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Buzz! Junior: Robo Jam (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

Buzz! Junior: Robo Jam

Developers: Magenta Software, FreeStyleGames
Publishers: SCEE (EU), SCEA (US)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in US: March 11, 2008
Released in EU: May 25, 2007

MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Buzz! Junior: Robo Jam is the second game of the Buzz! Junior series.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Music

MUSIC/STAB_00.MIB contains a short audio clip of the title screen music ending. This audio clip would have been used as music in one of game's minigames.

In the European version, MUSIC/TRACK_14.MIB and TRACK_15.MIB contain an unused track that would have been used in one of the unused minigames like Robot Boxing.

Crazy Cook

A minigame that's an exclusive to the European version, in which players have to press and hold their Buzzer to fart and score points while the Robot Pirate is looking away. If he spots you, you'll get hit in the head and lose points. You have to score the most points to win. When the minigame is over, it plays a short animation where the Robot Pirate farts and laughs before the foreground door closes. This minigame is very similar to the Bubble Bath minigame in Buzz! Junior: Jungle Party.

North American Leftovers

Although the minigame was removed entirely in the North American version (possibly due to the toilet humor involved), MOVN/45.PSS contains a demonstration video for the minigame.

Leftover Audio Clips

There are a few unused leftover voice clips from the announcer "Sarge" for this minigame.

Unused Voice Clips

To do:
There might be more.

Found within the game's data are a few unused voice clips recorded by Philip Maurice Hayes.


  • This audio clip is supposed to be an introduction to the game:
  • An early name for the minigame "Octo-Beat" is simply named "Alien Beat"

Minigame Demonstration Retakes

There are a few retakes for the demonstration videos for a few minigames.

  • Astro Blaster:
  • Saucer Shootout has a scrapped gameplay mechanic where if you shoot an alien, it'll jump onto your ship and try to eat you. Pressing the Buzzer will fry them with your shields. This mechanic was used in the January 12, 2007 prototype.
  • Space Jumping:

Unused Mini-Games

To do:
Find a proper way to access these unused minigames via CodeBreaker codes.

Robot Boxing

Robot Boxing
BJRPS2-robot boxing eur.png

In the European version, LEVELS00/GAME_006 contains an unused boxing minigame named "Robot Boxing" or "Robot Rumble". This minigame is likely fully complete in the final build as it's also present in the files of the prototype. You can access this minigame by swapping the game's files with this minigame, however, it doesn't work correctly as the game handles this minigame as any other minigame you've selected. So the results will be pretty buggy. You can access this minigame with memory editing or a CodeBreaker code, and it'll work as attended.

Rainbow Robots

Rainbow Robots
BJRPS2-rainbow robots eur.png

LEVELS01/GAME_011 contains a minigame for the mysteriously named "Rainbow Robots" as listed in the prototype. This minigame looks pretty simple, but it still doesn't work correctly just like with Robot Boxing. Accessing this level with memory editing or a CodeBreaker will get it to work as attended.

Regional Differences

Language Select Screen

US Europe
BJRPS2-language select usa.png BJRPS2-language select eur.png

The North American version only has English, French, and Spanish. The European version has German, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese.

Buzzer Type Select

Buzzer Type Select Screen
BJRPS2-buzzer type select eur.png

In the European release, you have 2 options of 2 different buzzer types. One with just solid colors, and one with edged colors.

Title Screen

US Europe
Buzz! Junior RoboJam Title.png BJRPS2-title eur.png
  • The title screen in the European version lacks the copyright text.


  • The announcer "Sarge" in the European version of the game is voiced by Ewan Bailey.
  • The minigame "Crash Test Dummies" is renamed to "Crash Test" in the North American version.
  • In the beginning of the minigame Rocket Robots, in the European version, the announcer "Sarge" mentions to press the Blue Button to cancel your shot whereas in the US version, the announcer says "I do love the smell of rocket fuel."