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12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral (PlayStation 2)

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Title Screen

12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral

Developers: KID, CyberFront, SDR Project
Publisher: CyberFront
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: March 13, 2008

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

12Riven is the first and only game in the Integral series, based off of the popular Infinity series.

Debug Logging

Within the game is a printf function that doesn't print anything anymore. This would have logged various background information to a debug unit. This logs information such as files loaded and memory information. It would also report errors if any occurred. To re-enable this mode, apply the below code:

Re-enable printf Messages
2013FD20 08044790
2013FD24 00000000

If you are playing the game on a regular PlayStation 2, you will need to use a TOOL, RDB, or a debug version of OPL to view the logs. If you are playing on an emulator, you can see this information by enabling the option "Show Console". Below is an example of what type of information gets logged.

* Start Kadomatsu System                               *
CRI ADX Driver Ver.9.71(Dec 13 2005 21:36:53)
CRI ADX Driver : Main Thread Priority = 39
CRI ADX Driver : PSM Thread Priority  = 39
CRI ADX Driver : DTX Thread Priority  = 48
CRI ADX Driver : SPU CORE Number = 0
CRI ADX Driver : sceSdInit(SD_INIT_COLD) call.
loadmodule: id 34, ret 2
* loaded module CRI_ADXI.IRX(34)
Fs Init
Gs Init
Sif initialize
Pad Init
Initialize Libkspr
Vram Area   :00230000-003FDFFF(001CE000)
Libkspr Partition[0]:00000000(00230000)
AllocTexCtrl SprNo( 0,  0):00230000
AllocTexCtrl SprNo( 0,  1):0035C000
AllocTexCtrl SprNo( 0,  2):002C4000
Initialize Libkspr2
Spr2_SetPartition warnning
Fil_Init Start
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(266304) ret=0x000a4e00
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(2256) ret=0x000e5f00
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(16448) ret=0x000e6800
DVCI: "FONTS.AFS" found.
DVCI: "ICON.AFS" found.
DVCI: "OBJSC.AFS" found.
DVCI: "OBJSY.AFS" found.
DVCI: "OBJAB.AFS" found.
DVCI: "OBJPR.AFS" found.
DVCI: "SOUND.AFS" found.
DVCI: "SCENE00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "SDW00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "SE00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "SE01.AFS" found.
DVCI: "SE02.AFS" found.
DVCI: "VO00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "VO01.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGL¥BGL00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGL¥BGL01.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGL¥CHL00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGL¥FAL00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGL¥OBL00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGS¥BGS00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGS¥BGS01.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGS¥CHS00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGS¥FAS00.AFS" found.
DVCI: "BGS¥OBS00.AFS" found.
DVCI: Total 25 files.
DVD File Cache Size : 5248
Fnt_Init Start
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥SYSSE.ACX;1"
load system config SYSTEM.CFG
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥SYSTEM.CFG;1"
Data   Dir : 
Config Dir : 
Script Dir : 
Movie  Dir : MOV¥
load afs infomation
load font files
load shared textures
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  0): 00000000
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  1): 00004100
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  2): 00008500
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  3): 0000AD00
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  4): 0000B400
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  5): 0000C800
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  6): 0000EC00
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  7): 00015000
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  8): 00015800
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0,  9): 00016000
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 10): 00017400
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 11): 00018800
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 12): 00019500
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 13): 00019D00
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 14): 0001DE00
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 15): 00022200
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 16): 00026600
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 17): 0002AA00
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 0, 18): 0002EE00
*** Warning "CPU over load" : x0.0e+3 ***
Heap Mem  Used:008ADE00 Free:01012200

**************** prog change task start ****************
Heap Mem  Used:008ADE00 Free:01012200

**************** system load task start ****************
sceMcGetInfo(0,0) info:-1 type:2 free:3610 format:1
McGetDir BISLPM-66901/* error(-4)
Heap Mem  Used:008ADE00 Free:01012200

**************** logo disp task start ****************
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  0): 00000000
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  1): 00046400
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  2): 0008C800
*** Warning CPU over load "logo disp task" : x0.0e+2 ***
*** Warning "CPU over load" : x0.0e+2 ***
Load BGL00.AFS time:12
Load BGL01.AFS time:11
Load BGS00.AFS time:17
Load BGS01.AFS time:11
Load CHL00.AFS time:19
Load CHS00.AFS time:19
Load OBL00.AFS time:11
Load OBS00.AFS time:11
Load VO00.AFS time:139
Load VO01.AFS time:45
Load Total time:434
Sodec Alloc Work Size = 0054C8C7h/00600000h
Sofdec Create
Sofdec Play Start:MOV¥SDR.SFD
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥MOV¥SDR.SFD;1"
Heap Mem  Used:008ADE00 Free:01012200

**************** menu disp task start ****************
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  0): 00000000
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  1): 00028400
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  2): 00050800
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  3): 00053400
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  4): 0005B000
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  5): 0005D400
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1,  6): 000A3800
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1, 48): 000E9C00
AllocTexCtrl ChrNo( 1, 49): 00201C00
*** Warning CPU over load "menu disp task" : x0.0e+2 ***
*** Warning "CPU over load" : x0.0e+2 ***
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Image

12Riven - BGDUM.KLZ 0000.png

An unused background image.