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Development:Duke Nukem Forever/1996 Design Documents/Sound

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This is a sub-page of Development:Duke Nukem Forever/1996 Design Documents.

D4SOUND.DOC details sound last modified on 20/08/1996 at 5:24 PM.

Sound Effects

If you have Bobby Prince do the sounds, you'll find that he's actually quite good a looking thru a demo for places where sounds are needed. I'm going to compile a list here. You be sure to tell me of any I've missed. This will make things go much faster with whoever does end up doing the sounds.


By this, I refer to the various things Duke will actually say.

a. For the "Are you sure?" prompts when saving, loading, or quitting.
"You sure you want to do that?"
b. Taunts in multiplayer
           "What are you, some kind of scum-sucking bottom feeding algae
           eater?" (personal favorite)
           "You're an inspiration for birth control!"
           "You're gonna die for that."
           "Lucky son of a bitch."
           "Heh heh heh, payback time!"
           "Damn, you're ugly!"
        c. When shooting an enemy from the front.
           "Think fast, pal."
           "Eat lead, sucker!"
        d. When shooting an enemy from behind.
           "Over here!"
           "Hey, stupid!"
        e. When destroying an enemy that severely damaged Duke.
           "Eat that, asshole!"
           "Hasta la vista, baby."
        f. When equipping a new weapon.
           "All right. Who wants some?"
           "Hail to the king, baby!"
           "We're rockin' now!"
        g. When destroying a large enemy.
           "Don't forget to write."
           "Say 'hi' to Hendrix for me, will ya?"
           "Sayanara, pal!" (I don't know how to spell it. <g>)
        h. When Duke takes a minor hit.
           "What was that-- a mosquito?"
           "Heh heh, that kind of tickles!"
        i. Randomly chosen for picking up various items.
        j. When picking up a health packet after taking severe damage.
           "I needed that."
           "Just what I needed about now."
           "Oh yeah!" (with emphasis on sounding like he feels good)
           "Oh what a relief it is..." (to the Alka Seltzer tune)
        k. When Duke sends gibs flying everywhere:
           "Damn, there goes my cleaning deposit."
           "Heh heh, what a mess!"
           "Oh, gross!"
           "That's gotta hurt!"
           "They're gonna feel THAT in the morning!"
     2. Environmental Noise (Ambience)
        a. Rainfall
     3. Weaponry and Explosions
        a. Duke grunting as he kicks.
        b. Kick connecting.
        c. Shotgun Firing
        d. Shotgun Reloading
        e. Shotgun Hitting
        f. Chaingun Cannon Firing
        g. Chaingun Cannon Bullets Hitting
        h. RPG Firing
        i. RPG Missle hitting and exploding
        j. AP Grenade Firing
        k. AP Grenade Landing/Bouncing
        l. AP Grenade Exploding
        m. Shrink Ray Firing
        n. Shrink Ray Hitting
        o. Shrinking Noise
        p. Flame Thrower Firing
        q. Flame Thrower Hitting
        r. Nitrogen Blast Firing
        s. Nitrogen Blast Hitting
        t. Freezing Noise
        u. Ice Shattering Noise
        v. Thawing Noise
        w. Sonic Blaster Firing
        x. Sonic Blaster Bouncing off a wall
        y. Heavy Barrel Firing
        z. Heavy Barrel Hitting
     4. Enemy Noises
     5. Duke Noises
        a. Mud splashing footsteps
           For when running in the rain. You'll need a few variants of this
           and play them randomly to sound correct.
     6. Other
        a. Jet Ski Engine Noise
        b. Various Splashing Noises
           i. Jet Ski hitting a swell in the water
          ii. Jet Ski landing in the water after a jump
         iii. Jet Ski leaping from the water
          iv. Body (Duke's or enemies) falling into water
           v. Bullets hitting water.
          vi. Speedboat cutting thru water
        c. Bungee Cord stretching noise
        d. Bungee Cord snapping noise
   F. Music
     All we need are 6, or maybe 7 different songs, one for each level (the
     seventh would be for title.) Each episode would re-use the same songs
     over again.