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Xak: The Art of Visual Stage (MSX2)

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Title Screen

Xak: The Art of Visual Stage

Developer: Micro Cabin
Publisher: Micro Cabin
Platform: MSX2
Released in JP: November 1989

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

Developer Message

At 0x100 in all three disks, a small message can be seen.

Original Translated
ノリコ 努力と根性でOSを立ち上げるのよ  ええ!おねえさま
Noriko - The OS will be launched with effort and willpower, sis!

At 0x180 in all three disks is this message.

Noriko.DOS BOOT Loader Ver 1.00 1989.07.27  By Y.Nakatsu
(Source: 電波放送局, Translation: Divingkataetheweirdo, Glitterberri)

Debug Menu


While playing, press both trigger buttons on the joystick. This will open the main menu. Select the 6th entry, which should be an empty space. Now, hold Button 2 and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Right, Left, Button 1. If done right, the debug menu will open up.

The Japanese options translate to (in order from top to bottom): "Walk through walls", "Program test number", "Parameter", and "Go to part 2"


Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!
Notes: Translation of the messages in the first 2 pictures. Also check to see if the messages are accurate.

Disk 3 of Xak features an extra program called "omake.bas" that can only be started from BASIC mode.

Boot the MSX into BASIC mode first, then insert Disk 3 and type run "omake.bas" (with quotes) to enter the program, which will then show the first two screens with some messages.

Image Message Translation
GOGO ピクシー ゲーム GOGO Pixie Game
Xak MSX2 OMAKE 02 Message.png 間に合いませんでした
Xak II には入れるからー

Xak MSX2 OMAKE 03 Minigame.png Xak MSX2 OMAKE 04 GAME END.png

After this, the program will enter a minigame that appears to be unfinished, with the only functions being able to move the pixie sprite left or right. Pressing the Return key will immediately end the minigame and show the GAME END screen before quickly exiting back to MSX BASIC.

(Source: せっき~のゲーム屋さん)