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Development:Half-Life (Windows)/Half-Life SDK/Weapon Models

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This is a sub-page of Development:Half-Life (Windows)/Half-Life SDK.

To do:
  • Again, get renders of the .smd files instead of .max files.

A couple of sparsely placed .max files within the Half Life SDK also happen to contain early iterations of the weapon models. Unfortunately just like the monster models, they also don't always open or show up properly with most modern versions of 3DS Max. At one point in time, most if not all of the pre-release weapon view models had some form of Red HEV suit hands and gloves before being completely overwritten with the retail HEV suit textures. Even some of the .max files still contain separate materials for the Red HEV textures.


idle1.max forcedperspective.max
HL1 Mp5 earlyer.png HL1SDK Mp5 arm.png

A more refined version of the 0.52 MP5 with HEV sleeves can be found in SDK\Weapon Models\v_HKmp5-sd, other models in the folder also contain a version without any sort of sleeves. Interestingly enough, the MP5 folder also contains textures for both Gina and Gordon.


w_egon2.max Egon_firecycle2.max
HL1SDK egon1 render2.png HL1SDK Gluegun.png

In SDK\Weapon Models\v_egon\ you can find early view models for the Gluon Gun. A Pre-Release Gluon Gun world models without the backpack can also be found in SDK\Weapon Models\world_models\wrld_egon. Unfortunately, most of the beta Gluon Gun textures are completely missing, except for a few stray textures.


guass_worldmodel.max Gauss_fire2(violent).max
HL1SDK gauss1 render.png HL1SDK Railgun bootleg.png

An early Gauss gun view model can be found in \SDK\Weapon Models\v_gauss. One interesting thing to note about this particular view model is that it has visible hands and a handle, which is noticeably missing from the retail view model. Additionally, you can also find a world model in \SDK\Weapon Models\world_models\wrld_gauss.



A brighter and more blue-greyish shotgun can be found in SDK\Weapon Models\v_shotgun.


HL1SDK battery2a.png

The battery model has a different, higher resolution variant than the version found in the final game.