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Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission: Las Vegum (Windows)

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Title Screen

Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission: Las Vegum

Developer: Étranges Libellules
Publisher: Atari, SA
Platform: Windows
Released in EU: October 16, 2005

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Getafix betrayed his friends and left the village to help Caesar! On the way to find him, the two heroes will meet different Romans, bosses, ... and Easter eggs.

To do:
There is a prototype build that contains tons of differences.

Alternate Music

On the game's DVD, the file /Datas/Video/3/W_V30.vid contains a single green pixel with the main menu's music. The music, however, seems to be alternated. At the end, there's an unknown voice.

Cut-Down Dialogue/Text

To do:
Should this section also contain the texts in the other languages? And more unused texts? The XXL2 remaster also has audio for all the unused dialogue.

There are many leftover texts in the game. They are all translated in the other languages. Some may even be used in other platforms. There are also more leftover texts than those in the table below, but they aren't very interesting.

String Explanation
Fireworks Seems to be another dropped souvenir shop.
You were taken in Ah! Ah! Ah! Said by Larry Craft disguised as Getafix in the cutscene after Sam Shieffer rescues Asterix and Obelix from falling into the lava pit.
But managing to take them both off at once: now that's mission impossible. Said by Larry Craft in the same cutscene above, after he says "I always wear two masks for security."
Hey, this reminds me of a song "ba lala la la bomba! " Stored after "Why can't they make little pocket bombs these Romans?", said by Obelix, referencing the hit song La Bamba.
This system was developed by a green leprechaun. When entering in the room with the four torches at the beginning of the game, Sam Shieffer would say this line when presenting the security system. It's a reference to Link from The Legend of Zelda series where some doors need to be opened by lighting torches. However this line got reused in the PSP port.


In Level 0 (main menu), there are three placeholder graphics for Chapters 16, 17, and 18. In the prototype, the game used to have 18 chapters, but in the final build, the number of chapters got reduced to 9.

AsterixXXL2 chapnb 16.png AsterixXXL2 chapnb 17.png AsterixXXL2 chapco 18.png