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Arubarea no Otome: Uruwashi no Seikishi Tachi

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Title Screen

Arubarea no Otome: Uruwashi no Seikishi Tachi

Developer: Rit's
Publisher: Masaya
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: October 8, 1998

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

One of the many Japanese-exclusive dating simulation games for the PlayStation.

Debug Menu

Arubarea no Otome Uruwashi no Seikishi Tachi PS Debug Menu.png

Use the following code, after that press L2 + R2 to display the debug menu.

D00EC7E0 0003
8004799C E770
D00EC7E0 0000
8004799C 3165
Text Translation
デバッグ画面じゃぞ! ←→で選択 ○ボタンで復帰じゃ。(実機では画面は戻らんので) This is debug screen! Press Left or Right to select, Press Circle to return the game.
画面= Screen =
(Source: Original TCRF research)