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Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data/Learnsets

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data.

The information in this article is pulled from the following files in the JP and KR sources:

1999/04/03 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\DATA\SHINKA.OLD KR
1999/06/02 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\DATA\SHINKA.NEW KR
1999/07/21 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\shinka ver3.4.fmj JP
1999/08/16 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data\shinka ver3.9.fmj JP
1999/08/23 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data3\shinka ver4.4.fmj JP
1999/08/30 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\あつしゅくー\shinka ver4.7.fmj JP
1999/09/13 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\pm2data09012\shinka ver5.1.fmj JP


Initial Movesets

  • All movesets from the 1997 version of Gold & Silver seem to have been completely thrown out, with the developers electing to start from scratch.
  • Generation I Pokémon had their initial set of level-up moves imported from Pokémon Yellow, with the following exceptions:
  • Pokémon that evolve through leveling up originally kept the same Level 1 moves as their unevolved forms, even if they had more in Pokémon Yellow. For example, Dragonite's initial set of Level 1 moves for Pokémon Gold & Silver only includes Wrap and Leer, even though it had Thunder Wave and Agility in Pokémon Yellow.
  • For Pokémon that evolve through evolutionary stones, any Level 1 moves that they could also learn through leveling up were removed. For example, in Pokémon Yellow, Nidoking had Tackle, Horn Attack, Poison Sting, and Thrash as Level 1 moves, but could also learn Horn Attack and Thrash by leveling up. In his initial Gold & Silver level-up moveset, the Level 1 entries for Horn Attack and Thrash were removed, while Tackle and Poison Sting stayed.
  • For new Pokémon that weren't a part of an existing Generation 1 line, their initial level-up moves tend to consist of Tackle and nothing else until they were further developed. By the earliest moveset we have (April 3rd, 1999), most of the Pokémon that made it into the game have proper level-up movesets, but there are a few stragglers.

No Changes

The following Pokemon already had their movesets finalized as of the earliest known move group set (1999/04/03):

  • Caterpie, Metapod
  • Weedle, Kakuna
  • Rattata family
  • Spearow family
  • Ekans family
  • Pikachu
  • Sandshrew family
  • Nidoran♀, Nidorina
  • Nidoran♂, Nidorino
  • Clefairy family
  • Vulpix
  • Jigglypuff family
  • Zubat family
  • Persian family
  • Abra
  • Geodude family
  • Tyrogue
  • Ditto
  • Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon
  • Cyndaquil family
  • Totodile family
  • Furret family
  • Hoothoot family
  • Ledyba family
  • Chinchou family
  • Togepi family
  • Sunkern
  • Wooper family
  • Unown
  • Wobbuffet
  • Forretress
  • Dunsparce
  • Gligar
  • Qwilfish
  • Slugma Family
  • Delibird
  • Mantine
  • Smeargle

Complex Changes

The Pokémon in this section either went through a series of changes prior to their level-up moves being finalized (In the case of Pokémon from older families) or had their movesets significantly changed (In the case of Pokémon from new families).


  • Red: Newly introduced move / move does not appear in previous set.
  • Blue: Move was in previous set but was placed in another slot.

Old Families

Squirtle Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/09/10
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Bubble 4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip
15 Water Gun 7 Bubble 7 Bubble
22 Bite 10 Withdraw 10 Withdraw
28 Withdraw 13 Water Gun 13 Water Gun
35 Skull Bash 18 Bite 18 Bite
42 Hydro Pump 23 Curse 23 Rapid Spin
28 Protect 28 Protect
33 Rain Dance 33 Rain Dance
40 Skull Bash 40 Skull Bash
47 Hydro Pump 47 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/09/10
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Bubble 4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip
15 Water Gun 7 Bubble 7 Bubble
24 Bite 10 Withdraw 10 Withdraw
31 Withdraw 13 Water Gun 13 Water Gun
39 Skull Bash 19 Bite 19 Bite
47 Hydro Pump 25 Curse 25 Rapid Spin
31 Protect 31 Protect
37 Rain Dance 37 Rain Dance
45 Skull Bash 45 Skull Bash
53 Hydro Pump 53 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/09/10
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Bubble 4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip
15 Water Gun 7 Bubble 7 Bubble
24 Bite 10 Withdraw 10 Withdraw
31 Withdraw 13 Water Gun 13 Water Gun
39 Skull Bash 19 Bite 19 Bite
47 Hydro Pump 25 Curse 25 Rapid Spin
31 Protect 31 Protect
42 Rain Dance 42 Rain Dance
55 Skull Bash 55 Skull Bash
68 Hydro Pump 68 Hydro Pump

The Squirtle line's level-up moves were finalized by July 21st, with one exception: They originally learned Curse after Bite. This was changed to Rapid Spin, which both suits the turtle-like family and added a new set of Rapid Spin users to the game. Plus, Curse can be taught to all of the Squirtle clan through TM03 anyway, so it's not like they lost anything.

This was one of the last moveset-related changes in the game: This change can be seen in the September 13th move file, but a comment in Document\ダケモン金銀\p20911.txt places this change around September 10th at the latest.

Butterfree & Beedrill

1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
N/A Confusion
LV Move LV Move
10 Confusion 10 Confusion
13 PoisonPowder 13 PoisonPowder
14 Stun Spore 14 Stun Spore
15 Sleep Powder 15 Sleep Powder
18 Supersonic 18 Supersonic
23 Whirlwind 23 Whirlwind
28 Gust 28 Gust
34 Psybeam 34 Psybeam
40 Safeguard 40 Safeguard
1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
N/A Fury Attack
LV Move LV Move
12 Fury Attack 10 Fury Attack
16 Focus Energy 15 Focus Energy
20 Twineedle 20 Twineedle
25 Rage 25 Rage
30 Pursuit 30 Pursuit
35 Pin Missile 35 Pin Missile
41 Agility 40 Agility

Someone was a little overzealous in removing duplicate moves, because both Butterfree and Beedrill have no Level 1 moves in the earliest set. This is a bit of a problem, because both Pokémon can be caught at Level 9 on Route 2. This was fixed by June 2nd, where they got their Generation I starting moves back.

Pikachu Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/30
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
6 Tail Whip 6 Tail Whip
8 Thunder Wave 8 Thunder Wave
11 Quick Attack 11 Sweet Kiss
15 Sweet Kiss
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
Quick Attack
LV Move LV Move

Pichu originally had two starting moves and four level-up moves. To bring it in line with Cleffa and Igglybuff, who only have three level-up moves each, Quick Attack was deleted.

Raichu's starting moves already differ from Generation I, but it was missing Thunderbolt from its pool until August 16th. All this really means is that the two NPC trainers in the game besides Lt. Surge who have a Raichu now have a more powerful attack option.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Quick Attack
Confuse Ray
LV Move LV Move
43 Curse 43 Fire Spin

While Ninetales learning Curse does line up with its Red & Blue Pokédex entry, it doesn't really work from a gameplay perspective since it's not a Ghost-type. This was replaced by the more useful Fire Spin, but both it and Vulpix can still learn Curse from TM03 if so desired.

Oddish Family

1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
15 PoisonPowder 7 Sweet Scent
17 Stun Spore 14 PoisonPowder
19 Sleep Powder 16 Stun Spore
24 Acid 18 Sleep Powder
33 Petal Dance 23 Acid
46 SolarBeam 32 Moonlight
46 Petal Dance
1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
Sweet Scent
LV Move LV Move
15 PoisonPowder 7 Sweet Scent
17 Stun Spore 14 PoisonPowder
19 Sleep Powder 16 Stun Spore
24 Acid 18 Sleep Powder
38 Petal Dance 24 Acid
52 SolarBeam 35 Moonlight
44 Petal Dance
1999/04/03 1999/06/02 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Acid Absorb
Petal Dance Sweet Scent
Stun Spore
Acid Petal Dance
LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 PoisonPowder 55 Giga Drain N/A
17 Stun Spore
19 Sleep Powder
1999/04/03 1999/06/02 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Acid Absorb
Petal Dance Sweet Scent
Sleep Powder PoisonPowder Stun Spore
Petal Dance
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 PoisonPowder 35 Synthesis 7 Sweet Scent 55 SolarBeam
17 Stun Spore 44 Petal Dance 14 PoisonPowder
19 Sleep Powder 55 SolarBeam 16 Stun Spore
18 Sleep Powder
24 Acid
35 Moonlight
44 Petal Dance
55 SolarBeam

Oddish and Gloom got their final level-up moves fairly quickly, but Vileplume and Bellossom are different stories:

  • Vileplume had Acid as a starting move instead of Petal Dance. It also originally had a Level 55 move, just like its counterpart Bellossom, that was deleted for reasons unknown.
  • Bellossom went through a sort of identity crisis. It started out as a moveset clone of Vileplume, then got its own set of starting moves and three level-up moves to Vileplume's one! By July 21st it just copied Gloom's level-up moves and added SolarBeam, then around August 16th it reverted back to a moveset clone of Vileplume with a level 55 SolarBeam as an added bonus.

Paras Family

1999/04/03 1999/06/02 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
13 Stun Spore 8 Stun Spore 7 Stun Spore
20 Leech Life 15 PoisonPowder 13 PoisonPowder
27 Spore 22 Leech Life 19 Leech Life
34 Slash 29 Spore 25 Spore
41 Growth 36 Slash 31 Slash
43 Growth 37 Growth
50 Giga Drain 43 Giga Drain
1999/04/03 1999/06/02 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Stun Spore
LV Move LV Move LV Move
13 Stun Spore 8 Stun Spore 7 Stun Spore
20 Leech Life 15 PoisonPowder 13 PoisonPowder
30 Spore 22 Leech Life 19 Leech Life
39 Slash 32 Spore 28 Spore
48 Growth 42 Slash 37 Slash
52 Growth 46 Growth
62 Giga Drain 55 Giga Drain

Both Paras and Parasect had their final level-up movesets by June 2nd, but the rate at which they learned moves was a little too slow - having to wait until Level 62 to get Giga Drain is a bit much. The level requirements were lessened at some point before August 16th.

Diglett Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
5 Growl 5 Growl
9 Magnitude 9 Magnitude
17 Dig 17 Dig
25 Sand-Attack 25 Sand-Attack
33 Slash 33 Slash
41 Earthquake 41 Earthquake
49 Fissure
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
5 Growl 5 Growl
9 Magnitude 9 Magnitude
17 Dig 17 Dig
25 Sand-Attack 25 Sand-Attack
38 Slash 37 Slash
51 Earthquake 49 Earthquake
61 Fissure

Like some of the earlier Pokémon in the Pokédex, Diglett and Dugtrio have already incorporated Gen II moves in their earliest available moveset. The only difference is a lack of Fissure, which was added by August 16th. Before then, the only way to use the move would be through Metronome or using the Time Capsule to transfer a Generation I Pokémon that learned the move via TM27.

Psyduck Family

1999/04/03 1999/06/02 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
28 Tail Whip 6 Tail Whip 5 Tail Whip
31 Disable 13 Disable 10 Disable
36 Confusion 17 Confusion 16 Confusion
43 Fury Swipes 25 Screech 23 Screech
52 Hydro Pump 34 Psych Up 31 Psych Up
42 Fury Swipes 40 Fury Swipes
52 Hydro Pump 50 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/06/02 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move
28 Tail Whip 6 Tail Whip 5 Tail Whip
31 Disable 13 Disable 10 Disable
39 Confusion 17 Confusion 16 Confusion
48 Fury Swipes 25 Screech 23 Screech
59 Hydro Pump 36 Psych Up 31 Psych Up
47 Fury Swipes 44 Fury Swipes
60 Hydro Pump 58 Hydro Pump

The level requirements for both Psyduck and Golduck were both lowered slightly by August 16th.

Poliwag Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
16 Hypnosis 7 Hypnosis
19 Water Gun 13 Water Gun
25 DoubleSlap 19 DoubleSlap
31 Body Slam 25 Rain Dance
38 Amnesia 31 Body Slam
45 Hydro Pump 37 Belly Drum
43 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move LV Move
16 Hypnosis 7 Hypnosis 7 Hypnosis
19 Water Gun 13 Water Gun 13 Water Gun
26 DoubleSlap 19 DoubleSlap 19 DoubleSlap
33 Body Slam 29 Rain Dance 27 Rain Dance
41 Amnesia 39 Body Slam 35 Body Slam
49 Hydro Pump 49 Belly Drum 43 Belly Drum
59 Hydro Pump 51 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
DoubleSlap Water Gun
Body Slam Hypnosis
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
16 Hypnosis 39 Submission 35 Submission 35 Submission
19 Water Gun 51 Mind Reader
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
DoubleSlap Bubble Water Gun
Body Slam Hypnosis
Water Gun DoubleSlap
Perish Song
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
16 Hypnosis 7 Hypnosis 35 Perish Song 35 Perish Song
19 Water Gun 13 Water Gun 51 Swagger
19 DoubleSlap
29 Rain Dance
39 Body Slam
49 Perish Song
59 Hydro Pump

Poliwag and Poliwhirl's movesets were already finalized by July 21st, though the rate at which Poliwhirl learned moves changed from every ten levels to every eight levels. Poliwrath, however, went through a bit more work: By July, it got its final level-up moves and Submission at Level 39, which was latered lowered to 45 by August 16th. A bit later, it gained an additional level-up move in Mind Reader.

Politoed went through a similar development as Bellossom, starting out as a clone of Poliwrath, then copying Poliwhirl's moveset (with Perish Song in place of Belly Drum), then losing all of its level-up moves except Perish Song. It gained a second level-up move, Swagger, at the same time as Poliwrath.

Machop Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Karate Chop Low Kick
LV Move LV Move LV Move
20 Low Kick 8 Focus Energy 7 Focus Energy
25 Leer 15 Karate Chop 13 Karate Chop
32 Focus Energy 22 Seismic Toss 19 Seismic Toss
39 Seismic Toss 29 Scary Face 25 Foresight
46 Submission 36 Vital Throw 31 Vital Throw
43 Submission 37 Cross Chop
43 Scary Face
49 Submission
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Karate Chop Low Kick
Focus Energy
LV Move LV Move LV Move
20 Low Kick 8 Focus Energy 8 Focus Energy
25 Leer 15 Karate Chop 15 Karate Chop
36 Focus Energy 22 Seismic Toss 19 Seismic Toss
44 Seismic Toss 33 Scary Face 25 Foresight
52 Submission 44 Vital Throw 34 Vital Throw
55 Submission 43 Cross Chop
52 Scary Face
61 Submission
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Karate Chop Low Kick
Focus Energy
LV Move LV Move LV Move
20 Low Kick 8 Focus Energy 8 Focus Energy
25 Leer 15 Karate Chop 15 Karate Chop
36 Focus Energy 22 Seismic Toss 19 Seismic Toss
44 Seismic Toss 33 Scary Face 25 Foresight
52 Submission 44 Vital Throw 34 Vital Throw
55 Submission 43 Cross Chop
52 Scary Face
61 Submission

All members of the Machop family got the newly-introduced Cross Chop around when the move was implemented, and the devs threw in Foresight as a bonus. Scary Face then went from the third-to-last learned move to the second-to-last learned move.

Ponyta Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Ember Tackle
LV Move LV Move
30 Tail Whip 4 Growl
32 Stomp 8 Tail Whip
35 Growl 13 Ember
39 Fire Spin 19 Stomp
43 Take Down 26 Fire Spin
48 Agility 34 Take Down
43 Agility
53 Fire Blast
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Ember Tackle
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move
30 Tail Whip 4 Growl 4 Growl
32 Stomp 8 Tail Whip 8 Tail Whip
35 Growl 13 Ember 13 Ember
39 Fire Spin 19 Stomp 19 Stomp
47 Take Down 26 Fire Spin 26 Fire Spin
55 Agility 34 Take Down 34 Take Down
40 Fury Attack 40 Fury Attack
43 Agility 47 Agility
53 Fire Blast 61 Fire Blast

In what was probably a copy-paste error, Rapidash originally had the same level-up move acquisition rate as Ponyta (barring Fury Attack). This was corrected less than a month later.

Seel Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
30 Growl 6 Growl 5 Growl
35 Aurora Beam 18 Aurora Beam 16 Aurora Beam
40 Rest 24 Rest 21 Rest
45 Take Down 36 Take Down 32 Take Down
50 Ice Beam 42 Ice Beam 37 Ice Beam
54 Safeguard 48 Safeguard
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Aurora Beam
LV Move LV Move LV Move
30 Growl 6 Growl 5 Growl
35 Aurora Beam 18 Aurora Beam 16 Aurora Beam
44 Rest 24 Rest 21 Rest
50 Take Down 38 Take Down 32 Take Down
56 Ice Beam 46 Ice Beam 43 Ice Beam
60 Safeguard 60 Safeguard

The move acquisition rates for Seel and Dewgong were changed. For Seel, this went from alternating between six and twelve levels to five and eleven levels per move. Dewgong has a more confusing set of changes, with Ice Beam being acquired 3 levels earlier but Safeguard staying at Level 60, meaning it now has to wait seventeen levels to get its last move!

Grimer Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Pound Poison Gas
Disable Pound
LV Move LV Move
30 Poison Gas 5 Harden
33 Minimize 10 Disable
37 Sludge 16 Sludge
42 Harden 23 Minimize
48 Screech 31 Screech
55 Acid Armor 40 Acid Armor
50 Sludge Bomb
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Pound Poison Gas
Disable Pound
LV Move LV Move
30 Poison Gas 33 Harden
33 Minimize 37 Disable
37 Sludge 45 Sludge
45 Harden 23 Minimize
53 Screech 31 Screech
60 Acid Armor 45 Acid Armor
60 Sludge Bomb

While the transition from the Pokémon Yellow moveset to the final moveset seems to have happened more smoothly than most Pokémon in this section, something went wrong with Muk's level-up moves. Yes, that really is the order they're stored in the game. It seems like they partially copied Muk's Pokémon Yellow moveset, changed Poison Gas to a level-up move, then copied from Grimer's level-up moves. Unfortunately they forgot to update the levels for the first three moves, which are Harden, Disable, and Sludge. This does have in-game ramifications: Wild Muk (which in this game max out at Level 33) will only know Poison Gas, Pound, and Harden, with Minimize and Screech being skipped over.

Shellder Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
18 Supersonic 9 Supersonic
23 Clamp 17 Aurora Beam
30 Aurora Beam 25 Protect
39 Leer 33 Leer
50 Ice Beam 41 Clamp
49 Ice Beam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Withdraw
Withdraw Supersonic
Clamp Aurora Beam
Aurora Beam Protect
LV Move LV Move LV Move
50 Spike Cannon 49 Spike Cannon 41 Spike Cannon

Seems there was some debate on when Cloyster would learn its single level-up move. It started at 50, matching Pokémon Yellow, then it was lowered by a single level to 49, before finally being reduced to a more reasonable 41.

Gastly Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Lick Confuse Ray Hypnosis
Confuse Ray Lick
Night Shade
LV Move LV Move LV Move
27 Hypnosis 8 Spite 8 Spite
35 Dream Eater 13 Mean Look 13 Mean Look
16 Curse 16 Curse
21 Night Shade 21 Night Shade
28 Hypnosis 28 Confuse Ray
33 Dream Eater 33 Dream Eater
36 Destiny Bond 36 Destiny Bond
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Lick Confuse Ray Hypnosis
Confuse Ray Lick
Night Shade Spite
LV Move LV Move LV Move
29 Hypnosis 8 Spite 8 Spite
38 Dream Eater 13 Mean Look 13 Mean Look
16 Curse 16 Curse
21 Night Shade 21 Night Shade
31 Hypnosis 31 Confuse Ray
39 Dream Eater 39 Dream Eater
48 Destiny Bond 48 Destiny Bond
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Lick Confuse Ray Hypnosis
Confuse Ray Lick
Night Shade Spite
LV Move LV Move LV Move
29 Hypnosis 8 Spite 8 Spite
38 Dream Eater 13 Mean Look 13 Mean Look
16 Curse 16 Curse
21 Night Shade 21 Night Shade
31 Hypnosis 31 Confuse Ray
39 Dream Eater 39 Dream Eater
48 Destiny Bond 48 Destiny Bond

The Gastly line originally had Confuse Ray as a starting move. Giving a wild Pokémon a confusion-inducing move with a 100% accuracy rate this early in the game would have made going through Sprout Tower at night extremely annoying, so it was thankfully swapped with Hypnosis by mid-August.

Onix Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 Bind 11 Bind 10 Bind
19 Rock Throw 16 Rock Throw 14 Rock Throw
25 Rage 27 Harden 23 Harden
33 Slam 32 Rage 27 Rage
43 Harden 43 Sandstorm 36 Sandstorm
48 Slam 40 Slam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 Bind 11 Bind 10 Bind
19 Rock Throw 16 Rock Throw 14 Rock Throw
25 Rage 27 Harden 23 Harden
33 Slam 32 Rage 27 Rage
43 Harden 43 Sandstorm 36 Sandstorm
55 Iron Tail 48 Slam 40 Slam
49 Crunch

Surprisingly, Steelix did not start off as a clone of Onix: It had an extra move, Iron Tail, which it could learn at Level 55. However, when Onix's movepool was changed, Steelix's movepool was also changed to duplicate it. Realizing the mistake they made, the developers later gave it an extra level-up move...Crunch. This means that Steelix, the long, Steel-type serpentine Pokémon whose body has to be at least 50% tail, cannot learn Iron Tail naturally in Generation II! It has to be taught the move through TM23 instead. Weird.

Tyrogue Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Double Kick
LV Move LV Move LV Move
33 Rolling Kick 6 Meditate 6 Meditate
38 Jump Kick 12 Rolling Kick 11 Rolling Kick
43 Focus Energy 19 Jump Kick 16 Jump Kick
48 Hi Jump Kick 25 Focus Energy 21 Focus Energy
53 Mega Kick 30 Hi Jump Kick 26 Hi Jump Kick
36 Endure 31 Mind Reader
43 Mind Reader 36 Foresight
49 Mega Kick 41 Endure
54 Reversal 46 Mega Kick
51 Reversal
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Comet Punch
LV Move LV Move LV Move
33 Fire Punch 8 Agility 7 Agility
38 Ice Punch 15 Pursuit 13 Pursuit
43 ThunderPunch 29 ThunderPunch 26 ThunderPunch
48 Mega Punch 29 Ice Punch 26 Ice Punch
53 Counter 29 Fire Punch 26 Fire Punch
36 Mach Punch 32 Mach Punch
43 Mega Punch 38 Mega Punch
50 Detect 44 Detect
57 Counter 50 Counter
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Rolling Kick
Focus Energy
LV Move LV Move
33 Pursuit 7 Focus Energy
38 Quick Attack 13 Pursuit
43 Counter 19 Quick Attack
48 Rapid Spin 25 Rapid Spin
53 Triple Kick 31 Counter
58 Agility 37 Agility
43 Detect
49 Triple Kick

The level-up movesets for all three Tyrogue evolutions changed in some way:

  • Between July 21st and August 23rd, some of Hitmonlee's late-level moves were shuffled around and Foresight was added.
  • Hitmonchan went through the fewest changes, with move acquisition going from every 7 levels (except the elemental punches) to every 6 levels.
  • Hitmontop already had its own starting and level-up moves by April 3rd, even having one more move than Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. However, its moveset was only updated once compared to the others' two, moving a few moves around and adding Detect. It actually ended up with the fewest moves of any Tyrogue evolution.

Chansey Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
12 DoubleSlap 5 Growl
24 Sing 9 Tail Whip
30 Growl 13 Softboiled
38 Minimize 17 DoubleSlap
44 Defense Curl 23 Minimize
48 Light Screen 29 Sing
54 Double-Edge 35 Egg Bomb
41 Defense Curl
49 Light Screen
57 Double-Edge
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip Growl
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move
12 DoubleSlap 4 Growl 4 Growl
24 Sing 7 Tail Whip 7 Tail Whip
30 Growl 10 Softboiled 10 Softboiled
38 Minimize 13 DoubleSlap 13 DoubleSlap
44 Defense Curl 18 Minimize 18 Minimize
48 Light Screen 23 Sing 23 Sing
54 Double-Edge 28 Egg Bomb 28 Egg Bomb
33 Defense Curl 33 Defense Curl
40 Light Screen 40 Light Screen
47 Double-Edge 47 Double-Edge

Oddly, Blissey has more Level 1 moves than Chansey in the July 21st set. This would make sense if Chansey evolved by hitting a certain level, as it did in the 1997 version, but all known evolution data for the 1999 version of Gold & Silver has Blissey as a friendship evolution. These extra moves were deleted on or before August 16th.

Mr. Mime

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 Confusion 6 Confusion 6 Confusion 6 Confusion
23 Light Screen 11 Substitute 11 Substitute 11 Substitute
31 DoubleSlap 16 Meditate 16 Meditate 16 Meditate
39 Meditate 21 DoubleSlap 21 DoubleSlap 21 DoubleSlap
47 Substitute 26 Light Screen 26 Light Screen 26 Light Screen
26 Reflect 26 Reflect 26 Reflect
36 Encore 31 Encore 31 Encore
41 Psywave 36 Psybeam 36 Psybeam
41 Baton Pass
46 Safeguard

Mr. Mime's last learned move was originally Psywave, that move that does between 1 HP and (1.5x the user's level) HP worth of damage. It was later replaced by Psybeam, the 65 base power Psychic move. Someone on staff must have liked the little goof, because a week later it was thrown two bones in the forms of Baton Pass (useful considering how many support moves it has) and Safeguard.

Smoochum Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Lovely Kiss Lick
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
18 Lick 9 Sweet Kiss 9 Sweet Kiss 9 Sweet Kiss
23 DoubleSlap 13 Powder Snow 13 Powder Snow 13 Powder Snow
31 Ice Punch 21 DoubleSlap 21 Confusion 21 Confusion
39 Body Slam 25 Sing 25 Sing 25 Sing
47 Thrash 33 Psywave 33 Body Slam 33 Mean Look
58 Blizzard 37 Safeguard 37 Psychic 37 Psychic
45 Perish Song 45 Perish Song 45 Perish Song
49 Blizzard 49 Blizzard 49 Blizzard
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Lovely Kiss Lick
Lovely Kiss
Powder Snow
LV Move LV Move LV Move
18 Lick 9 Lovely Kiss 9 Lovely Kiss
23 DoubleSlap 13 Powder Snow 13 Powder Snow
31 Ice Punch 21 DoubleSlap 21 DoubleSlap
39 Body Slam 25 Ice Punch 25 Ice Punch
47 Thrash 35 Body Slam 35 Mean Look
58 Blizzard 41 Thrash 41 Body Slam
51 Perish Song 51 Perish Song
57 Blizzard 57 Blizzard

Smoochum's moveset started out similar to Jynx's moveset, but with Lovely Kiss (あくまのキッス, or Demon's Kiss, in Japan) replaced with the new Sweet Kiss (てんしのキッス, or Angel's Kiss), and some of the more physical-oriented moves like Body Slam and Thrash replaced with more indirect techniques like Sing and Psywave. In the August 16th set, its remaining physical move, DoubleSlap, was replaced by Confusion, but Body Slam was strangely brought back into its moveset, taking Psywave's slot. The final moveset took it away again and replaced it with Mean Look.

Jynx went through a less complicated development: The only difference between the July and August movesets is the placement of Body Slam and Thrash being replaced by Mean Look.


1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
21 Bind 7 Focus Energy 7 Focus Energy
25 Seismic Toss 13 Bind 13 Bind
30 Guillotine 19 Seismic Toss 19 Seismic Toss
36 Focus Energy 25 Harden 25 Harden
43 Harden 31 Guillotine 31 Guillotine
49 Slash 37 Slash 37 Submission
54 Swords Dance 43 Swords Dance 43 Swords Dance

In an odd carryover from Generation I, Pinsir could originally learn Slash despite not really having anything to slash with. This was replaced by the more appropriate Submission by August 16th.


1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
21 Stomp 5 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip
28 Tail Whip 10 Rage 8 Rage
35 Leer 16 Horn Attack 13 Horn Attack
44 Rage 23 Scary Face 19 Scary Face
51 Take Down 31 Pursuit 26 Pursuit
40 Thrash 34 Rest
50 Take Down 43 Thrash
53 Take Down

The August sets start giving Tauros level-up moves at Level 4, not 5, but both share the same formula for move acquisition. Tauros also learned to take it easy and Rest once in a while.

Eevee Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Sand-Attack 8 Sand-Attack 8 Sand-Attack 8 Sand-Attack
16 Growl 16 Confusion 16 Confusion 16 Confusion
23 Quick Attack 23 Quick Attack 23 Quick Attack 23 Quick Attack
30 Bite 30 Swift 30 Swift 30 Swift
36 Focus Energy 36 Psybeam 36 Psybeam 36 Psybeam
42 Take Down 42 Hypnosis 42 Hypnosis 42 Psych Up
47 Psych Up 47 Psych Up 47 Psychic
52 Return 52 Psychic 52 Morning Sun
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Sand-Attack 8 Sand-Attack 8 Sand-Attack 8 Sand-Attack
16 Growl 16 Thief 16 Acid 16 Pursuit
23 Quick Attack 23 Quick Attack 23 Quick Attack 23 Quick Attack
30 Bite 30 Bite 30 Bite 30 Confuse Ray
36 Focus Energy 36 Faint Attack 36 Confuse Ray 36 Faint Attack
42 Take Down 42 Mean Look 42 Mean Look 42 Mean Look
47 Screech 47 Screech 47 Screech
52 Frustration 52 Toxic 52 Moonlight

Oh geez.

  • Both Espeon and Umbreon started out on April 3rd as move clones of Eevee.
  • By July 21st, they both got their own sets of level-up moves, with the appropriate Dark and Psychic-type moves slotted in. In these sets, Espeon's final move is Return and Umbreon's final move is Frustration: this is leftover from the original concept where Eevee would evolve into Espeon at high (>220) friendship, and Umbreon at low (<20) friendship. This was already dropped by July 21st, but their movesets had yet to be updated.
  • By August 16th, Espeon's last level-up move changed to Psychic. Umbreon went under more radical changes: All of its Dark-type moves were removed (Bite was still a Normal-type move at this point), with the replacements being Confuse Ray and the two Poison-type moves Acid and Toxic. Thief was removed at the same time as other Pokémon (read on for more info about that), and Frustration no longer made sense, but removing Faint Attack is a bit puzzling. It's possible that whoever updated the movepool either thought that Umbreon was a Poison type (which it was in the 1997 versions of Gold & Silver, but never in the 1999 revamp), or they took inspiration from its Gold Pokédex entry.
  • About a week later their movesets were finalized: Espeon got Morning Sun (which had previously not been assigned to any Pokémon at all) and had two of its later level-up moves switched around, while Umbreon got Moonlight and two Dark-type moves in Pursuit and the return of Faint Attack.

Porygon Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Conversion2
Sharpen Conversion Tackle
Conversion Conversion2 Conversion
LV Move LV Move LV Move
23 Psybeam 9 Agility 9 Agility
28 Recover 12 Psybeam 12 Psybeam
35 Agility 20 Recover 20 Recover
42 Tri Attack 24 Sharpen 24 Sharpen
32 Lock-On 32 Lock-On
36 Tri Attack 36 Tri Attack
44 Zap Cannon 44 Zap Cannon
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Conversion2
Sharpen Conversion Tackle
Conversion Conversion2 Conversion
LV Move LV Move LV Move
23 Psybeam 9 Agility 9 Agility
28 Recover 12 Psybeam 12 Psybeam
35 Agility 20 Recover 20 Recover
42 Tri Attack 24 Defense Curl 24 Defense Curl
32 Lock-On 32 Lock-On
36 Tri Attack 36 Tri Attack
44 Zap Cannon 44 Zap Cannon

In one of the more pointless changes, the order of both Porygon and Porygon2's starting moves changed from (Tackle, Conversion, Conversion2) to (Conversion2, Tackle, Conversion). Inscrutable!

Legendary Birds

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Peck Gust
Ice Beam Powder Snow
LV Move LV Move LV Move
51 Blizzard 13 Mist 13 Mist
55 Agility 25 Agility 25 Agility
60 Mist 37 Mind Reader 37 Mind Reader
49 Ice Beam 49 Ice Beam
61 Safeguard 61 Reflect
73 Blizzard 73 Blizzard
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
ThunderShock Peck
Drill Peck ThunderShock
LV Move LV Move
51 Thunder 13 Thunder Wave
55 Agility 25 Agility
60 Light Screen 37 Detect
49 Drill Peck
61 Light Screen
73 Thunder
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Peck Wing Attack
Fire Spin Ember
LV Move LV Move LV Move
51 Leer 13 Fire Spin 13 Fire Spin
55 Agility 25 Agility 25 Agility
60 Sky Attack 37 Endure 37 Endure
49 Flamethrower 49 Flamethrower
61 Recover 61 Safeguard
73 Sky Attack 73 Sky Attack

Zapdos seems to have settled into its final level-up moves quickly, but Articuno and Moltres had some changes with their second-to-last moves: Articuno originally had Safeguard while Moltres got Recover! Perhaps realizing that this was a bad idea from a game balance perspective, Moltres got Safeguard instead while Articuno got Reflect.

New Families

Chikorita Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Reflect 8 Reflect 8 Razor Leaf
15 Razor Leaf 12 PoisonPowder 12 Reflect
22 Synthesis 15 Razor Leaf 15 PoisonPowder
29 Body Slam 22 Synthesis 22 Synthesis
36 Light Screen 29 Body Slam 29 Body Slam
43 Safeguard 36 Light Screen 36 Light Screen
50 SolarBeam 43 Safeguard 43 Safeguard
50 SolarBeam 50 SolarBeam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Reflect Razor Leaf
LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Reflect 8 Reflect 8 Razor Leaf
15 Razor Leaf 12 PoisonPowder 12 Reflect
23 Synthesis 15 Razor Leaf 15 PoisonPowder
31 Body Slam 23 Synthesis 23 Synthesis
39 Light Screen 31 Body Slam 31 Body Slam
47 Safeguard 39 Light Screen 39 Light Screen
55 SolarBeam 47 Safeguard 47 Safeguard
55 SolarBeam 55 SolarBeam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Reflect Razor Leaf
Razor Leaf Reflect
LV Move LV Move LV Move
8 Reflect 8 Reflect 8 Razor Leaf
15 Razor Leaf 12 PoisonPowder 12 Reflect
23 Synthesis 15 Razor Leaf 15 PoisonPowder
31 Body Slam 23 Synthesis 23 Synthesis
41 Light Screen 31 Body Slam 31 Body Slam
51 Safeguard 41 Light Screen 41 Light Screen
61 SolarBeam 51 Safeguard 51 Safeguard
61 SolarBeam 61 SolarBeam

As if the Chikorita line didn't have it bad enough in the final game, it originally didn't learn PoisonPowder and had to wait until Level 15 to get Razor Leaf!

Spinarak Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/23 1999/08/30
Level 1 Moves
Poison Sting
String Shot
LV Move LV Move LV Move
6 Scary Face 6 Scary Face 6 Scary Face
11 Leech Life 11 Constrict 11 Constrict
17 String Shot 17 Night Shade 17 Night Shade
23 Night Shade 23 Leech Life 23 Leech Life
30 Constrict 30 Fury Swipes 30 Fury Swipes
37 Screech 37 Screech 37 Spider Web
45 Psychic 45 Psychic 45 Screech
53 Psychic
1999/04/03 1999/08/23 1999/08/30
Level 1 Moves
Poison Sting
String Shot
Scary Face
Leech Life Constrict
LV Move LV Move LV Move
6 Scary Face 6 Scary Face 6 Scary Face
11 Leech Life 11 Constrict 11 Constrict
17 String Shot 17 Night Shade 17 Night Shade
25 Night Shade 25 Leech Life 25 Leech Life
34 Constrict 34 Fury Swipes 34 Fury Swipes
43 Screech 43 Screech 43 Spider Web
53 Psychic 53 Psychic 53 Screech
63 Psychic

It took a weirdly long amount of time for Spinarak and Ariados to get their signature move, Spider Web, in their level-up movesets, considering the move had long been implemented by this point.

Natu Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
10 Night Shade 10 Night Shade
20 Future Sight 20 Teleport
30 Confuse Ray 30 Future Sight
40 Psychic 40 Confuse Ray
50 Curse 50 Psychic
1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Night Shade
LV Move LV Move
10 Night Shade 10 Night Shade
20 Future Sight 20 Teleport
35 Confuse Ray 35 Future Sight
50 Psychic 50 Confuse Ray
65 Curse 65 Psychic

In another case of assigning moves based on flavor rather than practicality, both Natu and Xatu have Curse in their earliest sets. Unlike Ninetales, the thematic link is shakier here: neither Natu nor Xatu's Pokédex entries mention curses or bad fortune. The move was eventually replaced by Teleport, taking Future Sight, Confuse Ray, and Psychic down a slot.

Mareep Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
9 Thunder Wave 9 ThunderShock
16 ThunderShock 16 Thunder Wave
23 Cotton Spore 23 Cotton Spore
30 Light Screen 30 Light Screen
37 Thunder 37 Thunder
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Thunder Wave ThunderShock
LV Move LV Move
9 Thunder Wave 9 ThunderShock
18 ThunderShock 18 Thunder Wave
27 Cotton Spore 27 Cotton Spore
36 Light Screen 36 Light Screen
45 Thunder 45 Thunder
1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/30
Level 1 Moves
Thunder Wave ThunderShock
ThunderShock Thunder Wave
LV Move LV Move LV Move
9 Thunder Wave 9 ThunderShock 9 ThunderShock
18 ThunderShock 18 Thunder Wave 18 Thunder Wave
26 ThunderPunch 26 ThunderPunch 27 Cotton Spore
30 Cotton Spore 30 Cotton Spore 30 ThunderPunch
42 Light Screen 42 Light Screen 42 Light Screen
54 Thunder 54 Thunder 57 Thunder

Mareep, Flaaffy, and Ampharos had ThunderShock and Thunder Wave swapped to give all of them earlier access to an Electric-type attack. Ampharos had Cotton Spore and ThunderPunch swapped after its evolution requirement changed from Level 26 to Level 30.

Marill Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
4 Defense Curl 3 Defense Curl
8 Tail Whip 6 Tail Whip
13 Water Gun 10 Water Gun
19 Rollout 15 Rollout
26 Double-Edge 21 BubbleBeam
34 Rain Dance 28 Double-Edge
36 Rain Dance
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Defense Curl
Tail Whip
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move
4 Defense Curl 3 Defense Curl
8 Tail Whip 6 Tail Whip
13 Water Gun 10 Water Gun
23 Rollout 15 Rollout
36 Double-Edge 25 BubbleBeam
49 Rain Dance 36 Double-Edge
48 Rain Dance

Both Marill and Azumarill gained a new move, BubbleBeam, and both had their level-up move acquisition rates sped up quite a bit.


1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Rock Throw
LV Move LV Move LV Move
13 Synthesis 10 Flail
25 Mega Drain 19 Low Kick
37 Leech Seed 28 Rock Slide
49 Razor Leaf 37 Faint Attack
46 Slam

Amusingly, Sudowoodo seemed to have been a little too effective at mimicking a tree, because some confused developer assigned it a bunch of Grass-type moves! When this was pointed out in a bug report, all of its moves besides Mimic were temporarily removed. Around the time that the Spaceworld 1999 demo was released, it received its final, less floral, moveset.

Hoppip Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
5 Tail Whip 5 Tail Whip
10 Tackle 10 Tackle
13 PoisonPowder 13 PoisonPowder
15 Stun Spore 15 Stun Spore
17 Sleep Powder 17 Sleep Powder
20 Leech Seed 20 Leech Seed
25 Cotton Spore 25 Cotton Spore
30 Mega Drain 30 Mega Drain
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
5 Tail Whip 5 Tail Whip
10 Tackle 10 Tackle
13 PoisonPowder 13 PoisonPowder
15 Stun Spore 15 Stun Spore
17 Sleep Powder 17 Sleep Powder
22 Leech Seed 22 Leech Seed
29 Cotton Spore 29 Cotton Spore
36 Mega Drain 36 Mega Drain
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
5 Tail Whip 5 Tail Whip
10 Tackle 10 Tackle
13 PoisonPowder 13 PoisonPowder
15 Stun Spore 15 Stun Spore
17 Sleep Powder 17 Sleep Powder
22 Leech Seed 22 Leech Seed
33 Cotton Spore 33 Cotton Spore
44 Mega Drain 44 Mega Drain

No difference in level-up moves, but all three members of the Hoppip family gained Synthesis as a starting move.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
6 Sand-Attack 6 Sand-Attack
12 Baton Pass 12 Baton Pass
19 Fury Swipes 19 Fury Swipes
27 Thief 27 Swift
36 Screech 36 Screech
46 Swift 46 Agility

Thief was removed from Aipom's moveset. There's a good reason for this: in Generation II, if an enemy Pokémon uses Thief, it's able to permanently steal the player Pokémon's held item! This was brought up in Bug 408 in the Document\ダケモン金銀\バグ報告\金銀バグ0601-0828.xls bug report file (Dated July 9th), but then was was resolved as "Intended", i.e. not a bug. However, by July 15th, the issue was brought up in Question 74 of the Document\ダケモン金銀\バグ報告\金銀質問1017.xls Q&A document, where the developers replied that they were going to keep wild and Trainer Pokémon from using the move. So, between July 21st and August 16th, all instances of Thief in Pokémon's level-up movesets were removed.

In Aipom's case, the move was replaced by Agility, which switched places with Swift in the lineup.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Pound
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 4 Growth 4 Growth
10 Razor Leaf 10 Razor Leaf
19 Synthesis 19 Synthesis
31 Petal Dance 31 Petal Dance
46 SolarBeam 46 SolarBeam

Sunflora was stuck with a dummy Tackle moveset until sometime around Spaceworld '99. Sunkern was initially removed from the game around this time; when it came back, Sunflora inherited its starting move, Absorb.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
11 Pursuit 11 Pursuit
16 Haze 16 Haze
26 Night Shade 26 Night Shade
31 Thief 31 Faint Attack
41 Mean Look 41 Mean Look
46 Faint Attack

Murkrow didn't even get an extra move to replace Thief, but at least Faint Attack was moved to its slot.


1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
6 Spite 6 Spite
12 Safeguard 12 Confuse Ray
19 Confuse Ray 19 Mean Look
27 Psybeam 27 Psybeam
36 Mean Look 36 Pain Split
46 Perish Song 46 Perish Song

Safeguard, a move that doesn't really fit Misdreavus's "theme", was replaced by Pain Split, a move which had been around for a while but hadn't been assigned to a Pokemon yet. Other than that, some moves were shuffled around.


1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
7 Selfdestruct 7 Selfdestruct
15 Take Down 15 Take Down
22 Rapid Spin 22 Rapid Spin
29 Bide 29 Bide
36 Explosion 36 Explosion
43 Double-Edge 43 Spikes
50 Double-Edge

Pineco received Spikes (yet another previously unassigned move) at the same time Forretress was added to the game.

Snubbull Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Scary Face
LV Move LV Move LV Move
4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip
8 Bite 8 Charm 8 Charm
13 Roar 13 Bite 13 Bite
19 Rage 19 Roar 19 Lick
26 Take Down 26 Rage 26 Roar
34 Thrash 34 Take Down 34 Rage
43 Take Down
1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Scary Face
LV Move LV Move LV Move
4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip 4 Tail Whip
8 Bite 8 Charm 8 Charm
13 Roar 13 Bite 13 Bite
19 Rage 19 Roar 19 Lick
30 Take Down 30 Rage 28 Roar
42 Thrash 42 Take Down 38 Rage
51 Take Down

In what seems to have been an attempt to tone down the family's violent nature and make them more "cute", Thrash was removed from Snubbull and Granbull's level-up movesets, and Charm was added, followed by Lick.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
6 Horn Attack 6 Horn Attack
12 Endure 12 Endure
19 Take Down 19 Fury Attack
27 Fury Attack 27 Counter
35 Reflect 35 Take Down
44 Megahorn 44 Reversal
54 Megahorn

Heraross originally didn't have any Fighting-type moves it could learn by leveling up. This was rectified by August 16th, which added Counter (taking the place of the somewhat out-of-place Reflect) and Reversal to its moveset. Fury Attack was moved up a slot, while Take Down was placed in-between the new moves.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/30
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
9 Quick Attack 9 Quick Attack 9 Quick Attack
17 Screech 17 Screech 17 Screech
25 Faint Attack 25 Faint Attack 25 Faint Attack
33 Fury Swipes 33 Fury Swipes 33 Fury Swipes
41 Slash 41 Agility 41 Agility
49 Thief 49 Slash 49 Slash
57 Beat Up

The continuation of two trends: Thief was removed and replaced by Agility, which then swapped places with Slash; then Sneasel got a previously unassigned move, Beat Up, which would end up being its signature.

Teddiursa Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
ThunderShock Scratch
LV Move LV Move
9 Thunder Wave 8 Lick
17 Bite 15 Fury Swipes
25 Thunderbolt 22 Faint Attack
35 Light Screen 29 Rest
45 Quick Attack 36 Slash
55 Thunder 43 Snore
50 Thrash
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
ThunderShock Scratch
Fury Swipes
LV Move LV Move LV Move
9 Thunder Wave 8 Lick 8 Lick
17 Bite 15 Fury Swipes 15 Fury Swipes
27 Thunderbolt 23 Faint Attack 22 Faint Attack
39 Light Screen 31 Rest 29 Rest
51 Quick Attack 39 Slash 39 Slash
63 Thunder 47 Snore 49 Snore
55 Thrash 59 Thrash

More evidence that Kotora and Raitora once took up these slots. Look at all of those Electric-type moves! These level-up moves survived until at least June 2nd before Teddiursa and Ursaring finally got proper moves. After Ursaring's evolution level changed from 20 to 30, it kept Teddiursa's requirements for Faint Attack and Rest, but the gaps between its last three moves increased from eight levels to ten levels.

Swinub Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Powder Snow Tackle
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 8 Powder Snow 10 Powder Snow
19 Endure
28 Take Down
37 Mist
46 Blizzard
1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Horn Attack
Powder Snow
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 15 Fury Attack 10 Powder Snow
22 Endure 19 Endure
29 Take Down 28 Take Down
36 Mist 33 Fury Attack
43 Blizzard 42 Mist
56 Blizzard

Both Swinub, Piloswine, and the cut Piloswine evolution originally had a placeholder moveset that only contained Powder Snow at Level 1. Considering that no other Pokémon has this move the April 3rd data, the developers might have originally intended Powder Snow to be this line's signature move before they eventually assigned it to other Pokémon.

By August 16th both Piloswine and its cut evolution had proper level-up moves but, curiously, Swinub only had Tackle at Level 1 and Powder Snow at Level 8. At this point in development, Swinub evolved into Piloswine at Level 15; the evolution condition was actually so low that Swinub couldn't be encountered in the Ice Cave, but Piloswine could. After the level to evolve went from 15 to 33 and the third stage in the line was cut, Swinub got its own set of level-up moves, and the level requirements for Piloswine's last two moves were considerably increased.


1999/08/23 1999/08/30
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
7 Harden 7 Harden
13 Bubble 13 Bubble
19 Recover 19 Recover
25 BubbleBeam 25 BubbleBeam
31 Spike Cannon 31 Spike Cannon
37 Light Screen 37 Mirror Coat
43 AncientPower 43 AncientPower

Corsola was introduced late, so there wasn't much time to work on its moves. The only difference it received was changing Light Screen to Mirror Coat, a change which allowed Squirtle and Tentacool to obtain Mirror Coat as an egg move.

Remoraid Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 BubbleBeam 10 Lock-On 11 Lock-On
25 Lock-On 20 Psybeam 22 Psybeam
45 Hydro Pump 20 Aurora Beam 22 Aurora Beam
20 BubbleBeam 22 BubbleBeam
30 Focus Energy 33 Focus Energy
40 Hyper Beam 44 Ice Beam
55 Hyper Beam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move LV Move
15 BubbleBeam 10 Constrict 11 Constrict
20 Octazooka 20 Psybeam 22 Psybeam
35 Lock-On 20 Aurora Beam 22 Aurora Beam
55 Hydro Pump 20 BubbleBeam 22 BubbleBeam
25 Octazooka 25 Octazooka
36 Focus Energy 38 Focus Energy
52 Hyper Beam 54 Ice Beam
70 Hyper Beam

Both Remoraid and Octillery had a few level-up moves, including Octillery's signature move Octazooka, but they hadn't gone all-in on the "beam" moves yet. That changed by July, with Hydro Pump's removal and moves like Psybeam, Aurora Beam, and Hyper Beam being added to both of their movesets. Some time after Spaceworld '99 one of the developers realized that Ice Beam was missing, so they added that in, placing it right before Hyper Beam.


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
13 Sand-Attack 13 Sand-Attack
19 Pursuit 19 Swift
25 Agility 25 Agility
37 Steel Wing 37 Fury Attack
49 Swift 49 Steel Wing

Skarmory's Pursuit was replaced by Fury Attack, though it can still learn Pursuit as an egg move. Swift was moved up to the second move slot, while Steel Wing was moved down to Level 49.

Houndour Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
7 Roar 7 Roar
13 Smog 13 Smog
20 Bite 20 Bite
27 Faint Attack 27 Faint Attack
35 Flamethrower 35 Flamethrower
43 Fire Spin 43 Crunch
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
7 Roar 7 Roar
13 Smog 13 Smog
20 Bite 20 Bite
30 Faint Attack 30 Faint Attack
41 Flamethrower 41 Flamethrower
52 Fire Spin 52 Crunch

The original final level-up move, Fire Spin, was changed to the more thematically appropriate Crunch. They can still learn Fire Spin as an egg move anyway, so everybody wins!

Phanpy Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Defense Curl Growl
LV Move LV Move
N/A 9 Defense Curl
17 Flail
25 Take Down
33 Rollout
41 Endure
49 Double-Edge
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Horn Attack
Leer Growl
LV Move LV Move
9 Bide 9 Defense Curl
17 Fury Attack 17 Flail
25 Rollout 25 Fury Attack
33 Take Down 33 Rollout
41 Rapid Spin 41 Rapid Spin
49 Earthquake 49 Earthquake

Donphan had a near-final level-up moveset by April, but Phanpy only had two starting moves in Tackle and Defense Curl which, considering that Phanpy evolved at Level 25 even back then, would have made battling with it bothersome. Both Pokémon got their level-up movesets updated some time in August; Phanpy got a moveset similar to Donphan's but with a few unique moves of its own, while Donphan inherited Phanpy's Defense Curl and Flail.


1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
8 Leer 8 Leer
15 Hypnosis 15 Hypnosis
23 Sand-Attack 23 Stomp
31 Stomp 31 Sand-Attack
40 Confuse Ray 40 Take Down
49 Confuse Ray

Stantler's sparse move pool was spruced up by adding Take Down, its most powerful attack by level-up. Sand-Attack and Stomp were swapped, allowing it to learn a more powerful attack even sooner.


1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
21 Stomp 5 Growl 4 Growl
28 Tail Whip 10 Bide 8 Defense Curl
35 Milk Drink 16 Stomp 13 Stomp
44 Rage 23 Defense Curl 19 Milk Drink
51 Body Slam 31 Milk Drink 26 Bide
40 Body Slam 34 Rollout
50 Heal Bell 43 Body Slam
53 Heal Bell

Miltank started out as, appropriately enough, a move clone of Tauros, with Milk Drink in place of Tauros' Leer. Between June 2nd and July 21st, it had more of its own identity, deleting the more Tauros-focused Tail Whip and Rage and adding more status moves like Growl, Defense Curl, and Heal Bell. By August 23rd, more of its moves swapped slots, and Miltank was deemed sufficiently round enough for it to naturally learn Rollout.

Legendary Beasts

1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Thundershock Bite
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 11 Thundershock 11 Thundershock
21 Roar 21 Roar
31 Crunch 31 Quick Attack
41 Quick Attack 41 Spark
51 Thunderbolt 51 Reflect
61 Reflect 61 Crunch
71 Thunder
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Ember Bite
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 11 Ember 11 Ember
21 Roar 21 Roar
31 Smokescreen 31 Fire Spin
41 Flamethrower 41 Stomp
51 Swagger 51 Flamethrower
61 Fire Blast 61 Swagger
71 Fire Blast
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun Bite
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 11 Safeguard 11 Water Gun
21 Roar 21 Roar
36 Bubblebeam 31 Gust
36 Aurora Beam 41 Bubblebeam
51 Rain Dance 51 Mist
61 Recover 61 Mirror Coat
71 Hydro Pump

By April 3rd, all three legendary beasts only had perfunctory movesets with a single 40 power elemental move. From July 21st on, with the exception of their starting moves and learning Roar at Level 21, the movesets split:

  • Raikou has two Electric-type attacking moves, two other attacking moves, and one more support move in Reflect.
  • Entei has three Fire-type attacking moves and two more supporting moves, Smokescreen and Swagger.
  • Suicune has one Water-type attacking move, one other attacking move, and three more supporting moves: Safeguard, Rain Dance, and Recover(!).

After Spaceworld '99, the developers tried to standardize the beasts' level-up moves:

  • Level 11 is a 40-power elemental move that matches the user's typing. This meant that Suicune got its Water Gun back.
  • Level 21 is still Roar.
  • Level 31 is an offensive move that fits the theme of the Pokémon.
  • Level 41 is a 65-base power attack. In Raikou and Suicune's case this matches their typing; Entei, however, has Stomp here because there aren't any 65-base power Fire type moves in this generation.
  • Level 51 and 61 are both "thematic" moves. While Raikou and Entei just moved existing moves to these slots, Suicune received Mist and Mirror Coat as new moves.
  • Level 71 is a 120-base power elemental attack matching the user's typing.

It looks like the developers weren't completely satisfied with Suicune's moveset, because in Pokémon Crystal, some of the removed moves (Aurora Beam and Rain Dance) came back, while Water Gun was removed from its movepool again.

Larvitar Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Bite
LV Move LV Move
N/A 8 Sandstorm
15 Screech
22 Rock Slide
29 Thrash
36 Scary Face
43 Crunch
50 Earthquake
57 Hyper Beam
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Bite
LV Move LV Move
N/A 8 Sandstorm
15 Screech
22 Rock Slide
29 Thrash
38 Scary Face
47 Crunch
56 Earthquake
65 Hyper Beam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Bite
LV Move LV Move LV Move
N/A 5 Sandstorm 8 Sandstorm
10 Screech 15 Screech
15 Thrash 22 Rock Slide
20 Scary Face 29 Thrash
25 Earthquake 38 Scary Face
30 Crunch 47 Crunch
35 Hyper Beam 61 Earthquake
75 Hyper Beam

All members of the Larvitar line had placeholder Tackle movesets in the April 3rd data. By July 21st, Tyranitar had an early version of its final moveset, while Larvitar and Pupitar still had nothing. At last, around the time of Spaceworld 1999, Tyranitar got its final moveset -- with the notable addition of Rock Slide, a Rock-type offensive move that it was strangely lacking -- and both Larvitar and Pupitar followed suit.

Lugia & Ho-Oh

1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Gust Aeroblast
LV Move LV Move LV Move
10 Safeguard 11 Safeguard 11 Safeguard
20 Rain Dance 22 Scary Face 22 Gust
40 Aeroblast 33 Recover 33 Recover
44 Hydro Pump 44 Hydro Pump
55 Rain Dance 55 Rain Dance
66 Foresight 66 Swift
77 Whirlwind 77 Whirlwind
88 AncientPower 88 AncientPower
99 Future Sight 99 Future Sight
1999/04/03 1999/08/16 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Gust Sacred Fire
LV Move LV Move LV Move
10 Safeguard 11 Safeguard 11 Safeguard
20 Recover 22 Scary Face 22 Gust
40 Sacred Fire 33 Recover 33 Recover
44 Fire Blast 44 Fire Blast
55 Sunny Day 55 Sunny Day
66 Foresight 66 Swift
77 Whirlwind 77 Whirlwind
88 AncientPower 88 AncientPower
99 Future Sight 99 Future Sight

The April 3rd file has preliminary movesets for both Lugia and Ho-Oh that includes Gust as a starting move and their respective signature moves at Level 40. After staying like this for at least three-and-a-half months, both Lugia and Ho-Oh received near-final movesets around the time of the Spaceworld 1999 demo.

Both level-up movesets were revised once more to fix an issue with their in-game battles: Regardless if they were encountered at Level 40 or Level 70, both Ho-Oh and Lugia would only have a single offensive move with just 5 PP. So, players could just deplete the PP of that move and leave both Ho-Oh and Lugia as sitting ducks, unable to damage the players' Pokémon until they used Struggle. To remedy this, Scary Face was replaced by Gust (which has 40 PP), and Foresight was replaced by Swift (with has 20 PP).

Other Changes

The Pokémon in this section went from their Pokémon Yellow-based movesets (or, in the case of new lines, from a placeholder Tackle moveset) to their final movesets with no known intermediary steps.


  • Red: Newly introduced move / move does not appear in previous set.
  • Blue: Move was in previous set but was placed in another slot.

Old Families

Bulbasaur Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
4 Growl
7 Leech Seed 7 Leech Seed
13 Vine Whip 10 Vine Whip
20 PoisonPowder 15 PoisonPowder
27 Razor Leaf 15 Sleep Powder
34 Growth 20 Razor Leaf
41 Sleep Powder 25 Sweet Scent
48 SolarBeam 32 Growth
39 Synthesis
46 SolarBeam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Leech Seed
LV Move LV Move
4 Growl
7 Leech Seed 7 Leech Seed
13 Vine Whip 10 Vine Whip
22 PoisonPowder 15 PoisonPowder
30 Razor Leaf 15 Sleep Powder
38 Growth 22 Razor Leaf
46 Sleep Powder 29 Sweet Scent
54 SolarBeam 38 Growth
47 Synthesis
56 SolarBeam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Leech Seed
Vine Whip
LV Move LV Move
4 Growl
7 Leech Seed 7 Leech Seed
13 Vine Whip 10 Vine Whip
22 PoisonPowder 15 PoisonPowder
30 Razor Leaf 15 Sleep Powder
43 Growth 22 Razor Leaf
55 Sleep Powder 29 Sweet Scent
65 SolarBeam 41 Growth
53 Synthesis
65 SolarBeam

Charmander Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
9 Ember 7 Ember
15 Leer 13 SmokeScreen
22 Rage 19 Rage
30 Slash 25 Scary Face
38 Flamethrower 31 Flamethrower
46 Fire Spin 37 Slash
43 Dragon Rage
49 Fire Spin
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
9 Ember 7 Ember
15 Leer 13 SmokeScreen
24 Rage 20 Rage
33 Slash 27 Scary Face
42 Flamethrower 34 Flamethrower
56 Fire Spin 41 Slash
48 Dragon Rage
55 Fire Spin
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
9 Ember 7 Ember
15 Leer 13 SmokeScreen
24 Rage 20 Rage
36 Slash 27 Scary Face
46 Flamethrower 34 Flamethrower
55 Fire Spin 36 Wing Attack
44 Slash
54 Dragon Rage
64 Fire Spin

Pidgey Family

1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
Gust Tackle
LV Move LV Move
5 Sand-Attack 5 Sand-Attack
12 Quick Attack 9 Gust
19 Whirlwind 15 Quick Attack
28 Wing Attack 21 Whirlwind
36 Agility 29 Wing Attack
44 Mirror Move 37 Agility
47 Mirror Move
1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
Gust Tackle
LV Move LV Move
5 Sand-Attack 5 Sand-Attack
12 Quick Attack 9 Gust
21 Whirlwind 15 Quick Attack
31 Wing Attack 23 Whirlwind
40 Agility 33 Wing Attack
49 Mirror Move 43 Agility
55 Mirror Move
1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
Gust Tackle
Quick Attack
LV Move LV Move
5 Sand-Attack 5 Sand-Attack
12 Quick Attack 9 Gust
21 Whirlwind 15 Quick Attack
31 Wing Attack 23 Whirlwind
44 Agility 33 Wing Attack
54 Mirror Move 46 Agility
61 Mirror Move

Nidoqueen & Nidoking

1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip Scratch
Double Kick
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
8 Scratch 23 Body Slam
12 Double Kick
23 Body Slam
1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Poison Sting Horn Attack
Double Kick
Poison Sting
LV Move LV Move
8 Horn Attack 23 Thrash
12 Double Kick
23 Thrash

Venonat Family

1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
11 Supersonic 9 Supersonic
19 Confusion 17 Confusion
22 PoisonPowder 20 PoisonPowder
27 Leech Life 25 Leech Life
30 Stun Spore 28 Stun Spore
35 Psybeam 33 Psybeam
38 Sleep Powder 36 Sleep Powder
43 Psychic 41 Psychic
1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
Supersonic Foresight
Confusion Supersonic
LV Move LV Move
22 PoisonPowder 9 Supersonic
27 Leech Life 17 Confusion
30 Stun Spore 20 PoisonPowder
38 Psybeam 25 Leech Life
43 Sleep Powder 28 Stun Spore
50 Psychic 31 Gust
35 Psybeam
40 Sleep Powder
49 Psychic

Mankey Family

1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
9 Low Kick 9 Low Kick
15 Karate Chop 15 Karate Chop
21 Fury Swipes 21 Fury Swipes
27 Focus Energy 27 Focus Energy
33 Seismic Toss 33 Seismic Toss
39 Screech 39 Cross Chop
45 Thrash 45 Screech
51 Thrash
1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Low Kick
LV Move LV Move
9 Low Kick 9 Low Kick
15 Karate Chop 15 Karate Chop
21 Fury Swipes 21 Fury Swipes
27 Focus Energy 27 Focus Energy
28 Rage 28 Rage
36 Seismic Toss 36 Seismic Toss
42 Screech 45 Cross Chop
51 Thrash 54 Screech
63 Thrash

Growlithe Family

1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
18 Ember 9 Ember
23 Leer 18 Leer
30 Take Down 26 Take Down
39 Agility 34 Flame Wheel
50 Flamethrower 42 Agility
50 Flamethrower
1999/04/03 1999/06/02
Level 1 Moves
Ember Leer
Leer Take Down
Take Down Flame Wheel
LV Move LV Move
N/A 55 Extremespeed

Abra Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
16 Confusion 16 Confusion
20 Disable 18 Disable
27 Psybeam 21 Psybeam
31 Recover 26 Recover
38 Psychic 31 Future Sight
42 Reflect 38 Psychic
45 Reflect
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
16 Confusion 16 Confusion
20 Disable 18 Disable
27 Psybeam 21 Psybeam
31 Recover 26 Recover
38 Psychic 31 Future Sight
42 Reflect 38 Psychic
45 Reflect

Bellsprout Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Vine Whip
LV Move LV Move
13 Wrap 6 Growth
15 PoisonPowder 11 Wrap
18 Sleep Powder 15 Sleep Powder
21 Stun Spore 17 PoisonPowder
26 Acid 19 Stun Spore
33 Razor Leaf 23 Acid
42 Slam 30 Sweet Scent
37 Razor Leaf
45 Slam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Vine Whip
LV Move LV Move
13 Wrap 6 Growth
15 PoisonPowder 11 Wrap
18 Sleep Powder 15 Sleep Powder
23 Stun Spore 17 PoisonPowder
29 Acid 19 Stun Spore
38 Razor Leaf 24 Acid
49 Slam 33 Sweet Scent
42 Razor Leaf
54 Slam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Stun Spore Vine Whip
Acid Sleep Powder
Razor Leaf Sweet Scent
Razor Leaf
LV Move LV Move
13 Wrap N/A
15 PoisonPowder
18 Sleep Powder

Tentacool Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Acid Poison Sting
LV Move LV Move
7 Supersonic 6 Supersonic
13 Wrap 12 Constrict
18 Poison Sting 19 Acid
22 Water Gun 25 BubbleBeam
27 Constrict 30 Wrap
33 Barrier 36 Barrier
40 Screech 43 Screech
48 Hydro Pump 49 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Acid Poison Sting
LV Move LV Move
7 Supersonic 6 Supersonic
13 Wrap 12 Constrict
18 Poison Sting 19 Acid
22 Water Gun 25 BubbleBeam
27 Constrict 30 Wrap
35 Barrier 38 Barrier
43 Screech 47 Screech
50 Hydro Pump 55 Hydro Pump

Slowpoke Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Confusion Curse
LV Move LV Move
18 Disable 6 Growl
22 Headbutt 15 Water Gun
27 Growl 20 Confusion
33 Water Gun 29 Disable
40 Amnesia 34 Headbutt
48 Psychic 43 Amnesia
48 Psychic
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Confusion Curse
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move
18 Disable 6 Growl
22 Headbutt 15 Water Gun
27 Growl 20 Confusion
33 Water Gun 29 Disable
37 Withdraw 34 Headbutt
44 Amnesia 37 Withdraw
55 Psychic 46 Amnesia
54 Psychic
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Confusion Curse
LV Move LV Move
18 Disable 6 Growl
22 Headbutt 15 Water Gun
27 Growl 20 Confusion
33 Water Gun 29 Disable
37 Withdraw 34 Headbutt
44 Amnesia 43 Swagger
55 Psychic 48 Psychic

Magnemite Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
21 SonicBoom 6 ThunderShock
25 ThunderShock 11 Supersonic
29 Supersonic 16 SonicBoom
35 Thunder Wave 21 Thunder Wave
41 Swift 27 Lock-On
47 Screech 33 Swift
39 Screech
45 Zap Cannon
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
21 SonicBoom 6 ThunderShock
25 ThunderShock 11 Supersonic
29 Supersonic 16 SonicBoom
38 Thunder Wave 21 Thunder Wave
46 Swift 27 Lock-On
54 Screech 35 Swift
43 Screech
53 Zap Cannon


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
7 Leer 7 Sand-Attack
15 Fury Attack 13 Leer
23 Swords Dance 19 Fury Attack
31 Agility 25 Swords Dance
39 Slash 31 Agility
37 Slash
44 False Swipe

Doduo Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
20 Growl 9 Pursuit
24 Fury Attack 13 Fury Attack
30 Drill Peck 21 Tri Attack
36 Rage 25 Rage
40 Tri Attack 33 Drill Peck
44 Agility 37 Agility
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Fury Attack
LV Move LV Move
20 Growl 9 Pursuit
24 Fury Attack 13 Fury Attack
30 Drill Peck 21 Tri Attack
36 Rage 25 Rage
40 Tri Attack 38 Drill Peck
44 Agility 47 Agility

Drowzee Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
12 Disable 10 Disable
17 Confusion 18 Confusion
24 Headbutt 25 Headbutt
29 Poison Gas 31 Poison Gas
32 Psychic 36 Meditate
37 Meditate 40 Psychic
43 Psych Up
45 Future Sight
1999/04/03 1999/07/21 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move LV Move
12 Disable 10 Disable 10 Disable
17 Confusion 18 Confusion 18 Confusion
24 Headbutt 25 Headbutt 25 Headbutt
33 Poison Gas 32 Poison Gas 33 Poison Gas
37 Psychic 38 Meditate 40 Meditate
43 Meditate 43 Psychic 49 Psychic
47 Psych Up 55 Psych Up
50 Future Sight 60 Future Sight

Krabby Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
20 ViceGrip 5 Leer
25 Guillotine 12 ViceGrip
30 Stomp 16 Harden
35 Crabhammer 23 Stomp
40 Harden 27 Guillotine
34 Protect
41 Crabhammer
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
20 ViceGrip 5 Leer
25 Guillotine 12 ViceGrip
34 Stomp 16 Harden
42 Crabhammer 23 Stomp
49 Harden 27 Guillotine
38 Protect
49 Crabhammer

Voltorb Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
17 SonicBoom 9 Screech
22 Selfdestruct 17 SonicBoom
29 Light Screen 23 Selfdestruct
36 Swift 29 Rollout
43 Explosion 33 Light Screen
37 Swift
39 Explosion
41 Mirror Coat
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
17 SonicBoom 9 Screech
22 Selfdestruct 17 SonicBoom
29 Light Screen 23 Selfdestruct
40 Swift 29 Rollout
50 Explosion 34 Light Screen
40 Swift
44 Explosion
48 Mirror Coat

Exeggcute Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
25 Reflect 7 Reflect
28 Leech Seed 13 Leech Seed
32 Stun Spore 19 Confusion
37 PoisonPowder 25 Stun Spore
42 SolarBeam 31 PoisonPowder
48 Sleep Powder 37 Sleep Powder
43 SolarBeam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
28 Stomp 19 Stomp
31 Egg Bomb

Cubone Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
10 Bone Club 5 Tail Whip
13 Tail Whip 9 Bone Club
18 Headbutt 13 Headbutt
25 Leer 17 Leer
31 Focus Energy 21 Focus Energy
38 Thrash 25 Bonemerang
43 Bonemerang 29 Rage
46 Rage 33 False Swipe
37 Thrash
41 Bone Rush
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
N/A Growl
Tail Whip
Bone Club
LV Move LV Move
10 Bone Club 5 Tail Whip
13 Tail Whip 9 Bone Club
18 Headbutt 13 Headbutt
25 Leer 17 Leer
33 Focus Energy 21 Focus Energy
41 Thrash 25 Bonemerang
48 Bonemerang 32 Rage
55 Rage 39 False Swipe
46 Thrash
53 Bone Rush


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Wrap Lick
LV Move LV Move
7 Stomp 7 Supersonic
15 Disable 13 Defense Curl
23 Defense Curl 19 Stomp
31 Slam 25 Wrap
39 Screech 31 Disable
37 Slam
43 Screech

Koffing Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Poison Gas
Smog Tackle
LV Move LV Move
32 Sludge 9 Smog
37 SmokeScreen 17 Selfdestruct
40 Selfdestruct 21 Sludge
45 Haze 25 SmokeScreen
48 Explosion 33 Haze
41 Explosion
45 Destiny Bond
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Poison Gas
Smog Tackle
LV Move LV Move
32 Sludge 9 Smog
39 SmokeScreen 17 Selfdestruct
43 Selfdestruct 21 Sludge
49 Haze 25 SmokeScreen
53 Explosion 33 Haze
44 Explosion
51 Destiny Bond

Rhyhorn Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Horn Attack
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
30 Stomp 13 Stomp
35 Tail Whip 19 Fury Attack
40 Fury Attack 31 Scary Face
45 Horn Drill 37 Horn Drill
50 Leer 49 Take Down
55 Take Down 55 Earthquake
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Horn Attack
Tail Whip
Fury Attack
LV Move LV Move
30 Stomp 13 Stomp
35 Tail Whip 19 Fury Attack
40 Fury Attack 31 Scary Face
48 Horn Drill 37 Horn Drill
55 Leer 54 Take Down
64 Take Down 65 Earthquake


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
24 Bind 4 Sleep Powder
27 Absorb 10 Absorb
29 Vine Whip 13 PoisonPowder
32 PoisonPowder 19 Vine Whip
36 Stun Spore 25 Bind
39 Sleep Powder 31 Mega Drain
45 Slam 34 Stun Spore
48 Growth 40 Slam
46 Growth


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Comet Punch
LV Move LV Move
26 Bite 7 Leer
31 Tail Whip 13 Bite
36 Mega Punch 19 Tail Whip
41 Leer 25 Mega Punch
46 Dizzy Punch 31 Rage
37 Endure
43 Dizzy Punch
49 Reversal

Horsea Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
19 SmokeScreen 8 SmokeScreen
24 Leer 15 Leer
30 Water Gun 22 Water Gun
37 Agility 29 Twister
45 Hydro Pump 36 Agility
43 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move
19 SmokeScreen 8 SmokeScreen
24 Leer 15 Leer
30 Water Gun 22 Water Gun
41 Agility 29 Twister
52 Hydro Pump 40 Agility
51 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move
19 SmokeScreen 8 SmokeScreen
24 Leer 15 Leer
30 Water Gun 22 Water Gun
41 Agility 29 Twister
52 Hydro Pump 40 Agility
51 Hydro Pump

Goldeen Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
19 Supersonic 10 Supersonic
24 Horn Attack 15 Horn Attack
30 Fury Attack 24 Flail
37 Waterfall 29 Fury Attack
45 Horn Drill 38 Waterfall
54 Agility 43 Horn Drill
52 Agility
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tail Whip
Tail Whip
LV Move LV Move
19 Supersonic 10 Supersonic
24 Horn Attack 15 Horn Attack
30 Fury Attack 24 Flail
39 Waterfall 29 Fury Attack
48 Horn Drill 41 Waterfall
54 Agility 49 Horn Drill
61 Agility

Staryu Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
17 Water Gun 7 Water Gun
22 Harden 13 Rapid Spin
27 Recover 19 Recover
32 Swift 25 Swift
37 Minimize 31 BubbleBeam
42 Light Screen 37 Minimize
47 Hydro Pump 43 Light Screen
50 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun Rapid Spin
Harden Recover
LV Move LV Move
N/A 37 Confuse Ray

Scyther Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Quick Attack
LV Move LV Move
17 Leer 6 Focus Energy
20 Focus Energy 12 Pursuit
24 Double Team 18 False Swipe
29 Slash 24 Agility
35 Swords Dance 30 Wing Attack
42 Agility 36 Slash
50 Wing Attack 42 Swords Dance
48 Double Team
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Quick Attack
LV Move LV Move
17 Leer 6 Focus Energy
20 Focus Energy 12 Pursuit
24 Double Team 18 False Swipe
29 Slash 24 Agility
35 Swords Dance 30 Metal Claw
42 Agility 36 Slash
50 Wing Attack 42 Swords Dance
48 Double Team

Elekid Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Quick Attack
LV Move LV Move
34 ThunderShock 9 ThunderPunch
37 Screech 17 Light Screen
42 ThunderPunch 25 Swift
49 Light Screen 33 Screech
54 Thunder 41 Thunderbolt
49 Thunder
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Quick Attack
LV Move LV Move
34 ThunderShock 9 ThunderPunch
37 Screech 17 Light Screen
42 ThunderPunch 25 Swift
49 Light Screen 36 Screech
54 Thunder 47 Thunderbolt
58 Thunder

Magby Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
36 Leer 7 Leer
39 Confuse Ray 13 Smog
43 Fire Punch 19 Fire Punch
48 SmokeScreen 25 SmokeScreen
52 Smog 31 Sunny Day
55 Flamethrower 37 Flamethrower
43 Confuse Ray
49 Fire Blast
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Fire Punch
LV Move LV Move
36 Leer 7 Leer
39 Confuse Ray 13 Smog
43 Fire Punch 19 Fire Punch
48 SmokeScreen 25 SmokeScreen
52 Smog 33 Sunny Day
55 Flamethrower 41 Flamethrower
49 Confuse Ray
57 Fire Blast

Magikarp Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
15 Tackle 15 Tackle
30 Flail
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Thrash
LV Move LV Move
20 Bite 20 Bite
25 Dragon Rage 25 Dragon Rage
32 Leer 30 Leer
41 Hydro Pump 35 Twister
52 Hyper Beam 40 Hydro Pump
45 Rain Dance
50 Hyper Beam


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun
LV Move LV Move
16 Sing 8 Mist
20 Mist 15 Body Slam
25 Body Slam 22 Confuse Ray
31 Confuse Ray 29 Perish Song
38 Ice Beam 36 Ice Beam
46 Hydro Pump 43 Rain Dance
50 Safeguard
57 Hydro Pump

Omanyte Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun Constrict
LV Move LV Move
34 Horn Attack 13 Bite
39 Leer 19 Water Gun
46 Spike Cannon 31 Leer
53 Hydro Pump 37 Protect
49 AncientPower
55 Hydro Pump
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Water Gun Constrict
LV Move LV Move
34 Horn Attack 13 Bite
39 Leer 19 Water Gun
44 Spike Cannon 31 Leer
49 Hydro Pump 37 Protect
40 Spike Cannon
54 AncientPower
65 Hydro Pump

Kabuto Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
34 Absorb 10 Absorb
39 Slash 19 Leer
44 Leer 28 Sand-Attack
49 Hydro Pump 37 Endure
46 Mega Drain
55 AncientPower
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
34 Absorb 10 Absorb
39 Slash 19 Leer
46 Leer 28 Sand-Attack
53 Hydro Pump 37 Endure
40 Slash
51 Mega Drain
65 AncientPower


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Wing Attack
LV Move LV Move
33 Supersonic 8 Agility
38 Bite 15 Bite
45 Take Down 22 Supersonic
54 Hyper Beam 29 AncientPower
36 Scary Face
43 Take Down
50 Hyper Beam


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Headbutt Tackle
LV Move LV Move
35 Body Slam 8 Amnesia
41 Harden 15 Defense Curl
48 Double-Edge 22 Belly Drum
56 Hyper Beam 29 Headbutt
36 Snore
36 Rest
43 Body Slam
50 Rollout
57 Hyper Beam

Dratini Family

1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
10 Thunder Wave 8 Thunder Wave
20 Agility 15 Twister
30 Slam 22 Dragon Rage
40 Dragon Rage 29 Slam
50 Hyper Beam 36 Agility
43 Safeguard
50 Outrage
57 Hyper Beam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Thunder Wave
LV Move LV Move
10 Thunder Wave 8 Thunder Wave
20 Agility 15 Twister
35 Slam 22 Dragon Rage
45 Dragon Rage 29 Slam
55 Hyper Beam 38 Agility
47 Safeguard
56 Outrage
65 Hyper Beam
1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
Thunder Wave
LV Move LV Move
10 Thunder Wave 8 Thunder Wave
20 Agility 15 Twister
35 Slam 22 Dragon Rage
45 Dragon Rage 29 Slam
60 Hyper Beam 38 Agility
47 Safeguard
55 Wing Attack
61 Outrage
75 Hyper Beam


1999/04/03 1999/07/21
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
63 Barrier 11 Barrier
66 Psychic 22 Swift
70 Recover 33 Psych Up
75 Mist 44 Future Sight
81 Amnesia 55 Mist
66 Psychic
77 Amnesia
88 Recover
99 Safeguard


1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
10 Transform 10 Transform
20 Mega Punch 20 Mega Punch
30 Metronome 30 Metronome
40 Psychic 40 Psychic
50 AncientPower

New Families


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
N/A 7 Quick Attack
13 Double Team
19 SonicBoom
25 Detect
31 Supersonic
37 Swift
43 Screech


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
LV Move LV Move
N/A 7 Confusion
13 Stomp
20 Agility
30 Baton Pass
41 Psybeam
54 Crunch


1999/04/03 1999/08/16
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Constrict
LV Move LV Move
N/A 9 Wrap
14 Encore
23 Safeguard
28 Bide
37 Rest


1999/04/03 1999/08/23
Level 1 Moves
Tackle Leech Seed
Heal Bell
LV Move LV Move
N/A 10 Safeguard
20 AncientPower
30 Future Sight
40 Baton Pass
50 Perish Song