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Wubbzy's Underwater Adventure

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Title Screen

Wubbzy's Underwater Adventure

Publisher: Nick.com
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2007

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

One of the (surprisingly decent) Wow Wow Wubbzy Flash games hosted on Nickelodeon's website.

Level Select

WUA levelselect.png

Present in under_levels.swf is a hidden level select, allowing the player to select any level in the game, including the normally inaccessible test level. Going on this screen also activates a timer and an FPS counter, as well as a button to return to the level select.

Test Level

As mentioned above, a test level is accessible via the aforementioned level select. This level possesses all of the objects found throughout the game in an invisible tunnel, with Wubbzy spawning between some black squares. Near the end of the level is an wall of red urchins blocking the way what you need shoot them with the bubbles to get to some typhoons and a typhoon tunnel leading to a room with enemies and 3 chests and different groups shapes of shells.