world to sire more offspring. |
They drift on seasonal breezes and spread their cotton spores all over the world to sire more offspring. |
Small formatting change on line 2. | |
191 - Sunkern | |
はっぱの うらがわに たまった あさつゆ だけを のんで くらす。 ほかには なにも たべない。 |
はっぱの うらがわに たまった あさつゆ だけを のんで くらす。 ほかには なにも たべないという。 |
They only drink the morning dew that forms on the underside of leaves. It doesn't eat anything else. |
They only drink the morning dew that forms on the underside of leaves. It's said that it doesn't eat anything else. |
Final entry leaves the possibility that Sunkern might eat something. | |
192 - Sunflora | |
たいようが しずむと はなびらを とじて じっと たたずむ。 ひかりがないと げんきに でない。 |
ひるまは むやみやたらと げんきに うごきまわるが ひが しずむと ばったり うごかなくなる。 |
When the sun sets, it closes its petals and stands perfectly still. Without sunlight, it doesn't have much energy. |
In the daytime, it runs around with energy and reckless abandon. When the sun sets, it stops moving. |
Most of Sunflora's SW99 Silver entry is just the SW99 Gold entry reworded. The old text also uses a different word for sun (太陽 vs. 日). | |
194 - Wooper | |
ちじょうで こうどう するとき どくの まじった ぬるぬるの ねんまくが ぶんぴつ される。 |
ちじょうを あるきまわるときは ぬるぬるした どくの ねんまくで からだのひょうめんを おおっている。 |
When moving around on the surface, it secretes a slimy mucous membrane mixed with poison. |
When walking about on the surface, it covers the outside of its body with a slimy, poisonous mucous membrane. |
The slimy mucous was changed from a passive action to deliberate behavior on the part of Wooper. | |
195 - Quagsire | |
のんびりとした せいかくで およいでいては いわの そこや ふなぞこに あたまを ぶつけている。 |
のんびりとした せいかくで およいでいては かわぞこの いわや ふなぞこに あたまを ぶつけている。 |
It has a laid-back personality and often bumps its head against things while swimming, like the bottoms of rocks or boats. |
It has a laid-back personality and often bumps its head against things while swimming, like rocks on the riverbed or the bottoms of boats. |
Something seems to have gone wrong in the second line. Is it hitting its head on floating boulders? | |
196 - Espeon | |
4つの みみを はたらかせることで めを とじていも まわりで なにがおきているか すべてわかる。 |
くうきの ながれを よみとることで これからの てんきや あいての うごきなどを すべて あててしまう。 |
By using all four of its ears, it can sense everything going on around it even when its eyes are closed. |
By reading air streams, it can predict things like the weather and its opponent's movements. |
Apparently those things below its ears originally weren't tufts of fur, but an additional set of ears! | |
199 - Slowking | |
かまれたとき あたまに しみこんだ どくその おかげで ただならない のうりょくに めざめた ヤドン。 |
かまれたとき あたまに しみこんだ どくそに よって ただならない のうりょくに めざめた ヤドン。 |
Thanks to the toxins that seeped into its head when it was bitten, this Slowpoke has awakened to its incredible abilities. |
Due to the toxins that seeped into its head when it was bitten, this Slowpoke has awakened to its incredible abilities. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
200 - Misdreavus | |
うしろがみを ひかれるような かんじが するとき。はいごに ノロワラが あらわれたのだ。 |
いきなり うしろがみに かみつき ひっぱっては ひとの おどろく すがたをみて よろこんでいる。 |
Whenever you feel like someone is tugging the hair on the back of your head, it means a Norowara has appeared behind you. |
It suddenly bites down and tugs on the hair on the back of people's heads, and is delighted to see their startled reactions. |
No longer content with mere hair playing, biting was added to Misdreavus' grade school-level tomfoolery. The early text is more evidence that Misdreavus was going to inherit Norowara's name, even after the name no longer made sense. | |
202 - Wobbuffet | |
くらいところに ひそんでいる。 じぶんから こうげきは しないが はんげきのとき 3ばいにしてかえす。 |
まっくろな シッポを かくすため くらやみで ひっそりと いきている。 じぶんからは こうげき しない。 |
It lurks in dark places. It will not attack directly, but if attacked, it will return its foe's attack threefold. |
It lives quietly in the dark in order to hide its pitch-black tail. It will not attack directly. |
The old entry hints at its use of Mirror Coat and Counter to do damage, but twicefold would be more accurate. | |
205 - Forretress | |
きの かわなら なんでも たべる。 たべのこしたぶんは カラに はりつけ カラを がんじょうに していく。 |
きに くっついたまま うごかない。 かたいカラの はへんを ばらまいて ちかづくものを おいはらう。 |
It will consume any kind of tree bark. It plasters any leftover bark to its shell to make it stronger. |
It is immovably fastened to its tree. It drives away anyone that comes near by scattering pieces of its hard shell. |
Something similar to the old entry appeared in Forretress' slot in the SW99 Gold demo. As previously stated, Pineco and Forretress' final Gold Pokédex entries were switched; one would think that a similar switch happened in Silver too, but by the SW99 Silver demo, Pineco's entry already matched the final text. Note that Pineco's entries in the final game don't mention eating the tree bark, just applying it to its shell. | |
206 - Dunsparce | |
とても しゅうねんぶかい せいかく。 いちどターゲットに きめた えものは どこまでも おいつづける。 |
だれかに すがたを みられると しっぽで あなをほって にげだす。 ハネで すこしだけ うかべる。 |
It has a vindictive personality. Once it has set its sights on its prey, it will hunt them unceasingly. |
If someone spots it, it escapes by digging into the ground with its tail. It can uses its wings to float for a bit. |
This is even more sinister than its Gold entry! Thing was vicious. | |
208 - Steelix | |
つちの おもさで あっしゅくされ ダイヤモンドよりも はるかに かたい からだを もつようになった。 |
イワークが 100ねん いじょう いきると からだの せいぶんが ダイヤのように へんかする という。 |
The weight of the earth has compressed its body, making it even harder than a diamond. |
It's said that if an Onix lives for 100 years, its body transforms into a diamond-like composition. |
The old entry is another example of a reworded Gold entry, something that was thankfully changed. | |
210 - Granbull | |
いままでに かいだことのない においを さっちすると ひくい なきごえで うなりだす。 |
おもすぎる キバのため いつも くびを かしげている。 ただし かみつきは きょうりょく。 |
When it picks up an odor that it's never smelled before, it emits a low-pitched growl. |
It's always tilting its head because its fangs are to heavy. However, it does has a powerful bite. |
Both of Granbull's older entries give it a more antisocial personality. In the final game, it's merely timid. | |
211 - Qwilfish | |
いっしゅんで 10リットルの みずを のみこみ いぶくろを ふくらませ じぶんのからだを おおきく みせる。 |
ぜんしんの ちいさな ハリは うろこが へんかしたもの。 ささると どくで きをうしなう。 |
It can swallow 10 liters of water in a single gulp, making its stomach swell and its body appear bigger. |
The small spikes covering its body are actually transformed scales. If touched, the toxins they release cause fainting. |
The info in the older entry was reused in Crystal, though that entry doesn't mention the exact amount of water. | |
212 - Scizor | |
みずべを このむ ことから クラブなどに ちかい しゅるいの ポケモンだと かんがえられる。 |
ハネを つかっても とべないが こうそくで はばたかせることで たいおんを ちょうせい できる。 |
Since it prefers to spend its time by the waterside, it's conceivable that this Pokémon is related to Krabby. |
It can't use its wings to fly, but it can adjust its body temperature by flapping them at high speeds. |
Now that's just silly. Maybe this entry was originally used for something else...? | |
213 - Shuckle | |
いつのまにか おかれた ツボに はいりこむ。ほんとうの からだが どうなっているか わかっていない。 |
こうらに きのみを たくわえている。 おそわれないように いわの したに こもって じっとしている。 |
It sneaks into jars unnoticed. Nobody knows what its true form looks like. |
It stores berries in its shell. It hides motionlessly under rocks to avoid being attacked. |
The old text seems to confirm that the container in Shuckle's early design is an actual man-made jar. The new entry mentions that it hides under rocks, which only makes sense with its newer, more natural design. | |
216 - Teddiursa | |
きのぼりが じょうずで たかいところの きのみも あちてくる まえに とって たべてしまう。 |
たべものが へる ふゆのまえに あちこちに たべものを かくす しゅうせいを もっている。 |
It's good at climbing trees, so it can pick and eat berries in high places before they fall off. |
It has a habit of hiding food in various places before winter, when food is scarce. |
Teddiursa's climbing prowess is only mentioned in the older entry. | |
217 - Ursaring | |
においも かぎわける のうりょくに すぐれていて いつも はなを つきだしながら あるいている。 |
どんな においも かぎわける。 じめんふかくに うまっている たべものも のこらず みつけだす。 |
It's excellent at distinguishing odors. It's constantly walking around with its nose in the air. |
It can sniff out any odor. It will find every last bit of food, even if it's buried deep underground. |
Ursaring's olfactory discernment was upgraded in the final text. | |
219 - Magcargo | |
ようがんのような からだ だが たいようの ひかりを あびると なぜか ひふが かたまってしまう。 |
せなかの カラは くずれやすいが ときどき たいないを めぐっている こうねつの ほのおが ふきだす。 |
Its body is similar to lava. For unknown reasons, the skin hardens when exposed to sunlight. |
The shell on its back is very fragile. At times, one of the superheated flames circulating inside its body will jet out from the shell. |
The old entry is the only explanation in the series as to what makes Magcargo's lava harden. | |
221 - Piloswine | |
りょうめは けで おおわれているが おとを たよりに ターゲットめがけ いっちょくせんに つっこんでいく。 |
あいて めがけて とっしんするとき せなかの たいもうが さかだつ。 おとに ものすごく びんかん。 |
Both of its eyes are obscured by hair. When it charges into its targets, it has to use sound as a guide. |
When it uses Take Down to charge at an opponent, the hair on its back stands on end. It is extremely sensitive to sounds. |
While the final description still mentions that it's sensitive to sound, by Diamond & Pearl the developers made Piloswine reliant on its nose to "see" instead. | |
223 - Remoraid | |
きゅうばんの ように へんかした せびれで ハネエイに くっつき たべのこしを わけてもらっている。 |
きゅうばんの ように へんかした せびれで マンタインに くっつき たべのこしを わけてもらっている。 |
It uses its modified, suction cup-like dorsal fin to cling onto a Haneei, with which it shares leftovers. |
It uses its modified, suction cup-like dorsal fin to cling onto a Mantine, with which it shares leftovers. |
The description had to be updated after Mantine's name changed. | |
224 - Octillery | |
いわあなに もぐりこむ せいしつの もちぬしで ねむくなると ほかの オクタンの すあなに もぐりこむ。 |
いわあなに もぐりこむ せいしつの もちぬしで ねむくなると ほかの オクタンの すあなを うばう。 |
It has a tendency to crawl into small caves. When it gets sleepy, it will sneak into the nests of other Octillery. |
It has a tendency to crawl into small caves. When it gets sleepy, it will steal the nests of other Octillery. |
Entry rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
226 - Mantine | |
おおうなばらを じゆうに およぐ。 スピードが のってくると そのまま なみのうえに とびだしてしまう。 |
ひろい うみを じゆうに およぐ。 スピードが のってくると そのまま なみのうえに とびだしてしまう。 |
It swims freely about in the deep blue sea. Once it builds up speed, it leaps out over the waves. |
It swims freely about in the open sea. Once it builds up speed, it leaps out over the waves. |
The old entry is more poetic in its description of the word ocean. | |
227 - Skarmory | |
はげしい かぜが ふきすさぶ たかいばしょに すが あるため ひふが どんどん かたくなった。 |
いばらの なかに すをつくる。 トゲで きずつきながら そだてられた ひなの ハネは かたくなる。 |
It nests at high altitudes where violent winds blow. Those winds steadily harden its skin. |
It makes its nest in a thorny shrub. The feathers of its chicks harden as they are pricked by thorns. |
Skarmory's nesting location and method for toughening its skin were both completely different in the early entry. | |
229 - Houndoom | |
ひふの いちぶが かたまって まるで ホネが むきだしに なっているかのように みえる。 |
ぶきみな とおぼえを きいた ポケモンは ふるえ いちもくさんに じぶんの すに もどる。 |
Sections of its skin have solidified, giving off the impression of exposed bones. |
When other Pokémon hear its eerie howls, they shiver and then go straight back to their nests. |
The old entry is the only one that offers an explanation for the bone-like ridges on the Houndour family's backs. | |
230 - Kingdra | |
みずから はきだした スミで からだを おおいかくしているため すがたを かくにん できない。 |
ちからを たくわえるため ふかい かいていで ねむっているらしい。 めざめると たつまきに なるという。 |
It always covers its body with the ink it spits out, so no one has been able to confirm what it looks like. |
It seems to rest at the bottom of the ocean to store up energy. When it awakens, it's said to create a waterspout. |
The old text -- yet another reworded SW99 Gold entry -- was rewritten to something more unique. | |
231 - Phanpy | |
てあしより じゆうに うごかせる ながい うわあごを ふりまわし てきを おいはらう。 |
あいじょう ひょうげんで はなを ぶつけてくるが ちからが あるので きをつけないと ふっとばされる。 |
It swings its long upper jaw, which it can move more freely than its limbs, to drive away its enemies. |
It smacks things with its trunk as a display of affection, but it's so powerful that if you're not careful, you'll be sent flying. |
Phanpy's trunk went from a defense tool to an implement of play. Also, "upper jaw" seems like a weird way to refer to a trunk. | |
232 - Donphan | |
キバが ながくて おおきくほど むれのなかでの ランクが たかい。 キバがのびるには じかんがかかる。 |
キバが ながくて おおきいほど むれのなかでの ランクが たかい。 キバがのびるには じかんがかかる。 |
The longer and larger its tusks, the higher its rank in the herd. Its tusks take a long time to grow. | |
The old entry uses the wrong form of 大きい (big): 大きく is adverbial, while 大きい is adjectival. Since it's referring to the size of the tusks, 大きい is correct. | |
237 - Hitmontop | |
くるくる まわって キックをはなつ。 こうそくで まわっていると そのまま じめんに もぐってしまう。 |
くるくる まわって キックをはなつ。 こうそくで まわっていると そのまま じめんに もぐっていく。 |
It spins around and unleashes kicks. If it starts spinning fast enough, it will burrow underground. |
It spins around and unleashes kicks. If it starts spinning fast enough, it will start to burrow underground. |
Slight change in conjugation on the third line. | |
239 - Elekid | |
てんきの よくない ひは あおじろい でんりゅうが ツノの あいだに ながれている。 |
どんなに はげしい あらしでも かみなりが なっていれば たのしそうに あそびまわる。 |
On days when the weather is poor, bluish-white currents can be seen flowing through its horns. |
No matter how severe the storm, as long as there's lightning in the air, it will play around happily. |
The old and new texts were later combined to make its Crystal entry. | |
241 - Miltank | |
こどもが うまれたときに しぼった ミルクには いつもより えいようが たっぷり つまっている。 |
こどもが うまれたときに しぼられた ミルクには いつもより えいようが たっぷり つまっている。 |
After it gives birth, its squeezed milk will be more nutritious than usual. |
After it gives birth, milk squeezed from it will be more nutritious than usual. |
Entry slightly rewritten, but the content is basically the same. | |
245 - Suicune | |
すがたを みせるとき なぜか きたかぜが ふくといわれる だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
すがたを あらわしたとき なぜか きたかぜが ふくといわれる だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。 |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth. It's said that somehow, whenever it shows itself, the north winds will blow. |
This Pokémon rushes across the earth. It's said that somehow, whenever it appears, the north winds will blow. |
The old entry uses a different word for show (見せると vs. 現したと). Other than that, the content is identical. | |
246 - Larvitar | |
やわらかい からだは どんな こうげきの ショックも きゅうしゅうして やわらげる。 |
ちちゅう ふかくで うまれる。 まわりの つちを たいらげないと ちじょうに でてこれない。 |
Its light and limber body will absorb and soften the blow from any attack. |
It is born deep under the ground. It must devour the surrounding soil to make its way to the surface. |
An entry on Larvitar's defensive capabilities changed to a more interesting description of its birth. | |
247 - Pupitar | |
さなぎの じょうたい だが じゆうじざいに うごきまわれる。 かたいカラで とっしんしてくる。 |
カラに おおわれているが じゆうに とびまわれる。かたさと はやさを もつので はかいりょく ばつぐんだ。 |
Even in a pupal state, it can move around freely. It rushes at the enemy with its solid shell. |
Though encased in a shell, it can hop around freely. Its toughness and speed make it highly destructive. |
Both entries impart the same information, neither of them taking into account that Pupitar isn't particulary fast. | |
248 - Tyranitar | |
ちじょうで もっとも かたいと いわれる おでこを つかった とっしんで こわせないものは ない。 |
あたりの ちけいを かえるぐらい あさめしまえの ちからもち。まわりを きにしない ふてぶてしい せいかく。 |
The forehead is said to be the hardest part of its body. There's nothing that it can't crush. |
It's so powerful that it can alter nearby terrain without breaking a sweat. It is so brash and cocky that it pays no heed to anything around it. |
A kinda impressive fact about its head changed to a very impressive fact about its destructive power. |
- Azumarill and Porygon2's descriptions moved from SW99 Silver to final Gold.
- Houndour's SW99 Silver entry became Houndoom's final Silver entry.
Other Pokédex Data
Pokémon Categories
99/07/20 | 99/08/01 | 99/08/17 | Final | |
Ledian | ななつぼし Seven Spot |
いつつぼし Five Spot | ||
Crobat | エックス X |
こうもり Bat | ||
Politoed | かわず Frog |
かえる Frog | ||
Umbreon | くらやみ Darkness |
げっこう Moonlight | ||
Wobbuffet | N/A | シャドー Shadow |
がまん Endurance | |
Shuckle | やきもの Pottery |
はっこう Fermentation | ||
Sneasel | いたち Weasel |
かぎづめ Claw | ||
Piloswine | いのぶた Wild Pig |
いのしし Wild Boar | ||
Remoraid | ジェット Jet |
ふんしゃ Jet | ||
Octillery | ジェット Jet |
ふんしゃ Jet | ||
Suicune | あまのがわ Milky Way |
オーロラ Aurora | ||
Larvitar | みのむし Bagworm |
ベビー Baby |
いわはだ Rock Skin | |
Pupitar | N/A | さなぎ Chrysalis |
だんがん Shell | |
Celebi | N/A | プラント Plant |
ときわたり Time Travel |
- Ledian was originally known as the Seven Spot Pokémon, as while it only has five spots, when its wings are deployed it does appear to have seven of them, as one gets cut in half.
- Crobat lost its "X" category in favor of sharing the same category as its pre-evolution counterparts.
- Politoed's category used a different reading of 蛙 (kawazu vs. the final game's kaeru).
- Both Umbreon and Murkrow were originally classified as Darkness Pokémon.
- Shuckle and Sneasel's categories were changed after their designs were revised.
- Piloswine had the same category as Swinub through at least Spaceworld 1999.
- The category for Remoraid and Octillery was originally written as jetto in katakana. After SW99, it was changed to the hiragana ふんしゃ, funsha.
- There's a bit of wordplay in Suicune's early category: 天の川 is the Japanese term for the Milky Way, which literally means "Heavenly River", as seen in the myth of "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl". This is fitting, as Suicune's wavy tail can be seen as evoking the flow of water.
- Larvitar started out as the Bagworm Pokémon, which might have been mistakenly assigned to it instead of the yet to be added Pineco. It was then briefly known as the Baby Pokémon before getting its final category.
- Pupitar originally shared the same category as Metapod and Kakuna. It was ultimately given a category which literally translates to "Bullet Shell".
- Celebi was the Plant Pokémon; the time travel concept was presumably not developed until its Pokédex entries were finally written.
Pokémon Height & Weight
99/07/20 | 99/08/01 | 99/08/17 | Final | |
Ariados | 0.9 m 33.5 kg |
1.1 m 33.5 kg | ||
Crobat | 2.1 m 75.0 kg |
1.8 m 75.0 kg | ||
Natu | 0.2 m 4.0 kg |
0.2 m 2.0 kg | ||
Wobbuffet | N/A | 1.3 m 10.5 kg |
1.3 m 28.5 kg | |
Forretress | N/A | 1.8 m 95.8 kg |
1.2 m 125.8 kg | |
Steelix | 9.2 m 450.0 kg |
9.2 m 400.0 kg | ||
Scizor | 1.8 m 79.0 kg |
1.8 m 118.0 kg | ||
Slugma | N/A | 0.8 m 55.0 kg |
0.7 m 35.0 kg | |
Magcargo | N/A | 0.7 m 35.0 kg |
0.8 m 55.0 kg | |
Corsola | N/A | 0.6 m 2.0 kg |
0.6 m 5.0 kg | |
Remoraid | 0.6 m 2.7 kg |
0.6 m 12.0 kg | ||
Delibird | 0.8 m 12.0 kg |
0.9 m 16.0 kg | ||
Houndoom | 1.5 m 35.0 kg |
1.4 m 35.0 kg | ||
Porygon2 | 0.8 m 36.5 kg |
0.6 m 32.5 kg | ||
Tyrogue | 0.5 m 21.0 kg |
0.7 m 21.0 kg | ||
Hitmontop | 1.6 m 50.0 kg |
1.4 m 48.0 kg | ||
Smoochum | 0.4 m 10.0 kg |
0.4 m 6.0 kg | ||
Tyranitar | 1.5 m 112.0 kg |
2.0 m 112.0 kg |
2.0 m 202.0 kg | |
Celebi | N/A | 0.6 m 6.0 kg |
0.6 m 5.0 kg |
- Wobbuffet gained 18.0 kilograms after they figured out what they were doing with it concept-wise.
- Forretress was originally thrice as tall as Pineco, but was later changed to just double Pineco's height, and an extra 30 kilograms were added to its weight.
- Steelix lost 50 kilograms, which would have put it out of the upper range of a Heavy Ball if it could actually be found in the wild.
- After Scizor changed from Bug/Flying to Bug/Steel, it gained almost 40 kilograms.
- Slugma and Magcargo switched dimensions.
- Both Corsola and Remoraid were originally very lightweight, but later gained 3.0 and 9.3 kilograms respectively.
- Hitmonlee weighs 49.8 kg, and Hitmonchan weighs 50.2 kg. Hitmontop originally split the difference with a weight of 50.0 kg, but lost 2 kilograms (and 0.2 meters) at some point after Spaceworld 1999.
- Tyranitar originally weighed less than its pre-evolution, Pupitar. Both its weight and height were later increased to put it on par with Dragonite.
(Additional translations: N. Onymous)