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Bust-A-Move Millennium

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Title Screen

Bust-A-Move Millennium

Also known as: Puzzle Bobble Millennium (JP)
Developer: Dreams
Publishers: Club Acclaim (US/EU), Altron (JP)
Platform: Game Boy Color
Released in JP: December 22, 2000
Released in US: October 27, 2000
Released in EU: November 17, 2000

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Debug Flags

To do:
Figure out what the other flags do.

Bust a move millenium debug.png

A hidden option that allows the player to change some variables can be accessed with GameShark code 010503D0 or Game Genie code 06B-F7A-F7E with a US or European cart. Go to the options menu, keep pressing down until going past Exit, then press Start or A. Press Start or A to change a value from 0 to 1. Pressing B goes back to the options menu.

(Source: Mezmorize)

Bust-A-Move Millennium Hidden Option.png

Though invisible and unselectable in the released game without the code, this hidden menu option actually DOES have a "??????" text label defined for it. Setting the first number in the second row to 1 makes the hidden entry visible.

As for the other debug flags, the whole first row sets which of the unlockable hidden characters are playable; and the bottom-right two digits control access to the game's two hidden puzzle modes, usually unlocked via button combinations on the title screen that are disclosed to the player after completing certain modes. It is still unknown what the other debug flags control, if anything.