Wii Sports Club/Base Game
This is a sub-page of Wii Sports Club.
The base title lacks any actual data for playing the game, only telling you to update the software to play it. Despite this, its contents contain some interesting stuff.
Dummy Texture
Found in content/Layout/AppChangeOut.arc, named DummyLaunchBG^r.bflim.
Debug Font
Present in content/System/Font/debug_font.gtx. It later appeared in Splatoon.
Development Text
content/Message/LayoutMsg_Xx_Xx.szs, being UsEn, EuRu, JpJa, EuEn, EuNl, and EuPt, has sample text files titled MessageTest_0x, where two exist. Despite the region-specific files, they are all localized in Japanese as the files are the same as the latter, likely tests for texts outputted from Nintendo's internal localization tool.
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! Notes: Translated with DeepL but please check. |
LBtn00_T00 | LBtn01_T00 | LTitle_T00 | T00 | T00 (01) | T02 | T03 | T03 (01) | T04 | T04 (01) |
左ボタン Translated: Left Button |
右ボタン Translated: Right Button |
上書きタイトル Translated: override title |
テキストは一行に最大このぐらい入る予定 本文用フォントサイズ42pt(画面720p) メッセージスタジオのメッセージです Translated: This is the maximum amount of text that will be included in one line Font size for text 42pt (720p screen) This is a message from Message Studio. |
テキストは一行に最大このぐらい入る予定 本文用フォントサイズ42pt(画面720p) テキストは一行に最大このぐらい入る予定 Translated: This is the maximum amount of text that will be included in one line Font size for body text 42pt (720p screen) The maximum amount of text to be inserted per line |
Scalableデフォルト Translated: Scalable default |
Scalable60 |
Scalable60% |
Global2 |
Global |
Message Revisions
Oddly, Japanese isn't the latest.
EuDe | EuEn | EuEs | EuFr | EuIt | EuNl | EuPt | EuRu | JpJa | UsEn | UsEs | UsFr |
5 |
5 |
9 |
5 |
5 |
11 |
7 |
7 |
5 |
9 |
12 |
12 |