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Clock Tower: Ready for the Next

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Title Screen

Clock Tower ~Ready for the Next~

Developer: Sunsoft
Publisher: Sunsoft
Platform: Android
Released internationally: September 20, 2021

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Clock Tower: Ready for the Next is a minigame compilation where you need to choose one out of three spots to hide from the Scissorman.

The game is rather short as there's only three stages, and beating the third stage basically tells the player to look forward to future stages. For better or worse, this ended up not happening due to a rather poor initial reception and lack of interest given the series is pretty semi-niche.

Unused Graphics



Jennifer walking. Looks like at some point she would have actually moved to the hiding spots rather than teleporting to them.


The Scissorman moving left.


A download indicator, which you would have tapped on to obtain more stages.