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Wo de Xiao Sha Yu

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Title Screen

Wo de Xiao Sha Yu

Also known as: 我的小鲨鱼
Developer: Warma[1]
Publisher: Warma[1]
Platforms: Windows, HTML5 (Construct Arcade)
Released internationally: January 22, 2024[1]

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Wo de Xiao Sha Yu "feels like" a "healing and happy" digital pet game, where you adopt (and eventually be friends with) a self-aware tiny electronic shark.

To do:
  • 开发者调试(2/3) 开发者路径 commands
  • Prerelease page, in case there's something in the making-of video.
  • The game's name is incorrectly romanized I think. Fix it.
Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Unused Voice Lines

Ending 2

Unused Clip Full Audio

A clip of sub ending 2 "口碑太差的饲主"'s dialog. Contrary to the filename, the line that this clip corresponds to is actually "难道你是被喂成…".

Ending 4

Unused Clips Full Audio




In media/开关灯 reside separate voice files for phases 3-5 of sub ending 4 "被视作无用的鲨鱼". They ended up being combined into one file, presumably to add the ambient and keyboard SFXs. The separate copy of phase 5 also lacks the glitchy chop effect.

Ending 8

Early (啊……(有些惨痛).webm) Final (啊……(有些惨痛)2.webm)

A slightly shorter and mono version of the "Agh!" line in sub ending 8 "成为养料的鲨鱼" exists in media/开关灯.

Final Ending

Unused Clip Full Audio
流浪鲨鱼带回家/呼……这一次终于不用 再被 变成 电子程序了.webm

A part of the final ending's intro dialog resides in media/流浪鲨鱼带回家 for some reason.

Unused Graphics

Blue Circle with "全" Written Over

MyLittleShark shared-1 sheet3.png

The texture that hosts foreground graphics of the "adopt question" and normal endings (images/shared-1-sheet3.webp) contains a blue circle with "全" crudely written on it. Its purpose is unknown.

Unused Text

Note: All text is pre-rendered in this game.

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: How are these supposed to be read?

After 10 Minutes of Waiting

MyLittleShark after 10 mins text atlas.png

Unused texture images/等待10分钟-sheet0.webp contains text that presumably would've spoken by your shark after 10 minutes on a certain screen.

Early Good Final Ending Dialog

Early Final
MyLittleShark good ending text atlas 好结局字幕.png
MyLittleShark good ending text atlas 好结局.png

images/好结局字幕-sheet0.webp appears to contain an early version of the dialog for the good final ending. The changes appear to be minimal, mainly wrapping and punctuation changes.
